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One for the Road

Posted on 28 Oct 2022 @ 3:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Ensign Tiffany Zellers & Ensign Autumn Cole

5,318 words; about a 27 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Lounge
Timeline: before Departure


The briefings were done and the mission was about to kick up fully. So Dodd decided to get a drink in the lounge and kick back with the crew before the stress sets in. So he signalled those that he could to meet in the lounge.

Dodd arrived in the lounge and had a round of Tiberius Flirts prepared for those he invited. Tiberius Flirts are a drink Dodd created in honour of Captain Kirk. it was a beverage that contained earthy fruits and Tellarite alcohol that made the fruit flavours explode on a humanoid's tongue.

Lt. Goodwin arrived and saw Dodd.

"Great to see you here, how are you doing?" Goodwin asked of the XO.

"Been great," Dodd replied. "I figured we needed a bonding moment before the mission and all of us get too busy to realize what the others are doing. Sounds like you will be quite busy."

"I am not certain what our tasks involve but I will enjoy getting my hands dirty as it has been a while since I was doing what I enjoy doing." Goodwin replied.

Mazal came walking in taking a look around and noting where Dodd was seated she went to have a seat nearby, "So some relaxation before we head on out?" giving a flash of a smile. "What do you have in mind? A few drinks and some laughs?"

A short time later, a tall redhead, Ensign Cole, walked inside the lounge, and looked around. Seeing that there were officers gathering, she took note of them and took a seat at the bar, and ordered drink. Her spot though was where she could watch things in general, and just enjoy observing the crew she would be working with. Her hazel gaze paused upon Commander Dodd, a touch of a blush coloring her cheeks. She hadn't gone to meet him at all in the capacity of him being the XO. She saw his image though on the manifest.

oOPerhaps I should go introduce myself to him. He might be busy though there are others arriving. I'll just watch here, hopefully he doesn't find me creepy watching him and the others though.Oo Autumn thought to herself.

Hawksley and Hewitt walked both into the Lounge. They thought it would be an excellent time to sit, drink, and mentally prepare for their subsequent missions. Both would be on their separate paths, and Hawksley had done his best to prep the fellow officer on the workings, considerations, and operations of the Nebula class variant he would be temporarily Chief of Engineering.

As of right now, they were Chief of Engineering, the one the Tomcat and the other the yet-to-be-named nebula variant class.

“Dodd, Falk.” Hawksley greeted them and sat with Hewitt on the other side of the large table. “It is…” Hawksley breathed a sigh of relief. “Good to see all your faces again.” Leland let his face rest on Falks. There was a longing there, but it was held and swallowed. He hoped Falk would be ok on this mission. He hoped for Dodd, for everyone.

"Hawksley, you are a genuine good soul. But I have to ask, what do you know of that tall drink of a ginger at the bar?" Dodd asked as he turned his gaze to the Ensign a the bar.

Mazal noticed the look in Leland's eyes, and greeted him, "Its good to see you once more, in a less than official way. How is Lilli?"

At Dodd's remark concerning an ensign at the bar, she turned her attention in that direction. "I have no clue who that is. I've not met her before."

Autumn gave an internal eeks, realizing that her observation of those at the table has been noticed, many scenarios passed through her mind, she opted for one hoping that would make her seem more cool and collected. She raised her drink towards the table and gave them a nod in greeting.

Dodd raised his concoction to the Redheaded ensign and also gave her a sultry grin. He has not seen a redhead that caught his eye like she does.

"I am not sure but I would like to get to know her more at some point, but maybe as we prepare for a mission is not the proper timing." Dodd remarked to his comrades at the table.

Leland felt ashamed when she brought up Lilli. Why did he let his eyes… Why… He chastised himself. He swallowed. “Lilli is doing well. Of course, the baby has us all in a sorts coming up.” Hawksley looked at his glass.

Hearing Dodd, he smiled. Turning his head over across to the lounge bar. “I’d say… She either has an aneurism that she can’t turn her head away from you, Dodd. Or that she wants you to invite her over here.”

