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[Backpost] [Mature] Devilishly Delicious

Posted on 28 Oct 2022 @ 6:18pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

4,699 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Star Base 51, Holodeck 8, Adult Shop
Timeline: Shoreleave


Between having spent alone time with Lilli, Hawksley was refreshed. They needed time together. They also had appointments with Starfleet medical, which Leland insisted on.

Lilli gracefully indulged Hawksley in his nervousness regarding their yet-to-be-born child. Like a Starship’s warp drive system, he wanted to be on top of everything he could scan and run confidence equipment protocols. He felt terrible for dragging Lilliana to the doctor. Maybe he was going a bit overboard, pun unintended.

Checking his wrist Chronometer, Hawksley was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a brown leather jacket. He had been working on his special baby, his 1969 Chevy Camaro ZL1. An actual muscle car from the combustion era of Earth automobiles.

Halfway through his bodywork on the car, he was around 52% complete. His idea of love was driving on the holodeck with his handcrafted muscle car, with dreams of making love to his Lilliana in the back seats.

Just then, he turned to hear a voice. She was right on time; it was Sinclair. "Jane!" Leland gave a big grin. "How is my special lady friend?" Since their talk in a mess last week, he began to open his eyes to Jane and her feminine insights into the opposite sex.

Jane had indeed found Leland right where they had agreed to meet, in holodeck eight. It didn't surprise her that he was already there working on another program; he had suggested a window of between 1600 and 1700, and because of an earlier meeting she had, she could only come at 1620 -- and why waste the holo reservation? So she was on time, but regrettably having to wear what she'd worn to her last meeting, which was a uniform. She carried a handbag with her.

She chuckled at the nickname of special lady friend as she approached and gave Leland a hug. "Sorry I couldn't be here sooner. Meeting with the station's science board and they couldn't be flexible with the time."

Leland bear-hugged Sinclair tightly, half picking her up off the ground.

"I've read about these," Jane said, smiling after he put her down and looking over at the machine Leland had been working on. "They never existed on Vega, so I've never seen one up close. An automobile, right?"

Hawksley wiped his hands from the grease into his rags and cleaned.

“This is a 1969 Chevy Camaro ZL1. Automobiles at the time during the turn of the 20th century were the epitome of freedom and unparalleled speed. And gas guzzlers. Which is why they weren’t mainstream popular. However, they didn’t have a massive following and changed how a whole generation of humans on Earth viewed transportation. Self-guided, all manual, non-self-driving. Baby, you have a ride with me when it’s done!” The Chief winked.

He placed his large hand around Sinclair’s shoulder and walked around the vehicle. “See the lines, see the sleekness. This is a model, not just a car. It is a woman, a sexy woman. She wants to roar, Jane, and when she does, you feel it. You feel it good!” Leland slapped the back of her shoulders playfully with a big grin. “My baby will be a mechanic, so help me, lord!” He joked.

“Oh of that I’m certain,” Jane replied. “In my experience, kids pick up on those things that their parents are most passionate about.” She grinned and looked up at Leland. “My dad’s passion was learning, and loved museums, and he let me into that part of his life. The only times we ever really left Vega IX were to visit offworld museums, no matter the subject. We never stopped learning together, and still send each other interesting new things we discover about the world. He’s very much the reason I have two doctorates.”

“Museums.” He nodded. “One thing I never had the chance to ever visit believe it or not. When you live in the country back on Earth and work on pieces that belong in a museum… No need.” Leland took a seat on one of the work benches. He patted for Sinclair to sit beside him. There was two beers that then energized after Leland tapped in his padd. “I always found you to be…” He rubbed his chin. “Outworldly. As In, your confident, your oriented in yourself but your open to all aspects of everything. This is why I like you. Your not… Let’s say.. Judgy.” He laughed.

Jane joined his laugh, sat on the bench with him, and accepted the offered drink. “Thanks mate.” Replicated or not, synthehol or not, she was off duty and properly on shore leave. She’d enjoy a drink.

“Okay, so,” she said, “I’m not quite ready to switch to the shop program. Can you give me just two minutes before we load it?”

Taking a sip of his beer Leland nodded. “Affirmative.”

With his assent, Jane set her bag down on an open spot of work bench and opened it. She took out a pink Zebulon Sisters ‘Chu Chu Dance’ tee-shirt, a black skirt, and a red bra and pair of panties and set them next to the bag. Back turned to Leland, without modesty she unzipped and pulled off her uniform, and then her skivvies, before putting them into the bag.

