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What a mess!

Posted on 20 Oct 2022 @ 11:55pm by Captain Mazal Falk & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Edited on on 28 Oct 2022 @ 10:58am

6,013 words; about a 30 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine Messhall
Timeline: after briefing 2


Cassandra had finally made her way down into the Marine barracks. There the quartermaster on duty directed her to a locker to stow her gear and then gave her directions to the mess hall to eat. As the XO was in a mission briefing and Cassandra would need to wait a bit before getting herself fully checked in. She was shown to her shared room in the barracks area and then given a quick walk-through of the living quarters. All of which Cassandra was already strangely familiar with from her first brief stay. Still, She preferred the quartermaster's company and let him lead her around. It was better than being alone. The tour ended with the mess hall.

He took her through the line and then left her at a table to muse over everything. She had thought the familiar space like the lounge might trigger her again. Thankfully it hadn't if anything she felt stronger here as she watched the comings and goings of her fellow Marines. It made her think of a hive full of busy busy bees. It probably helped that her brother had never come down to this section of the ship minus her quarters. Which were no longer her quarters thankfully. The thought made her feel heavy. Why hadn't she let him into her world? Because she thought she had plenty of time... The thought made her pause as she sipped her coffee.

oO Am I wasting my own time now? Maybe. Hmmm... What a sin. Oo Cassandra chuckled darkly to herself. oO At least when I go, I won't be around to consider how much time I have wasted. Maybe that is why I am so hyper-aware of it now. interesting though... Seems far too deep even for me. Oo.

Cassi sat her coffee down. oO Enough of that for now! Oo She thought annoyed she pushed the thoughts from her head and instead started to pick idly at the surprisingly tasty-looking bit of meatloaf she had opted for. She ate it slowly. It was probably delicious, However to Cassandra, it tasted like dirt and felt like rocks in her belly, but it stayed down. She gave her mental blessings to her former counsellor Doctor Grimley. His prescriptions and meditations had helped her win yet another small battle for her well-being. Which reminded her... Cassandra rolled her eyes as she remembered that she still would need to check in with the new Counselor on board. A staff Sargent Lilliana Hawksley. oO Well, Drat. Oo Cassi thought bitterly then more cheerfully. oO, Well at least I can honestly say I am sober and that I am taking my medications as needed and I am eating. All positives. Though admittedly the last week she had been suffering from night terrors again and as of this morning the shakes. But setbacks were to be expected considering the circumstances. Oo She thought calmly to herself. She was going to be okay.

A tall woman with dark hair arrived in the mess hall, her clothing denoting that of being a marine. She looked around as if looking for someone, then gave a silent sigh. He hadn't returned. She walked over to where she could get something to eat. She was greeted by a couple of people.

"Hi Lieutenant Falk, how are things?" one of them asked.

She answered them with a bit of a smile. "It's going pretty good, how about you?"

After an exchange of pleasantries and they moved on and it was Mazal's turn to get something to eat. She decided just to get a sandwich, along with a salad and a lemonade. Her dark eyes swept the mess hall looking for a place to sit and eat, her eyes pausing upon a woman who sat alone.

She walked over and stopped at that table, "Hello, would it be alright if I joined you?"

Looking up from her plate Cassi had a moment like something out of a horror movie where she saw the pips and the rank and was compelled to jump up and salute. oO Hold on their girl, The XO isn't pitching a fit about it. The lady just wants to sit and eat like the rest of us. oO, So Cassi smiled and motioned to the seat across from her. "Please be my guest. I believe I was waiting to meet with you anyways so it works perfectly actually."

Mazal tilted her head slightly to the right, an eyebrow arched, "You were slated to meet with me?" then she sat down across from Cassi. "I'm Lieutenant Falk, Executive Officer of the 95th Rifles., she said with a pleasant smile.

"Second lieutenant Cassandra Mathews. Returning to the only home I have left, from an extended leave of absence." Cassi said with a respectful nod. She left off the part where she was the former MXO of the 95th rifles, ever so briefly. Before her life fell apart and took her on a trip to hell. "It's great to meet you." She added sincerely.

"Your name sounds slightly familiar., Mazal commented mid-bite. "Don't know why at the moment. I'll figure it out after my brain gets a little bit more energy from the food we're eating. Unless you can enlighten me?" her eyes having a hopeful look. "Oh sorry this might be sounding like an interrogation, and that isn't a good thing when eating."

