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Before we Go [Backpost]

Posted on 28 Jan 2023 @ 4:30pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

2,393 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD001


Ze had just gotten off his shift he was sitting in the mess hall, his hair all done up sat in a shirt and black skinny jeans and his boots he was awaiting Mazal to turn up before he got some food, it was date night scheduled for just before departure. He was sitting drinking a half pint of more significant whilst he waited for his wonderful girlfriend to arrive.

Mazal was quite conscious of the looks she was getting, walking down the hall towards the mess hall. Her hair was loose and flowing, brushed to a dark mahogany sheen, the silky waves moving gently as she walked. She wore a red dress which hugged her curves gently and the hem hit just mid-thigh. She hid a laugh when a couple of people seemed to walk into a wall or into each other. Just for this reason, she'd not dressed up like this in a long time. She even wore heels which made her slightly taller but her legs looked good.

She stepped inside holding her clutch purse in one hand and raised her right hand to wave at Tosrol, the bracelet upon her wrist shining in the light. Mazal seemed to glide across the floor, easily avoiding crashing into someone as she made her way to their table. She had to pause just to get a good look at him, a sharp intake of breath he was so divinely handsome and she was a lucky woman to be with him.

"Hello love." Mazal greeted him, leaning in for a kiss.

Ze looked on in sheer admiration as he saw Mazal crossing over from the door, dressed in a new red dress and with hair falling perfectly. She really was a sight to behold.

He felt her body close to his and her lips at his as if it was a fire resting in his palms "Hello my moon and stars" he said nuzzling her nose as his hand found hers, squeezing it tightly.

"It seems like an eternity since I've seen you last." Mazal just beamed with his touch, their closeness, "Perhaps we should sit down before we cause things to melt around us." she whispered softly returning the squeeze of her hand with one of her own.

Ze squeezed her hand as he smiled at her "It feels longer than that for me i assure you" He said kissing her hand "Yes let's take a seat before we combust into a pile of ash and uniform" he said taking his seat "How was the last mission Mazal I understand it was quite the tell-all?" He asked enquiringly.

Mazal just blushed a crimson red, when she sat down. Almost disappearing in the colour of her dress. "Well, it was, definitely causing a bit of an overdrive with the sexual drive. Had to exercise a lot of self-control and did a lot of working out. It got so bad, I had to go see the doctor about it. It was determined it was a result of what happened on the mission. Remember when things got really heated up between us, in an intimate way? I had gotten an inhibitor shot, to get hormonal levels to the proper level before that had occurred. Jane had suggested that I tell you about what happened, but things went in another direction between you and me."

Ze maintained a smile " Well Mazal let's hope this next mission doesn't test me too much" He said with a slight laugh "Well heated is one for my love" he said winking at her "Well looks like we can order whatever ever we want tonight" He said with a slight smile, he sat and listened to her as his fingers danced with hers it had been some time since he allowed himself a moment like this, a moment a pure joy and happiness.

Mazal laughed softly. "I don't think we will be needing to worry about my getting into a pool which would charge me up for something else." waggling her eyebrows up and down. She intertwined her fingers with his. She caught sight of one of the serving staff coming towards them out of the corner of her eye. "Looks like we're going to be interrupted for a few moments."

"Hello what would you like to have for dinner." the server gave a smile towards the two.

He laughed a little extra, there was something about Mazal that made his heart sing a little "For that I am thankful" he said smiling idly at her, as he too spotted the server "I will take a burrito with extra sour crème and tortilla chips with a coke please" he spoke as he looked to Mazal "And for the lady?" he said with an elated smile.

Tosrol's order sounded really really good. "I'll have the same except for no Coke but make it a sparkling lemonade instead and add onions and lettuce please."

The server gave a nod. When he left, Mazal looked at Tosrol, "Oh the things I can and can't have. At least I am not restricted from you" she gave a smile and a wink. Her mood sobered up though, just gazing at his handsome face, and just feeling relatively good. "These missions..." she stopped. "Nope I am not going to talk shop, this is just us tonight celebrating us." Mazal gave a smile. She paused for a moment then shook her head, "I had forgotten momentarily its okay to talk with you on all matter of things, this, you and me is still new and still exciting."

Ze out stretched his hand and interlinked it with hers "You can talk to me about everything Mazal" he said kissing her hand lightly. His stomach growled like he hadn't eaten all day " I hope this food arrives soon I'm parched" He said with another laugh "I too worry about the current missions but we will talk more about that when food arrives"

"That sounds like a plan." Mazal said softly, then her stomach growled a bit loudly.

As if to answer the growl of their stomachs the food arrived and the server gave a smile at the two lovebirds and left quietly.

Mazal gave Tosrol's hand a kiss then a gentle squeeze then she began to eat. During her bites, Mazal would smile with a closed mouth, while she chewed, her eyes filled with love for her boyfriend.

When his burrito arrived he allowed his hand to interlink with mazals "as if by magic the food appears" he said kissing her hand a little "Well with us being split up for this mission I worry that I wont be there to help but I trust your marines to have you back" he gave her hand a tight squeeze "Im saddeld with winchester lords help me" he said rolling his eyes desparagingly with a laugh.

