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Off of Work

Posted on 16 Nov 2022 @ 10:08pm by Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

2,875 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine Medic Bay, Office
Timeline: Prior to away team departures


Leland looked at the sequential delineator on Deck 12. The head attachment was fused and would need reconditioning in the Engineering labs. Shunting down the power terminal, he diverted the device and scanned it with his engineering tricorder. He punched in a few buttons and then locked in the phase cycle to a dynamic mode. This would be all as well until he got to the malfunction the following day. He tagged it on his growing ever-to-do list.

Before they entered into a whole- battle in the Hydaransz Nebula, complete with potential pirates, the Orions, the Ferengi, Cardassians… He wanted a breather and a chance to check in on Lilli at work. He checked his wrist chronometer, smiling that he was late as usual to be turning off shift.

Slapping his com badge at his side =/\= Ensign Willox, you have Engineering, time of transfer 1721 hours. Hawksley out =/\=

=/\= Aye, Sir. The Engines are mine. Have a good evening. Willox out. =/\=

Checking on his path as he locked up his engineering kit, Leland learned that Lilli was still in her Marine Medic Office. He smiled.

Traveling through the marine’s lower decks, Hawksley nodded at a few officers he was acquainted with. He led his way to find Lilliana seated at her Office at the end of the day. She might have been working on papers, filing work for Officers’ physicals before the Tomcat had separated from the USS Roosevelt.

A knock was heard at the side of the open doorway to Lilliana’s Office. Hawksley leaned at the side of the door, stretching himself and watching the activity going on. “Hawksley here to meet his wife, a Staff Sergeant Medic, Lilliana Hawksley. Is she around?” Leland cheekily began as he swam in Lillis’s dark-brown eyes. “Have you seen her? Incredible specimen, short but not too short. Black short curly hair?”

Lilli couldn’t help but grin at her husband’s playful banter. “Ohh I’m sure she’s here somewhere!” She looked around playfully. “I believe she’s just about wrapped up for today.” She picked up her PADDs, getting up she stored them away safe before returning to Leland giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Would you care to walk your wife home Mr Hawksley?”

"Only if... I can steal... Back that..." Hawksley leaned in and placed a kiss back on Lilli's lips this time. He grinned and reached and held Lilli's hand into his more giant hand, with a subtle squeeze that said, 'I have missed you.'

As they walked, they ran into other crew mates that Lilli had known more, as she worked with a full-blown Marine contingent, one that was outstanding. Leland kept his quiet gaze and nodded and watched the Men she had met with a steel-like glare.

As they entered the elevator, the doors closed. Leland accosted Lilli right then and there as she was in her uniform as was Leland, they could not do much, yet he plastered a room-burning kiss on her lips, massaging them and then parting to a deep tight tongue kiss. He broke it as the elevator approached a stop, unsure who would or would not be behind those doors. "I have missed you, my Imzadi." His face flushed with red embarrassment and horniness. "You around all those men all day, forgive me, for I am jealous." He leaned his forehead to Lilli's finding it only one of the most comforting things he ever felt, being as close to, without being with Lilli at that moment.

Lilli smiled as she gently brushed Leland’s cheek with her fingers. “You have no need to be jealous Imzadi. I maybe with a contingent of marines all day long, but they are all honourable men and women, they know I’m a married woman. Besides you are the one who holds my heart and soul.”

Leland smiled a bit as he held Lilli’s hand in his. Just then, their turbo lift stopped at their deck. Stepping out, they made their way to their quarters. “Since it is late, would you care to eat? 10 Forward?” Hawksley turned, asking Lilli. They both never had time to leave their quarters, or would Imzadi be ready for the desert? The change of scenery had a sense of charging one’s senses, the lights, the scenery, a quick escape back to their quarters for tactile comforts.

“Sure, ten forward sound nice.” Lilli smiled and nodded. “I have an appetite that a Klingon would be proud of these days!” She grinned. “The saying eating for two is certainly correct!”

Entering 10-Forward, Leland spotted a lovely table nearest the windows. He walked across with Lilli and extended her seat first for her. He noticed how she was glowing. oO, Perhaps the glow of a new mother is true? Oo

"You are radiating. It is true. A new mother radiates." Hawksley leaned in and lent a kiss to Lilli as he helped slide her into her seat.

Lilli smiled as she made herself comfortable. “Thank you Imzadi, you always know how to make me feel special. I don’t know about you but I’m famished!”

"I am famished as well. I believe the last time we were in 10-Forward was one of our date nights. It has been a while." He relaxed into the seat across the lighted tabletop illuminating Lilli and Hawksley. He was always proud as a peacock to walk into an entire room with Lilli at his side.

"You may be hungry as a Klingon, but are you ready to eat like a Klingon?" Leland raised a brow. "I don't think I could stomach Gah! Right now."

