Hydaransz Mission Briefing Part 2
Posted on 21 Oct 2022 @ 12:46pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt
2,882 words; about a 14 minute read
S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: USS Tomcat Conference Room
Timeline: MD: 00
Faith listened, that was actually what she asked for, more than was they'd just been given in the report. Which now worked in their favour, or at least possibly did. "I know a way to deal with that Neutronium actually. A Hagh'peng torpedoes. It's a thing and has been for a while, just rarely made. The problem is, we're going to need resources from at least three of those gas giants for the variations of the radiation. Collected by the ram scoops. We'll need the extra Deuterium from Hy10, and lastly, we'll actually need just sixteenth of an ounce of Neutronium from the belt. That will make around 10 of them. Giving us an advantage against the heavy odds. Unless...I and whoever assists blows us up in the chemical compound bonding process."
"As I stated earlier *looks at Cahill and Captain Somers* Racine can fly the Nebula while my fighters can give cover to the rifles *breathes* or engage whatever they throw at us. Winchester can lead K'Rin and the rest of my pilots to patrol and protect the Tomcat," Serina said.
"Launching of the order of the fighters will be up to acting Captain Cahill at the time, we are here to give you some details on the system you will be going to and some operational targets, there rest will be up to her on how she wants to deploy the forces she has at her disposal," the Captain said as she took a healthy inhale from her oxygen she had on the back of her chair.
As the Fleet Captain was needing a break Colonel Somers addressed Benson "Lieutenant Benson, that Neutronium facility will be left in one piece, understood? R&D is using that mineral to find its weakness, all the Rifles will need to do is take facilities back from the enemy forces. As for the resources, the Roosevelt will not need those resources, you are going there to help secure the system and outer facilities from those Pirates and nothing more. All reports indicate there is at least one Pirate carrier that stays out of range and sends its fighters in on strafing runs, but let me make it clear, the Roosevelt is not going there to collect resources you going there to rid the system of pirates, understood Lieutenant?" the Colonel asked Benson.
Faith sighed a little bit, pausing, then nodded. "Yes, that's understood."
"For my part, it is crystal clear. It is a chance for payback," Serina said.
Finding some more breath "I will not keep you much longer, what I have next to say is some basic SOPs for this mission, *looks at Cahill* Commander after the Rifles have deployed you are to take the Roosevelt and a Squadron of Fighters and get that Pirate carrier, the Roosevelt is equipped to handle such a task, it will be up to you what Squadron you use for it, you have the 100th or 102nd which will be assigned to you, whatever squadron you keep on the Roosevelt you will issue action orders to the Squadron Commander and allow that commander to lead their Squadron as communications will be spotty at best in the system" Captain Somers paused.
Understood Captain, will seek out and destroy. Once done I plan to see what we can do to keep that sector of space free of pirates. Replied Cahill.
*Looks at Falk* "Lieutenant Falk, sorry Captain Falk, you will need to assign a unit of Rifles to the Roosevelt to assist in ships security, the rest you will need to put into smaller units to capture as mentioned facilities when that is done you are to move onto the Starbase and assist the stations to compliment in ridding it of Pirates which have managed to get a foothold on the stations lower levels, the layout will be similar to that of Deep space Nine as it is a Nor class Starbase, purchased from the Cardassian's, of course, decades ago. Whatever Squadron is not going with acting Captain Cahill will be flying CAP for your transports and they will protect those transports, the order to take no prisoners is given, so if you see any Pirates you have permission to open fire and kill them. If some surrender then take them prisoner, but you have permission to kill on sight, are there any questions Captain Falk?" Captain Somers asked.
Aye Fleet Captain Somers. I like when extreme order is given. There is no doubt about what to do. I believe some crew members may not be comfortable doing it but sometimes it is necessary.
And the fighters will be used as well. I will have Engineering and Communications work on the communications issue. Perhaps together they can come up with some ideas to counter the radiation effects on communications.
I personally have a few ideas of what is causing the interference. From the last time, we were there. One theory is the radiation in that sector in space may be causing it. And if we can work out modulation of the frequencies we can then overcome it and be able to have full communications. Cahill replied.
