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Posted on 19 Nov 2022 @ 7:12pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & 1st Lieutenant Josefina (Fina) Macapuno

3,401 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Small observation deck
Timeline: Before the Marines leave for the Roosevelt

Jo got word from Mazal that she would be accompanying her on a mission. It surprised her to no end but she wasn't going to be saying no. However this aspect as to her going, Jo decided she needed to ask Jane out on a date. Jane could say no but Jo hoped she wouldn't. Jo got dressed up really nice, a red dress with spaghetti straps with ruffles on the bottom, and Jo was wearing a pair of low heels.

Jo had sent a message to Jane via PADD, the message read:Hi this is Jo, Jane would you have dinner with me tonight. I am on Deck 13 near the Secondary Shuttle/Fighter Maint Hangar on a small obervation area. I hope that you will join me there

There was a small view port which looked out towards the stars. It may not be most romantic spot but, Jo thougt it a different place to eat and a little bit of low lighting, it could be.

And so Jo waited, feeling a bit nervous. She had prepped a dinner a small sort of buffet she hoped that Jane was in the mood for Chinese as that was what she had prepared. That was on a small table to the side with the necessary items to keep the food warm. There was another small table with a setting for two, and two chairs an artificial candle sat in the center, its flame dancing as if there were an air current. Soft music was playing, the table was covered with a dark blue cloth. A bottle of wine was chilling and sake was warming. Jo nervously adjusted her dress hoping that she chose a good outfit.

Jane had accepted the invitation with a quick note. It had been a long time since she'd been on a real date. She'd spent all day in sickbay and was glad for the treat and the company, even if she still felt confused by her feelings.

The device at the holo-shop she visited with Leland wasn't meant to mess with her mind like this, but those were the end results. Confusion and turmoil inside herself about what she actually wanted in a partner, in life even. But she couldn't hide from this. She'd go on the date, confront it head on, and either she'd have a fantastic night, or immediately kill the mood but at least know where she and Josefina stood.

She found a black top, white skirt, and black heels, enough to look date-appropriate without going over the top, touched up her makeup, and made it to deck 13 just a minute or two late. On route, she had wondered why Jo had picked this place, but on further thinking, it was private and probably had a nice view.

The door to the observation area opened, and smiled at seeing Jo. "Hey. You look gorgeous."

Jo's mouth dropped open seeing Jane. "Wow do you look sensational! And thank you." she just stood there for a few long moments just outright staring at Jane, as she was just enjoying the beauty. Then Jo came back to focus. "I am glad you accepted my invitation." Jo was a little bit nervous. "I hope you are in the mood for kinda like a Chinese buffet. I know this is a strange place to have dinner but, the view of the stars is great here. I like to come here where it is quiet, and a place to be away from my quarters and not be in the holosuite either. Want to have a seat?"

"It's a perfect place to have dinner," Jane said, "and I wouldn't miss it. I love Chinese food, let's get plates and then take our seats." She took an offered dish and began putting a bit of everything on it. "You've done so much," she said, putting a final spring roll on her plate.

Jo just smiled as she got her own food dished up. When her plate was full Jo went to the table and sat down, put a black dinner napkin upon her lap. She took a bite of her food, gazing at Jane. "Sorry for just staring, I am sort of pinching myself making sure this is not a dream." another bite, as Jo wasn't quite certain what to say at the moment, then she spoke,

"I will be going out on a mission with the rest of the marines, so to make certain I don't have any regrets, I just wanted to have a date with you. This isn't to trap you into anything, or to make you feel like you have to do anything in return. I just value the time I get to spend with you, so heck here we are."

Jane blushed at the attention she was getting, and took some bites of chow mein, in part because it smelled great but also to hide her embarrassment.

Then when the revelation came out, Jane set her utensils down and stared back at Jo. "I have no regrets spending time with you, Jo," she said, smiling and reaching her hand across. "I'd try to say something reassuring about how we'll also spend time together when you're back, but given how scary I found the last mission I won't presume safety. So I'm glad we're taking the opportunity for a date now. And my god, this is amazing! You're a talented chef!"

Jo looked into Jane's beautiful green eyes, and took her hand, giving her a broad smile at her compliment. "I am glad you are enjoying the meal, and thank you." feeling very happy from head to toe. "I was worried about you being on that mission, but I am very glad that you had gotten back." running her thumb along Jane's hand. "I've not said this before but your eyes are so beautiful, I could just get lost in them. And just holding your hand in mine, makes me realize I am not in a dream. The warmth of your hand in mine, the feeling of your silken skin..." then Jo stopped, her eyelashes lowered feeling her face turn warm.

"Jo..." Jane said, blushing a deep red, "I appreciate everything you're saying, but this is a lot. Are you okay? This seems like more than jitters before a mission."

"These are just things I've wanted to say to you before, just hadn't dared say them until now. And perhaps I lost my little cork in my mind to keep these thoughts bottled up inside. And now they are just coming out way too strong." Jo pulling her hand back, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I care about you. Just something about you just helped me care more about myself and what I can do to improve in my duties as a marine, in life, as a person." Jo lowered her eyes down to regard her food, then picked up a spring roll to nibble at it.

