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Bite to Eat

Posted on 11 Nov 2022 @ 9:12pm by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 16 Nov 2022 @ 7:22pm

1,864 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: USS Roosevelt, Mess Hall
Timeline: Current


Onboard the USS Roosevelt, Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt looked around the smaller classed format. Indeed, it was no doubt that the nebula class variant vessel was spartan. This did not bother Todd. He was used to smaller quarters, smaller ships along the Federation side he served.

The mess was one of the focal points of the USS Roosevelt. The room was packed at this time of day. Having been dinner hour, Todd grabbed a quick lunch to go in the replicator line. A Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich. A carton of milk and an apple.

Breathing outward, he mused, “Ok. Todd, find a spot, settle in and settle down now.”

There weren’t any seats available. He turned around, about to leave when one spot seemed to be open. A silver tabletop with a 1st Lieutenant.

Todd walked over and introduced himself in a hurry, since he was rather famished. “Lieutenant JG Hewitt reporting for duty to sit down and have a bite to eat next to a fine officer.” He cheekily asked if he could have a seat. No harm, no foul.

Mazal was midbite in her sandwich, and motioned for him to have a seat while she finished taking her bite then chewing it. Once her mouth was empty, and washed her roast beef sandwich down with her sparkling lemonade, "How's it going Lieutenant? That was an impressive amount of details you gave out at the briefing, reminded me of Lieutenant Hawksley. Love hearing talk about his engineering projects."

"You know my direct CEO." Hewitt had paused. "This was a good thing hopefully. Taking a drink of his carton of milk and then set it down aside on his tray. He looked at his tray and then out the windows and then back to Mazal.

"We both think along the same Engineering lines. He sets the time lime and the capabilities of completing tasks within said timelines. We work good together, sometimes too good." He laughed.

"You know of my boss? I wasn't sure since you are 1st Lieutenant in the Marine Cores. Not always do the two pass over on a ship." He was reminded at his last meeting that Engineering speak was catatonic in some circles.

"Congratulations on your Brevret Status. The CO's have fine confidence in your abilities. I am certain you will be placing them to the details of our upcoming mission." He broached their mission on the Roosevelt. "Have you spoke to Lt. Commander Cahill yet, our CO." He took a bite of his sandwhich for a bit, chewed and then swallowed.

"I have not really spoken to her yet. I plan on it very soon." Mazal answered, then took another bite of her sandwich. "There is a lot to process, so I've been a bit quiet as I analyze what will be happening next. And thank you, its something I hadn't been expecting." giving a slight smile.

Hewitt lifted an eyebrow noticing Mazals reserved concern. "Well, sometimes unexpected surprises are among the best." He paused. Then took a bite to eat some more, swallowing.

Taking a drink of his milk carton, Todd sat it back down. "I have to admit. I am a bit weary of this mission. I don't like knowing what to expect. But I am sure we will do our best."

"You are a Marine. You're among the best Starfleet has to counter any combat situations within the Nebula. Cheers to us! May the Roosevelt go forthwith to an adventure untold." Hewitt replied to Mazal.

Mazal smile went a little bit broader. "Aye may we all get back from this mission. A thought had occured to me, I have met Commander Cahill, when I first got on this ship. But as for the mission itself, I've not gone to talk to her tactical wise." she took a drink, "I do want to make certain people get back to the ship in one piece but there will unfortunately one person may end up not coming back alive."

Hewitt paused. He was confused. "I am confused. Who will not be coming back?" For a moment he believed that the 1st Lieutenant was speaking of herself. "You're not talking about yourself. We will all come back in one piece. We like to state things this way, but in the end, it might not happen as such." He was concerned. "Why are you so... Sure?"

Mazal had been lost in thought for a moment when she had made that comment. She lifted her eyes to Todd's. "Oh sorry was thinking about another time another place. I don't intend on losing anyone on this mission but sometimes it happens. I've lost someone, someone who was under my command. It still hurts, especially since he was also a friend. Dont' worry I don't plan on losing anyone including myself but with the work the marines do, at times there is a loss."

Hewitt nodded slowly as he finished his meal. “I can’t say I’ve lost a friend. I’ve seen a few injured.” He was at a loss not knowing what to say. He understood the unearthed, shroud of pain that probably many marines carried around with them.
“I can’t imagine the feeling, numb or nervous it be; you feel when experiencing yet another situation placing you in harm’s way.” Hewitt let his eyes search.

