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Unforseen Events (Prologue)

Posted on 16 Sep 2022 @ 2:21pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker

967 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Cody finished the last of his paperwork. Why was it still called paperwork, he thought to himself, when the physical paper hadn't been used for documentation purposes in years? He glanced over Ambassador Travin's itinerary one last time.

A diplomatic meeting to discuss new trade agreements was being held in the Mira Sector. As he reviewed the list of assets operating in that sector he was happily surprised by seeing the name of the Tomcat there.

He had served aboard for a couple of years at different times as his career progressed. He left as the Security Chief to become the Chief of Security for Ambassador Travin.

After submitting the final report he checked the time, The Ambassador should arrive at the Starbase at any time this morning and Cody would arrive this evening. The plan was to meet up this evening and review the intelligence brief he had received earlier from an undisclosed source.

It will be good to see some old friends and to make some new ones; he emptied his glass of chai tea before packing his bag and leaving on the transport.

- Several Hours Later -

Cody's transport made good time to the Starbase, upon his arrival he quickly made his way to the quarters reserved for the Ambassador.

To his dismay, there was no sign of Ambassador Travin using the room. He checked with security and the Starbases' Commanding Officer and found out the Ambassador had not, in fact, arrived.

This was not how he had wanted to reunite with Somers and the Tomcat but there was nothing he could do. Using his PADD, he quickly declared a state of emergency and received authorization to end the Tomcat's Shore Leave early. "I'm sorry," he said aloud unsure if it was meant for the Tomcat or the missing Ambassador.

Alex was standing next to Jasmine who was in her hoverchair waiting at arrivals, Alex thought it great that when Jasmine had heard that her old Security Chief had arrived. Both wore the standard uniform with the Rifle Regiments belt going from the left shoulder down to the right hip and a white band around the base of their shoulders, Alex had a green under-tunic and Lt Col rank showing and Jasmine Red with Fleet Captain rank showing. Jasmine while a lot better was still looking a little drawn, after what she had been through there was no quick fix, she smiled as she saw Cody arrive, he was the rank of Lieutenant Commander but had a dour look about him, and she waved him over.

Parker was slightly taken aback at the site of his former Captain in a hoverchair, he heard scuttlebutt about an incident but had been too busy to follow up to see what had happened. He maintained his composure revealing nothing of the storm brewing within. "Captain and Colonel Somers, I wasn't expecting to see both of you here waiting for me. I wish we were reuniting under other circumstances," Cody said as he looked at both of them.

Gave a big smile as she struggled out of her chair to give Cody a hug "I know it is not proper protocol Cody, but what the hell a hug is warranted" she said giving her old Security Chief a strong hug, considering how weak her body currently was.

Parker returned the unprecedented hug, he hadn't expected such a warm welcome, "Thank you, ma'am," he said quietly.

Alex was slow to react, for a badly injured woman her cousin moved quickly "dammit Jas, you are going to give me grey hairs!" the Colonel said.

Breaking the hug she returned to her chair "What do you mean give you grey hairs, you already got some!" Jasmine said and stifled a laugh as Alex in a moment of panic grabbed her hair to look, she only stopped when he heard a cackling laugh.

Alex looked at Jasmine "dammit Jas, don't do that, I feel old as it is!" Colonel Somers said.

"You are only in your mid-forties, relax and take a chill pill," the Fleet Captain said and got a dirty look from the Colonel with a smile she turns back to Cody "I know, I too wish it was on better circumstances, this is Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers acting Commanding Officer of the Tomcat during my convalescence, Lieutenant Colonel Somers Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker formerly my Security Chief now Ambassadorial Security," she said.

"Hi Commander Parker, look forward to working with you," the Colonel said.

"I look forward to working with you as well," Parker replied. "I do apologize for being responsible for cutting your shore leave short; you know I wouldn't ask unless it was for a dire emergency."

"I was given a very brief, brief it seemed Starfleet Security did not know much, I read between the lines on some of it and read the file they sent, I just hope your charge is alive Commander," Colonel Somers said as the trio headed to the lift.

"Me too Colonel, we don't have much to go on at the moment other than the flight path data that was classified. We will just hope for the best and prepare for the worst," Cody replied.

"To Royal, Commander, too damn royal," the Colonel said as they all entered the Turbo lift and when the doors closed "Conference room," the Colonel said and the lift whisked them to the requested destination.




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