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Catching up

Posted on 30 Aug 2022 @ 1:06pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: FCapt Somers Starbase Quarters
Timeline: Current


Now that the ship had docked and the crew had disembarked on shore leave Alex took time to go visit her cousin, who had made amazing progress in getting better, she rarely needed to use her hoverchair, but around her quarters it was not needed. Alex now in Ripped Denim jeans, sneakers and a T-Shirt and a faux leather jacket with hair in a ponytail arrived at her cousin's Starbase quarters and pressed the buzzer.

"Enter" came her cousin's voice it was a little stronger, but still sounded course.

Alex entered, she saw Jasmine in the food prep area with a cane in one hand, she looked up with a tired smile "Hi Alex, I must say vintage clothing, you can carry it off" Jasmine said.

"Thanks, Jas maybe when you are more able bodies we can go out to a club, as you could also carry the vintage look off too" Alex commented.

Bringing a plate to the table and going back for her mug of tea with a strained smile as she sat "please have a seat and that night out sounds wonderful, but not just yet" Jasmine said.

As Alex sat she spoke "I have heard that there is diplomatic unrest in one of the outer sections of this sector, do not know how true it is, here is one that will make you groan and it is a system you are familiar with" Alex began.

Jasmine paused mid-bite and finished the bit she put the fork down and chewed and swallowed the piece of food she had been eating "please don't tell me, not the Hydaransz system!" she said exasperated "that system has been nothing but trouble since we took it over ten years ago, what is the trouble there now?" Jasmine asked.

"The first reports are that omega Starbase is under constant attack from Pirates and that the Deuterium and Dilithium facilities in the system are also being attacked the two class M planets are reporting increased criminal activity, but Starfleet Security has that bit covered, it is the outer system that is the biggest issue, so if our next mission involves this could you do a quick briefing on the system before being officially moved to SB51 medical please, there is only one senior officer remaining on this ships besides you that remembers or knows anything about that system?" Alex asked.

Jasmine sighed "that system cost us a lot of good personnel when we took it from them, it took some more don't the second time and now again, I do not envy you if that comes up as part of the next mission!" Jasmine said.

"So is that a yes, then?" Alex asked well aware of the turbulent issue the Hydaransz system was and how much of a pain it was to Jasmine.

"Yes," Jasmine said then quickly changed the subject "so how is Karyn doing?" She asked around a mouthful of food.

"She is good, she is kinda bored, Leto's current mission does not require the Rifles, so she is cooling her heels on the ship and she is or seems neutral about it," Alex said.

"Diplomatically put, but we both know, she is a Somers and she is stuck on a ship, we both know she is biting hull metal and is nasty about sitting still, I would not be surprised if she had shouted at her unit," Jasmine said.

"That will explain her body language when I spoke to her, happy she did not seem to be" Alex responded

"Gotta love that Somers temper," Jasmine said and both women laughed at it, knowing that no one in their family liked to sit things out. "How is Paul doing?" Jasmine asked.

"He is doing well, enjoying his time in engineering, think trying to keep an old ship like the Poseidon together with wishes and magic tape, but I know like me he misses his children, my parents are coping as best they can, but two four-year-olds running around makes it difficult for them to some degree" Alex answered.

Jasmine nodded in understanding "sometimes I am glad I cannot have any" she said.

"I do not know if you are aware of this, but I think Commander Dodd has a thing for you, I have seen the glances he gives you, but do not quote me on that, I may be reading too much into it," Alex said.

"No you are not reading too much into it, it just confirms what I have suspected for some time, I have noticed certain glances and how he reacts around me, a woman notices such things, but I am not doing anything to encourage it, there is a certain decorum one has to keep," Jasmine said.

"Now who is being diplomatic!" Alex said.

"Not diplomatic, more like Pragmatic, I am the Commanding Officer, he is my First Officer, he will have to stick to dreams and fantasies," Jasmine said finishing her food and her mug of tea.

For most of the remaining day, both Cousins talked about this and that, they were simply catching up on stuff which they had missed out on these past weeks.




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