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The ways of a gentleman

Posted on 11 Nov 2022 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Autumn Cole

2,418 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Autumn's quarters
Timeline: before Departure after One for the Road

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Feeling unsteady, Autumn was rather grateful for Dodd's supporting arm. Once again she apologized. "I aaam so sssorry for taking you away from that lovely party." Autumn's words slightly slurred. "I was so stupid for not making sure I had something on my stomach before drinking." then Autumn remembered something which made sense as to why she was feeling so unsteady, she had two other drinks before she joined the group.

"Oh dear, tonight I've had four drinks. Two rum and cokes, and the t-t-two Tiberius Flirts. Oh yesh, very stupid." hanging onto Dodd's arm for dear life. She was definitely worried she'd fall flat on her face.

"You don't need to apologize for the fact that you consumed real alcohol on an empty stomach. You likely were not expecting to have real alcohol as normally synthahol is served for most gatherings." Dodd replied as he scoped her up in his arms to carry her the rest of the way to her quarters. "Don't want you to fall so this will be better."

Now Dodd had her in his arms and the attraction he was feeling was confirmed as she was visually his type and yet he had never really had a relationship other than friendship with a non-telepath before. Autumn was someone whom he would have to get to know and then allow himself to have her fall in love with him as that is the only way he would want it.

"The rum and coke had real rum in it. I didn't want the synthahol." Autumn's arm looping around the the back of Dodd's neck to hold on. "But yes I wasn't considering there to be real alcohol but it tasted so good well, you know. And thank you." she leaned her head against his chest, feeling just a bit dizzy and heard his heart beating. "I had wanted to have another one of the Flirts as I wanted to see if the third one would have tasted different like the second one did from the first. Kinda magical like A Mary Poppins medicine for the kids she was caring for. It changed flavors for the medicine hers was rum punch." her mind just going in some random direction.

She was quite content in being held in Dodd's arms, they were strong, warm comfortable. And she felt her cheeks warm up besides being warm from the alcohol she had consumed.

Dodd felt the comfortable sensation Cole felt in his arms. His t-shirt was thin and almost skin tight so it was almost as if she was directly against his flesh. She radiated body heat from being a bit drunk but he could tell it was also her feeling something else. "So you know of ol' Earth children's stories, I did not think you would know who Mary Poppins was." Dodd stated to keep her talking. "Did you read the book or have it read to you as a child?"

"I have the book in my quarters along with other classic books. I don't always like to read the electronic versions. Nothing like the scent of real book in your hands. Like an old friend. I've got the Sherlock Holmes series of books. Some Nancy Drew. I do have some more recent books but, to me nothing beats the classics. I even have an unabridged version of Count of Monte Cristo. Oh can't forget Don Quixote. And I have Shakespeare and..." she laughed. "Oh here I go babbling away. When we get to my quarters you'll see my bookcase. I love books"

"Intriguing, I will say that I have read most of the classics from Earth, but I tend to learn most of them via the holodeck with a slight twist." Dodd replied. He liked smart women and now she had two of his four requirements for a romantic partner. "Well, I plan to get you settled and maybe get you a bite to eat and then I hope you can sleep this off and be fit as a fiddle in the morning."

"Once I get some food in me, I should be alright. If I get into a drinking contest I actually have olive oil before I do it keeps the alcohol from going into the blood stream as quickly. Anyhow, what sort of twist do you do where the classics are concerned. I'd like to hear about that? You could tell me about it while we eat, I mean I eat. I don't know if you are hungry, though. It would be nice to have a meal together with someone. Well especially with my being tipsy or would this be classified as being drunk." Autumn mused.

They approached Cole's quarters, Dodd signaled the door to open and he carried her inside. "I would suggest you sit at your table and I will whip up a replicator program perfect for your situation." Dodd helped her sit and turned to go to the replicator. "Do you have any dietary restrictions?"

Autumn shook her head. "No I don't have any dietary restrictions." giving a smile. "And sure I'll sit at the table. Not a problem. Would be a good thing to do." giving a bit of a giggle.

If there was a quick glance around her quarters there would be on the wall an image of her doing an aerial dance on silks. Also there is a large bookcase with a variety of reading books, puzzles, and books on languages. on another set of shelves were her musical instruments. Along with her art supplies.

"What do you recommend that I eat to offset this situation?" Autumn holding onto the table for stability.

Dodd turned around with a plate of scrambled eggs from a bird native to the planet Ullia. "I give you scrambled Vilisoar eggs with tomato puree and sour cream." Dodd replied as he approached and set the plate down in front of Autumn. "This is a sure fire way to rid your system of the after affects of the real alcohol. There is something about the Vilisoar eggs, that even when replicated, help flush a humanoid body of alcohol."

"That sounds lovely, and I am looking forward to eating- oh that smells divine. Are you going to eat also?" Autumn picking up her fork to partake of the food he prepared. "this is really good."

"I don't need anything to eat right now, as I try not to consume actual food after 2330 hours if I have to work the next day." Dodd stated as he did sit at the table to be sure Cole did not experience issues while eating. "I merely wanted to get you home safe and sound and be sure you were on the road to a carefree tomorrow."