"Some of the best interrogations are the ones that involve food and good humour." Cassi jested lightly. "I use to be the Marine Executive officer here about two years past. It was only for about a week so it's no surprise that I am not remembered. I was not even here long enough to unpack really." Not sure what else to add Cassi took a bite of her meatloaf. It was every bit as nice as it had promised to be. She took a moment to appreciate it.

Mazal gave a broad smile. "Oh there is the tickle torture of using a feather or something else to make someone squirm and try not to laugh or confess." she ate a few more bites of her food.

"Well welcome back to the family, Lieutenant, maybe you'll be able to help me out." Giving a bit of a smile and a lift of her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

Cassandra could not help but smile, "Of course. I am happy to help out. Do you have anything particular in mind?" She asked curiously. The MXO was nice. It was refreshing from the tough-as-nails sorts she'd had to deal with in her last duty station. Though that wasn't entirely true Cornel Robertson was like an M&M hard on the outside a big pile of sweetness in the middle. She had seen the pictures of him with his grandchildren and how unintimidating he could be when he would just relax. Not that officers had time to relax. Still, it was a stark reminder to Cassi that she had to keep learning that we are all just folk adrift in this screwy world. For good or bad. Cassi could be a hard ass too if she wanted. She just never found a situation that needed to be applied. Like the good first lieutenant here, Cassi found that leading with kindness was always the best option. I mean one could always resort to being an asshole if you had to after all, right? oO Shit! Oo she had let her mind wander. oO Just Perfect Cassi. Oo She was so used to being alone anymore. It was hard to break the habit of being lost in her thoughts these days. She gave herself a mental slap and gave her superior her attention once more.

"Well, as I get to know you I will be able to ascertain what your strengths are. I can be a bit of a taskmistress, and I don't pull any punches unless needed. I don't coddle people but I don't rip them apart either. I will rip into them if they truly get on my bad side. And I am not a nice person at all when I get very angry. I try to keep that in check though. " Mazal took a bite of her food.

"Fair enough. I'm a bit rough these days. I'll be upfront with you. I don't sugarcoat things. If you ask for my opinion or my insight on something I will be honest, Always. I present facts unless my opinion is asked for. In which case I consider my professional opinion is being asked of unless otherwise specified." Cassandra took a moment to take a drink. "I don't know if you have had an opportunity to look through my files. I don't even know what they say about me in there. I'm sure it's a mixed bag of nuts. Especially recently. I said I was going to be upfront with you. I lost my second family none too long ago. My brother C'Tirr use to be a security officer here. He..umm. he is gone too. I really don't know why I am back here. Except for the fact that I don't have any place in the universe to. So when I say I am fully at your disposal I want you to understand that if the time should come when hard choices need to be made, there is nobody to miss me. So I volunteer."

Mazal went into a strange silence, hearing a roaring in her ears and just stared at the woman in front of her. Her utensil dropped from her fingers, into the bowl below. She then spoke with a great amount of passion. "Don't. Ever. Say. That. Again." Her mind went back to someone saying that they didn't have anyone to miss them.

"You are now in this family, and there will be someone who will miss you. Someone who will be saddened by the loss of you, IF that were to happen. Don't make it sound like you are not important at all." her hand went to a band that was on her left wrist. "Everyone is an important piece to this machinery of this crew. Don't, just don't..." Mazal really reining in her emotions. "I am indeed sorry for your loss, I truly am."

There was something in the way Mazal reacted. The way she spoke, almost a haunted look. The sudden need for comfort, if the band on her wrist means anything. Hmmm... Curious. "Of course. My apologies. My therapist warned me about being gloomy in first in general. You're right I need to look at what I do have. Not at the things I lost.". Cassi managed something of a smile. "I'll do my best to remember what you said."

Mazal gave a nod, "It's not that I feel you were gloomy, I have had experiences of someone feeling that they were just a nobody, and could be just used and then just tossed away like trash." She shook her head. "I have seen someone do that to others, to use them like a sacrificial lamb and think nothing of it. Thankfully those persons didn't last too long. My squad before I came to the USS Tomcat, we were tight, no one thought each other to be just used and thrown away. They were willing to sacrifice themselves when there wasn't any other choice. They volunteered, and I had no choice but to accept their offer. They almost made it though. We know there are risks in what we do, going headlong into danger. Still, the loss can be felt for a long time."

oO Yeah, Cassandra you are an asshole. Oo She certainly felt like one for bringing up such a painful subject for Mazal. "I am very sorry." oO learn to think before you speak. oO then her therapist's voice tossed in a random Oo and try to be nicer to yourself. Kindness and self-love are the steps to a happy healthy life. oO Cassi dipped her head to hide the sudden tears. oO damn mood swings. Oo she thought miserably. Angry and sad at the realization that she was likely never going to see that goofball therapist again. It suddenly bothered her greatly almost painfully that she'd never have to smell those rancid incense, combined with that overly sweet aftershave of his. Listening to him drown on and on and on about coping skills yadda, yadda.