Hawksley let his jaw drop as Sinclair undressed right before him. God. Her body was a sculpture of perfection. No wonder Lilli dropped her panties as well. He was happy for Lilli. Damn!

Within moments she was in the civilian clothes she had brought with her. “Sorry. Can’t go shopping in a uniform, yeah?”

“I digress. Your dress is perfect and you rock it in any style. Jane I… You’ve got a killer body. You could work as an assassin for Ambassadors. If that was ever a thing, I’ve only ever seen them in movies and they always were the bait. The hot bodies. The women. The Ambassador that needed to be offed.” Hawksley chortled a laugh.

Just then he cleaned off his hands and slipped up and off his top and energized a new white pair of crisp white tee-shirt and underwear, and pair of cargo shorts. He thought, “Why not.” He dressed and shucked up his shorts and belted. “Let’s see some crazy stuff shall we, together, my girlfriend!” He smiled.

oO Oh damn Oo she thought as she watched Leland drop trou, happy that he was as comfortable with her as she with him.

“Let’s see what this program has to offer!” she agreed. “Computer, open program three-seven-gamma.”

The car and the garage faded away, replaced with a very large, very well lit shop. Displays of clothing, costumes, toys, aids, books, and other fun accessories lined every wall and counter. There were a few holographic customers milling about (for realism, Jane assumed) as well as a few very attractive women and men in tight-fitting employee uniforms.

“This exact place doesn’t actually exist in the real world,” Jane explained. “But it’s based on similar shops in Las Vegas, Amsterdam, and Argelius II. Anything you want, they have or can replicate. Any questions you have, the staff will answer. Any advice you need, they can give it. Anything you want to try on or touch or play with, you can, and you can ask the staff to model.” She pointed to a pair of doors on the far wall. “Left door goes to a massage parlour. Right door, a small bar with a stage.”

"Before we go on," Jane said, looking at her friend with a serious expression, "I know what you told me earlier. Toys aren't something Lilli is interested in. That's fine, to each their own. It was worth asking, and now you know. But this place is for much more than that. Trust me."

She smiled again and clinked her beer bottle against Leland’s. “Shall we?”

“Sounds good to me.” Leland clinked his beer bottle to Jane, taking a drink and walking towards the middle of the large shop. Some windows had rotating colors and models in each window, live models showing off toys and toys in the action of things. “My lord. I never knew such a place existed.” Hawksley whistled.

He took in the visuals. It certainly was a colorful and upscale feel to the shop. The music in the background also helped to get one’s desires and heart beating to the beat of sexiness. Stopping at one visualizer display, a holographic female was dancing around a pole, dropping and then easing herself down to a toy that she then demonstrated how to use by dipping it into her mouth for saliva and then penetrating it into her neither region, the toy mumbled different commands, as the buttons then vibrated and titled her as her eyes and mouth opened into a full-blown single female orgasm.

“Oh my god! Are you ok?” Leland was about to intervene before he knew she wasn’t bellowing out in pain.

“I think I need a drink behind the stage at the bar; live dancers are here. Let’s have a gander.”

Taking a drink, Leland sat at the bar with an extended low-lying glass semi-translucent bar top. There were visuals of almost every alien race in various cultural and mating rituals. “Oh, my lord, look at the Xendra Dancer!” Hawksley almost spits out his beer. “Is that…. That is, there are four of her and then….” He couldn’t repeat what he was watching. His face blushed! He then side hit jane on her shoulder in an ‘In I can’t believe you brought me here!’ move.

"It's great, right?!" she said, understanding his playful gesture. "And no doubt I'm getting a couple of things. You should too, and not just for Lilli I mean. For yourself as well." She finished the beer Leland had given her and took a glass of something bright red from a passing server, a buxom Edo wearing an apron and nothing else.

"I learned about this shop program while at the Academy," Jane said as she watched the explicit erotic show on stage. "Summer after Sophomore year, my bandmates and I performed on Argelius II. Ever been there? Their whole culture is based on love and pleasure. I visited a similar place in person and loved it. Fukami, our guitarist, found the program the day we got back to Earth. She was here weekly if memory serves," she added with a grin. "She and I had some good fun here. And I come back every now and then, if I'm craving a new experience or just want a new outfit." She pointed to a waitress who wore a white bustier, thong, and thigh-high boots. "I tried that one on last time. Looked good but dug in under here, you know?" she added, gesturing under her boobs.

She sipped her sweet cocktail. "Oh damn," she said as the dancer filed off the stage, to be replaced by a human man and woman who must have both been contortionists given the complexity of the positions they were enjoying.

