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Catching up with old friends [Back Post]

Posted on 28 Feb 2023 @ 1:10pm by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,720 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Lobby
Timeline: Before mission departure


Cassandra sat on her little stool thinking about the parting words Rhys had left her with. How she loathed that man. She sipped her glass of water. She was people-watching again. Watching the mini soap operas around her. Seeing how much she could decipher about the situations but the tiny bits she gleaned. She was in her sweater and track pants. She would be heading to the gym soon. Then she saw it. A familiar face. It was Winchester! She felt herself smiling before she could stop herself.

Cassandra watched him like she had the others. He had a lady with him. The way they seemed to interact suggested familiarity. A girlfriend? She was beautiful. oO Good job Paul. oO. She thought with a smile. Then she glanced back over at her friend and their eyes met. Cassandra still smiling waved and then motioned for them to come to join her at the bar.

Paul had decided to take Serena out for a meal before the next mission commenced and wish her luck, but as he scoured the room for a table, he noticed the ship's former MXO waving at him as he thought to himself oO Cassie, what is she doing here? Oo he wondered after the way she had vanished.

Sereena looked back at him and said, "Look, Paul, someone wants us to join them?" as she motioned him to follow her, as she knew that he wanted to have a meal with her, but with no vacant tables, it was better than nothing.

Cassandra was so happy to see a familiar face. It had been so long. The beautiful woman next to her friend smiled her way and began to pull Paul over. He seemed surprised to see Cassi there waving them over.

As they drew closer Cassandra motioned to the empty seats. Her sour mood dissolved quickly. Replaced by internal hyperness. She wanted to just embrace them both. Was near to bursting to do just that. But she didn't. Outwardly she just smiled. She kept her hands to herself, odds were he probably wouldn't recognize her. They had only met twice after all. She felt her joy drop like a tangled-up knot into her stomach. "Hello." She said when they finally reached her. Unsure know what to say or do. "I..uh. I..umm, you can have this table. I am just about done here.." Cassandra offered to stumble in her sudden nervousness as she spoke. " It's crazy busy around here." She started to gather up her things.

"Sit Cassie. I know you two are old friends. It Should not be uncomfortable for you," Serina said laughing at the poor girl.

"It was so long ago. I had a moment of wondering if you would remember me or not." Cassandra sat her things back down. She smiled at the pair. They had a happy aura. "So what all did I miss while I was gone? Not too much, I hope." Cassi lowered herself back into her chair and motioned for them to join her.

"Well, not much but everything. Paul and I are getting married and the twins are growing up fast", Serina said.

oO Way to go Winchester. Twins. Oo Cassandra thought happily.

On Cait where she had grown up, twins and triplets were common. Still, the news was joyful and Cassandra was happy for them both. She knew that she was never going to have those things. Kids or a husband. She had let go of that idea a looooong time ago. Cassandra was too mean, and troublesome to appeal to anyone. A fact she excepted when she was around twelve years old and Tommy Klark had kissed her on the cheek and she had punched him in the nose for it, thinking it was some challenge. Human men to Cassandra were still something of an anomaly. She didn't understand them. It hardly mattered, She was married to her job as it was. Though she'd be lying if the idea of twin kits.. er Humans... Babies. Yes, Babies! that was the word. The idea of twin babies made her feel a little envious. Not that Cassandra had time for such things. Again those dreams had been lost a long time ago. Still, it was great to see two people, her friends even find room in their lives for such fancies. "Congratulations. That's incredible. How old are they??" She asked curiously.

"They are still young ladies," replied Paul looking back at Cassie and smiling at her," and for your information, the girls are not mine," continued looking at her. Paul Finished, " but, I am to be their father and help guide them," as his father had him.