Leland smiled at Falk, and then waived for the lonesome redhead “Come join us, please!” Leland smiled. “We won’t bite, at least we won’t.” Hewitt laughed and turned to Dodd. Taking a drink Leland relaxed back in his seat.

Autumn's eyes grew rather round when she realized she was definitely noticed and was being called over there. oO Oh gosh what am I going to do. And what a smile the XO has. And the others they have nice smiles. Breathe just breathe they are just people. Should I go join them? Oh help me.Oo

Mazal was smiling as she watched, as Leland was doing his best to bring in the new crew member. Mazal was also watching the woman's eyes, as they seemed to be reflecting the inner decisions the ensign was trying to make.

"Good heavens she is in a struggle right now." Mazal remarked.

Jane Sinclair came into the lounge and noticed a group of very familiar faces all together. She grinned and approached her friends. On the way she saw how a few were looking at a cute Ensign in Intelligence Grey. She giggled and leaned in behind her ear. “They’re harmless,” she said with a laugh. “Come along then.” She gestured for the intel girl to follow as she found a spot around the table. “‘Allo friends!”

"Hey, Jane, glad you could join us and I see you coaxed a friend to join in on our fun before the mission." Dodd replied as he stood up to be a gentleman for the ladies. "Feel free to sit and drink with us. We are more fun than those standing at bar other than maybe the bartender." Dodd was looking directly at Autumn.

"I am Remington Dodd, nice to have you on the crew of this fine ship." Dodd stated to Autumn.

The unexpected voice in her ear caused Autumn to give out a slight squeak, and swiftly turned around to see a blonde woman with tints of blue in her hair. Autumn couldn't help but smile, the woman's genuine smile needed to be answered with one of her own. Autumn decided to join this interesting group. As she and the woman, approached the group, Autumn blushed especially with Remington's gaze.

"Er hi, hello..I'm Ensign Autumn Cole." Autumn giving a light laugh. "Yes I can see that you are more fun. I was enjoying watching you over there though, but, being closer will just add to the fun?" holding out her hand to shake his.

Mazal hid a laugh as she watched the whole proceeding with Ensign Cole. She managed though to keep a straight face, except for giving out a bit of a welcoming smile. "Welcome to the crew."

Dodd shook the young ensign's hand. "So I take it you just came aboard and will be serving us in intelligence. You have a top notch supervisor and should you need anything come see me, as the XO, I will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have." Dodd could sense she was nervous to a degree but very confident as well.

Autum's eyes flared wide when she felt his hand in hers. There was a strength in them, but not a crushing strength, she even felt her pulse race. He worked with his hands, she didn't know much of his history but definitely a confident grip, she matched his gaze though even though there was a hint of a blush yet again. She couldn't help herself.

"I've met Lieutenant Sh'shraaquir, I think she will great to work with. I'm part of the linguistics and encryption department." Autumn glanced around the rest of the table and then back to Dodd."But um since this seems to be a more informal gathering maybe shop talk can be had later on?" she looked down at her hand still holding his. "And maybe I need to give your hand back to you."

Leland took his drink and sucked from the straw; an unrefined gurgling of the straw was let out as he watched the scene play before them. He did everything to hold back from asking ‘when is the wedding?’ of Cole having met Dodd. It was hilarious how Sympatico things were now.

He remained smiling and kept his seat, shuffling aside to let Sinclair steal a seat next to Leland. He patted the seat. “Sinclair. Take a seat at ease!”

A seat which the young doctor accepted with a smile and nod. "Thanks!"

Just then, Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt showed up. "Toddski.. Here come have a seat."

"I didn't realize there was a drink session, Sir." Todd relayed. As he left from the bar seats to take a seat at the now growing table.

Leland chuckled. "You can drop the Sir. We're not on duty, and even then..." He flummoxed. "When do I order you to call me Sir on duty Hewitt?"

"Never!" Hewitt scoffed. As Leland and he chuckled.

Just then Tiffany Zellers walked through the doors with her walkman on, she was chewing bubble gum and split it when she seen the Senior Staff sitting at the table. "Oh my gawd. This is like.... Should I take a seat and introduce myself?" She spoke to herself out loud.

