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Long overdue

Posted on 29 Sep 2022 @ 9:41pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

1,518 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Counsellor’s office
Timeline: Just after arrival at sb51

With Shoreleave looming Lamia had been checking through reports to see who of the crew she had to set up appointments for. The computer soon flashed up a name, reading through Ted Silver’s file she was astounded to see he hadn’t been for a psyche review in a very long time, and going from his file it looked like he definitely needed one.

With the ship docked she wanted to catch him before he left for Shoreleave.

It all started just as the Tomcat was docking. Silver had been making out a shopping list. Although it was a very short one. With one item. But a very important item. Coffee.

Pure roasted for six hours after picking of the beans. Italian full roast with just a small hint of chicory. Coffee. The replicators on the Tomcat were good. But not that good.

He had been in the mess hall. Checking they had the correct equipment. To brew his prize once he returned. There was nothing more annoying. Then having good coffee but nothing great to make it in. When out of the corner of his eye. He thought he saw Teton watching him. But just as he turned his comm. badge chirped and the Andorian security guard vanished.

“Lieutenant Silver, please report to the Counsellor’s office immediately.”

“On my way.” Ted knew better then to argue with the ships counsellor. If you are asked to report somewhere you do it. Anyway it might explain why Teton was acting oddly.

Ted was sure he was being followed.A few times he stopped to look behind him.

Lamia was waiting outside her office why Ted arrived. “My apologies for catching you just at the start of Shoreleave Lieutenant, I won’t keep you any longer than is absolutely necessary.” She motioned to her office. “Please come into my office, and make yourself comfortable.”

Ted looked around. Expecting to see the Andorian waiting to pounce on him.

“ Thank you. Have I done anything wrong?” Silver asked

“Not at all Lieutenant” Lamia smiled warmly as she took her seat. “Simply a case of you not having been for a psych evaluation in a while. You seem to have slipped through the net.”

“ Oh. It’s just I am sure that Andorian Teton from security is following me. I thought it might of been due to what happened on the Holodeck. Which was not my fault by the way.” Ted said

“Oh? What exactly did happen on the holodeck?” Lamia had to wonder just what might have happened for security to be following Ted around.

Ted shrugged his shoulders.

“ Best I start at the beginning. My friend David is a holodeck programmer and novelist. He recently got divorced from a very nasty woman. Who we all told him was very bad for him. Anyway he had this beach program he’d written. It was the perfect program sunny beach blue sky's. Even a barbecue. Unfortunately he sent the wrong one. It was a revenge program from his ex wife. Apparently she remarried and sent him a video of her wedding night.” Ted explained.

Lamia nodded. “Ahh I can see why that would cause a few problems.” She smiled. “So how is your depression now? Looking at your file there are a few mentions regarding you feeling depressed.”

Ted shrugged his shoulders.

“ To be honest I have been so busy. I have not had the time to be depressed. Ha. Even the childhood nightmares have stopped.” Suddenly Ted realised he may of said to much.

Lamia smiled, there was nothing like a slip of the tongue to lead onto further discussion points. “Childhood nightmares huh? Tell me more about those nightmares Ted.”

Ted gave a sigh. The elephant in the room had opened its eyes.

“ Falling. You see when I was nine years old I nearly died from a childhood game of dare. That got out of hand. My friends dared me to climb this tall building. I almost got to the top. But…… I fell. Could I have a glass of water please?” Ted asked

“Of course” Lamia nodded pouring out some fresh chilled water she had on the coffee table, passing the glass to Ted. “I understand how traumatic that must be Ted, did you have any counselling back then? Did it help?”

“ It did. I think the biggest shock for me. Apart from crashing through a greenhouse. Was waking up to see a Rabbi saying last rights over me. That’s when it all hit excuse the pun. My whole outlook change. I began to take things a lot more seriously. I am not a enhancement by the way.” Ted said

Lamia nodded. “I can only imagine how frightening that must have been, it’s not surprising you still have nightmares about it. What I’d like you to do is keep a diary of those nightmares, when they happen, whether it’s been a stressful day, anything you can remember, okay?”

Ted nodded.

“ Of course it would help if once in a while some newbie at Starfleet personnel. Did not look at my bio and start waving their hands or tentacles in the air and start screaming argument! It’s happened again by the looks of things. Ensign Teton has been shadowing me.” Ted said

“Are you sure?” Lamia gave Ted a curious look. “Is it possible that maybe he’s just been going the same way?”

Ted thought about this.

“ You mean perhaps I am being paranoid? To be honest in a way I am glad if he is following me. He has a reputation for doing his job very effectively. Hopefully his findings will convince Starfleet personnel that I am not some genetic lab created monster. Waiting for some secret kill code. To start murdering the crew.” Ted said.

“Calm down Ted” Lamia offered a calming smile. “I didn’t say you were being paranoid, if I thought that I’d have said it. If you’re that worried about Starfleet the fact that you’re here talking with me with help.”

“ Sorry it’s just. Look at how many times I have ended up in sickbay. Had my nose broken by a demented holographic beam bum. Hurt my ankle walking into a faulty door. If I was some superhuman. Surely it would of shown. Instead of some whimp who does not like boiled eggs.” Silver said

“Don’t sell yourself short” Lamia smiled warmly. “So you’ve had your fair share of accidents, it happens! You put me in mind that you’re someone who worries about what others think of him. You try to conform instead of being you. I totally get where you’re coming from, but if you want to be happy you need to be you. Stuff what others think!” She grinned a wry grin.

At first Ted thought that was a little harsh. Then again perhaps she was correct. He wasn’t worried about what people thought. Silver was terrified. But maybe that was something not to share.

“ Yes. Perhaps your correct. So how do I handle the bad dreams again?” Ted asked

“Maybe I’m Correct, but it’s not so easy when you care what others think of you.” She smiled warmly. “Trust me I know. As for your nightmares, for one I suggest keeping a diary either just for yourself, or for reference when attending sessions with me. Also I’ll give you...” She rifled through some PADDs on her desk. “Ah ha! This... it’s about directed dreaming. It’ll help you to control your dream state.”

“ Directed dreaming? I have heard of this. But can’t that turn….um….you know……kinky…..sorry I mean rude?” Ted asked

Lamia couldn’t help but grin. “That all depends on what visual cue you want to tell you you’re dreaming. Once you see whatever cue you’ve chosen, that’s when you can control and leave your dream.”

“ What are the chances something might go wrong and I get trapped in something I wouldn’t like? Can I still get out of the dream?” Ted asked

Lamia nodded. “It’s your dream Ted, you're not going to get stuck in it. Worse case scenario, you have a nightmare that’s all.”

Ted scratched his head.

“ But isn’t the purpose of this to stop the nightmares?” Ted asked

“Baby steps Ted” Lamia smiled warmly. “It won’t get any worse, it’s only going to get better.”

“ Hope so. It would be nice to have some heavier pips on this collar. But you can’t have bad dreams and them.” Ted said.

Lamia nodded. “We’ll get you through this Ted don’t worry, and don’t give up on moving up the promotion ladder either.”

“ I will. Thanks.” Ted said

“My pleasure” Lamia smiled warmly.






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