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Engineering Meeting Pt II

Posted on 20 Sep 2022 @ 5:44pm by Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson & Petty Officer 3rd Class Ramon Machado & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem

1,523 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Engineering Conference Room
Timeline: 0800 Hours


Engineering Conference Room
TIME: 0800 Hours

Lieutenant Leland Hawksley, Chief Engineering Officer, waited for the requested engineering officers to arrive. He was in a full crisp orange uniform with multiple PADDSs. He sat at the head of the conference table. Beside him was his morning cup of caffeinated liquid gold. Taking a drink, he set it down as one of the first entered the Briefing Room.

Nelson and Sem arrived together to main engineering and seemed to be in good spirits. They for once had a the same day off yesterday and got to sit down and do some talking. So that seemed to affect their actions.

Machado then arrived and slipped in the the space behind Nelson and Sem. He liked to be in the back of the crowd but it was hard for him to blend in being a Klingon an all. But he was on time and ready to get to work. He respected Dodd and Dodd had given a glowing recommendation for Hawksley to lead the department and that was good enough for him.

Jarel filed in with the rest of the crowed. He had been on this ship less than an hour or so and was already being herded to his second briefing. oO Definitely a faster pace then the orbital station had been oO He lamented to himself. Then again he understood the urgency. They would soon be going into a known hostile area. It was only natural to do a shake down.

“I thank you all for being prompt this morning.” Hawksley cleared his throat, ready. “I’ve asked you to this conference because I wanted to dive into the finer points of the Hydranasz System and what we will be encountering as an Engineering Department.”

He paused again, bringing up the Hydranasz System on the briefing room Monitor behind him. Getting up, he stood beside the monitor to articulate the meeting. “As you can see, the expanse or system has largely been unexplored. As the Seniors Briefing with Lt. Commander Cody Matthews explained, there has been few and far between federation starships within the system.” Hawksley looked at his wristwatch and then continued with his PADD.

“Thus, there are major inter-ship communication issues at hand. There are potential pirates in the system exploiting the resources that are there. The Tomcat has been tasked to set a course through the Hydranasz System, taking note of updates to the potential it holds for future colonies, star base, and routes to be examined and determined by Starfleet Command.”

“Where do we come in?” Leland lent a slight smile. He eyed everyone seated. “We will be tasked with unknowns handed to us. The unknown is what Starfleet has prepared us as officers and crew members to handle any situation. Considering this new mission, I am handing out assignments to each of you to be completed while we are en route to the System.”

“Each officer will be responsible for following checklists as per Federation Engineering Standards to all the Tomcat’s systems.” He stood holding his hand at the right of the chair in front of him.

“The role of this exercise is just that. An exercise in rekindling, retraining, and preparing.” He paused. “I know you have excellent skills, and this will be a soft refresher, maybe even boring for you. However, we need this completed. I need this completed as your Chief. I will be here to offer support, guidance, and help with any issues you may have.”

“Now, your assignments will be completed over three days between your actual duties; the computer systems will be in non-enact modes so that you can make changes without destroying anything or any major mistakes. So do not worry. This is only an exercise; nobody gets hurt, and nobody will be responsible for malfunctioning systems due to the exercise.” Hawksley had assured the crew as best he could. This was an exercise. “You are not being graded on this. However, please treat this like any training review with your full expertise and knowledge as a Starfleet Engineer. I trust you all will do well, and we will all benefit together as a team.”

“As Chief, I will be responsible for the oversight of Major Systems Diagnostics and Catastrophic Emergency Procedures (CEP) here in Engineering.” Leland paused and took a drink of his coffee.

“Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt,” Leland turned once more. “You will be responsible for Emergency Shutdown Procedures or (ESP) here in Engineering.”

“Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze is our newest Engineer on the team. He comes highly lauded and has high skills in all aspects of Engineering. Thus, I will entrust you, Lieutenant JG Haze, with the Reaction Control System; here in engineering. Remember that everyone can help each other. This is not a sole role. If you need help, I will be obliged to offer it. Once again, Welcome Aboard; we are thrilled to have you with us.”

"Aye sir." Jarel said as he took down the system he would be in charge of in his notes. He figured he could leave his stuff under his bunk and get a jump start on this. He was in no hurry to unpack. He was looking forward to the monotony of the route of checking the systems. It would take his mind off other things.

"Welcome to the team and the ship." Sem stated as she smiled at Haze with a welcoming yet flirtatious smile.

"Greetings Lieutenant and glad to have you on the team." Machado stated.

Nelson caught a glimpse of the smile Sem gave and just nodded at Haze trying to not let Sem's smile upset him.

Jarel nodded respectfully to each member as they welcomed him. He chose to ignore what seemed to be a rather saucy smile from the Matter and energy specialist. He after all only had eyes for his beautiful wife Lenora. He was even now counting down the minutes until he could get a few moments to visit with her and their two girls before getting some sleep. The jet lag was really starting to creep up on him.

“Petty Officer 3rd Class Ramon Machado” Leland turned to him next. “You will oversee Major Utilities Networks or (MUN) within Engineering. This includes the EPS conduits and power flow regulators.”

“Petty Officer 3rd Class Kara Sem” Leland smiled and turned to her. “You ensure that the Lateral Sensor Arrays and Instrumented Probes (LSA-IP) are all tip-top, as we will call upon them as soon as we enter the Hydraransz System.”

“Last but not least, Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson you oversee Life Supports and Environmental Controls (LS-EC) from here in Engineering. We will need to ensure that life support systems remain online and in full operation in the case of attack.”

“Now that I have handed out the assignments, are there any questions?” Hawksley stood there as he checked his wrist chronometer. He had wanted everyone to be on the same page and feel a purpose in engineering. “Remember, we work as a team. Not one of us is left alone if you have issues with certain checkups on your assignments.”

"Sir, I am looking forward to making this team function as it has always functioned and keeping our ship in order like always." Machado stated with a firm and confident tone to his voice.

Sem was hoping to maybe be fully moved to the Diplomatic Service by now but until there is a need for that, she was in the engineering department. "Thank you, Lieutenant Hawksley, I hope to deliver a worthy outcome of the tasks at hand."

"Sir, no further questions. I have handled this before and know what I need to do better this time around." Nelson stated with a sort of cockiness in his voice but a firm tone of confidence as well.

"Well then,” Hawksley looked at his wristwatch. “It looks like we have some time to get things sorted out. I will respect every one of your concerns and questions. I want us to be on the same page. Consider this meeting completed and your assignments handed out. Thank you once again. I am..." Hawksley paused. "One of the best highly equipped Officers Department on the Tomcat. I have faith in every one of you." Leland looked at every one of them, getting up signaling the meeting was completed.




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