Mazal smiled, "I had talk with his sister, told her about my irritation with him and that he needed to just chill. Hopefully he will not be as bad as he used to be. Winchester will have to do some changing." Mazal remarked. Giving his hand a kiss before she started to get back to eating. Between bites she said, "I do need to make certain that my marines get back as well."

Ze listened intently to his girlfriend "I can only but agree with you" he saiding eating another bite of his burito "I hope his sister is doing ok?" he asked with a wide smile "I wonder if well get some good rack time after this mission id love to spend Christmas with you Leland,Lamia and Silver plus what with parents touching down at starbase 51 for the holidays it'll be a perfect time to introduce you all"

"Winchester's sister is doing fine." Mazal remarked, then she went to take another bite of her burrito and paused. "Christmas that sounds wonderful, and there is Hannukah and" her eyes widened. "Your parents are coming to SB 51 for the holidays? Oh, my oh my." Mazal actually looked bit nervous. "You know I've not said anything to my family about us getting together."

Ze smiled at her returned statement "Im glad"He spoke as he ate some of his chips, he knew full well Christmas was an important time for earth but also his parents loved the holidays "I wouldn't worry about such things Mazal my mother and father are sweet by disposition and my mother already loves the fact I have a lady in my life who seems to want to protect me as much I was want to protect her"

"That makes me feel a bit better hearing this. I am looking forward in meeting them. Which reminds me what would you like for Christmas? I think that this is another step on our path of our romance. Finding about our favorite things we like, well besides each other." smiling Mazal reached out to caress Ze's hand.

He smiled as he kissed her hand "Books earth books mazal I love all the genres but right now my go-to is crime novels" he looked to her "I love you for coming into my life its given so much life ad giving me something to concentrate on"

"Oooh well then I will have to make certain I get a few for you. Would you be of a mind to do a holo detective program or some adventures?" Mazal actually sounding a bit shy when she spoke of this.

He squeezed her hand a little tight "i'd love to do that Mazal" he said eating some more of his food. He lent over the table to kiss her on the cheek "Yes id love to do some holo adventures with you" he said eating some of his chips.

Mazal grinned then she moved to where she could whisper in Tosrol's ear. "Another secret I have to share with you, I dress as superheroes and sometimes villains. Hero wise I dress as Wonder Woman. Villain wise if you can call her that. I dress as Catwoman in her purple body suit." Mazal then went back to her seat, and had an impish smile as she gazed at Tosrol.

Zes pulse quickened, a natural reaction to what mazal had said into his ear "Ironicly they are my favorite DC comics heroines" a slight blush formed on the young betazoids cheeks "How is it you know all of my favorite characters?" he said with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

"Are you serious? They are my favorite as well. Go figure I had no clue. Seriously, I didn't know." she giggled, "There is only one other person who knows of my secret and that is Captain Jackson." she moved forward to where only Tosrol could hear. "He likes to do superhero genre's as well" she place her finger to her lips. "This will have to be secret between you and I now."

Ze laughed a little laugh "Great minds think a kin" he said with a wink of his eye. He listened intently to her as his hands danced around hers to the beat of his heart "Your secret is safe with me" he winked as he looked to her a little clammy from the heat under his collar.

A loving smile, an adoring expression in her eyes. There is an even more emanation of her feelings towards Tosrol. The woman had it bad for him, "Sometime I would love to be waking up beside you in the morning, to be seated across from you during a meal. And yes we are right here, right now doing such but I would like to do this more often in a more personal level or setting." her cheeks flushed a deep pink, surprised at herself for being so bold. She lowered her eyes back down towards her food, then shyly peeked up at him through her long dark eyelashes. Half worried, half hoping, wanting to see how he would take her mentioning her hope, her wish.

His hand danced inside of hers, He looked at her with his eyes full of joy "Well we will have some downtime after this mission so why don't you sleep over in my quarters I have a big room" he said with a sight wink of his right eye, He squeezed her hand "I actually had been thinking about inviting you over after this mission"

A blush, and a dazzling smile was Mazal's answer, "I would love that. And thinking of waking up alongside you, will keep me in good spirits, and even give me incentive to get through this upcoming mission." She raised herself slightly to lean over the table to give Tosrol a kiss,"That is going to keep me warm while I go on that mission. You just, just be careful on your mission as well."

When he saw her blush he smiled "Well that thought will keep me happy whilst I try and get through most of this mission" he smiled "Make sure you come back miss marine otherwise we wont be able to meet the family" He said raising his eyebrow.

Mazal's expressive eyes widened at the reminder. "Oh yes, I am actually excited to meet them. Now once that meeting is taken care of, then you get to deal with my family." she laughed with slightly worried expression in her eyes. "Ooh that might end up being a toughie. You will be getting scrutinized most thoroughly, do you think you will be able to deal with that?"

He smiled as he squeezed her hand "I'm sure my mother and father and two brothers will adore you" he said as he kissed her hand "Im good with parents I get on with all types" he said squeezing her tight "Should we pop to the observation deck after we've eaten?" he said smiling.

"I would love to do so." Mazal straightening up and moving to where Tosrol is at. "Lead on my love." feeling a thrill run through her whole soul and body. Just saying that just made her heart light up.





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