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Shadow man

Posted on 06 Oct 2022 @ 6:36pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Ensign Teton

1,624 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Replicator Area
Timeline: Current


Ted had been on Mazal's mind ever since that beach program had gone awry. His friend having had sent the wrong one, that was quite the experience. For some reason something else cropped up in her mind and that was the time she and Ted had previously had lunch together. A man had been following Ted and she had noticed that he was certainly causing Ted some nervousness. Ted had told her that the man had been following him and he knew not why. Mazal wanted to know the reason why, and she sought Ensign Teton out. She wondered where he'd be and requested that the computer give his location. Once he was located, she went there.

Teton had no need or wish to rest. He did not do ‘fun’ and the only family he had. His elder brother Haro and his uncle. Believed him to be dead. If they ever discovered this was not the case. He was sure they would endeavour to rectify this. Which suited Teton fine. But he was not ready to avenge his parents. By killing their murderers just yet.

So as always he signed on for the skeleton shift. These would be the people who stayed behind and looked after the Tomcat. While her crew had R&R. The Andorian had been handed an assignment. Starfleet personal had been reviewing one of the science officers bio. They had discovered something that concerned them.

Lieutenant (jg) Ted Silver should of died. When at the age of 9 fell from a great height. But the child had pulled through. Not only that but his character completely changed. Before he was an uncontrollable tear away. After Silver was now more disciplined and eager to learn.

Judging by his recent antics. It was highly illogical that Silver was either a Genetically engineered human or even an android have sgenetically engineered human or even a bio android of some kind. But Starfleet wanted him observed.

So Teton discreetly followed him at a distance. He saw the man enter the Chief Counsellors office. Judging he would be a while. The Andorian decided refreshment was needed. He turned.

“ Greetings Marine executive officer 1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk. May I assist you? “ Teton said

"Hello Ensign Teton, mind if I speak to you for a few?" Mazal began, taking a look at the Andorian. "Perhaps some tea?" she added.

Teton considered this.

“ Well it has been 12 hours , 19 minutes and 50 seconds. Since my last fluid intake.So yes it would be agreeable to take on fluids at this time. Although I must point out that heated drinks do not rest well with my Andorian physiology. However a iced alternative would be preferable please.” Teton said

"Something icy sounds very good as well." Mazal responded. "Shall we?" heading towards someplace where they could do just that. Arriving there, Mazal ordered a lemonade, that had a sprig of mint, in it. "What will you have?" she asked of Teton.

Teton considered the menu.

“ Quite an interesting display of interesting possibilities indeed. I would very much like to partake in an iced glass of Altare water non carbonate please. With a sliced segment of Earth Lime added for extra taste.” He replied

Mazal gave a nod and ordered the drinks for the two of them. Once that was done she turned her attention to Teton. "Are you enjoying being on the USS Tomcat so far?" by way of making some light chit chat between the two of them.

Chit chat or small talk as the non Andorians called it. Teton considered Mazals words.

“ My time on the Tomcat has been productive and I have been engaged in many ship wide pursuits. For the betterment of the crews safety. I am at this precise moment observing a possible threat to the crew of the Tomcat…..Um sorry I am not used to conversing with others in a relaxed situation… how is it phrased now….oh yes. How are you enjoying your work and relaxation periods on the USS Tomcat?” Teton asked.

"I try to do things to help me relax, and I am enjoying my work here. I do have room for improvement though. " she paused for a moment to take a drink then she asked, "Are you thinking Ted is a threat? I don't think he is one at all."

“ After my observation of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver. At first glance it is highly illogical that the person in question is indeed a threat to the USS Tomcat. However a closer inspection of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver’s bio by Starfleet personal. Has brought up a worrying occurrence. Before a near fatal accident of Lieutenant Junior Grade at the age of 9. He was a unruly and slow to learn child. After said accident he became more studious and a fast learner.” Teton reported

Another drink from her glass of lemonade, Mazal thought over what she had learned of Silver, her amigo. "Ensign Teton, have you ever heard of someone who has A. almost died, and B. have died when revived they do change. Well most of the time, there are some who don't. Ted had spoken to me about what happened. And I think that what happened to him, shook him to his very soul and shook some sense into him on a very infinite level.Sometimes it takes something drastic for someone to change for the better. And from what he told me Ted had changed a lot, and had gotten better."

“ This is a intriguing concept that in notable memory has not happened or been recorded in my people. However since my assimilation into the Federation culture. I have seen such records of said occurrences. However not to the extent of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silvers injuries. He should of died and yet as we see pulled through. However as you say it is possible. A rather confusing concept to ponder indeed.” Teton said

"Something like that has been the subject of a great amount of scientific studies. Changes that a person makes in their lives due to a near death experience. There is a classic book titled A Christmas Tale. A lot can be learned from that story, its about, it is never too late to change."

“ Hmmm. I have heard of this festive holiday called Christmas. It is a human festival is it not? A period of good will towards each other. Where the participants give gifts and partake in large feasts. I believe a certain breed of land fowl was consumed during this period. As well as a rather large volume of alcoholic drinks. A rather unusual practice and I believe many family squabbles started due to the large consumption of this liquid.” Teton said.

"If you are speaking of a turkey which is the bird that is eaten with a large quantity of food. Thanksgiving ends up being a time for family squabbles as people tend to get stressed over having people over for dinner, so it leaks out and others get stressed. There is a holiday that people celebrate with trees, tinsel and pretty lights. That is Christmas. But definitely a lot of drinking is involved if a person is into that." Mazal answered then took a drink of her lemonade afterwards.

“ Thanksgiving. Interesting. When I came to the planet Earth. My first residence was in a country called England. They celebrate this Christmas with the consumption of this Turkey. But I am curious as to why they do not also celebrate this Thanksgiving?” Toton asked

"What they celebrate would be termed Harvest Festival where a celebration is being held, happy for a good harvest. Theirs is a different time than other countries. Also there are those who hadn't heard of this Thanksgiving before it was introduced many centuries ago and those of the Jewish faith don't really celebrate it. There is more of celebration of the harvest. It is Sukkot. Different celebrations for different countries." Mazal replied.

“ Very curious indeed. I believe Lieutenant Junior Grade Ted Silver is of the Jewish faith. But I have witnessed him consuming the flesh of the pig. An animal considered by that faith to be forbidden for consumption. Should I have him thrown in the brig?” Teton asked

"Oh! No you don't need to do that. Not all those of the Jewish faith keep from eating bacon. I have eaten a slice or two myself, and I don't particularly wish to end up in the brig myself. And the bacon is something that is just delicious to eat. I got curious one day and I was hooked." Mazal replied.

Bacon. Taton remembered as a young boy on Andoria. Hunting for Hybors, a type of Terran Rabbit. Usually they were placid until they felt threatened. Although his peoples diet was mostly plant based.There were occasions when meat was consumed. The Hybors meat tasted like Bacon.

Once while hunting a Hybor trapped his older brother Haro. If Taton had known his brother would one day kill his father. Then he would of let the creature rip his older brothers throat out.

“ My peoples diet is 80% plant based, but we do partake in the consumption of meat.. On my homeworld….” Taton stopped.

"On your homeworld... I would like to know more. Maybe you can show me your home on the holosuite..." she looked at her drink which was finished, and rose from the table. "If you don't mind. I'd like to see what it is like."






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