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Crew Recall and Briefing Part 1

Posted on 12 Sep 2022 @ 4:21pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 17 Sep 2022 @ 5:14pm

2,433 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD: 00


After the call and getting the call Alex realised that her shore leave had been a short one and now here she was, she hope the crew had a good leave, she connected to the Starbase communications and sent out the call.


Ted had just literally stepped into the coffee supply shop. He looked at his comm. Badge and swore. Then he rushed to the counter and quickly got his coffee beans. Then tapped an acknowledgement. Before returning to the Tomcat. With his prize.

Alex closed the link and went to see Jasmine, who met her halfway in her hover chair "Ah, Alex is this anything to do with what we talked about the other day and that Hydaransz file I was sent?" Jasmine asked.

"Yup, it sure is as you probably heard I put out a recall, now all we have to do is get ready for the briefing, what are you doing back on the ship?" Alex asked.

"Just collecting a few final things that are all and to brief the crew on the Hydaransz system as I am assuming as to why I got that part of the mission file?" Jasmine asked and Alex nodded.

"Who is going to be adding to the Diplomatic Incident brief?" She asked

"You will see" is all Alex said as they returned to the turbo lift and made their way to the briefing room on route Alex tapped her Commbadge =/\= Colonel Somers to Armitage, get the briefing room prepped we got us our next mission =/\= Alex said.

=/\= Acknowledge Colonel, Armitage, out =/\= came the reply.

Alex turned to Jasmine "you got a good Aide there" she said and Jasmine simply nodded.

- Tomcat Briefing Room -

By the time the Cousins got to the briefing room the place had been set up, as both entered Lucy greeted them "thank you Lucy" Jasmine said and the MCPO gave a smile that was a bit more than duty friendly and left.

Alex looked at Jasmine "Something you want to tell me?" She asked partly joking.

"I think Lucy had developed a crush on me, you do know she is bi-sexual, don't you?" Jasmine asked and Alex nodded then it hit her.

"Are you so inclined to reciprocate?" Alex asked.

"Well, I have never tried it have you?" Jasmine asked.

"Almost once, long ago, but I lost her in a mission, now I am a happily married woman with two kids and a husband whom I love" Alex added and Jasmine nodded as they entered the briefing room and took their places and waited for the Command staff to arrive.

Faith hadn't really had anything else to do, so she had already been in the Briefing room. Just kind of hovering at the moment as people came in. Doing her races stereotype thing of 'listeners.' That with Alex and Jasmine was certainly interesting at the moment. Considering she was at the doors she could hear what was talked about outside of it.

Serina was trying to get things rearranged in her office so Paul had a place for his things when he bumped into her. "Jumping gee whiz, you scared the hell out of me! Look..., she said *pointing to the space she cleared* "Put your things there and let's go. The briefing is going to start soon and we don't want to be late."

As Paul put the box down on the table, he replied "Let's not keep the Captain waiting," as he knew how punctual the Captain wanted her officers to be on time, as he offered his arm to his wife.

Taking the offered arm, Serina walked out with her husband and headed for the briefing room.

Dodd was disappointed that leave was cut short as he packed his gear and vacated his guest suite aboard Starbase 51. He at least had a fulfilled time while on leave, since his trip to hike was cancelled he at least got his body worked out with some other means of pleasure last night.

He took the long way to the docking port and crossed over to the Tomcat manually and headed to his quarters to drop off his gear. He then headed to the Briefing Room.

Cahill heard the call to return to the ship. She went to a transporter room to save time and had herself beamed to the area outside the Briefing room door. Once there she entered the room and got some coffee and danish from the replicator. As she went to her seat she noticed a blue pad laying face down with her name on it. She sat down and waited till the others got there.

"Hello everyone, hope all of you enjoyed your shore leave. Mine was very relaxing." Cahill stated.

Lamia smiled as she walked into the room just in time to catch Cahill’s comment. “Mine was good, thank you.” She moved around to a seat and sat down.

"Glad to hear Lamia", replied Cahill. "Good morning Captain and LTC Somers. I heard some scuttle but around the mission. But you know how I feel about that. I learned to let that go with the wind and ignore it a long time ago."

Leland entered the briefing room with his silver mug of coffee. It was the only thing enticing him to be in the room. He sat down with his PADD after being recalled from his holo-suite with Lilli. Pulling up to the main desk, he rested back in his chair.

He and Lilli spent some time together; that was all that mattered. It was special.

Taking a drink, he looked at his Chronograph watch and then his Engineering PADD. The Starbase was still in egress mode and control over the USS Tomcat’s core. It would only need final approval from the Captain, and then the Chief would easily have the process begun for disembarkation. He was happy in a way to be starting a new mission. It has taken his worries off their soon-to-be newborn.