Autumn slowly gave a nod while she ate. She was very hungry. "I am glad that you brought me home, I don't know what sort of trouble I would have had getting to my quarters. I probably would have be almost crawling to my quarters and hoping someone wouldn't trip over me. "

Another mouthful, then she asked once more. "You said you read books in a unique way? In what way did you learn of them?"

"I read books the same way you do, but I like to turn the book into a holodeck program and adjust the settings to be more fitting to my personal preferences and I will leave it at that for now." Dodd replied. "Once we get to know each other more you will learn my twist to classic novels." Dodd watched her with a little of a twinkle in his eye. He knew she was likely to reveal she would meet his other two requirements for him to be happy pursuing a more than friends relationship but time was there to allow the feelings to mature and grow from the seedling he now felt.

"I do like to be in holo-novel sort of books. I ask the computer to give me puzzles to solve when I go into them sometimes it is like a life or death situation. They are fun, then there are the mysteries I like to participate in." another bite of her food, it almost all gone. She looked down at her plate, "Oh this is good. And sadly it is almost gone. I like talking to you. Maybe we can talk some more when time permits it. After all you are probably busy due to your duties."

"I would like to talk with you more and get to know you better, but I had better make sure you are okay and head to my quarters for some shut-eye. I have to be up and on the bridge by 0600 in the morning." Dodd replied, "But the first chance I have, I will see if you want to talk some more or maybe do a puzzle or such."

Autumn gave a nod, "That sounds good." She finished the last two bites, starting to feel a bit more steady in her head. "This was very yummy. I take it you will be staying long enough for me to make it into my bed without falling on the floor?" she moved to get up from the chair, hanging onto the table, analyzing her equilibrium. It looked like she was a bit more steady but not perfect.

"I'll just go get my PJ's on" nodding towards the oversized tee shirt and a pair of shorts "and then crawl into bed."

"I will respect your request and see to it you get into bed safely." Dodd replied. "However, you should consider alternate attire for slumbering. It has been scientifically proven you sleep more deeply if you sleep in the buff." oO I did not intend to stay this long but she is worth it as I feel she is likely to be compatible to my future. Oo

Autumn blushed. "I do depending on the situation. I tend to wear something though just in case I get a call of emergency. I don't want to run out in the hall naked." giving a slight giggle. "And I think it would be rude of me to disrobe in front of the XO. Just not kosher." her cheeks going slightly red.

"Nice to know, well get ready for bed and I will tuck you in and be on my way." Dodd replied with a fiendish grin.

"Okay." Autumn giving a nod and picked up her night wear and headed into the bathroom. A short time later she came out dressed in her sleep wear, the neck of the over sized tee shirt slipping down over her shoulder exposing it.

Autumn walked over towards the bed, and pulled back the covers slipping beneath them. "Okay I have made it to my bed without incident." giving a smile. "And thank you for watching out for me." she got a questioning look in her eyes though. "Just how do you go about tucking someone into bed?"

"Well, that is done in several different ways." Dodd replied with his devilish grin as he really would like to get busy with this young attractive redhead. "But for now, I will just say that I saw you get into bed and that was enough as you would not respect me in the morning if I tucked you in the way I would like to."

Autumn had to think of what Dodd may have meant, so many ideas ran through her head then it dawned on her. "Oh!" she laughed "my brain also thought of tucking in as like placing a kiss on my forehead sort of thing. " Autumn pulled the covers up to beneath her chin. "Well night night Remy." she said sleepily. "Thank you again."

"I would be honored to kiss you on your forehead." Dodd then stepped over to her leaned down and gave her a gentle peck on the forehead. oO Oh, I need to control myself, the dreams I am going to have tonight will be so very wild. Oo "You should have no hangover feelings when you wake up and maybe our duties will have us cross paths again very soon for I would enjoy seeing you again."

The moment his lips touched her flesh, that sent tingles and goose bumps through out Autumn's body. "I hope to see you sometime then." Autumn closed her eyes, just to keep from staring at Dodd. She was drunk and she needed sleep.

"Sleep well and I know we shall cross paths in the future as it is a small ship." Dodd replied as he stood erect and turned for the door. oO I think I may be in trouble but I think my heart is telling me she is figuring out my puzzle and the pieces are falling into place. Oo "Until next we meet, sweat dreams."

Then once Dodd exited the room, Autumn's eyes opened as she carefully felt the place where his lips met her forehead. Autumn kissed her own fingers and placed them where he had kissed. With a groan Autumn went on her stomach and pulled the pillow over her head. What was she thinking? He was way out of Autumn's league. He was a gentleman though, so cultured. She needed sleep as Autumn had an appointment with Doctor Sinclair. She rolled onto her side, and pulled the other pillow against her, this time putting her head upon the other. Sleep was what she needed. Finally with the pillow cuddled up in her arms, Autumn drifted off to sleep.

After exiting Cole's quarters, Dodd headed down the corridor to the turbolift to go his quarters. Once in his quarters, he stripped naked and headed for the shower to calm himself down. It had been too long for Dodd to have been that alone with a woman and not to have acted upon his feelings. Physical contact from a woman was what he longed for and to be that close really took control on his part. So after relieving himself, and now feeling calm, he crawled his naked body into his bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Dodd would be up in a few hours to resume his duties and make sure the ship and crew were operating smoothly.

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