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Securing A Security Introduction

Posted on 21 Oct 2022 @ 12:55am by Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Ensign Tiffany Zellers
Edited on on 28 Oct 2022 @ 10:33am

2,691 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Security Dept. Office
Timeline: Current


Tiffany stood at the entrance to the gangway of the Tomcat. Having had her security cards made and verified, she now passed through the pre-boarding information kiosk. Re-settling his Starfleet side baggage, the small Officer felt a sense of adventure take her over. It shivered deep from within, a giddiness, a sense of pride and will to fulfil her Federation Academy Professors.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe this is happening. Terrance, eat your heart out!” Tiffany talked to herself, eliciting looks from fellow operations personnel in the gangway. Crossing it she was reminded of her Academy cohorts in Security. All had wanted to be posted on the finer starships of the line, few and far between carriers and refuelling barges; Tiffany had set her sights higher.

Not turning back, she held on to her Walkman playing Dead or Alive; you spin me right round.’ Blowing a bubble and then snapping it, she chewed the familiar taste as her eyes took in all the sights and sounds of the corridors of the USS Tomcat.

Taking no chance, she decided that now or never was the best time to make her first appearance in Security. A lowly Ensign, she did not have the chance to sit down with Captain Somers, at least right away. As she was told, the Tomcat was in a state of turnaround. There were rumours of mission orders, and sooner or later, she would be walking the beats of Security.

“This is like too awesome, oh my god. Freak out, or what!?” She shook her head. There were small table areas, lounges, and decks for everything. Hydroponics, a Library, the massive holodecks. Although, give Zellers a good book, and she was good to go! “I wonder if they have a dance studio.” She even stated. One of the Sovereign Class Starships had a formal dance hall and studios, yet this was a fighter vessel that was the very Hawk Eye of Federation Security. They wouldn’t have such frivolous things, which was OK with Tiffany. “As long as there is diet coke, I’m good to go. That’s for sure. Isn’t that so, Barnaby?!” Barnaby was Tiffany’s calico cat, saddled in her side baggage.

Having dropped off her belongings in the Cadet classed cabins, Tiffany made her way to Security. “Knock Knock.” She had called from the outer doorway. Then chimed.

Ze had been in his office, thankfully for now his alterations and retconning of his old office were all done. Ze would have a busy day ahead of him, from getting through his reports to trying to make heads or tails of the previous security chiefs' reports, which had given lieutenant ze a headache for the last 2 weeks.

Sat at his desk with a padd in front of him, he was looking over a fresh file of a new ensign. Ze had been used to doing this from his time spent in operations, in fact, he spent most of his time looking over new entrees. He held a cup of fresh English tea in his hand as he poured over the new file on his padd.

When he heard a faint voice at his office door "Come" he spoke a little gruffer than he had intended, after all the man had been pulling double duty so he was a little tired, pressing the door button the blast door retracted and Ze swivelled in his chair to meet his new ensign.

"I am not interrupting anything, I hope, Chief. Thank you for having me." Tiffany gestured to his paperwork. He seemed to be very busy with a busy department. Standing at ease, "Ensign Zeller's reporting for Duty as Security Officer." Saying those words ushered through Tiffany, and she felt giddiness. She barely knew her way around the weapons of it all, but she would grow into the position.

Ze smiled as he looked at the ensign in front of him "Please come and take a seat ensign, you're not interrupting anything" he said with a wide smile as he pushed the rest of his paperwork to one side "Welcome to the tomcat ensign its nice to finally see you in the flesh I've been reading you file so to see you in person is nice to put the words to the person as it was"

Taking a seat, Ensign Zellers watched Ze. He seemed to be an easygoing, kind officer. This was a leader, she said to herself. “Well,” Zellers blushed. “I hope whatever is in there, there isn’t too much embarrassment for me to endure.” Oh, dear lord, Tiffany thought to herself. The counsellor from her last session had written about her stuffed bear. I swear she did!
“Please don’t believe everything you read in those things, do you?” She had such an urge for a diet coke and perhaps a cigarette. Tiffany loved to meet new people, but she always bombed on first impressions.