Leland’s face fixated on the female receiving the male in the sex scene being played out before them as if a student was taking notes. His bionic eye implant takes a recording and fixates on the action and the subsequent reactions from both the male and female in their true definition of liquidity of love in motion right in front of him and Jane.

Hawksley mumbled, his face red, his hairs on his neck upward as he became charged. “Well.” He reached for another drink that sat to him on the translucent bar top; pulsating lights in the room filled as the man and woman were engaging in hotter sensations. The lights and the mood of the music both reflected that from an AI experience formatted for the bar they sat. “This is something new! Isn’t it!” He clasped his ring-fingered hands together. “It’s a friggin dandy candy land!”

A human woman, maybe two inches taller than Jane — and so still quite a bit shorter than Leland — approached them at their table. A robe covered her olive skin; Jane knew that this facilitated the holo-display of the store’s lingerie stock. It failed to hide her body shape though; the holodeck had given them someone with fine curves.

“Ms. Sinclair? Mr. Hawksley? Welcome! I’ve been assigned to help you today.” She traces delicate fingertips along their necks and shoulders.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Jane told Leland, “but when I knew we were running this program I programmed in a few things. Our names, our preferences, that we’re not together. I also set you up with a profile in case you come back by yourself or with Lilli.”

The doctor downed the rest of her drink, got up from her seat, and greeted their sales-holo-woman with a kiss.

“May I?” Hawksley had asked the female hologram. The hologram acknowledged he could. Leland placed his large engineering hand on her lower left thigh as she busted in her stance, showing off how the silking robe clung with micron kinetic gel encasements at the filamentary level, giving her an almost translucent-like look wearing the robe, showing off every curve, every flirtatious filament the female holo-host invited them to see.

Hawksley felt the fingertips on the back of his neck hairs; his eyes turned from Jane having had locked succulent lips with the holo-host female to female. Leland swallowed as he felt the fingers tracing up behind his earlobes, which was the trigger point on his body. All he wanted was something to feel high, something to express bliss. “Mnnn Uhghhh!” Hawksley bellowed from the sensation of having his ear tickled like that, a direct line for him.

Chugging the drink, Leland breathed. “What is this place again, Jane Bestie?”

“Damn, bruv,” Jane said, smacking him on the arm after hearing the sound he made. “I take it you're having fun?” She was grinning ear to ear, glad her friend was enjoying himself.

They allowed themselves to be led by the holo-hostess around the shop, looking at various odds and ends, including lingerie and other sexy wearables.

“I’d like to try this on,” Jane told her, gesturing to a specific outfit on a mannequin. “Can you show it to me first please?”

“Whatever the lady likes,” answered the hologram. The robe came down and she was wearing the exact underwear Jane had been pointing to, a black bra and corset top which stopped just above the navel, and a very thin thong. She turned to make sure Jane and Leland got the whole picture. A lot of skin was out, and Jane made sure to study every inch of it.

“Oh yeah,” Jane said, nodding. “I’ll try that on.” An identical set was replicated and put on a table, sized to Jane’s specifications. “While I do this, show my friend Leland here some of the toy options. And leave the robe off, darling.” Even though she’d already gotten changed once in front of Leland, she still went to the changeroom. There was a mirror and bench there, after all. But she remained within earshot.

Hawksley finished his drink and gently began to turn around the holo-model, his eyes figuring how she stood up to Lilli. The model, even though technically perfect in almost every aspect of the female body, didn’t match up to his Wife. It only made him want to be with Lilli more.

Jane returned, wearing the lingerie. "What do you think?" she asked, giving a turn to show it off. She certainly felt fantastic. She might get it just for herself.

“It looks exquisite on you. Only that fabric could be worn by you since it seems to cover you…” His eyes lent their limits on Jane… “Very well.” A glint in his eye and a wink. “I’d say get it.”

"Agreed." Jane went to find another staff member, one who held a PADD, and placed an order for a few things, including the outfit she was wearing. A moment later, she had a bag containing a couple of items. She took off her outfit and put that in the bag too. She wrapped an offered towel around herself and went back to Leland.

“Hey mate,” she said, catching his eye. “I know you’re having fun but I’ve scheduled us massages."

"Bruv.... Massages! We need it. That sounds great that you went ahead and did this. My heart is singing." Hawksley smiled.