Jane ate in silence for a moment, unsure how to answer. It was a lot to take in for something that had begun casual.

As she finished a potsticker, she looked back up to Jo. "Back on Starbase 51, My friend Leland and I went to a holodeck shop and had massages. They had these devices that were meant to augment pleasure by bringing to the surface of the mind one's fantasies. It feels like you're experiencing them while masseuses work their magic."

Jo looked up from her spring roll to pay close attention to what Jane was saying, but not interrupting either.

"The fantasies weren't all sexy ones," Jane continued. "Sure there were lots of those, but one image that's stuck in my head was you playing with my hair as we ate popcorn and watched a movie. A bit of domestic bliss." She looked away. "But also, I saw similar images of me and my ex. Jo...I don't know what I want, and what was meant to be a bit of fun has me second-guessing a lot of my feelings."

Jo chewed on another bite of her spring roll as she contemplated what Jane had told her. Jo liked that image that Jane had brought up about them being in domestic bliss, she also could empathize on Jane's conflicting feelings as well. The fact that Jane was being very open and honest about this endeared her even more in Jo's eyes.

"I know you still love your Ex and that isn't something that will not go away. I speak from experience. I lost a person 'cause I didn't tell them how they made me feel. I hid my attraction for them and since I didn't say anything they left. I am thinking that you are worried about getting involved any deeper with anyone for fear of well, losing them. And even thinking of getting close to someone is really scary. This is actually why I've done my best to keep things casual, you know friends with benefits that sort of thing. As I am afraid, afraid about caring too much."

"That might be part of it," Jane conceded. "Truthfully I don't understand it all. Your insight makes sense, but I don't think that's all of it." She let out a long sigh. "I really don't like not understanding." She looked to Jo and smiled slightly. "I'm glad we're having this talk though. It helps." She reached one hand across to hold one of Jo's, while using the other one to pick up some rice in her chopsticks.

The corners of Jo's dark brown eyes crinkled up as she smiled. "I am glad we can talk about this as well." feeling contented in Jane holding her hand. With the other Jo finished eating her spring roll. She had to let go of Jane's hand to go get some drink. "Jane what would you like, sake or wine?" Jo pouring herself some sake.

"Actually just water, please," Jane said, seeing that the bottles were both real alcohol. "After you and the rest of the marines go off with Commander Cahill, I'll be acting CMO, and always on call. I can hold my liquor but when on call I abstain." She smiled warmly. "Thank you, though. It's a sweet gesture. Pour for yourself whatever you like tonight, and I'll join you for something real next time we're at Starbase 51."

"Then I can get oolong tea, I do have that as well, and can get lemon water." giving a smile. "I can save this" Motioning towards the wine and sake, "for later on, I can do without having the alcohol as well. Lemon water or Oolong tea or even green tea." giving a soft smile. "Oh remind me later, I could have done a tea ceremony for you!" Jo exclaimed. "Complete with the kimono or a yakuta."

"Oolong tea sounds lovely," Jane answered. "Yes, let's save the drinks. And when you get back from the Roosevelt, we'll enjoy a tea ceremony." She smirked. "I just need to see you in a kimono," she teased.

"It depends on how long the kimono is." Jo teased back. "but yes I look forward to doing the tea ceremony, for you. For now though..." she went to get some water along with a tea set, thank goodness there was a replictor not too far. She retrieved the oolong tea and the tea pot which had the tea ready to pour. "This will work out very nicely." bringing over the black tea pot which had a ruby throated humming bird upon it and on the tea cups were hybiscus flowers. "Okay here we go." sitting back down to get ready to pour their tea.

As she poured the tea, Jo remarked, "If you ever need someone to talk matters out or if I do something that bugs you, Jane, you can talk honestly with me. And if I get hurt feelings slightly well I can just get over it okay? I'd rather have the short term sting of honesty than the long lingering burn of a lie. Sound good?" Jo giving another soft smile towards Jane.

“Sounds good,” Jane agreed. “And same for me. If you need to talk, or put me back in line if I’m being difficult.” She took a sip of the tea and smiled. “This is nice. Ties into the meal pretty well too.”

"Glad you are enjoying it." Jo definitely pleased. She sipped at her own tea then her eyes widened. "I forgot another thing I love having with Oolong tea, almond cookies." Learning over she pulled out a small bag of the cookies she mentioned. These are great when dipped in tea. Forgive me but I am going to be a barbarian and dip my cookied in the tea." she giggled, opening up the package and taking a cookie out. She set the package near to where Jane could reach it.

Breaking the cookie in half she then dunked part of the cookie inside the tea then took a bite of it. "This is really good. Try if you'd like." Jo said with a slight smile.

Jane did as suggested, breaking a cookie, dunking half, and tasting it. The flavours did mix perfectly. “Oh this is good. Thanks for the suggestion!” She did the same with the other half.