Deftly she rubbed at her eyes discreetly. Still, she knew it was futile when her hand came away wet and to her horror, she knew that it was happening again. How humiliating. She felt the first sob catch in her throat. She tried to smile reassuringly at Falk. "Sorry, umm. This is h..happens sometimes still. I should probably go and get myself sorted out." The apology was all Cassandra could offer as she stood up and began to gather her tray.

"Cassi..." Mazal stood up from the table. "you are okay, and I am sorry for the way I reacted." giving an apologetic smile towards her. oO Just great Mazal, you came on too strong. I probably need to go talk to Lamia and get this sorted out, didn't realize that what happened still was bothering me. Oo "Look Cassi, I mean Matthews. I didn't mean to lay all of this on you. You had struck a nerve that I didn't realize I still had."

" it's not you. It's an thing." Cassandra tried desperately to explain. Her breathing was getting shallow, Her hand slipped and the tray fell with a thunderous crash. Cassandra let out a scream. Terror danced like fairy fire in a tempest sea through her blue-grey eyes. She jumped backwards putting her back on the way. Where was she? Where was she? There were so many faces. Yet there seemed to be nobody at the same time. Something touched her arm and she screamed pulling away from the stranger. Her heart was racing and she closed her eyes trying to breathe. Yes, just breathe. In. Out. Simple. She let herself slide down to the floor. She was shaking, like a million bugs trooped under her skin. Just breathe. In. Out. In. Deeply. I'm safe. "I'm safe." She hardly registered that she'd spoken it out loud. The busy mess had paused. Faces. So many faces and yet there was nobody there. She covered her eyes. Hiding from the looks of concern and pity maybe even fear. It didn't matter.

Someone knelt down, someone literally picked Cassi up and moved her from the mess hall into a quieter place, a voice murmuring quietly, "Let's get you out of here." The someone was Mazal, deciding at that moment it was the best course of action to just get her out of there. Being sufficiently away from onlookers and finding a place, a room off to the side for Cassi to pull herself together, Mazal lowered Cassi to the floor and then sat down next to her. "Okay, you will be okay."

Cassandra was grateful. As the noise subsided and she began to relax as much as a bawling woman could against the shoulder of her CO. The terror was still there lurking like a shadow in her mind threatening to go off like a hand grenade. She was about to sniffle out a pathetic thank you to her savour when a young and familiar voice accompanied by a soft knock caught and held her attention. Those blue eyes looked up and filled with confusion and then a rush of surprise. The young Private first class stood there looking down at the MXO and Cassandra with worried eyes. When he noticed Cassandra looking at him he smiled.

"Hey, I see they busted you down a few ranks also." the boyish man said with jest. "I hope that is not what has you down. Because, as you can see they took me down a peg or two as well." The young man then looked at the MXO and let out a low whistle as his eyes seemed to drink in her face, then he caught sight of the pips and strategically looked away.

"Rhys?" Cassi said her voice filled with the same confusion that lingered in her eyes. Then more anger. "Rhys Antako! You slimy piece of.." She did not finish. As she became aware of the fact that she was still clinging to her MXO like a teddy bear. Not a position that elicited any amount of dignity for the moment.

"In the flesh. And I must say you are starting to look worlds better. I never knew my name had such magical qualities for women." The tone was cocky the eyes danced with merriment. He even went as far as to throw a quick wink Mazal's way. He then asked more tenderly. "You okay old friend? Because if this is a bad time I can come back later. I mean it's obvious you're working on a promotion right?"

"Old friend? We have only known each other for barely a year you stalker! How in the hell did you get here?!" Anger and annoyance burnt away the lingering terror. His words made her want to jump up and beat the tar out of him. He was the reason for a load of suffering for her. Yet he had saved her damn life. Had tried to save her brothers too. At the obvious cost to himself as she looked at the rank he now carried.

