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Flight Time (Back post)

Posted on 04 Sep 2022 @ 12:01pm by Lieutenant Paula Winchester
Edited on on 01 Oct 2022 @ 1:03pm

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51 -Flight Deck
Timeline: before the wedding


- Flight deck -SB51-

Paula entered the starbases flight deck as her squadron stood at attention as her DCAG shouted “At ease,” as she knew these were the best pilots in the fleet. Now, they had to prove it to her. The Starbase had been issued a challenge by the USS Tomcat’s squadron leaders, namely her Brother and Sister in law. Now her pride was on the line. She said, “ Good Morning.”

She heard LT Lewis call “Attention on Deck,”

As she walked up to her platform, she said,” first things first,” looking around the room. continued, “you will have two days R&R due to my Brothers nuptials taking place upon this Station.”After a brief pause, she said, “ They have challenged us to a competition between the Tomcat Fighter Squadron and us,”

Everyone fell silent at the thought of losing to the Tomcat. The fallout from it would be hell to pay. Paula Looked around the room once more and finished speaking.” And if we lose, I will not be happy,” as she gripped a hold of the podium. Suddenly one of the pilots shouted, “we will not let you down, Ma’am.”

“You better not,” she replied, keeping her eyes focused on those around the room, “the name that I will call out will be those taking part,” she stated” Please step forward,” she stated as she looked down at the PADD in front of her. She lifted her head she said, “ Lt T James, Lt G Wilks, Lt Lewis and one another plus myself will be taking on the USS Tomcat fighter Squadron.”

As those Pilots stepped forward and stood looking straight at her, Paula knew that her Pilots would do their best and try not to let her down, but with bragging rights on the table and it being her brother this was personal. She said” This is personal to me as we will be up against my Brother and his wife,”

Everyone now knew that this would be a test of nerves and pride and not letting the station become a laughing stock after all had become known that Paula was a tough-as-nails CAG like her Brother and that she did not take any slackers in her Air group. she spoke “Just remember you have two days R&R so no getting drunk,” Paula looked at her pilots and finished” and if I find anyone drunk, there will be a forfeit to pay, Understood?”

“Aye Ma’am,” replied those in attendance as now they knew she meant what she said and that a cold drink would be fine, she finished “ you are Dismissed,” as she watched her pilots leave the flight deck, she stepped down from the podium and walked over to Her DCAG and said, “That went well did it not?”

Lieutenant Wilks replied “Sure did Paula” as he also knew that the pilots would also be ready at a call when they were needed, He said,” I’d better go and check the status of the fighters,” as Paula gave him a nod to leave as she turned to head back to her office.


EAtSz7u.png Lt Paula Winchester


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