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Newly arrived [Backpost]

Posted on 04 Jan 2023 @ 9:19pm by Ensign Autumn Cole & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

1,202 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: Before Missions

Shore leave was over, and Autumn arrived on the ship. She had heard of a call for a briefing but it wouldn't be for her as she wasn't a department head. While they had their meeting, Autumn went and got her gear stowed away, and got prepped for when she could meet with the Chief of Intelligence and report in. The time came, the meeting over, the red head waited outside of the intelligence area for Thyra. Would the head of intelligence arrive soon?

She tapped her combadge and said, =/\=Computer where is Lieutenant Sh'shaaqir?=/\=

=/\= Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir is on deck 6=/\= Replied the computer.

It was then Thyra walked up to the Ensign. She had heard the request as she was approaching the department and then the reply as well. She looked to the Ensign. "You must be Ensign Cole, the new member of this ever so lovely crew. I am Lieutenant junior Thyra Sh'shraaqir. Chief Intelligence Officer. Welcome on board the USS Tomcat. I hope you got all your shots and said your goodbyes to friends and family." She chuckled. "Don't worry it's not that dangerous...well most of the time."

She gestured to the ensign to come in, and not allowing her to answer her question of her being the Ensign. "Would you like something to drink?" It was then she realized she was on her second question. She took a breath. "Alright, I stop talking now for a bit, so you can talk." She chuckled again. "I swear I don't like to hear myself talking, sometimes I don't even know I keep rattling on." She then stood next to the replicator and just made a zipping motion near her mouth and gestured to Autumn she could talk.

Autumn listened with a bit of a smile as the lieutenant spoke, when the chief of intelligence paused, the ensign then spoke, "I'd like a fruit juice that has mango, passion fruit and pineapple, and with a hint of coconut. Minus the umbrella as that might not be considered professional. And I don't mind hearing you speak."

She held up her hand and counted off the list Thyra had spoken of. "I got all of my shots, so I won't suffer from distemper, said goodbye to my friends and family before I arrived at the station. Did an impromptu concert while waiting for the Tomcat to arrive, and now I am here." Autumn cheerily said. She hadn't taken a seat yet as she's not been asked to do so. Besides she didn't mind standing.

Thyra ordered two of the same drink and put one on the desk near Autumn. Then she pointed the chair. "Please Ensign, have a seat." She said as she sat down herself. "That is quite a list, Ensign," Thyra continued. "Anything else I should know?"

"Well was trying to answer all your questions" giving another smile. she thought for a moment then replied, "Well I can be a little bit clumsy if I do not pay attention and remember to walk light and gracefully as if I am dancing. Otherwise, I can trip over an invisible crack in the floor." Autumn very carefully taking a seat. She didn't want to sit down wrong and wind up on the floor.

"Well, it's a good thing you weren't assigned to a bio chemical lab then." Thyra chuckled a little. "Well, about the department, we're just small and I don't have that many rules. Schedule is not that tight, but I do like to know in advance if something changes for you. And Friday we have drinks with the entire department. Don't forget to lock after you leave, and no unauthorized personnel. Otherwise I am not really that strict. I do morning exercises, and you are welcome to join if you like. I love the company."

"I would love to join you in morning exercises, and definitely I will not be having anyone come in who is unauthorized. Too many sensitive information and details that others do not need to peruse like a library" Autumn stated. "So Fridays is department get together, and make for a solid team. I like that." Autumn then decided to ask, "Is there a project that you are currenlty working on, any puzzles that need to be solved that sort of thing?"

Thyra looked at her drink for a moment and then said, "Not really, I recently took over this department, and I am trying to get to know everyone. Which is not hard, this is not a very big department. I am getting my bearings, and trying to set up a work environment that works for everyone. Which also requires me to go through a lot of reports from my predecessor. But a lot of intel on the region we're and such. You know, most of it is quite standard."

Autumn nodded in understanding. "I am looking forward in meeting the rest of the department crew. And also seeing how things will go. I know it isn't exciting but, I do find going through research and gleaning information from reports, to me can be a bit relaxing."

"If I wasn't supposed to do these, because I am a department head now, I would gladly let you do all of the paperwork," Thyra giggled a little.

"Okay well if you need the help, just let me know and I'll be at your service." Autumn replied with an answering laugh. "In the meantime I will be studying on puzzles, and languages as there is more to learn out there."

"Very good," Thyra nodded. "There is a lot of material in the database you can work on as well. Just some work I gave the department to do, while I am organizing things." She was still new at the department head thing, and Intell wasn't exactly her thing, but she had training, so she should be able to get by.

"That sounds great!" Autumn once more smiling. "When do you want me to start?" giving a light laugh. "I am just ready to get into things, and get to work." And that was the truth. Autumn was someone who liked to get into her work and found enjoyment in it.

Thyra really liked her enthusiasm. "I guess when ever you want." She got up and walked to the main room where all the computers were, she pointed to where Sonar was seated. "That seems to be his favorite spot, but otherwise you can use any you like."

Autumn gave a nod, "Okay then let's get to work." giving a light laugh before settling at a computer to the left of Sonar was at. She gave him a nod, "Greetings" then brought her own computer to life.

"I like that enthusiasm," Thyra said, "it motivated her, to go do something as well." She looked over her shoulder to her desk. "So much to do and so little time." She walked back in leaving everyone to do what they did best.




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