“Is there anything in my file I can answer for you, Sir?” Tiffany stated respectfully. She let her eyes momentarily wander the office taking in the style and format of the Chief’s Department. She was a good judge of character just by the way someone set out their PADDs, pictures, and files on their computers. If they even had books.

Ze studied the new ensign with watchful eyes "I would have told you by now ensign if there were anything in this file that peaked my keen betazoid senses" he said with a tight wink of his eye"Don't worry ensign can't be as bad as my own file, filled with overzealous accounts of my debauchery for sure" he said with a wide laugh "Please ensign help your self to any refreshments and if you so choose I will turn a blind eye to a cheeky cigarette" He said with a wide-eyed smile.

"As I read over it ensign I will be sure to ask you any questions" He scanned over the file and studied it diligently like it was his own or that of his best friends, "I think me and thee will get on just fine ensign, judging from what I'm reading here, truly an exemplary record that I hope to foster further and help your career within Starfleet," he said grabbing his padd and fixing his eyes to her.

“I am here to help. Your department has been through much flux lately, so I am a steady hand, Sir. That is at firing shots as well.” She tapped the side of her noggin knowingly. Crossing her legs in her seat, she relaxed and fixed herself a tea from the replicator.

“OMG. I smoke. I do. It’s a habit. It’s only the nicotine I am addicted to trust me. But I am trying to stop it.” She replied. Tiffany cuffed her hair to her left side as it got into her field of view. Did she want one now; why? Why did the Lieutenant bring that up?

“Sir. Is it in my records that I…” She slowed her question. “That I smoke?” She was fretting.

He smiled and laughed "Your help will be most welcome Ensign we are starting a bit fresh with me taking over as department head. He noted that she was a tea drinker, a woman after his own heart it would seem. He had his own tea in front of him, a hearty English blend.

"Worry not Ensign I am not here to judge you for your vices, even though I myself drink myself into oblivion after a shift but sometimes all we need is that one thing that calms our nerves," he said with a wide sweeping grin.

"Don't worry its not in your file I'm just a very astute empath it is in my people's nature to understand the inner workings of the mind ensign I'm just very good at what I do but worry not I won't chastise you for smoking far from it in fact what you do outside of my office and off duty is none of my business so long as you don't put your self or the ship at risk with your decisions or vices ensign we will have a great understanding?" he said drinking from his tea a little.

“I understand; thank you, Sir. That has calmed me down now.” She breathed outward. Ok. So, Lieutenant JG Tosrol was a good officer. He told her what was expected and what would not get her into direct trouble. This did not mean she would be smoking, only if the time had struck her in a warranted situation. She would not let her superiors, even off-shift, see her with a cigarette.

“So Tosrol, Sir. you are from Betazed.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Could have fooled me. You come across as less calculating, less standoff from prior Betazoids I have met in the Academy. You seem comfortable with your Betazoid heritage, among other things.”

Ze was an incredible man, and she was lucky whomever he had his eye on. Or he, she didn’t know nowadays, everyone had the Federation’s attention and concerns to be heard.

“May I ask, Sir, have you always been on Betazed and then transferred to the Academy? I’m an Earth girl, call me crazy, but I can’t shake the past eras of our people. Much like a Vulcan who hung on to their rituals long before, I hang on to some things from my heritage. I love music; I love to dance out loud. It helps my mind flow. I can be quirky that way,” she took a sip of tea with her finger raising, “call me crazy!” She laughed, smiled, locked eyes, and then flung her hair as she sat up straight, not wanting to give off the wrong impression.

He smiled at the young ensign, noting a change in her emotional pathways, Ze had spent years amongst the humans, he preferred to call himself a betazoid with a better understanding of human interaction. Ze was the type of department head that allowed those under him the freedom to direct their fate as they so chose, It was his mother back on betazoid that taught him a little freedom goes a long way in the eyes of those that follow you.

