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Shock an Awe

Posted on 26 Apr 2017 @ 9:38pm by Major S'arila Donovan

1,071 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Hydaransz 4 LZ/Orion F.O.B
Timeline: Mission day 26/27

((OOC: This Solo sim runs alongside Ground Assault 2 JP that is currently in progress and will be posted soon.))


After speaking with Dodd, Donovan gathered up Bravo Unit after leaving word with the marines that all attacking Orion's were to be killed unless they surrendered. With that done and leaving Dodd in charge, she and Bravo Unit left the LZ, bypassed the attacking Orion’s, and headed in the direction of the Orion F.O.B.

It took them another half-hour and the sun was once again setting, Dodd had impressed her with his skill, but she was sure that his extensive use of telepathy was breaking the rules of the Federation laws and such. But in her mind what happened out in the field, remain there she would say nothing of this as she needed the Intel and it was gotten. She wished now that she had asked him about the FOB, but so mad was she at being considered less than made her see red and she lashed out.

Now all she had to do was scout for the enemy base and destroy it, ten minutes into the next hour they reached the perimeter of the enemy base. It was well defended, but most of the base troops were attacking the LZ so Donovan had her snipers take out the tower sentries silently, when they had been silenced the sentries on the side the marines would advance on was neutralised.

With that task now done Donovan and her unit advanced on the base, all laid on the ground as two unseen guards were suddenly visible. S'arila growled in the back of her throat and signalling another one of her marines to take the sentry on the right while she would take the one on the left. Both officers pulled out their commando knives and clamping their hands over the guard's mouth gave both Sicilian neck-ties and the guards were dead before they hit the ground as blood flowed from their main arteries in their necks due to being slit.

Now with that done the unit moved into the base proper, Donovan assigned 12 marines to clear the base, while her team would take the communications building to locate more information. As the teams split up using silent hand signal orders to her team they leapfrogged as they checked the rooms, most were empty, those that had sleeping Orion's in them never woke up as they were killed.

The second team of Bravo Unit was placing the last spatial charge on a power conduit when an alert guard spotted them and shouted a warning before he could be silenced. The element of surprise was now gone and the sabotage team had to do a fighting retreat, as the extracted themselves Team Two leader activated his subdermal communications =/\=Johnson to Donovan =/\=

Inside the building, Donovan suddenly held her hand up in a fist and her team hunkered down where they were, she activated her Subdermal =/\= Go ahead Johnson =/\= she said as the base sirens sounded, she thought she could guess what Johnson was going to say.

=/\= Sorry Major we missed a guard, we managed to plant the spatial charges and were caught and took the guard out too late, we are pulling back to the entry point =/\= Johnson reported.

=/\= Understood El-tee, when you get there to secure our exit route, Donovan out =/\= she closed the link and signalled her team to advance. With the element of surprise now gone hostile Orion's popped out from rooms at unexpected times, but the marines were well trained and after the first time they never jumped again and with quiet efficiency cleared all but one room. Donovan had six marines split into three pairs and go about the building planting explosives, while she and five remaining marines prepared to take the Data and communications room.

She opened the door and four flashbangs had been primed and thrown in, the marines hid their eyes and blocked their ears as bright flashes and loud bangs went off amid the screams of the Orion's in the room. Then with sharpshooter precision, they entered the room doing one shot kills on the disorientated Orion's. After the smoke had cleared the only ones standing were the Rifles, at that point the six men returned with reports the explosives had been planted.

"Good, techs get to downloading the data and Communications logs, demolitions set up the explosives, the moment the data retrieval is complete activate the explosives" Donovan instructed and stood at the back to let her troops work, while this was going on, she activated her subdermal communications. =/\= Donovan to Johnson, is our ex-fil site secured? =/\=

=/\= Yes Major, ETA on return? =/\= Johnson asked.

She looked at how fast her team worked =/\= we will be done in five, see you in ten and be ready for a hasty retreat, we are setting this placed to blow sky high and it will be close =/\= Donovan said and she heard Johnson's sigh as he responded.

=/\= Understood Major, see you in fifteen, Johnson out =/\=

No sooner had her techs finished the demolition team also reported they had finished and all left the interior of the building quickly as they had set the timers with no room for delay. The hyper-alert second team pointed their weapons at someone approaching from the rear, then relaxed as they saw who it was.

“Okay people, let us hustle!” Donovan said and led them away from the FOB.

When they were safely away the explosives went off, first, it was the smaller ones than the ones placed on power units which set off a chain reaction. No one actually knew the base was so big until secondary fires entered the underground armoury and at a larger perimeter and at four corners and 5-metre intervals large explosions could be seen erupting from the ground, the marine’s felt the heat on their faces.

“What the hell was that?” a marine asked.

“I think that when the armoury blew it sent out a domino effect which caused the underground bunkers, the ones no one knew about to explode, exceptionally it would seem” Donovan answered. “C’mon let us get back to the LZ and let Lieutenant Dodd know what that explosion was” Donovan finished and remained silent as Bravo Unit made their way back to the LZ.


Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan[PNPC: Somers]
Bravo Unit Commander/Acting MCO
USS Tomcat


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