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Shadow man prt2

Posted on 09 Dec 2022 @ 10:39am by Ensign Teton & Captain Mazal Falk

2,077 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck


-Andor ice fields-

Teton had not been here since he was twelve years old. On that last day he swore that when he returned. His uncle and his elder brother would die at his hand.For the deaths of his parents. But should he pass this information on to Falk?

He did not have to tell her the whole truth. It would not be a lie if the whole story was omitted?

“ This is my homeland. Our cities are situated below the surface. Inside vast ice caverns heated by thermal vents. The city where I progressed from child to teen is further north.” Teton said

Mazal gave a nod, "It is beautiful in its own fashion. Cold but I can see the differences in the colorations of the snow and ice." looking over the panorama. "Tell me something, Teton, what made you to decide to join the academy and find yourself amongst the stars?"

Teton considered his answer to this. Should he tell his whole history? How would she react? It was not in his nature to be untruthful. Unless it was a situation where a lie was better then death. But he doubted there was any danger here.

“ Actually I had already left my homeworld long before joining the academy. Events on Andor forced me as a teenager to leave.As a teenager I already looked fully grown. So it was easy to find employment on the freighter. Later on one of the crew advised me that I should attempt to enroll in Starfleet academy.” Teton said

Mazal gave a solemn nod, "What made you leave or, is that too much of a personal question?" she was curious, she's not heard much about Andor, and hadn't the chance to visit that planet either.

Teton walked towards an outcrop of ice crystals. He looked at his reflection as he spoke.

“ My uncle was part of a conspiracy to kill the Andorian Emperor. But at the last moment he swapped sides and helped to uncover the plot. My mother was his I believe the humans call the position PA. Fearing she might expose him. He killed her. My father was in the imperial guard. When he heard my uncle had murdered her. He vowed revenge. He went with my elder brother to kill my uncle. But my brother was heavily under my uncles influence. He killed my father. Even though I was young. They knew one day I would want revenge so they decided to kill me. But I left Andor before they could carry this out.Since then. This is the only time I have been on my home world.”

Mazal nodded in understanding at the last part. "I am sorry that happened, Teton." Mazal forgetting to use his rank. "and that is absolutely horrible as well. Family can be so difficult can't it." Mazal walked to where she could see more, and even look at the ice crystal he was looking at.

Teton decided not to tell her of his intention to return one day and kill them. Mazal might not be so happy to hear that.

“ I am no scientist but these ice crystals radiate a field that interacts with the biological make up of the atmosphere. Causing a reaction that makes oxygen. Without them we would not be able to breathe. Much like the trees and vegetation on warmer worlds. Tell me what is the planet of your birth like?” He asked.

"Well in different areas, we have a bit of sand instead of grass or snow, my birthplace. On the North and Southern ends of my planet we have snow and ice. Lots of it, sort of reminds me of here. Then there are mountains which have trees. And we have oceans filled with various forms of life. A variety of places to see and visit." Mazal replied.

“ I have to admit that in all my life experiences I have not experienced many Trees. In fact, it was not until my arrival on Earth to start my first year at Starfleet academy did I encounter my first real tree. It was a shock seeing something so strange.” Teton said

Mazal gave a nod, "I could empathize that feeling. I recall when I first saw a lot of evergreen trees. I just stood there in the midst of them and just stared all around me. I loved the scent of them though."

“ Yes. There is a particular odour given off by green vegetation after a period of rain. It is strange but I do find it quite pleasing indeed. Andor has no smells on the surface due to the cold. But under the surface in the vast ice caves below.That is a different story. Although on my homeworld a scent no matter how sweet. Is a sign of extreme danger.” Teton warned.

"Oh? I've not heard of this, tell me more. Anything I can add to my knowledge of other places is something I find rather valuable. What is the scent like? This I do want to know." Mazal asked, being very interested.

“ The reason you have not heard of this is because. The person or persons who have smelt this scent are dead. It is a flower that grows in the ice caves. It has a sugary sickly sweet smell. That draws you in. When you smell the flower up close. Tiny nodules are expelled from the flower petals. They enter the body via the nasal passages.They then flow up to the infecteds brain . Once there they consume all the brain and plant seeds on the remains.Then the saplings feed off from the inside of the body.” Teton said

Mazal gave a rather visible shudder. "Ugh that is most distasteful and definitely dangerous. I would hate to be food for them. Just yikes!" she looked over at Teton. "that will now be put down on my list of things I do not like and maybe fear."