“That is correct ensign I was born and raised on betazed I have two brothers Otes and Istril and a sister called Heama I am the eldest child of my parent's children you'd never of thought it, my mother and father always wanted for me to go into singing, I wanted that for a time too but the stars called me forth to the earth and my fate lay in the hands of Starfleet and I wouldn't change a single decision I've made since,” He said with a high beaming smile.

He laughed and held his stomach “Ensign You and me will get on famously you are too kind” he said wiping his eyes “I am less calculating and less standoffish because I have had the grace of being around humans for the better part of my time in Starfleet” He cleared his throat “There is one man I have to thank for my moral understanding of the human brain and emotional circuitry His name is Leland Hawksley he is my best friend, my brother in blood and in some way I feel we are born of the same stardust if there is anyone I owe my demeanour too it is Leland and coming up second would Be 1st Liutennant Mazal falk my wonderful girlfriend I'm sure you will meet both in due coarse Leland and me are never far from each other's sides generally follow the trail of stupid laughter and there you will find me and Mr Hawksley laughing at some awful joke I've told” he laughed again thinking of Hawksley and all the times he and Leland had spent in the holodeck creating all manner of hilarity “

He listened intently to the ensign's next question and his eyes lit up “Music is something I know intimately music is the bread of which I break and the sea that crashes against me it is my saviour in the dark and the reason I do what I do ensign we could spend hours ensign discussing music its effect on emotion” he said taking a sip from his tea as he relaxed into his chair.

“Ensign Zellers I would like to extend an invitation to the quirky and weird you will always have a home in security in tactical for the quirky and weird are those people I often find myself drawn to and you are no exception to that rule you are as welcome to be as weird and quirky as like,” he said with a wide smile taking everything in about the young ensign in front of him.

Zellers quipped in a zest of spontaneity. "Oh, Sir. I am ALL weird. People look at me and say. That there, that girl is a piece of work. But what works? That I know how quirky I can be and how I am so in tune with myself and my likes and.. erm wants in the world, my career with Starfleet. My Need to handle new weaponry..." She paused and then wrote it down with her fuzzy pom, poms, pen and padd of paper.

"I need to know where to go to get some new weapons training. I am SICK of Starfleet Programs which makes me feel like I am playing War. I could have trained myself with a Lightscribe sega shotgun to a cathode ray television has taught me more practice moreover, than some central actors in the academy." She scoffed. "I don't know what to do anymore. If a red alert is called, I need a cup of coffee, nix that. A carafe of coffee, chug it down and then go bat-sh*t on what's going on! Do you know what I mean like common here? Like, frack you know?"

She was a lot to handle but she was an excellent security officer who would go far and wide to protect anything, anyone in danger. This was Tiff.

"Oh, and many have a Tiff with me at times because they simply don't understand me!" She rolled her eyes to herself. "I call it the Tiff Tiff." She grinned.

"What makes Tosrol Ze tick when he is in full-blown beast mode? I mean security mode? How many levels up are you on your weaponry training? I mean I can enact forcefields and everything to save people, but... Those fields only last in a borg invasion for so long, you know."

Ze pondered the question for a while "Well for one when I go security mode its normally for the right reasons something has happened to one of my team or my dear friends aboard" he said "I'm at least up to level 2 on my training but I think I'm due for another few bits of training "I'm sure between us ensign we will keep this ship her crew safe"

"Just be careful around me. If I end up shooting you in the buttocks behind you... Dear lord. I think I'd melt into a ball and cry then and there!" Tiffany looked around.

"I have spent a lot of your time. You have indulged me for far too long. Thank you for the kind welcome and I look forward to Security, Sir." Tiffany finished up her coffee and then allowed herself to sit the empty cup back into the replicator on recycling.

Tosrol smiled as he stood hand outstretched for the other to take "Ensign Zellers it was my honour here is your duty roster for this coming week and I'm sure if you find myself or ensign Teton we can assist you further with whatever you need"

"Of course, Thank you, Sir." Tiffany nodded her understanding and then left the Officer to his work.



Ensign Tiffany Zellers


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