"Oh, by the way, I got you something," Jane said. She pulled a bottle out of her bag and tossed it to Leland. "It's a massage oil, the kind they're going to use in here. It contains an enzyme which helps most of the body's muscles relax, but also contains something which helps enhance sensitivity in any tissues which become excited during sex." She gave him a wink. "Consider it a late wedding present."

Hawksley gushed. "It's exactly what I've wanted." He then winked, chuckling. "Jane, You honestly did not have to! Your presence at my wedding was more than enough."

Hawksley grinned with his eyes popping out at the instructions and then chided. "You naughty Jane! I would think that you had that idea coming a long time." He then paused. I purchased something for you as well. I spotted it when you were trying on lingerie.

"It is called. My friend helped me with this." Leland took a moment to contact one of his Bruv friends from Earth, who knew the ins and outs of toys like Jane. "It is called a Chimer Bunny!"

Leland beamed as he held forward a fluffy white small bunny. The bunny was AI in nature. "The bunny chimes and begins to take on its multi-colored visualizations. The chimer bunny is from Melta-Four. They grow with each psi-transitory function. The bunny grows and radiates various colors of its fur when it feels there has been... A level of emotion is achieved by a chosen couple. You tag each other to the bunny, and then when you.... Erm.... Achieve together, the bunny radiates and learns and grows. It doesn't, bunny. It just sits in the side of a room like a glow lamp." Hawksley gushed, breathing in, "But I hear they are all the rage on Risa recently."

“Leland!” Jane said, grinning and giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. “That’s so nice! And very you, I must say. A little AI-controlled sensor, shaped like an animal. A cute one, too. When not in use, a little bunny-shaped light for the end table.” She took the Chimer Bunny and put it in her shopping bag.

They reached the spa area of the shop. Inside it was much quieter than in the storefront or bar/stage area. Audio dampeners, or more likely the rest of the program stopped existing when they left it. Gentle nature sounds provided a calming background.

In the middle of the room were too massage tables, one for each patron, and providing the massages were eight — four each — female holo-models, including the one who had sold Leland his nerve toy and Jane her outfit, each wearing naught but a flimsy robe.

“I asked for the Rubicun Deluxe Special,” Jane told Leland. “Lie down, face up, towel off. And just go with the flow.”

“Are you Lilli?” Leland paused with a grin. “You sound like Lilli. Just kidding Bruv.” Hawksley did as he was told as he got into his birthday suit undressing.

Jane approached her table, gave her towel to one of her masseuses, and lay down on her back, winking to Leland as she did and saw that he did the same.

The masseuses lay a warm, wet towel over each of their eyes, providing soothing heat and moisture and cutting off their vision. Then, they felt the massage, beginning with each hand and each foot simultaneously.

Hawksley lay there, the sounds of the room and gentle water and what had sounded like Argonian birds in the distance singing gently. His large body was enough to handle as his closed eyes felt the sensations of the petite yet now practicing hands digging into his muscles at various trigger points and then offering a scroll therapy of expunging his lymph system.

A soft moan, gentle, relaxed, was heard in the room as they began to bulldoze what had seemed to be his steel shoulder blades, effectively breaking down the stress into a twisting massage of tissues. His body twinged and felt a cascading wash of tingling flow through him, lightening his body.

Leland didn’t say anything. He only heard Jane having the same sense of relaxation, at least he thought.

Just then, there was an electronic device that was placed on the sides of Leland’s hips and shoulders that had begun to neutralize and energize his bodily tissues. “Ohhhhh hhhhh Shikes! This… Bruv This is good.” Hawk broke his silence.

"I know, right," Jane just managed to say as her entire body felt relaxed at both the touch of four people and the energizing devices gently brushing her hips.

The touching went up her arms to her shoulders, and up her legs to her outer thighs. Muscle groups she rarely used were getting every ounce of tension squeezed out.

"Bruv, this might need to be a regular thing," Jane said softly. "Every time we're on station."

Something soft and gentle, a fingertip or maybe a feather, delicately grazed itself across her left cheek and her lips, which made her suck in air. This gentle bit of teasing was prelude to more, as fingertips began moving inward on her thighs and downward toward her chest.

Leland relaxed, smelling the different essences of the room. The room exhibited candles of energy that lit all the senses. All of Leland’s senses were lit at this moment. It becomes a subtle touch, a whiff to that of a full-blown exotic happenstance.
Places on him were becoming fully embraced and tantalized, as such was the room’s experience meant to provide. “So definite. Station… every time…” Leland replied to Jane as his head nodded with his mind swimming.

