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Talking with parents

Posted on 25 Aug 2022 @ 6:58pm by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare

730 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Arderne/Kildare's Starbase quarters
Timeline: Current


Lamia had gone out to run some personal errands, so he took this time to contact his parents, so he sat at the computer station in his quarters and opened a secure channel home, he had not talked to his parents in years, the last time was when he was posted to the Tomcat, suddenly he realised so many years have passed making him feel a little guilty.

After a long time, his Father John Kildare answered, and the surprise on his father's face was profound he looked back "Nancy, Jeff, Jenny Chris is on the line!" he said.

Chris heard the happy raised voices as John widened the screen to accommodate him, his brother, Sister and Mother, "hi Mon, dad, Bro, Sis!" Chris began, his father was silent, so it was his mother who spoke after giving her husband a look.

=/\= Chris, sweetie how long has it been? What have you been doing with yourself? =/\= Nancy Kildare asked sounding happy and looking happy =/\= this is the first time you have contacted us since you let us know where you were posted! =/\= she added.

Looking a little sheepish "yeah, sorry mom I am still on the Tomcat, but my relationship status has changed" he said, his father looked at him with purpose his mother smiled even more.

=/\= Who is she, Chris? =/\= His mother asked.

"She is a Fleet Officer" he began and he was stopped by his fathers questions.

=/\= When you say Fleet Officer, enlisted or commissioned and what is her position? =/\= John asked his son.

Pausing a moment "Commissioned dad, she is a Full Lieutenant and the ship's Chief Counsellor and boy is she attractive" he responded.

His father's face was a mirror of emotions and he finally smiled =/\= WELL DONE MY BOY!! Ahem... Sorry, Chris *embarrassed smile* but I am proud of you son, I knew you would hook a good lady, do you have a picture of her? =/\= He asked.

"Well she is not human but looks like a human part of her is Betazoid so she is an Empath, but here is an image of her," he said and he replaced his image with a picture of Lamia.

=/\= Wow Son she is attractive, bet keeping emotions from her is hard! =/\= John commented as Chris put the picture of Lamia down.

"This is true dad, she is also my Fiancee, I proposed to her in a romantic setting and surprised her with a proposal after a lavish Romantic meal on the Starbase," Chris said.

=/\= Oh honey that sounded wonderful, so when do we get to meet her? =/\= Nancy asked.

"That was another reason as to why I was calling with an update, I would like to invite you all to visit me on Starbase 51 and to meet her in person, it will take you about two months on the fastest transport, so make plans for a long trip, I expect we will be starting a new mission soon so you have time to sort things out with your respective bosses," he said.

=/\= Oh Chris that would be wonderful, we will be there, won't we John?=/\= Nancy asked her husband who looked extremely happy.

=/\= Yes that would be great, I have to admit I am suddenly looking forward to meeting my future daughter-in-law, have you set a date, yet? =/\= John asked.

"No not, yet dad, we have only been engaged for about three months, I am taking this slow" Chris responded.

=/\= A wise choice there *looks back at something* well we have to go, Chris, someone is at the door =/\= John said.

"Okay dad, love to you both, take care little brother, and Sister," he said smiling at his siblings.
As bye Chris =/\= they said and left the field of view as did his father, now all that remained is his mother.

=/\= It was nice to speak to you son and we look forward to seeing you in person, goodbye =/\= Nancy said.

"Bye Mom" Chris responded with a smile and closed the links, he sat back "well, no turning back now!" he said to himself as he stood and walked over to the replicator and replicated himself a Cheeseburger and fries with a large glass of cola and walked over to the table and sat and ate.




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