"Just lucky I guess. Though you are half right I did request this duty station mostly because C'Tirr had made mentioned that this ship gets to see action. and you know how I like action." Rhys retorted still with that stupid smile now of his. He was messing with her and her anger meant nothing to him. The way she flinched however when he mentioned her brother. "Sorry, Cass. That was low. Seriously how are you doing?"

When Rhys came over and started carrying on where Cassi was concerned, Mazal had a rather chilly, make that a really arctic stare at him. "Private, I suggest that you take a few steps back right now. You are teetering on the edge of making me very pissed off. And you really, really, do not want that." Mazal rather gracefully rose to her full height and staring down at him and also giving Cassi a hand up for her to stand. "You leave my marine alone if you can not treat her respectfully." her hands balling up into fists. Her expressive eyes were certainly filled with flame. "Do I make myself clear?" she growled out.

"Believe me this is him being respectful," Cassandra said her tone almost weary. As though she herself had to admit for a stalking, murderous wretch of a man he was being rather polite. He obviously wasn't here to kill her. Or the MXO here. Or maybe he was and he just didn't want the hassle of hiding two bodies. You never knew when it came to good ole Rhys. She thought about saying something to the MXO about the situation. But he hadn't done anything and she had no proof. Just her good word. her good ole crazy-ass word. oO Should go over well. Oo she thought bitterly to herself.

Rhys nodded with a child-like grin. As if Cassandra had paid him some ultimate compliment. "Yeah, See Kitten here understands. We are good old friends right?" he actually reached out and gave Cassi a playful pat on her arm. "We killed a bunch of people together. We are pretty close. You should tell her about it sometime Cass. Be good for your soul and all that therapy shit they are teaching you. "

"Yeah," Cassi said dryly, it took effort not to cringe away, "Maybe I will sometimes." oO Or maybe I can tell her how you shot and killed my brother you arrogant piece of shit. What more could you possibly do to me? Oo Instead she asked him her tone tired now. "What are you doing here?" She just wanted this done with. She had subconsciously put herself between the offensive man and her new MXO.

Rhys raised a brow, "I'm lonely. I thought I would come to check on you. You know after you went all bat shit in the mess hall. We already covered this." He said his voice beholding a mock sympathy that didn't match the absolute merriment in his eyes. He knew what she had meant, knew what she was asking him. He simply delighted in the power he held in knowing what she did not. He watched the anger and fear swirl through her own blue orbs. He wasn't lying, this time. But she didn't know that. It was a fun game. Finally, he added, "Seriously though I mostly came to check on you. I really was just reassigned here. Rumour has it shits about to go down. They need guys like me to help out. That's all. Nothing personal." He smiled at her with the last bit.

Seeing the effect his words had on her. Rhys slowly methodically reached into his pocket, He could feel her eyes watching his movements it made him chuckle as he pulled out the harmless pack of gum and offered a piece to the MXO. "Don't judge me too harshly. I am if by default one of the good guys. Part of the same team even. Part of the fam el ay. I'm just the uncle nobody likes to invite to weddings sorta family. That's all." He flashed his charming grin at Mazal again. It could have been in movies that smile and all the boyish charm it held.

Cassi wanted to kick his teeth in. Years of training prevented her from doing just that. It's what he wanted. A reason. So Cassi gave him nothing.

"What department are you in?" Mazal stated rather coldly that glint of danger in her eyes deepening further. "Wait..." she looked at Cassi. "C'mon, you do not need to deal with him." And she took Cassi by the arm and moved away.

Mazal was angry, but it was a fit of cold dark anger for Rhys had just stepped into an area he should not have, he was a manipulator and Mazal knew how to deal with them. There would be a chilly field that seemed to surround her. Now if Cassi and Rhys were to have asked someone about the side she kept locked away in its box, they wouldn't want to be around her.

"Cassi if you do not report him, I will do so and get him kicked off the ship," Mazal stated quietly to her.

Cassi walked in a sort of side step refusing to let her back be turned on the man who was leaning causally against the door frame to the room they had just vacated. He smirked and waved at her as they grew further apart before he turned and headed back toward the mess hall whistling as he went. The tune he had chosen cut her to the quick. it was the tune to her music box from back on Cait. The one her foster parents had gotten her to help her feel more at home. She kept his retreating form in her peripheral. Still, her words were for her new MXO.