“ Andorians are of course immune to these plants deadly practices. Due to our nasal passages having no easy access to our brain cavity. However there is a berry that grows in the shade of the ice caves. That is a delicacy to non Andorians. But highly poisonous to my people. Causing extreme bowel distress in males and death in females. Yet our children up to the ages of puberty are also immune.” Teton said

"Hmnnn, I don't know if I want to try that berry though. It may sound interesting to try, but I'll just stick with blueberries instead. " Mazal replied. "Glad that you aren't affected by that plant either." she looked back over the landscape, "When you get the chance maybe you can visit the arctic areas of Earth and maybe you'd like it."

“ Yes it would be quite interesting to see. I hear that the humans almost destroyed it during the 20th to 21st century. But then with the help of the newly formed federation of planets. Restored the area to its former glory. Although some species where lost. Which seems unfortunate. It reminds me of a project on Andor. To build a new city. But the plans were halted when it was discovered that the area was a nesting site. To a form of rare snow beetle.” Teton said

"Well I can see the point of them protecting an endangered species. Will they find a different place to build instead?" Mazal leaning against the ice they were near.

“ Sadly I had to leave Andor before the decision was ever made. For my own safety all personal and emotional ties had to be severed. As far as anyone on my home world knows. I died as a child. I assumed a new name and identity. Teton is not my real name. Please do not ask what it is.It must be kept a secret.” Teton said

"Teton, I don't intend on asking." Mazal replied quietly. "You are who you are. Teton, security personnel. I am sorry you had to leave but, glad you and I have met." shifting her attention from Teton back to the icescape there.

“ Perhaps we could view your birth planet? The holodeck holds a wide range of different and interesting programs. I am curious to see where you used to or still do call home.” Teton said

Mazal did just that. "Computer bring up Mazal home images program one." this brought up an image of a coast line changing from the ice landscape to one of rock and sand "This is the Mediterranean Sea, a place I really liked to visit. Just a slight look of it." Mazal walking towards the water and crouching down to run her fingers into the water.

Teton looked around. He had never seen an ocean before let alone sand. He tilted his head in puzzlement.

“ This is quite interesting. Why does the Mediterranean Sea move backwards and forwards like this?” Teton asked

"I think it is due to the motion of the current of the ocean. I'm not entirely certain on how to explain this, I am sure that Ted would be able to explain it better than I could." Mazal replied. "He's pretty darned smart." giving a smile. "Try taking off your shoes and stepping into the water, feel the sand beneath your feet as well as the water."

Teton was not sure of this. He was not sure how sea water would effect his skin. But Mazal would never steer him wrong. So he did as she instructed. He walked bare footed towards the water. The sand felt strange. Like snow but more grainy. The sea water was a shock.

“ Oh my. This is rather strange. It feels cooling to the touch. There would also seem to be life forms living in it. Is there any danger I need to be warned about here?” Teton asked

"If you are speaking of the real sea, like this representation I have here. The real sea does have its own dangers. This one, has some representation of the fish that are here but, with the program having safeties on, you don't have to worry about it." Mazal replied. "What do you think?"

“ It’s wet.” Teton said

He mused over his surroundings.

“ Interesting. Earth seems to have many diverse areas. This does have a pleasing sense to it. Tell me how popular would a area like this be on Earth?” Teton asked

"There are a few places that have sand beaches and a big body of water and they are rather popular. It seems that the ocean or any large body of water attracts us to see the beauty of it." Mazal replied.

Teton considered this.

“ I once read a recorded historical text. On the origin of life on the planet Earth. It claimed life originated from the oceans of that planet. Perhaps this is why you humans are drawn to the oceans of Earth.” He said

"Who knows, that maybe true. And out here water is life, and important to everyone. If there isn't water, there wouldn't be life. And also this is such a serene setting, helping to calm troubled hearts and minds." Mazal answered.

“ That is true indeed. Even though my home-world is essentially an ice world. We have liquids to sustain us. Although of course our fluid temperature is lower than humans are used to. But we Andorians can adapt to any temperature of libation. When I first left Andor it was a trial adapting. But I was quite young. Now I am quite fond of your heated drinks. Sweetened tea from your Earth country of India is my favourite.” Teton said

"Those are good teas but I have to be careful in what I drink." Another look at the sea, Mazal turned back to Teton. "Its getting time for me to return to my duties but, where Silver is concerned, the man isn't out to take over the ship nor cause harm to anyone. He's a good friend of mine, and I don't want anything to happen to him."

Teton nodded.

“ I must get back to my duties. This has been a very agreeable interlude. Hopefully we can do this again soon.” Teton said

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