She walked over, rather sauntered with a kick in her step. "Hi." She extended her hand to the group. "My name is Tiffany. I am the newest recruit to Security. Don't tell Ze I'm here having a drink!" She giggled and then ruffed her hair to one side. She was having a diet coke at the moment with a straw.

"Welcome, Tiffany. We all don't bite here." He then leaned his head over towards Dodd.

Autumn then turned from Dodd catching sight of the next one to arrive. "Hi, Autumn Cole, Ensign and in Intelligence." giving a light laugh. And walking around to shake everyone's hands. She found a place to take a seat, somewhere, and looked over towards the tall brunette. "Pleasure."

Mazal gave a nod in her direction. "Yup these people are good people." giving a friendly smile.

“Best in the fleet!” Jane cheered as a waiter brought her over a ginger ale. “And the Corps,” she added, nodding with a grin to Mazal and Ms Goodwin.

Mazal grinned and raised her own glass towards Jane, "Here here!" then nods towards Goodwin, "Good to see you here."

"Great to see you once again as well." Goodwin replied to Mazal.

Dodd was wondering about this Ensign Cole as she was easy on the eyes and her mind was well controlled. However there was another new redhead in the mix, another ensign as well. He needed to be more aware of the new crew members coming aboard but he had not read the PADD with all the names as he came back for the rapid briefing and this was to be the last gathering before the ship departed.

Dodd stood up and raised his glass, "To all who are gathered here now, I salute you all for the fine service you have done to our ship and our crew and to Starfleet. May the great bird of the galaxy bless us all on this new mission."

Now Mazal had grabbed one of the drinks that had been provided by Remy and took a sip of it, quite enjoying the flavors of it.She lifted it towards him "I agree with you on that."

“Here, here.” Hawksley replied as he took a drink that Dodd had replicated for them all. He watched Dodd and he was in his glory. He was an excellent Commander and due to be Captain of his own vessel he was very sure of it. Leland smiled. He was relaxed around the people as they all served well and enjoyed each other just as much.

Hawksley nudged Hewitt to raise his glass as well.
Todd turned from Zellers and then raised his glass. Todd well kept to himself usually, quiet, unassuming yet grunted. “Here, Here. To the Tomcat and to all who serve her.”

Autumn was just amazed at the camaraderie that this group of people shared. Some of them seemed like they were good friends, others were newly acquainted but were seeming to flow in rather well. "Er to what happens in the near future and us becoming friends for those of us being new." Autumn was taking in the shapes of faces of the people who were gathered here. Mapping out images in her mind to draw when she got back to her quarters. This was one way she liked to sort of do a journal, images of events after they had taken place. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sensing a calm and kind mind, Dodd knew Cole was a emotional person but yet she seemed like she knew her way around making friends. "Welcome aboard to all the new faces gathered among us." Dodd stated specifically looking at the mesmerizing hazel eyes of Ensign Cole.

Mazal glanced over at Jane, then back at Remy. Was there something going on here? She even looked over at Leland, arching one of her dark eyebrows. This was proving to be something rather interesting.

Leland watched back at Mazal and Jane. This indeed, was happening! He grinned to himself not wanting to disrupt anything naturally occurring.

oO I have chills, there multiplying, and I am loosing in control, becasue the power she's supplying is electrifying. Oo Dodd thought to himself as he admired the young ensign that he could not seem to take his eyes off of nor get out of his mind, do to speak.

"Hey, Leland, I added an upgrade to Hercules' code that will let him consume less energy but also allow him to store more data as he adapts to the future addition to your family." Dodd advised his buddy.

“That’s why he was concerned this morning. Hercules was thrashing through all of my padds. One had a distinct worrying scent from me on it he must have smelled. Herc kept on querying me on our next mission worried.” He paused, reflecting on all that Dodd had done for Hercules and his onboard AI programming and having personally vouched for Hercules to the Captain. He did all that for him.

“I assured Herc that everything would be fine, that we will all be in this together and that I will not, and you Sir., will not be leaving him.” The AI was an older golden retriever that Leland had long since known as a lone child, now becoming 34 years old and none the wiser.

