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Getting out

Posted on 30 Apr 2017 @ 2:26pm by
Edited on on 30 Apr 2017 @ 4:13pm

378 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


K'Muss was lying in a biobed counting the ceiling lights for the hundredth time. Medical officers were buzzing about busy as bees. In short, sickbay was humping. oO At least they get to do their jobs. Oo He thought. A Betazoid tech looked at him and smile, she then walked over.

"Can I help you with anything, lieutenant?" she asked.

"Get me out of here!" he roared. He immediately apologised. " I'm sorry Ensign, just frustrated. Of all the times to contract this stupid disease."

oO If only I hadn't answered that call at starbase Oo he thought to himself. Again the tech smiled. "What do you mean?" she asked. Kit flashed an exasperated look. "Might as well tell you, " he said.

"Back at the starbase, he was called over the comm to report to operations, which he did. When K'Muss got there he saw an old friend from Cait and her kitten. We went on a few dates around the base, had a good time too." he began.

"Before he could beam out she caught him in the transporter room, asking K'Muss if his medicals were up to date. Turns out that the kid has the hometown equivalent of Earth chicken pox. Child version is pretty much benign. Adult version, well obviously. I feel like an idiot" he said

"I understand, sir. But the good news is that your treatment is complete." She smiled.

"Complete as in over? As in I can leave?" Kit replied. The Betazoid nodded.

Kit did his discharge procedures and left asap. No sooner than he cleared sickbays door to head back to Marine country when he got a page to return to his quarters. oO What now!Oo he thought."Does she wanna get married? Wouldn't object though!" he said as he entered and activated his console. The gist of things was that he had been transferred out of the Marines. "Well, not a jarhead anymore, "he said. Reading further he found his transfer to Security had come through. "Finally!" he exclaimed. He immediately recycled his green shirt and tunic for the gold version complete with ensign pip. " Let's do this!" he said as he took his first step into a new frontier.


Ensign K'Mus
Asst Sec Tac Officer
USS Tomcat


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