Hewitt turned to Cahill and stated. “Lt. Commander. We will have to get together soon to discuss these tactical/engineering options.” Todd nodded. This would be an exercise in cooperation and integration of engineering and tactical systems on a broader scale that he had not worked on before. Thus, this was a learning experience for him.
Tapping on his PADD he added in the different ideas and configure menus of what was discussed in the meeting. Not everything would be instituted. However, Hewitt wanted to correctly take notations for later.
I agree LT Hewitt, we need to get on the same page if this mission is to be a success. And what I said about the radiation in that section of space is just a theory. Nothing has been proved, it is a personal theory I developed when we were there the last time. We need to look at all options as well. And involve the Science sections well. They may have some better ideas for it" Cahill responded.
Mazal kept quiet as others added to the planning, then she spoke up, "This is a deep house cleaning situation, as in sending in vermin control, and taking out terrorists. That is our job sirs. Also, if there is radiation I will be having the Rifles either have EV gear on or at least a monitoring system to let us know the level of radiation we will be facing." The other things that Fleet Captain Somers was mentioning, Mazal was already taking notes and configuring who was going to go where. And also who was going to be her acting XO as well. "I am already making a list as to who will go where," she added.
“Radiation is a concern, yet today’s weaponry and configurations can augment the radiation particles into free-form energy charges to the Rifles themselves, in effect. Acting as battery chargers.” Hewitt spoke of his knowledge of Engineering systems and radiation levels incurred. He tapped in some confirmations into his padd.
“As for battlefield radiation. This is a concern. I trust Falk and her Rifles will ensure there are safeties appropriately.” Hewitt replied, his eyes scanning the officers for any concerns. Standardized tactical wear suits and armour would most likely be used on their operations and would help ensure Falk's officers did not get radiation sickness.
"We can always add auxiliary Hyronalyn gas canisters to the suits as well. That should protect from radiation even better," Matt suggested.
After things had died down the Captain continued with laboured breath "okay, time is almost up SB51 medical is expecting me so here are the SOPs for your Mission how you apply them is entirely up to you and how events play out" Captain Somers said.
"Commander Cahill, you will take the Roosevelt into the Hydaransz system, you will have two fighter squadrons on the ship, 100th, and 102nd Squadrons, it will be up to you who to choose to remain with the transports, arriving you will support the Rifles with the whole ship and both squadrons until mentioned facilities have been taken and all resistance wiped out. Then you will take said transports to the boundaries of the Starbase there and unload all four with a fighter squadron as backup and then you will take the ship outside the outer asteroid belt where the Pirate carrier sits and launches fighters, you will take the ship out quickly, aim for the weak spots of the carrier, then when the Carrier is neutralized return back to the Starbase and assist in any way you can" the Captain paused and looked at Falk.
"Lieut... Captain Falk, your Rifles will be doing the space version of island hopping, the orbital facilities and asteroid bases, and planetside bases will need to be taken back from the enemy. You will also supply twenty-four of your 455 Rifles to assist in ships security, the rest split into groups enough for all mentioned facilities, when you are ready to move onto the Starbase contact Starfleet and they will send in troops to man retaken facilities, your Rifles are to remain at the facilities until relieved, then when they are the transports are to join up with the Roosevelt at the outer perimeter of the Starbase in the system. It will not be an easy mission, but it is a required one, you will need to pick your unit commanders for each facility, are there any questions from either of you?" Captain Somers asked.
Cahill Replied, "No questions at this time Captain Somers. Consider the Pirate Carrier destroyed."
"I do have one or two questions. In listening to the places that the marines will be going to, I was trying to ascertain on the map how many orbital stations we'll be going to. This will help in the trajectory points where the marines will be going. And I do want to get a copy of that map in order for me to place the best ones suited for each task." Falk looking at Colonel Somers
*Looks at Falk* "The map will be available to you Captain, however, the Roosevelt will have to scan that area to get you that information, any info we got is preliminary and came via the Romulan so a closer scan will be needed *looks to Cahill* got that Commander Cahill" she said with a smile.
I got it Captain and will see it happens. Replied Cahill.
"Thank you, Colonel Somers. I look forward to getting more of the information." Mazal replied.
Do we know the current condition of the Roosevelt? What I mean is, is t combat ready or will we need to get her into some kind of fighting trim on our way to Hydaransz,?" Matt asked.