“Thank you, Dodd. You always make my life and Hercules’s life, no matter how contained it be, worth it.” He spoke with a hint of heartbreaking in his voice.

Autumn noticed Dodd looking at her, even though she was trying to not pay attention to him. Her cheeks were turning a dark pink though. "Um okay so..." looking at Jane, "You are in medical? I think I'm supposed to report into you for my arrival on the ship medical exam?"

Autumn then leaned forward to where she could see the others. "Its obvious she is a marine." nodding towards the tall brunette.

"How could you tell?" Mazal asked.

"Well, besides the green indicator of your uniform, you have the wrist band that you wear in honor of a fallen comrade. There is also the callouses upon your hands which indicate you use weapons." Autumn stated. And also I did hear someone refer to you and Lt. Goodwin as being in the corps."

"Now if I hadn't overheard the introductions I could have guessed that the two of you," looking at Hawksley and at Hewitt, "are in engineering, and the lady there, who had just arrived, she does look like she's in security, just by the body posture." looking at Tiffany. "And, Commander Dodd," turning her attention back to the XO, "He's been in an area where he had worked with his hands, more than likely engineering."

Mazal just looked at Ensign Cole a bit speechless. She didn't quite know what to say on this matter.

"I admire a person who can read a room and notice details most seem to overlook." Dodd replied to Cole. "I was once the chief engineer and turned it over to a good man. You must be in intelligence for the ability to read the signals seems on par." Dodd said with a cheeky grin as he was now really liking this young new ensign and wondered what her backstory was.

"To answer your original question, Ms. Cole, yes I'm in Medical," Jane answered, laughing as the conversation was taken away from that line of questioning. "Come see me tomorrow; I'll be around starting at oh-eight-hundred."

Hawksley grinned at Jane. Of course, Jane would love to help with the Medical aspects ensuring that Ensign Coleman was treated with the utmost kitten gloves. As always!

Tiffany smiled and kept to herself. She wanted a cigarette so bad. Her buddies on the other vessels would share a pack now and then, but she could tell these Officers were above that. Not above persons, but above treating their bodies that way. Now she was more than ever enlightened.

“My Diet Coke says that I enjoy aspartame, an old earth sweetner. Not a good kind, that I don’t always treat my body the way it should be, like my temple that it is.” She blurted out. “But I am no longer alone now, there seems to be everyone around.” She couldn’t help but feel a blush of kinship.

Autumn gave a nod towards Jane. "I will be there most definitely." Giving a warm smile towards her. She looked over at Tiffany, "Nice group right?"

"It is so nice to see someone who is new as well. I feel at home here when I am with these people. I don't know, I just feel it." She smiled at Autumn. And then tiffed her hair looking in the direction of Hewitt and then looked downward at the table.

Mazal finished her one drink, looked around at the others, giving them a bit of a smile. It was lovely to be a part of this friendly gathering but her mind decided to kick into another mode, that of work. Mazal felt she left something undone back at the office. "Lades and Gentlemen, while this has been a great gathering, I must bid you all adieu." she rose from her chair, giving a slight bow. "No rest for the wicked they say." giving a laugh, Mazal gave a friendly wave and headed out of the lounge.

Autumn watched as the tall Marine XO left, "Interesting lady, I hope I didn't embarrass her by my observations."

“More likely you impressed her,” Jane replied. “Observation skills like that are hard to come by. You might make a good diagnostician. Or private investigator. Or Intel officer,” she added with a chuckle. She was reminded of the holonovel she and her ex had tried about the private detective who pretended to be psychic but was in fact just exceedingly observant.

"Well I am an intelligence officer, so, I am in my correct niche then" Autumn giving a bit of a smile. "What was that she was drinking? It smelled good, kind of a fruit drink with an extra punch?" looking at the others.

"It is what Commander Dodd calls a Tiberious Flirt, a drink he created for his dates back when he was in the academy and had available for events like this. He likes his hard liquor but for a fun time he drinks hard fruity drinks." Goodwin replied to Cole. "You will see that our crew is more like a huge family and I think you will fit in very nicely."