Just then, the waitress came around, seeing as they looked like the couple was ready to order. This was dinner time, and 10-Forward was more of a dining experience than the standard mess.

"Hello, Staff Sergeant. Lieutenant. Are we ready to order dinner?" Asked the waitress of 10-Forward. Others in the room already were into conversations at tables, drinking and eating. Hawksley spotted one officer from Engineering, Ensign Willox, as he nodded politely and then turned his attention back to Lilliana. "My Lady." Hawksley added on the sap, "which dish of this fine establishment will you order?" Leland knew Lilli well, but sometimes she ventured to different dishes.

“Mmm...I think I’ll go for the lamb roast please.” Lilli offered the waitress a warm smile. “And an Orion sunset to drink please.” She looked at Leland. “What would you like my love?”

“That sounds quite good.” Leland then paused. “I think I’ll go with what the Lady is having. As for the drink, I’ll have a synthehol beer, please.” Hawksley ordered.

After the waitress had gone on her way, he leaned inward the candles on the tables at this time of day were for a particular dinner hour. He paused and smiled.

Relaxing in his seat, Leland turned to the view outside and then back to Lilli. “How was your day, hun?” He always felt relaxed back at the end of the day and listened to his Wife. How her day went. What surprises she had, etc. It was the little things that made their marriage feel Sympatico Leland felt.

“It’s been pretty much status quo to be honest” Lilli smiled. “When there’s no medical emergency I just have to keep on top of any overdue physicals for the marine contingent, go over any counselling appointments that might be due. It’s enough to keep me busy that’s for sure!” Lilli smiled at her husband.

Leland listened with his hands underneath his chin, taking in Lilli’s brown demure eyes. At least they were demure to him. Taking a drink and setting it down, Hawksley added. “I can’t imagine the counseling appointments you must handle with the Marines. It would… I wouldn’t know where to start. I would probably say something wrong and then end my career as a Counselor. Hawksley shook his head. “Then again, you always know what to say!”

Just then, they were presented with their orders of lamb and accouterment.

Hawksley was hungry beyond. He waited for Lilli to start, and then he began to dig into the food, almost ravenous in nature. In what was the time Leland took to finish half of his dinner, he paused to allow Lilli to catch up.

Lilli grinned as she paused eating. “I thought I was hungry, but you’re eating like a starving man.”

“Do you want lamb, or does our child want lamb tonight?” Hawksley chuckled. “Either way. It was a good choice.” He took another drink of his synthahol.

“I think maybe both of us” Lilli picked up her glass and sipped her Orion Sunset, it was clever the way it was made, the colours of the fruits in the drink swirled as she held up the glass. “Hmm lovely!”

Leland relaxed his stomach, allowing it to digest. He gazed at Lilli’s drink. The colours were indeed beautiful. “I fixed a Z-range particulate spectrometer sensor on deck 17.” He piped up.

Just then, a starburst out of the ten forward windows, a stellar phenomenon of the sector they were cruising through. The golden light flooded the room as various patrons and diners murmured about its beauty.

“Just to think,” Hawksley stated as the moment borne itself.

“That we are all made of stardust as beautiful.” He smiled, content for the moment.

Finishing off and taking note from Lilli that she was finished, Leland got up and took her hand. “I want to have dessert. In our quarters.”

Lilli nodded and held onto Leland’s hand. “I’d like that. It’s been a lovely meal here with you, but spending time together in our quarters is just as special.”

As they walked Lilli looked at Leland curiously. “Are you going to worry about me a lot when I’m further along in this pregnancy? I obviously won’t be allowed out on field duties, but I’ll still be needed aboard main ship with the rest of the marines.”

"I promise I will be good. Only if you be good and don't overdo things." Leland winked as they walked back to their quarters hand in hand. He licked his lower lip in thought. "You do a lot. I just want to be here in case things get too much for you, ok. I am happy to be aboard the Tomcat and not the Roosevelt. So we can be together." Hawksley smiled and kissed Lilli's hand. "How do you feel about that?"

“I’m glad you’re here, I worry about you when we’re apart.” Lilli offered a smile. “I know we both chose this career, and we have to keep a professional stance when apart, but I can’t help it!”

As they entered through the thresh hold of the quarter's doorway, Hawksley couldn't help himself. "I can't wait for dessert Imzadi. I need you now..." Swiftly taking Lilli in his forearms and biceps grasp, Leland centers Lilli.

Laying Lilli on their large bed in their quarters. Hawksley rips her loose blouse and uniformed top open. Leaning in, placing wet lips to wet lips, passionate tongue kiss twisting with Lilli's tongue... Hawksley breathes outward, groaning, grunting as he puts his forehead to hers. Having tasted Lilli's sweetness, Hawksley grins... He breathes... "I brought us a toy to have even more fun..." With the help of Jane, Leland visited a noir store on the Starbase back... He was excited to try the devices on Lilli... "Just trust me and relax. What I want is for you and me, of course, to have fun. If we don't like the toys," Leland gestured to the small silver bag on the side of the bed... "Only if you think we can use a toy?" Hawksley didn't want to offend his Wife.

