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Another Arrival

Posted on 29 Nov 2022 @ 9:44pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Ensign Liam Bäckström

2,285 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: SB51 MD: 02


As Sam was looking through the files she was getting a generalised feed from the ongoing Tomcat mission, when an alert that a new crewmember had arrived on the Starbase "very unusual!" she exclaimed to herself as she pulled up the file "I wish they would get the timing of new arrival's right, what are you doing to me Starfleet!!" She exclaimed more aiming her frustration at Starfleet. She pulled up other stuff and prepared everything then headed out.

Exiting the Security Office she entered the turbo lift and the moment the Doors closed "Arrivals Lounge she said and the lift whisked her to her requested destination, a short time later the ride stopped and she stepped out as the doors opened, she pauses looks around and sees a human male in Intelligence grey, inhaling she heads over to him and addresses him.

"Ensign Liam Backstrom, Deputy Chief of Intelligence on the Tomcat I presume!" She said and it was not a question but phrased as one as she had seen his service jacket.

Liam had dropped his bag and was looking around mostly at the pretty young woman sitting by herself in the corner. He turned towards the voice that called out to him. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson, Security Chief of this Starbase, I will take you through your orientation and then send you on your way, pleased to meet you, now if you pick up your items and follow me please we will go to the security office where I will get you sorted out," she said indicating the direction that he was to follower her and so she started walking expecting him to keep up "have you any questions, Ensign Backstrom?" She asked.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." grabbing the bag and slinging it over his shoulder he hurried to catch up realizing that she was leaving him in the dust. He quickens his pace to match hers. "None so far ma'am. Other than what's it like out here so far from the federation core?"

- Security Office -

They finally arrived at the Security Officer and she led him to her inner sanctum "please have a seat" she said indicating the chair in front of her desk as she went around and sat behind the desk. "As for what it is like out this far from the Federation core, the Tomcat's missions mostly take her outside Federation borders out here in the Mira Sector, the closest backup is a month away at cruising speed, but it is not boring out here" she responded as she started the motions of getting his ID Card and other stuff created, while this was going on she was tapping data into his service jacket, updating it "okay, that is your duty registered in this sector, now while we wait for your ID card to complete a little on what you will be walking into" she paused.

"The USS Tomcat has gone to Starbase 39 Sierra to investigate the kidnapping of a Federation Ambassador, while a section of that crew and the ships Rifle Regiment contingent have gone to the Hydaransz system to beat back Pirate operations in the system, they are using a borrowed Nebula Class modified for troop and fighter carrying abilities. Lieutenant Colonel Somers the acting commanding Officer has taken a team to take care of a recently discovered Mirror Universe Outpost on a Class L Moon and try to close down the Mirror Universe anomaly that is open nearby. Currently, that is all of the information, you know as much as I do" Smithson said as the machine to her right pinged indicating the ID Badge had finished printing, then a noise from the outer office drew her attention, she shrugged and returned her attention to the Ensign.

- Outer Security Office -

Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers had arrived in the outer office, she had heard that the Tomcat would be getting a new Officer and she wanted to actually get to know the station's Security Chief, she thought that she would kill two birds with one stone so to speak. She arrived in her hoverchair, thankfully the latest medical procedures made it so that she no longer needed supplemental oxygen, but she still needed crutches to walk when not using the chair, parking her chair in the outer office she allowed a security officer to help her up when he saw the ID Badge she was wearing as she was in surgical garb, he stood up straighter "Captain, to what do we owe the honour?" he asked.

Getting the sticks in place and in her hands she unsteadily stood up and nodded her thanks "I am here to meet finally your Security Chief and to assess one of my new Officers, I know it is not standard procedure Ensign, but I am getting nasty sitting in Medical or my quarters doing nothing, so if you will excuse me I will go in, but I will not interrupt the Commander" she said and the Security officer relented and allowed her to enter the inner office.

- Security Chief's Office -

As Smithson was about to hand the ID Card over the doors to her office opened and standing there in the doorway in medical garb and on crutches was the Commanding Officer of the Tomcat, Sam was surprised and her eye's widened in response as the woman entered, she looked a little healthier, but still a little drawn and pallid.