She looked away a moment and felt a sudden urge. “Jo, you’ve been very honest with me this evening. About your feelings, about what you want. I feel compelled to be honest with you about something. I’ve been sleeping with someone else too. I’d prefer not to say who, for a few reasons, and our relationship has been so casual so far that it didn’t bear mentioning before, but…I feel like that’s changed now. So yeah. There’s been someone else sometimes too.”

Jo paused her cookie dipping and looked at Jane, without an expression of anger. Nor even one of distaste. "Jane, I am not asking you to tell me about who you've slept with. You are not a kiss and tell sort of person. And yes our relationship has been rather casual so, no jealousy on my part. Unless you want me to be that, then I can paint myself green and be envious." giving a wink at Jane. She dunked her other half in the tea, then placed it in her mouth, just enjoying the flavor.

When her mouth was empty and a drink of her tea cleared her mouth, Jo then remarked, "The one thing that will destroy a relationship be that friend or more, will be jealousy and also no communication. I can't allow myself to be jealous. And both of us are walking carefully, not necessarily on eggshells but we're taking our time right? Seeing if we can be more than friends with benefits? If that makes any sense as to what I just said." Jo giving a wry smile.

Jane sighed with relief and returned the smile. “Thank you. That’s exactly what I hoped to hear.” She took a deep breath and looked out the viewport. This really was a great date spot. The setup, the view, the soft music, which set the mood but was meant to be in the background…. “Computer, replace music with file Sinclair…fifteen.” The background music was replaced by a soft piano melody, one very familiar to Jane. She stood and offered her hand to Jo. “Would you like to dance?”

"I would love to, but first-" Jo slipped out of her heels to where she was now barefoot. Even if her heels were low enough, Jo wanted to dance in her barefeet. She then took Jane's hand and stood up so that the two of them can dance. "This is a beautiful piece of music." Jo said smiling softly, and drawing near to Jane.

Jane smiled, put one hand behind Jo's back, and began to lead them in a slow step. "Thank you. I didn't write it, I wish I had, but this is me playing it."

Following Jane's lead, Jo looked into her eyes, "You play beautifully. I can hear the love you put into this piece you are playing. I would also love to watch you play, just be in the same room as you do." there seemed to be stars in Jo's eyes. "And if the acoustics are fantastic just feel the energy that connects the pianist and the instrument."

“I feel the same way,” Jane said, seeing the light shimmer in Jo’s eyes. She smiled and waited a few seconds for the song’s second verse to start before joining in vocally. The song, thankfully, was sung softly, so she wasn’t shouting in the face of her dancing partner. And it helped that the second verse was where the song became happier, after a depressing opening.

“The world I knew, once quiet and grey
Began to change when you looked my way
I thought for sure my heart wouldn’t heal
But I guess you have made the impossible real

Look me in the eyes and make my heart skip a beat
Fill my world with colour and set my spirit free
I was never falling – I was swept off my feet
The very moment you reached me

I wish to numb my heart, to numb my heart
And find the strength to heal what’s inside
So I can overcome the dark, just like a shooting star in the sky

Into the deep, I sink, nearing the brink
But now I know you’re there if I fall
I’ll show the darkness I can fight
And when I’m lost, you’ll be the light
So now there’s no hesitating
I’m tired of waiting
to turn the page and to find out what’s to come

It was as if time stood still, the surrounding that Jo and Jane were dancing in, disappeared replaced by a panorama of stars. The song, the words of the song, Jane's voice, resonated deep within Jo's heart all the way into her soul. Goosebumps rose upon her flesh, and Jo could feel the tether she had upon her feelings, loosen. Jo felt strongly for Jane, couldn't help herself. At the end of the song, Jo stopped dancing, not realizing that she had. Then slowly, gently, she pulled Jane close to her lifting her chin, and kissed her. The kiss began gentle then deepened, as Jo bent Jane into a dip position. Then raised her back up to an upright position, still kissing Jane. Jo reluctantly broke the kiss, to take a breath, leaning her forehead against Jane's. "That was beautiful." softly whispering those words.

“Th-thank you.” Jane could barely breathe after that kiss — what a kiss! — so she stood still, forehead leaning against Jo’s. “It’s, ah, been a while since I’ve been kissed while being dipped,” she finally eked out with a giggle. “And longer since I did it back.” Despite the height difference, one hand supported Jo’s back as the other went behind her head and in one motion she spun them and bent forward, kissing her deeply as she had been kissed moments earlier. The small doctor, stronger than she looked, held Jo tight, not letting go as passion washed over them both.

That kiss, this kiss, so hot! It hit her head like she had imbibed a rather strong drink. Jo felt like she was going to melt into a puddle with how intense the kiss was! When they came up for air, Jo, her voice husky with passion whispered, "Let's take this to my quarters... its closer. I-I bribed someone to take care of the clean up."

“We should hurry,” Jane said, nodding. “Because closer or not, I’m not sure how long I can wait.”

With a nod and a smile, Jo took Jane by the hand and quickly left the area, not paying attention that she had left her red shoes behind.




OOC: The full version of the song Jane is singing


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