“Hawksley is reporting for Duty, Captain, Commander.” Lt. Hawksley gave a one-off sharp salute from his dark-haired flat top. Leland’s eyes respectively nodded and focused on the crew at hand; he smiled friendly with a grunt.

Mazal arrived at the briefing room, stifling a slight yawn. In her hand, she carried a cup that held ginger tea with a dash of cayenne pepper to wake herself up. It had been a late night, but when a person is called you must answer. Stepping inside, Mazal greeted those there. "Morning" giving a cheery smile. She looked to see if Tosrol had arrived yet. She had set the alarm for him when she had left for her usual workout.

Ted slowly entered the briefing room carrying a mug of his beloved coffee. He hoped the smell of it would not distract anyone.

“Ted Silver is reporting as ordered.” Silver said

"You all really can't function without tea, or coffee can you?" One of Faith's eyebrows raised ever so slightly and accompanied a smirk.

Ted blushed as he sat down. With his prize.

Ze had only just got back to his quarters after a relaxing holo novel on Starbase 51, he even had time to call home and make sure everything was in order there, just as he got back his comm badge chirruped, as he heard the colonel's voice =/\= Understood colonel on my way=/\=. He Dropped all his necessary things off and made for the briefing.

Ze Flew down the halls of the Tomcat, knowing full well he couldn't be late. Hitting the turbo lift he jumped into the "Computer Briefing room" he spoke as neatened up his uniform. Stepping out on the deck he walked into the briefing room "Lieutenant Ze Present and Accounted for Captain" he said with a brief smile as he joined the others by taking a seat.

During their time at Starbase 51, Jane Sinclair had been making every effort to improve her own fitness, at least in achievable ways. It had started with the dance lesson and extended to include some morning callisthenics and, where possible, take stairs and ladders instead of the lift. And so back on the Tomcat she climbed a stairwell to the deck with the conference room and entered feeling energized. She nodded to the gathered crewmembers and took the empty seat next to Dr Cahill, two down from Counselor Arderne.

Cahill smiled, "Relax the Briefings are the easy part of the missions. I do hope your downtime was relaxing for you, Dr Sinclair. I got a lot of rest and saw some old friends myself."

“Oh, same,” Jane told her superior officer with a smile. “Lots did, time well spent.”

Dodd arrived at the Briefing Room and entered, "Hello, everyone. I trust this short leave was enjoyed by all." Dodd stated as he could feel the emotions of the room but he has learned to always ask to accommodate the non-telepaths and to ease his mind from overreading the room. "I wish leave was longer but duty awaits."

Lamia found herself suddenly embarrassed at being face to face with Remington, after the highly passionate dream she’d had about him. She didn’t know whether or not they’d made a connection that night or not.

Dodd had indeed made a connection with Arderne in the dream realm and he felt the embarrassment she felt, but he was able to hold it back because he was well in control of his emotions and he respected Arderne enough to not let the connection affect their positions on the ship.

Thyra sighed when she heard the call. She had just settled and now she had to go back to the ship. After this mission, she probably had to go on an extended leave of absence. It wasn't easy starting up a new mission. And just rolling in out of missions willy nilly as the humans would say, wasn't good for her blue complexion. She walked into the briefing room but stayed quiet.

Paul tapped his combadge and said "we are on our way Captain," looking back at his wife, he said to her," well, here goes nothing,"

- Science lab 2 -

Lieutenant Matt Thompson was in Science lab 2 trying to figure out some of the telemetries of his system survey he did for the colonel, there was a lot of conflicting information about the planetary bodies in the system. He had completed fine-tuning the three outer planets when he got the call for a recall. He had spent plenty of time on the starbase making full use o the recreational facilities. really the survey was just another nut for him to crack.


=/\= This is Lieutenant Thompson, recall received I am on my way, Thompson out =/\=

A look at his chronometer said he had plenty of time so he took a sonic shower and put on a fresh uniform, shaved to make himself presentable, I mean he was technically on vacation up until that point. He padded over to the main briefing room.

- Briefing room -

Matt came in and a few other officers were there, He helped himself to some coffee and took his place at the table, and mingled for a few minutes until the mission briefing started.

Mazal gave a smile to Faith giving her a nod as well. And to Tosrol, and the same towards those who had arrived. She made a mental note as to the arrival of the chief of intelligence as well as the chief of science. These she's not met since Mazal's arrival on the USS Tomcat.

upon entering the room, Paul and Serena headed towards the seats and being a gentleman, Paul pulled the seat out for his wife to take her place, she said "Thank you Husband," as she sat down. Paul then pulled out his own chair and took his place at the table knowing full well that this mission was to be his first back in the cockpit of a Gryphon fighter.




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