"Dodd keeps us all glued together in a good way. Without Dodd here, we wouldn't have events like this much less communication." Hawksley took a drink of his non-alcoholic beverage and then sat it back down. He was enjoying the rest and camaraderie for the moment. Lord knows what their mission would entail upcoming.

"I'd like to try one, especially to see if I can figure out what he put in the drink." Autumn replied then looked over at Dodd. oO I wonder if I will guess the contents right. I've practised even enough to know the taste of different wines and other alcohols. Going to be a challenge but would be fun to try.Oo

"So you seem to be mentally attempting to figure out my concoction but it is not what you think it is." Dodd stated as he could tell she was analyzing the cocktail. "I wish you the best but even the replicators can't make it right." He then raised a glass to Ensign Cole, smiled and then took a drink.

"The replicators make everything a tad off I find lately, is it just me?" Hawksley relaxed and finished off his drink. "Nothing I did to change them of course."

"I don't see how you could, their sub-neutronic matrix re-animation assembly is substantivized." Tiffany nodded.

"What, these weren't made by hand? I thought they were." rising up to get one of the Tiberius Flirts. She had to agree with the statement from Lieutenant Hawksley that at times the replicated food can taste a little bit, off. She had to sample the drink now, just to see if there was the slightly off flavor to it.

"I have the drinks made by hand in a large batch and thus the exact combination of flavors each glass gets may not be the same." Dodd replied as he stood up to defend his recipe. "But I will admit that one of the more exotic fruits involved was replicated as it is extremely hard to get. That may also affect the flavor. But everything else is grown in our hydroponics lab."

Raising his hand upward with the Tiberius Flirt, Hawksley would be remiss not to remember that there was a call for general cheers to Ensign Cole. “Cheers indeed to Ensign Cole. To new friends and new experiences together!”

“Cheers to new friends and to meeting you all. Especially Ensign Cole.” Tiffany had nodded to Todd and Hawksley and Dodd. There were now three glasses upwards awaiting that of Dodd’s and Cole herself.

It was when Thyra made her dramatic entrance. "Well now I feel a little blue that I got in so late. Can I join in this party, or is it an invitation only." She put a grin on her face showing a set of bright white teeth which seem more whiter due to her blue skin.

Autumn had just gotten her drink when her superior officer arrived. "Welcome Lieutenant Sh'shraaquir, I kinda crashed the party, which is why I am here. Glad you arrived." giving an answering broad grin. "I think the party was just getting started as I try to make out the taste of this Tiberius Flirt, that Commander Dodd had made. Well actually I'm just going to analyze it. And the party is more in the hands of the others." Autumn quipped with a light laugh. And then she took a sip allowing the liquid to sit upon her tongue as she worked to identify the ingredients.

She identified, to herself at first oO Pineapple, mango, with strawberries, kiwi with a dash of orange, lemon and lime. Oh I detect the taste of passion fruit. Its so good!Oo another sip and Autumn detected the alcohol in it. "oh wow that adds a nice bite to this drink. Definitely a bit flirty I would say." taking another drink from her glass.

"You are enjoying the flavors, I can tell. But it could be "1 for Sorrow and 2 too bad for the full recipe." Dodd stated reading Cole's body language as she savored the flavors. "I feel like there is some flirting involved in the beverage as it should have something for tickling anyone's taste buds and making them feel like they are being flirted with much like the namesake it is honoring."

“Thyra!” Jane called, raising her glass. “Haven’t seen you since the Rescue Op. Glad that’s over, my God.”

Thyra gave a nodd to the doctor and smiled.

"Well it certainly is being flirtatious." Autumn drinking a bit more, then she looked over towards Tiffany, Hawksley and Hewitt, raising her almost empty glass towards Tiffany. "I agree to new friends" giving a brilliant smile. Then Autumn sipped a bit more of her glass, coming down to the last of it. She wondered though, would a second glass taste the same or would the flavor change?

A second glass was retrieved and Autumn took a drink, savoring this like the other. Her eyes widened, as it seemed that the flavors were different than what Autumn tasted before. Instead of trying to identify the ingredients, Autumn decided to just savour the drink, somewhat going into a daydream state, the drink was indeed flirtatious. The dance, the thrill of the chase. And then sort of a kiss as her lips met the lip of the glass which held the drink.