"I'll get through this, I know I will. Just have to push through that barrier, and close off something, hiding it behind an ironbound door." she matched gaze with Hewitt.

"Lieutenant Hewitt once I go out on that mission, I close up the softer side of me. Have to lock it up, go into my business mode. Why I am telling you this? Probably just to give you some warning of what I will become. I turn cold, maybe seem unfeeling, I have to become like that. If I am going to make sure our people get back then that is what I will become." Mazal stated.

Hewitt nodded. He understood the trauma of having to clamp up, lockdown, bite the bullet and go through hell and back because he had to do it now too. "There is no other way. And you know what. We're on the same mission together. I have the same feelings." He breathed out. "You know... I haven't spoken to my family in weeks back on Earth because I don't know what to tell them now. Engineering is mighty a target for pirates, but I don't let that get to me either." He spoke to Falk.

Hewitt finished his tray. "I wish you the best on this mission. We both will be going through hell, and not sure if we will get back. But down in Engineering, the one answering the calls of more power, more power to phasers.... I will be the one doing it, grabbing power out of nowhere and being targeted to be the first to go with that core from pirates. I wish you well, Marine Falk." Hewitt had replied.

"Lieutenant Hewitt before you leave, tell me a little bit about you. I'd like to know." the dark haired marine giving him an assessing eye.

“I am an Engineer. I work to meet my Chief's expectations on the Tomcat. I created the new cloaking device that will be armored on most of the Marine Craft you will use. Hopefully, saving some of you from injuries and perhaps death.”

“I have close family back home on Earth, much like my Chief, I am from the backcountry, the hollows of the American West. I don't have a child. I want a wife to have a child.” He stopped while he looked at his empty tray.

"What do" Hewitt wondered of Falk.

"I have close family I keep in touch with, but I've not spoken to them in a couple of weeks. There are things a person just can't talk to family, not wanting them to worry too much. I am just finding out that I can allow myself to love someone, and allow myself to be loved. Its been a work in progress." Mazal picking up her drink.

“I just don’t know. Space. It’s a lonely place to be. Yet, it’s fantastic to be a part of. You in your department doing your work, usually lots of it within the fleet. And then. Someone comes along that totally surprises you.” Todd leaned back. “All humans need contact, it's one of Maslov's hierarchy of needs. If we don’t get this contact, we can quite become batty in space.” He raised a brow. “Although there is Risa, so I guess that helps.”

"Maybe in some aspects for human contact for a momentary satisfaction and having real flesh to feel." Mazal mused. "Though I turned to dancing for contact, even though it didn't turn into intimacy, just the mere contact with someone helped out."

“Dancing. You’re a dancer. What do you dance to or dance about? Do you tell a story?” Hewitt had known a few female dancer friends of his in the past who had recitals and belonged to the Federation Academy of the Arts, which whom he had kept up friendships with. He smiled. “You are lucky you dance. It is a wonderful expression.” Hewitt watched Mazal. “I can tell you have a dancer’s physical stature, strength, vigor, defiance on the toes.” The last he had guessed.

Mazal gave a smile, "You are quite observant, I do tell stories in the dances that I have done. At times it is just dancing for the sheer enjoyment. I do ballroom dancing as well." picking up her fork to resume eating her meal.

"But yes it can be lonely out in space and at times a brief fling can help out. We are all for the most part social creatures, where we need some interaction with each other." Mazal added before she took a bite of her food.

“I agree,” Hewitt replied. He had not had many coworkers on this vessel he would consider friends. Not that he had the time to create idle friendships. “I would consider you, my friend. I know you through Hawksley yet we both had not properly befriended each other.” He gestured. “Till now that is.”

She raised her glass of sparkling lemonade, "Well, here's to a new friendship. I am looking forward to getting to know you." Mazal giving a smile. Her sandwich was mostly finished, as she popped the last bite in her mouth.

"Cheers to that." Hewitt had smiled and then motioned with his glass upward. With that, he felt he had best be getting back to his work. "We'll look like our lunch has come to its conclusion. I have appreciated your company." Todd nodded.

"And I have enjoyed yours as well, Todd." Mazal daring to use his first name. "Have good day."





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