"Well, congratulations all the same. If you claim them then they are as good as yours in my book. Blood means nothing to a loving heart you know." Cassandra would certainly know and understand. "The girls will only understand that you love them it's all that matters. Regardless, you are both so lucky to share this adventure. If you are ever in need of a babysitter I would love to try my hand at it sometime. I mean it can't be much different than watching young kits right?" Cassi said before taking a sip of her drink.

"No, as a matter of fact, I love the idea of Cassi exposing them to different cultures as they grow up," Serina said quickly. It was a wonderful idea, allowing the Klingon culture and now the Caitain culture.

"Really! That's wonderful! I can teach them so much useful stuff too. Like how to stalk and pounce. I was good at catching Marrlek by the time I was four." Then remembering most people were not familiar with Marrleks she elaborated. "Marrleks are these well-reptilian rabbits is the best description. They have fangs and fur but have to come to move around during the day out on the dunes. The yellow ones are female and poisonous so you don't wanna get scratched or bitten. That's beside the point though. Because I guess four is a bit little to go doing that sorta thing. So they have any games that they like? Or baby things I need to consider? Like what do your babies eat?". Cassandra realized that she might want to take a class or two on the subject. Just to make sure she knew what she was supposed to be doing. Kits after all were a lot more sturdy than human or Orion babies. Tended to be more rambunctious to and often come in multiples. Yeah, maybe a few questions might be in order.

"Cassie....stop..." Serina said laughing, "You will do fine. Human babies are easy to care for. The twins are already months old and walking. Think of them as kits in their teens. They get into everything as their curiosity is incredible," Serina said chuckling.

"Oh yeah they are," replied Paul, looking back at both girls, continued " One of them keeps rifling through Davina's clothes," with a chuckle as Davina had taken on a more auntie role than a cousin.

"I can start showing them how to dance, and make snacks." Cassandra found herself getting more and more excited about the idea. "Do they have any favorite games or stories or anything?" She asked curiously.

"Well both of them enjoy making Davina's life a mess. She puts their toys away and they pull them out again making her swear under her breath. Then they try to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out of Davina's cakes," Serina said chuckling.

"But, she loves them dearly," replied Paul looking back at Cassie, and continued "if you do take on the role of Nanny, then you will have to be inducted into the Klingon house to which we are affiliated with,"

Cassandra cocked her head a bit curiously. "I already belong to a Caitians house. I'm the only living female of the Kurrass family line on the Zynos side. I'm not sure if I am permitted to join another house or not. I'll have to ask my brother. I don't have to do anything untowardly will I?"

"Nothing much other than meeting the matriarch of the family. I did meet the......" *pause* "Paul who was it that you introduced me to?" Serina said looking at Paul.

Cassandra rolled her baby blues over to Paul questioningly. "Yeah Paul, who am I going to be meeting with? Do I get to fight them?" Her eyes lit up a moment. " Klingons are fun to tussle with."

"Her name is T'Liegh" replied Paul looking back at Cassie" as you would have met her before you left" he finished as he looked at Serena " I was dating cassie, you see,"

Cassie smiled, "yeah well that was two years ago and it was hardly more than two dates. So no worries. We were not like madly in love or anything like that.". She offered to Serina. "Hell we didn't even hold hands I don't think. More the pity." Cassandra brought her drink to her lips in an effort to hide the look on her face. Had Cassandra known beforehand what had been about to happen to her? How going to help C'Tirr lay his parents to rest, was going to lead to her being kidnapped and we'll...all that. Maybe she would have been much nicer and more friendly towards Winchester. Then perhaps obviously made him happy. You could feel their connection. Cassandra hoped that maybe. One day. She might find something like that for herself. But she doubted it.

Reading Cassie's facial and body language, Serina could guess Cassie was hurting a bit from memories

"Well, Cassie, I think we better let you go," replied Paul as he knew it was better for her to have some time alone, he also knew that it was knowing her and how she was, as Paul picked up his drink and took a sip.

Serina finished her drink, "Cassie, it was a pleasure talking and you can bet I will be calling on you to do just that" she said.





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