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Posted on 01 Sep 2022 @ 1:14pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers
Edited on on 03 Sep 2022 @ 3:42pm

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Alex was going over some reports when her desktop alert sounded off an incoming hail, this startled her as she was not expecting one so soon, applying the security codes to make the line secure the slowly spinning image of the UFP logo was replaced by a Bajoran Admiral, this was something new as she was unaware that there were any Bajoran Admiral's currently in Starfleet, oh there were other Bajoran officers, but until now she did not know anyone of them had made Admiral, this one was a Rear Admiral.

"Greetings Admiral, to what do I owe this honour?" Alex asked.

A female Admiral gave a tight-lipped smile =/\= encode your line to keep up Lieutenant Colonel =/\= the Admiral said and watched as the Colonel did something off to the side then look back at him with a nod.

=/\= Okay, there has been an incident at Starbase 39 Sierra, from security sources it seems that some pirates managed to get past security and kidnap a Federation Ambassador that was in charge of the Hydaransz System =/\= she said not revealing who gave Starfleet intelligence the information, the Admiral knew of the Colonel's distaste for Intelligence Department.

=/\= After that the culprits escaped to your neck of the Federation, we do not know where in the Mira Sector they went to, the Security Officer in charge of the Ambassador's security will be there to bring you all up to date on the assassination, what is known is that it involved to some extent aspects of the Tal'Shiar and Rogue Section 31 Agents said S31 Agents have since been silenced, but I strongly suspect it was a Romulan operative disguised as a Pirate that did the deed as a rule Pirates are not so subtle in killing their marks Tal'Shiar Agents are, but then that is my take on it. =/\= she added.

"Okay, Diplomatic Incident to deal with, sometimes I wish I was elsewhere!" Somers said and the Admiral nodded her understanding, she knew the Colonel was diplomatically trained but had chosen the life of a Marine, so this was putting her into an area that she was uncomfortable in. "Is there anything else I need to know Admiral?" Alex asked.

=/\= Yes, the troubles in the Hydarasnz System has flared up again, Pirate are making their presence felt, sending the Fleet Captain copies of what we know on events in that system on a sub-channel, I know she will be moved over to Starbase Medical for next mission, but have her brief those going to the system as she is more familiar with it. So to cap it off, the Tomcat will attend to two incidents, the Diplomatic Incident and the Hydaransz System. I know the Tomcat cannot be in two places at once, so a modified Nebula class starship has been supplied for the Hydaransz Operation =/\= the Admiral said.

"That explains the Nebula class we saw when we returned to SB51, how is one Nebula class ship going to cope in the Hydarasnz System? I read the reports it took the Tomcat and a heavily armed fleet of Starfleet ships to take the outer system and the Starbase and thousands of assault troops and the Tomcat had a high turnover at the time. That was just the outer planets, the inner operation was even worse" Alex responded.

*The Admiral sighed* =/\= I cannot disagree with you on that assessment Lieutenant Colonel, I too saw those same reports and I shuddered at the losses, but the Pirates are on the move again in the outer system this time Duranium mining and refining facilities are either under attack or are under Pirate Control and the few Dilithium refineries we have there are in the same state, the orbital defences seemed to have been overcome. Back to the ship, the USS Manchuria is a Dominion War era Nebula class, her defences and weapons are enhanced, but most of the alterations are internal. =/\= The Admiral said.

"Oh, how so?" Somers simply asked.

=/\= She only has one Science Lab, one Holodeck, security remains the same, the ship has been altered for a make-shift fleet carrier and troop transport, so this makes her the heaviest armed troop transport out there, I know the Diplomatic Incident information is not much to go on, but it is all we have a Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker will brief your team on the finer details of the Diplomatic Incident, are there any further questions Colonel? =/\= The Admiral asked.

"None that you could answer Admiral," Somers said and got an acknowledgement from the Admiral.

=/\= How is the Fleet Captain?=/\= The Admiral asked as an afterthought.

"She is on the mend Admiral, thank you for asking, but knows and has accepted that after the next mission briefing she will be Starbase bound and her Somers DNA is rebelling at being left out, but her common sense is nullifying that so which is good I think" Alex answered.

The Admiral gave a genuine smile =/\= Yes I have heard of your family need to be in the thick of things, but glad to hear her training is controlling her, anyway if there is nothing more, I shall leave you to brief your troops, good luck and goodbye Colonel =/\= the Admiral said and cut the link.

As the screen went blank "Great have to recall the troops and assemble a meeting, I will be glad to return to the Academy" Alex sighed and notified Jasmine and prepared for the next mission briefing.



Unnamed RAdm
Starfleet Command


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