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[Back Post] Winds of fate

Posted on 21 Oct 2022 @ 1:37am by Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Edited on on 28 Oct 2022 @ 10:19am

1,512 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Marine Barracks
Timeline: Following - What a mess


He didn't like it. Rhys fumed to himself. He would have to move quickly now. He hated having to rush. He still couldn't believe his luck though. Cassandra Mathews. He'd be lying to himself if he did not admit that seeing her had brought up more than a few issues for him. Ah! he'd just kill her later. She couldn't stay cosied up to the MXO forever. Plus even if she did tattle on him, which he was almost sure she was doing, well he had that covered. Besides Cassandra knew the rules. By bringing in others they too were now a part of the game. Especially whatever shmuck they put uncharged of investigating him this time. He felt the smile pull at his lips at that thought. That was the prize after all. Bait and catch. Rhys had a preference for security officers. As a matter of fact, he was watching one now. They were switching out the guard at the main deck where both the Marines and the security tended to mingle. His eyes followed a youngish-looking woman who was visiting with an older-looking Engineer. Curious and bored he moved closer to them to listen in on the conversation.

"I just arrived yesterday. I am really enjoying myself so far. The CO has us running a lot of tests so I am getting a good insight as to how the ship likes to be handled." Jarel said as he finished the quick repair to the young lady's phaser and handed it back to her. "That should do it, right as rain now."

The young security officer thanked him with a smile. Her eyes seemed to dart over to Rhys for a moment.

Rhys smiled warmly at her, he could be charming when he wanted to be. Still, she seemed to stiffen and look away. The older man, the Engineer now looked over too catching the woman's sudden discomfort it seemed. When his eyes met Rhys they held confusion and then he said something to the security officer that Rhys didn't catch. Then she nodded and they both left toward the lift together. The lady looked back over her shoulder briefly and Rhys gave her a friendly wave with his fingers, still smiling. He liked that. Yes. That confusion in her eyes, the almost fear. The older man said something again and she shook her head and finally turned to leave with the Engineer. Rhys was counting under his breath giving them a nice head start before he would follow. Then...

"She's pretty. Looking for some new friends Rhys?" Cassandra's voice was low and soft almost a hiss.

"Kitten? What a treat. Nice to see you again. How's the family?" Rhys jested enjoying the way she flinched at his words. "You know you owe me an apology right?" He added then more seriously. "You made my life a shit storm with your storytelling almost got me into bigger trouble than your worth."

Cassi rose a brow and crossed her arms. She was supposed to be getting the files for the MXO to hand over to the CSO. She didn't want to tip him off about anything. So she instead did the unthinkable. "Well, I'm sorry your plan was a piece of shit not even worthy of an ass-wiping Rhys. Play stupid games right."

"Geesh Cassi didn't mommy and Daddy teach you any manners?" Rhys said with mock hurt. He liked her. Liked her spirit and how he had almost broken it. He liked the sounds of her screams, the taste of her blood. He swallowed hard. He couldn't afford to give the bitch what she wanted and land in the brig. So instead he turned the proverbial knife deeper. "Or was that big brother's job?"

"Oh Rhys, poor bait that is. I already know I have nothing to lose. Besides growing up I was never good with manners." Cassi countered. "You need to come up with some better barbs old friend these ones are getting pretty blunt."

He moved to close the distance between them with that almost unnatural speed. Cassandra didn't have time to move away as he spoke he ran his hands over her arms. He remembered how fragile they had been after two weeks in his tender care. How intimate it was to have her powerless, under his control. "You ever wonder what I said to your brother before I shot him?" Rhys whispered so only they could hear. He could feel her trembling.

"No actually, I am not interested in the monologues of assholes Rhys." Cassi returned, wondering now if she hadn't made a mistake approaching him. But she had seen him watching that girl. She had to do something. Now she also had a possible target to pass on to Ze with the case files of her brothers. Still. His touch repulsed her and she could not help but tremble as she recalled the last time he had put his hands on her. She felt her chest tighten. Still, though she stood firm.

"I saved your life." Rhys whispered, "It's mine to do with as I please. I could have killed you a dozen times. But I didn't. Hell, I don't even want to kill you now. I just want to play with you a little. Wanna come on over to my bunk and play Kitten? I know you're lonely. I can rekindle that old spark between us. You might even like it this time." He knew he had won the stand-off as she ripped herself from his almost embrace. The haunted look in her eyes was almost as good as gold. He felt a wave of satisfaction. "I'll take that as a no then." He chuckled.

"Excuse me, But I really don't think the lady wants your attention sir, do you think you could kindly leave her alone now? You can see she's frightened." Came a familiar voice to Rhys. He turned and to his surprise the old Engineer was back, standing a few paces behind him. He looked a little angry for all the kindness the words he spoke beheld.

Jarel had needed to come back to grab a tool he had misplaced, After walking the security officer to the lift. He had noticed the young man in the Marine fatigues before watching the young girls and a few boys. At first, he had thought it was a guard post. But after talking to the other woman he found out it wasn't a guard position. So why was he there? Something about the man had made Jarel's Daddy's senses go off. So in an effort to figure things out, he was going to confront the young man and see if maybe things were just being misunderstood. He was a youngin after all they could be weird and awkward at times. But something in those eyes and in what he had partially overheard made him decide that there was no misunderstanding. He put on his best Dad voice. "Maybe you should go and leave her alone now. Before I wave those security guards over, or maybe a few of your fellow Marines to set you straight about how to talk to women."

oO You're dead. Oo Rhys thought. oO Just signed your own death warrant you smug...Oo "Yeah sure. I'll leave her alone. Sorry for the troubled friend." Rhys said his voice thick with an apology, and that Ah shucks! tone. That boyish grin of his. Rhys looked back at Cassi again. "See you around Kitten. Looks like I overstayed my welcome." With that, he left.

Jarel moved closer to Cassi worry was clear on his face. "You okay? You should report him if he is bothering you." He said kindly to Cassandra. "Are you going to be alright? I can walk with you to the security station if you want to file a report on him. I saw him put his hands on you." He reassured.

"No, Umm, I am fine. but.. thank you." Cassandra said when she found her voice again. "I will report it to my CO. I'll be okay." She too then turned and left.

Jarel watched her go uneasily. He was worried. He would also make sure to file a report about this as soon as his shift ended. But there was so much to be done. He had just finished his tests of the thrusters infusion tanks and the regulation system before security had asked him to look at her phaser because of an indicator light. A simple fix really. It just needed an adjustment of the power regulator. Jarel felt a chill run down his spine. He wasn't sure why. He brushed it off and gathering the tool he had left behind he headed off to give his reports to Hawksley his CO.




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