Lilli was a little uncertain not having needed to try toys before. “I guess if you feel we need to.” She was worried she wasn’t doing enough to please him. “Do I not please you Imzadi?”

Hawksley placed Lilli's hand into his hand. "Lilli, your love is exhilarating for me and me alone. For this, you are incomparable to no one. I only brought up the toys since... Well, it was a conversation. One does not need to be repeated now, not since I am burning for you!" Leland shoved the bag right off the bed.

Leland inspected his naked Lilli lying on the bed, slipping from underneath, controlling Lilli by her silk waist as his muscular forearms owned, controlled, and positioned Lilli to sit down on his already erect manhood, pulsing with desire, loins steaming and burning to enter his wife. Burning deep within. “Yesss..” Hawksley breathed in and out, the desire of being inside his wife.

Placing Lilli downward, setting her on top of him, Leland's face flushed red, as he had ripped off his clothes at that point. Leland’s naked body thrusting in motions, as feeling his manhood, forcing piston up and down Lilli's love canal on their bed. “MNnnnHHhh UH”

Surrounding them was a program. The Program was 16th-century lovers, one of the roses strewn around; candles lit on tall metal pedestals letting countless glowing points into the now darkened quarters... The scent of roses. Hawksley thrusting and turned Lilli to her right side on their large lover’s bed. Hiking up his large right thigh, only to pound in as he thrust deep into Lilliana on his side, not wanting to hurt her but feeling his own lust take over as he enclosed his weight overtop of Lilli once more. Thrusting, pistoling into her as she lay along the bed.

Hawksley took her, feeling the burning force burrowing inside of his wife. His face was determined and pleasured as he bit on his own lower lip watching Lilli. Seeing the candle lit her face watching Lilli's eyes in the candle lights... Watching her body in the candlelights as his own body gyrated, taking her from his pelvic thrusts... Growling, Hawksley moaned. “Yes, you like this baby, don’t you!?” Hawksley enjoyed talking to Lilli when they made love.

Lilli was being vocal just the way Leland liked her to be, letting him hear her moans, and cries of enjoyment. “Ohh you know I do!!” She encouraged his movements as she ran her fingers across his skin. “You are all I need Imzadi.”

Hawksley wrapped his forearms around Lilli as they lay sideways. He kissed the side of her neck, lips, and upper chest. He was feeling his intense bonding with his Imzadi, feeling her feelings next to his interrupting his mind.

His mind became almost hollow, as if he could hear Lilli inside his thoughts, his feelings of love, devotion, carnal wants, and pleasures. ‘I can hear you, Imzadi’…. I want your every inch to belong to me…’ Leland felt, thought impassioned between them entwined.

“You can feel what I feel Imzadi... the way you make me feel” Lilli focussed her feelings through the bond they shared, even though Leland wasn’t a telepath, or empath he could feel her feelings, and hear her thoughts.

Hawksley tasted, kissing Lilli his wife. The sensations of being inside her and taking her whole reverberated through their psychic connection through Lilli. Leland's face focused and contorted as he made love to her, gave all of himself to his marriage and his wife, feeling the sensations building upon sensation, coming like waves now... Leland is breathing strong.

"I ..... I ..... I can... feeeeel.." He winced out, feeling waves of passion, pleasure, ecstasy.

Lilli was feeling Leland’s emotions, his passion adding to her own as they pushed each other towards mutual satisfaction. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to hold on, her climax rapidly approaching.

Hawksley felt the very veins of his body rushing, expanding, his senses on fire as he took in Lilli’s body and her emotions, melding with his own.

Breaking sweats in heaves as his body exploded his orgasm, his face in pure pleasured delivered ecstasy, hunched overtop of Lilli, he held her tightly, enclosed, body shaking all over. “AWWWWWWWWWwww!”

Lilli’s cries of ecstasy joined her husband’s as her climax followed his, her fingers digging into Leland’s back until they eventually relaxed. She smiled as she held onto Leland, kissing his body. “Ohhh Imzadi...I love you!”

Hawksley relaxed. Lying beside Lilli naked, his entire body muscles, and mind melted into his wife's hands. It was as if his mind relaxed into Imzadi's for the moment. His comforts, his senses, and his securities remained with her.

A smile crossed tiredly from their workout together, as he whispered in return. "My Imzadi..." He brushed his lips across Lilli's "my Lover."

“My husband” Lilli smiled as she lay cuddled with Leland. This was the time she loved with him, she closed her eyes happy to relax and sleep in his embrace.






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