Looking at the Chief Science Officer "it is combat ready and outfitted to carry troops and fighters, plus the troop transports, however, Lieutenant Hewitt's modification plans sound good, so while the ship is fighting fit as you say those proposed modifications should help, any other questions Lieutenant?" Captain Somers asked.
"Just one, when do we report?" Matt asked.
"I plan to place the Roosevelt in a position that allows me to intercept the Pirate Carrier as it responds to help stop the Marines from completing the invasion. I feel the Pirate Carrier will try to assist in stopping the invasions. And will not realize that Roosevelt is there till it is too late. This will give my ship and crew the element of surprise. And let us also protect the deployed Marine's flank as well. Also once engaged they will have no place to run. And should be a sitting duck for Roosevelt. Having the element of surprise will allow us to be more effective in our mission to destroy the Pirate carrier." Cahill said.
The Colonel looked at Commander Cahill "I am all for confidence Commander, but too much confidence can get you in trouble, do what you have to do to maximise your people's survivability and get them back home again understood?" The Colonel asked with a smile to show she was not shooting the ideas and the get-up and the go-down.
"As for the Carrier it is all guesswork until the events are upon you Commander, remember to poll your bridge staff for their opinions and then come to a decision *looks at Falk* that bit about doing what you have to do and get your people home also applies to the rifles too understood Captain?" The Colonel said again with a smile.
"Understood LTC Somers. "As Cahill smiled at LTC Somers.
"I will do my best in getting our people back. I don't intend on leaving anyone behind, not at all." Mazal responded. She'd do her best but that promise can't always be kept.
Finding some more strength "okay are there any final questions before I dismiss you and allow the Commander to get her ship ready?" the Fleet Captain asked.
Cahill replied, "Aye Captain, I will not let you down."
Faith looked like she was contemplating something for a long moment, then shook her head. "No, sir. I'm sure something will come to mind later. It usually does."
I look at LT Benson, "If something comes up on the Roosevelt my door to the CRR is always open to discuss it. Unless we and in the middle of a fight" as I grin.
“FC Somers. I will be speaking with Lt. Commander Cahill as soon as possible regarding the Roosevelt’s lean and mean abilities to thwart off the pirate cruiser and to offer support to the infiltration teams.” Lieutenant Hewitt nodded to the acting Captain of the Roosevelt.
"The best place to take out the pirate ship is her fighter bays first. They will have the ordinance in her bays. Makes for good explosions. The rest of the ship should be easier from there. Once the fighter bays are destroyed, pirate ships don't have a place to go," Serina said calmly. Taking a page from an old fighter book she read.
"I don't have any other questions. Mine have been answered." Mazal responded. She mentally squared her shoulders, there was going to be a lot of prep work she was going to be doing.
Faith looked to Serina a moment, "They do have transporters, ma'am. That's also assuming they are even using fighters at all."
Cahill responded, "That is also an area where shields will be at their strongest too. We will have to weaken the shields so that they are able to be hit.
Also, our fighters will be having to keep their fighters away from us too. We will be pushing Engineering to the limit in any fight we get in. So I need you in Engineering at your best game."
"I will need the latest intelligence and scientific data about the region". Matt requested.
“Engineering considers this mission paramount.” Hewitt added, “We will have multiple contingencies, and then some.” Todd nodded.
"Well if there is nothing further, you can discuss your plan of action when on or on the way to the Roosevelt as this meeting is adjourned," Fleet Captain Somers said and feeling the fatigue she kept her posture straight until all had left and only Alex remained, only then did she slump in her chair and weakly looked up at Alex "do the honours and beam me to Starbase Medical Alex, I have no strength remaining," Jasmine said.
Alex looked over and down at her COusin who seemed to sag and deflate the moment the remaining officers left the room "understood Jas" Alex said and tapped her Commbadge =/\= Colonel Somers to Starbase fifty-one Medical directly beam Fleet Captain Somers to medical =/\= she said then looked at Jasmine "I will look after your crew Cousin" she said.
=/\= Ready to transport =/\= came the response.
=/\= Energize =/\= Alex said and watched Jasmine disappear in a transporter effect, when she had gone she sighed and left the room, she was hoping to catch up with someone before he left, but in this, she failed so she headed straight to the bridge.