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You look Familiar [Backpost]

Posted on 23 Nov 2022 @ 9:28am by Lieutenant Paula Winchester & Captain Mazal Falk

1,552 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Station
Timeline: Current


A walk around the promenade, Mazal was out to find a dress she could wear and not be stifled in. After looking at several, her stomach giving off an grumble about being empty, she decided to locate a place that served pizza. She was in the mood for one with a lot of toppings. On the way there she almost ran into someone that looked somewhat familiar.

"Er sorry, I zigged when I should have zagged." Mazal giving a slightly chagrined smile to the woman.

Paula turned round to see who had bumped into her and saw that it was the Marine from Paul's ship the Tomcat, she said "Hi Mazal, how are you keeping?" as she gave a smile to the Marine.

"I am doing okay, how about you? Has your brother been in contact with you as of late?" Mazal actually a bit curious. "Did you two have a good reunion?" she paused then looked at Paula, "How about you and I go grab a tea or a bite to eat?"

Paula replied,” Yes he did and informed me that he has regained his flight Status,” looking back at the Marine, as she knew that she was not happy about it, continued, “after the Crash, he had last time and the loss of his arm,” as Paula hoped that nothing happened like that again. She finished,” well, I was going to Odin’s Bar for a Burger, if you want to join me?”

"Wait that is right, he did get his wings back, that is fantastic." Mazal actually happy for Winchester. "He didn't like the fact of being grounded. Hopefully he doesn't pull a stupid stunt like he did though." she paused and contemplated for a moment or two. "Sure, lets go grab a burger, I'm hungry anyway."

As they started to walk, Paula said,” When Paul lost his arm, he went and fell into a depression state and started to drink heavily,” looking at Mazal, Paula continued,” It took Shakrham and myself to get him to stop and her Cousin T’Leigh as well,” as she remembered how T’Leigh had threatened him with having to join the KDF.

As she looked at Mazal, Paula guessed that something was wrong with her, she asked,” So, what’s up with you?” as she noticed a glow about her and a vibe of something she could not put her finger on. She finished “and how did the mission go?”

"Oh did your brother tell you anything about it? The mission was weird but I don't think I can say much about it. You know security reasons. Just say, it was different, and well on a scouting trip with your brother, he slipped into his old way once more. Caught into the trap of disliking Marines again." the two arrived at Odin's. "Just that he... I don't know, he and I were getting along fine when I was working with him on his sword practice then afterwards on that scouting mission. It kind of soured things just a little bit." Mazal looking at Paula.

=Odin's Bar=

"Yes he did and regrets leaving someone behind," replied Paula as they both slid into a booth, continuing "he has always prided himself on bringing back everyone from a mission," looking back at Mazal. finished," and as for reverting back to his old ways, I think it was for show," as Paula picked up a menu.

"What, to show off? I don't get him to be honest. He and I sort of had a little bit of a difference of opinions. I got a bit offended as to a comment he had stated. Maybe it was how he stated it that got my back up. I hardly know you but, he had come into a meeting and well it sounded like he had a problem with you." Mazal gave a wry smile. "Sure that happens with siblings, just don't broadcast it where others can hear it. What happens between you and your brother needs to stay between you two. Maybe I read things wrong just well, it bugged me."

"well, that's just Paul for you," replied Paula looking back at Mazal, she smiled back at her and continued " but he doesn't mean it," as she noticed the waitress brought the drinks to the table.

Mazal was feeling a little bit uncomfortable, just having a conversation about Winchester with his sister. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. It was nice at the very beginning but now, Mazal was feeling just a bit meh.

"Look I may need to get going. Sorry I bumped into you but I am now feeling just a tiny bit uncomfortable even talking about your brother." Mazal giving an apologetic smile to Paula.

"Mazal, Please don't go," replied Paula as she put her hand upon Marine's arm, continued " Did I tell you why he hates marines?" as she remembered back to her Graduation day and the argument they had about her dating, Lisa.

Mazal paused and looked at Paula, "Your brother told me everything, the first time we met. He told me why. I don't know why he felt he had to protect your honor, as you are a capable woman. And there are rules and regulations which will prevent any sort of hazing and other jerkish maneuvers. Granted people still act like primitives."

Mazal took a look at the drinks, then she relented. Above all else she was professional, and it would not look good if she were to just walk out on Paula. Mazal had her own code of honor and it came into play. "The one thing I didn't appreciate was him calling someone out for not having, in his own opinion, honor. That is still a sore point Paula." Mazal sitting down once more.

"Well, look at it from my view," replied Paula, continued "It is my fault Paul is like he is," as she picked up her drink and took a sip of the cold beverage. she finished, " I knew we should have told him, but Lisa was worried he might report her,"

"Okay why would he report her? Because you are seeing a woman? Is she of lower rank than you are? I haven't seen Star Fleet go against someone being in love with the same gender. So why would that have mattered?" Mazal was perplexed at this one.

" I was fleet, she was a Marine and it worried her," replied Paula looking back at Mazal, continued "and Paul was doing what any Sibling would do look out for the other," taking a sip of her drink again.

"That is something my siblings wouldn't be doing to me. I'm dating a Star Fleet officer, he is chief of security and I am a marine XO. There should not have been any concern. Guess he was a bit muddled there. There really isn't or shouldn't have been a concern there. Or was he worried about that stupid fleet vs marine stupidity. So he got into some fights. Ugh." Mazal scoffed. "Sure there will be some of that fleet vs marines but it is stupid. Just he better get over it, we are on one ship, and it is the whole ship not star fleet vs marine nonsense. That is how I perceive things. We are a team, under one roof." Mazal stated.

" I can tell you this Mazal," replied Paula looking back at the Marine, continued "Paul will have your six," as she took another sip of her drink, as she knew Paul would not let any harm come to anyone on his team. She finished, " he may be an asshole, but he is our Asshole,"

"Then hopefully he can change that attitude as if he doesn't it will make it to where others just won't want to be around him. And I don't think you or he would like that at all. No one wanting to interact with him." cocking up an eyebrow.

The server came around to bring the orders of the two ladies. Mazal had ordered a burger with all the trimmings along with some fries, and the server looked at Paula for her order as well.

Paula picked up her burger and took a bite her Burger and knew how good the food was there, as she took another sip of the drink," He can change Mazal, trust me," as she smiled back at the Marine.

"Well, I do hope so, for what its worth I hope so indeed." Mazal replied, before she took a bite of her own burger, her eyes widening from how good it tasted. When her mouth was cleared from her first bite, Mazal exclaimed, "This is good!"

"Yeah, they are, " replied Paula looking back at Mazal continued " I come here all the time as Davina works here," as she took another bite of the burger. as she remembered the last time she was here meeting her new Lover.

Mazal set to concentrating on eating her food, thoughts of conversation going out of her mind. She was hungry.




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