Todd smiled and beamed at the friendly Andorian. “Thyra. It is good to see you. I trust you are doing well.” Hewitt greeted her and smiled. Shifting his seat to the side, Hewitt ensured she would have a place at the table.

“Would you care for a drink; I can get you one from the bar. What would you like?” Todd gestured.

Todd smiled and beamed at the friendly Andorian. “Thyra. It is good to see you. I trust you are doing well.” Hewitt greeted her and smiled. Shifting his seat to the side, Hewitt ensured she would have a place at the table.

Thyra a little overwhelmed by all the attention took the seat next to to Todd, "Thank, you." She said smiling.

“Would you care for a drink; I can get you one from the bar. What would you like?” Todd gestured.

She looked around smiling at everyone and then nodded to Todd, "Oh yes, please, a non alcoholic fruit cocktail would be lovely now. Thank you,

Tiffany smiled. “Thyra, it is nice to meet you, Lieutenant.” She dropped the JG. “I am Ensign Zellers, Security.”

Thyra nodded to Tiffany. "Nice to meet you to, Ensign. I hope security is treating you well.

Hawksley nodded. “Thyra, it is once again a pleasure to see you, welcome!” Leland embraced the excellent officer.

"Same here, Lieutenant, same here." Thyra hugged the engineer back.

Autumn was getting to the last part of her second drink, having been quietly enjoying it, she glanced at the other glasses and decided she shouldn't get another. It would be rather selfish of her. Besides she didn't want to embarrass Thyra if Autumn got drunk after several more of those delicious flirts.

Sensing someone was reacting to the Tellarite Alcohol, Dodd made a move to keep people from becoming too inebriated. But for a couple, they had already passed the point of equilibrium. "Are you okay? Dodd stated to Cole as she approached her to help her steady herself.

When he neared Autumn she could be heard saying softly, "Okay next time you have these, make sure you have something to eat." she looked up at Dodd when he came by her side. "I think I need to get to my quarters and lay down. Or at least get me something to eat when I get there. I hate to ask this of you, sir, but could you make certain I get to my quarters and I not fall flat on my face? This is so embarrassing." she mumbled.

A smile began to form on Jane’s lips, but she suppressed most of it and kept quiet. oO Smooth Oo.

"Well it is the respectable thing to do since I supplied the beverages. It would be my honor to see you safely to your quarters and get you a bite to eat." Dodd replied as he put his arm around Cole to support her more before she fell. oO I know someone is thinking this a sort of pick up move but it is not, while she is attractive, I don't take advantage of anyone unless it is necessary. Oo He could not tell specifically who was thinking the thought as there were many random thoughts in the area.

Dodd then escorted the attractive young woman to her quarters and was going to call it a night. "Good evening all of you and may the next mission be a success. See you all when duty calls in the morning." Dodd sated as he left with Ensign Cole on his arm.

"Well, everyone it has been a great time visiting and drinking with all of you, but I better had to my bunk as I am expecting a long day tomorrow as well. Good Night!" Goodwin stated to the group and then she departed a few moments after Dodd and Cole left.

"I have a morning shift, so should probably go too," Jane said, finishing her soft drink. "Until later, friends," she added. She set her glass on the table and left.

Leland agreed. Hewitt and Zellers both had a few drinks and felt like a stroll down to the ship's arboretum. It was a shame to spend a nice drink and then not take a stroll and mingle, even if it were them. "Arboretum time!" They clanked their empty glasses and set them down on the table all leaving in good company.

Thyra looked at everyone leaving. "Well looks like I was late to the party." She finished her drink at got up. "I think I will head to my bed as well. It was a long day, and I don't suspect it will get any shorter tomorrow. Thank you all for the company and a good night." She then walked to the exit.

[TAG:] Thyra did you want to add something to this?

OOC: Maybe we should wrap this up. :)









Ensign Autumn Cole
Intelligence, USS Tomcat

Ensign Tiffany Zellers
Security, USS Tomcat


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