"That man is dangerous. Reporting him might make him go away for a little while." Cassi's heart was still pounding, adrenaline coursed through her helping her knees to not shake, nor her hands to tremble. Cassi knew that reporting him would not amount to a bag of spit. She'd danced that dance before. It somehow ended up with her being demoted and kept in a hospital for serval months. Lesson learned. If Rhys was here it was because someone wanted him here. Pissing off whoever that was and making things harder would not suit well for Cassi or Mazal here. So Cassi took a breath.

"I know he is a bit of an ass. I can tell that you do not approve of him. But as much as I hate to say it." Just breathe Cassi, Deep breath. In ... out... "He isn't worth the trouble he might cause you if you go at him. Usually, I can handle myself better he just caught me off guard. To him, that was a good-natured chat. He was in truth trying to be a human for a moment. It's just not in his nature to care about anything or anyone I reckon. What I am asking I guess is could we just let the snake chase his mice and move down the trail? Please." Cassi feared for Mazal, she could already tell her MXO was a force to be reckoned with. That Rhys had managed to find and push a few buttons to play with what she could only imagine was a new toy for Rhys. He'd laid the bait. Cassi was hoping Mazal wouldn't take his bait. "Please," Cassi asked her blue eyes betraying her worry, betraying her buried fears.

"I know the game he is playing and vermin like that Cassi, need to be stopped. That manipulative beast and you are going to have to do it. When it comes to vermin where I am concerned, they are squished, smashed flat and terminated. I do not take kindly to someone like them. You do something with him and make sure you find your brass balls so to speak and don't tolerate his actions or I will terminate him permanently one way or another. With my being the acting captain of the marines what happens to my people, and someone like that is a danger to you or anyone else? I will take it to the highest order peacefully or non-peacefully." Mazal paused, then asked, "Does he like you that much, and act like the boy who fancies a girl by dipping her pigtails in an ink well?"

Cassandra felt a sting of shame whip through her. Mazal was right of course. Cassandra should have taken care of this issue with Rhys a long time ago. Though to be fair she had not expected to ever see him again after the court proceedings had finally reached their judgment on the matter. In favour of Rhys. How did she explain to this stranger, this woman so full of righteous anger? That she had fought good and hard against this man. This man who had helped take the last shred of her life away from her. Fought him physically, and emotionally, through J.A.G proceedings. She had tried and ultimately failed. That failure had taken nearly a year to come to terms with. Half joking Cassandra chuckled, It was for all its mirth an almost broken sound. "Well there is always the airlock," she muttered more to herself, Then louder,

"He doesn't want me, not like you are thinking. It's more. Like he said. He is lonely. I have seen what he can do. I know what he is. He just wants someone to show off for and flex to, to brag to. It gets him off I think. To know he can say what he can and I can't touch him. What if I did try to do something that wasn't in defence of my own life towards him he will in one call have me removed from the Marines which is all I have left. The fact he knows just by being here that he is causing me pain... He really likes pain." Cassi's lip trembled a little her voice so confident a second ago lost its edge. She twisted her hands together remembering the feeling of him breaking her knuckles whilst he had interrogated her. "So I guess what I am saying is. I am unsure as to how to handle the situation currently. I am open to suggestions. Though, I am still leaning towards the airlock idea honestly."

"The thing of it is, Cassi, he's stepped upon the wrong ship, to even try to mess with you. You see, the two Somers, Captain Somers and Colonel Somers, can and will deal with him on a permanent basis. All you have to do is let them know and his days will be numbered. You are not alone on this ship. In all honesty, he has just stepped into a roach hotel, when it comes to those that are evil, like him, roaches go in but they don't come out."

Mazal got a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Then there would be, the XO Commander Dodd, then my boyfriend Lieutenant Tosrol Ze. He is the chief of security, Then there is our chief of intelligence. I can keep on naming people who have the ability to deal with the likes of him.' and evil grin developed, as she rubbed her hands together. "In fact, he has stepped into a trap of his own making. He will not last long..."

Something akin to hope flared in Cassandra's chest. She was so used to being alone. fighting alone. It almost hurt to consider that there might be others who might believe her. Who her. It seemed so foreign a concept. "He killed my bro.. brother C..C'Tirr. He umm..." The first set of fresh tears steamrolled down her face. Second time in one meeting. But her words held something besides sadness. There was a pleading of hopefulness. she cleared her throat and picked up again.

