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[Backpost] Experimental Progress

Posted on 18 Oct 2022 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 28 Oct 2022 @ 11:18am

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: While docked at Starbase 51


The ship had been docked at Starbase 51 a short while, and during that time Jane Sinclair had managed to finish her draft proposal. It had taken a lot of time and effort, but she had something that looked like a viable plan going forward for her idea.

She had it all written on the PADD in her hand, and the PADD bore the electronic signature of the Chief Medical Officer. But protocol required that she also get the approval of the Chief Science Officer. It was, after all, a scientific endeavor she was working on.

Jane found him in one of the ship’s science labs. “Lieutenant Thompson, do you have a moment?”

"You're lieutenant Sinclair are you not? It is good to make your acquaintance. What can I do for you?" Matt asked.

"That's right, sir," Jane answered with a nod. "I'd like your approval to approach Starbase 51 science and medical personnel with a research proposal." She handed him the PADD. "A short while ago I was conducting some tests in the medical lab involving modified Orion-type pheromones, and my initial results were promising. I've written up a proposal to continue the studies in the station labs, using the added resources they can bring to bear." She smiled. "I'd also love any input you can offer."

"Sounds like an ambitious experiment, if it doesn't present a danger to the crew, Dr. Sinclair, Of course, I will sign off on it," Matt said.

“Most of it won’t even be on the ship,” Jane replied. “Station is better equipped, they can bulk replicate the compounds in question, and can give us the highest number of test subjects. But yes, safety was a top concern in planning. We actually learned some useful safety lessons in the small test I did in Medlab One. No one was hurt or anything but one of our controls wasn’t quite as effective as I would have liked, so I designed and sim-tested a better one. If done in a controlled lab setting, no danger to anyone at all.”

"Excellent I will sign off on it then," Matt said.

"Thank you!" Jane set the PADD on the workbench. "It's all there, including a spot for you to sign. I have a meeting with the station's deputy science chief in thirty minutes, but this PADD will send me the approved copy once signed. Thank you so much again!"

Matt signed the proposal and sent the lieutenant on her way.

"I look forward to your progress reports, Dr. Sinclair." Matt said.

"Thank you, sir," Jane said with a grin. "You don't be disappointed." Pleased as punch that the CSO had approved her work so quickly, and taking the dismissal for what it was, she sauntered out of the science lab, ready to submit her proposal to the Starbase 51 science department.




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