Just as he felt any more senses could be enlightened, he heard a faint whisper. It was a whisper willow, a small device that mirrors one’s synapses and brings forth unearthed pushed-down fantasies. However, what had been unearthed with sounds of his Wife, Lilli, both in pleasure and in play, her gentle laughing and giggling to full-on explosive experiences between them both.

“Is… Is that…” Hawk turned his head. In the darkening room of lights now, his eyes searched. He tried to see Jane, but she was experiencing a similar situation currently. At least it looked like Jane murmured something, or was It, Jane?

Jane's eyes remained covered, but her mind was being similarly influenced. She was experiencing wisps of visions of deeply held fantasies. It wasn't much unlike her dreams after the experiment with the Arderne pheromone. In one moment, she was in a deep embrace with Lilli Hawksley. The next, tangled in sheets with Josefina Macapuno. A flash of a nameless face from a fantastic night after a concert. The smiling face of Alejandra -- first looking up at her and indulging her as Jane sat on the edge of a hot tub, and then...giggling and showing her a tray of burnt cookies. A strange scene of domestic bliss, apparently a fantasy, mixed in among the ecstacy. Then another, Jo giving her a back rub as the two ate popcorn, apparently watching a movie. Jane made a mental note to bring those up later. Maybe with Lamia, or Remington.

The domestic fantasies got buried more fully as raunchier sex imagery raced through her mind. A large bathtub full of blueberry flavoured jello and her and Jo. A holo-camera aimed at her and Lilli. That night of special treatment from Alé.

She moaned as the masseuses' touches became far more intimate, and an unknown pair of soft lips touched hers. She opened her mouth to receive a passionate kiss from above as many holographic hands found their marks.

As the kiss broke, the cloth fell from her eyes. As one masseuse reached for it, she looked and saw the four women massaging Leland, their electronic devices on his hips and near his temples, and their hands working his pecs and thighs, the latter ones moving further and further up.

The cloth went back on, blinding her again before she could see what the holographic masseuses were about to do to her.

So many hands and lips were on her, it was a sudden onslaught of pleasure and passion, with Jane unable to do anything except gasp and moan, until within far too little time, Leland Hawksley became the first man to hear her reach climax.

Tensile feelings, stiff, hot, intense, strength. He needed this release into the hands of four holographic women. Yet the women’s hands were just as ethereal and realistic as the next. The sensations were mind-numbing, eliciting only a fire of a candle, the wick burning as it burned for Lilli.

Feeling the women running their hands through fingers into his fingers, pressing him down harder to the table, Leland gasped in breathing as he jolted his chest upward. He wanted to dive, dive into the warmth of the candle of the wick that was centered in his mind at that moment. All he could do was fixate. Then the visionary changes took hold of his candle. Each lilt of burning going down the side presented a past orgasm, a past sexual foray. His chest, his body, turned to visions of curves, fleeting blankets behind a sexy bottom of a female, letting her hands gently race among the curtains and then step in and out of the room. Leland chasing, seeing her. It was Lilli, yet there were versions of Lilli that he saw.

All in time, he was being massaged, burning to flame to fire to lilts of wax dripping across his naked body on the masseuse bench. He was gasping, breathing out as his chest rose and fell. Leland felt drops of crimson red from a rose barb touching his body. The pleasure of the unexpected sharps brought him closer as more roses tumbled down… Down from a free-form ceiling of drapes ending their long slandering obliques above towering down echoes of miles of a drop-down to the bed beneath lay Leland.

Moaning in his mind, he was calling out Lilli, Lilli… Come here?! Where…. Where did you go?! He called each time he felt the cuts of the roses on his skin. The scented roses filled his nostrils as the candle then flared upward, higher, as he gripped the table. On the outside of his mind, AI sensory nodes, he was now grasping the bedside.

Exploding into pure pleasure, he groaned as a smiling face and then demure eyes turned, flipped her hair, and whispered his name, ‘Leland.’ Only then did Hawksley complete the orientation of the AI emotions that flowed his body through to the extent of a complete, satisfying resounding thunk’ downward again on the masseuse bed.

Time after, they both were dressed. Leland did say anything. Hawk smiled. “I heard you.” He knew he heard that all too well while he was meeting his.

That made Jane smile as she and Leland began walking out toward the holodeck door, bags in hand. "I figured," she said. "Couldn't be helped. I have a hard time not being loud."

"That chimer bunny better grow by the time I see it in a few days," Leland replied. Leland chuckled.

Jane laughed as the holodeck doors opened. "Oh it probably will. Computer, end program."





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