"My brother served as security briefly on the TomCat here. I was the serving MXO at the time. Our parents died suddenly back h..h.home on Cait. So we took leave to go tend to that and see them off. That shallow creep, Rhys, he was there... I don't know why. I can't prove it but I think he could have had something to do with my parent's death. C'Tirr he, He thought so too but we couldn't prove it. It became apparent that somebody was covering for him. Before my brother and I could dig any deeper into the matter we got abducted." Cassi shuddered and pushed away the curtain of terror that threatened to descend and smoother her.

"We were held for God knows how long. hours, days, weeks... Time didn't really exist. If he wanted something he never asked for it, not from me. Mainly he liked making us watch him hurt the others. Because he could. I am only here because my brother was able to trick him. it.. it cost my brother his life." She cleared her throat. "When I, I escaped I thought it would be over you know. I reported him to Star Fleet. They even had a hearing and it was determined that due to my p..p.parents death I was not of sound mind they tried to convince me that my brother was still alive and that I was simply having a mental down." She hiccupped trying to get the story out before she changed her mind. "They said I had hurt myself, they had me locked away. Nobody would believe me. They have him listed as Missing in action. but my brother is dead. he's dead that jackass killed him for sport. Put a bullet in his head, And...and nobody would help me. " It felt like a dam had burst. She was so angry and sad but relieved that the truth was known to at least one other person and hopefully they would believe her. Cassi leaned back against the bulkhead covering her face. Talking about it was so hard. It still played like a move in her mind.

"I got away. But my brother didn't, h. he. he didn't." Cassi's blue eyes glanced down the corridor where Rhys had gone. The anger was almost as consuming as a tsunami. It ebbed quickly. Anger was a deceptive beast. It screamed and raged like a torrent for revenge. Mazal was right. They had spent months reminding her that she was alone. that nobody would believe her because she was crazy. "My brother didn't abandon his post. He is not missing. He was murdered. Rhys Antako, h... he shot him three times with a fifty-calibre bolt action rifle, custom-made. After systematically torturing him over an extended period of time." She could see the gun like a face imprinted in her mind. Smell the polish and oil of it. the sound of the bolt clicking back to feed its hungry chamber. "I saw him do it. I don't know why he is here. But he is not my friend. The people he spoke of. The ones we killed together. It's a lie. He wants me to think that my brother is dead because I managed to escape. That it's my fault somehow that C'Tirr was shot. I just wanted to bury my parents in peace. I still don't know why or how they died..." She wiped the last of the tears away. Waiting. Holding her breath. "Please help me," she asked, not just to Mazal, but to the universe, to any friendly deity that might be listening. To anybody really. She was so tired of fighting alone.

"Well you are not alone, I've got connections that you will also be making. Let's set up a sting, Cassi, just need to go speak with Lieutenant Ze, and also Lieutenant Benson gets a plan set up in place to where the little weasel will not be able to get out of. Are you game for that? Do you want to catch a devil and send him to where he belongs? Even maybe get help into finding out what happened to your parents." A dangerous spark in Mazal's eyes could be seen.

Cassandra felt as though the weight of the world had shifted. It was lighter, brighter, she felt her chest relax in a sigh. Mazal believed her. She nodded as she spoke the words sprang from her lips as though they had waited there forever. "Yes, oh God yes. I have my brother's files. From his investigation. I know why Rhys killed him. Went after him. My brother had found the connection. When I was with him last, before.." Cassandra took a deep breath before she could continue. "Before Rhys got the jump on us." She felt the goosebumps rise on her flesh. "His trail of victims. He went after my brother because somehow he got his hands on Rhys's trophies. It's not an easy read. I almost lost it.. if I hadn't hidden it. Made copies it would be lost by now to the archives. There might be something to help us figure out why he might be here." She offered.

"Well then, let's get that information to security and let them do their magic. Believe me, they are highly capable people. It will be his undoing for coming onto this ship. And it is well planned out with some hopefully backup plans and really there are that old saying Well made plans of mice and men often go awry. That has already happened if you think of it. It is long overdue for him to be caught and punished." Mazal smiled once more, but this one had some warmth for Cassi.

"That sounds great." Cassandra couldn't help but wonder if she might be dreaming. That perhaps she'd fallen asleep in the mess hall? But no, it was real. Justice. She couldn't dare but hope. She felt herself smile. It was nice to smile, better even though to have a reason to smile. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, let's get that information and get it to the security team," Mazal stated, quite happy to see Cassi smile.




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