"Apologies Commander, I got bored in Medical so I thought I would occupy some time to finally meet you and to eye up my new Officer" Captain Somers said "Also to see how you do things" she added with a smile slowly making her way over to the other chair in front of the desk and sat "okay, that was more taxing than I had anticipated," she said and was breathing heavily.

"Ensign Liam Backstrom, this is the main commanding officer of the USS Tomcat Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers, she is currently here to heal from her kidnapping ordeal, Captain this is Ensign Liam Backstrom your new Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer," Smithson said introducing the pair.

*With a friendly smile Jasmine looked at him* "Hello Ensign, pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir is going to be happy to have another person in her department" Somers said.

Snaps to attention, dropping the bag. "Hello Ma'am. I look forwards to serving on board."

With a final smile in response, she let Smithson continue...

"Okay Ensign here is your ID Card, it is to be worn on the Tomcat only when on duty, it is not to be taken with you on away missions or anything that takes you off that ship that is not this Starbase," Smithson said holding out the ID Card to him, she noticed the Fleet Captain while silent seemed to perk up and showed interest she was still unsettled by the woman's appearance in her office.

Liam nods and takes the card from Smithson, attaching it to his uniform. "Yes ma'am."

*Looks at the Intelligence Officer* "If you want to know anything about your Department Head feel free to ask me after the Commander has finished with you" Captain Somers said with a wan smile.

Liam nodded, then said, "Yes ma'am I might have a few."

While the Fleet Captain spoke Sam took this time to pull out the data crystal and look at the Intelligence Officer again "okay Ensign, I know you were given your standard Starfleet clearance codes for both your department and position etc, but on this data crystal is your security clearance to operate freely on the Tomcat" Smithson said holding out the crystal to the officer.

Takes the crystal and looks it over for a second. "interesting usage of an older piece of technology. Arent, you worried that an officer might miss place it or have it stolen?" he asked.

"Not really Ensign, when you use it, the data is copied onto the system, what the Commander keeps forgetting is that the crystal is a one-time use thing," the Fleet Captain said.

"And the thing never leaves the ship or your personal quarters anyway" Smithson added. Then she twisted in her seat and pulled out a long strip of paper, she noted the Captain perked up at seeing this, she thought it wrong that she felt a slight bit of satisfaction that she could surprise the Tomcat CO like that. "Okay this strip of paper has a long code string on it, you are to memorize it, then destroy it, this code will allow you to keep the Tomcat out of enemy hands. For example, should all senior staff be rendered unconscious and unable to lock the system down, this code will do that in short order and will allow you limited access to the replicators and doors on this ship, any questions so far?" Smithson asked.

Liam took the strip, from the woman looking it over. "If I have to use this, pardon my french but we are genuinely up shits creek without a paddle. Ma'am." He looked at the coded strip. "I really hope it never comes to that."

"So do I, Ensign, so do I," Smithson said.

"It will not happen if I have any say in it!" The Fleet Captain said from her position then her Commbadge sounded she tapped it to activate it, and she sighed heavily.

=/\= Captain Somers, this is Doctor Ravenna, where are you? You are not supposed to leave Medical for too long =/\= the voice said causing the Captain to roll her eyes as she responded.

=/\= I am getting my daily exercise, leave me be Doctor, I will return within the two-hour mark =/\= the Captain said.

All that could be heard was grumbling complaining about difficult patients, Jasmine looked up innocently as the other two in the room were looking at her "What! I hate being stuck in one place for too long, by the time the Tomcat returns I will be biting hull metal" she said and fell silent.

The Ensign and Smithson looked at each other, Smithson shrugged it was almost as if this type of thing happened on a regular basis, which it did not, she looked at Backstrom "okay, moving swiftly along" she began as if what just happened never did. "A fast transport is waiting to take you to the Tomcat at Starbase 39 Sierra, when you land you are to report directly to Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd on the bridge, from there you will get further instruction and you will eventually meet your Department Chief, she is an Andorian with a name I would never try to pronounce" she paused.

"As for Starbase quarters, you can find yourself some permanent Starbase quarters after the Tomcat returns from its current mission as only a limited amount of personal belongings can be on the ship, so are there any questions that you need to ask before I let you go? Ask them now as any future questions will have to be put towards your new Chief" Smithson said.

"ma'am the quarters here on the station, will they be "secure" correct? I wouldn't want a lost Crewman to see something they aren't supposed to. Also on the Tomcat as a Junior officer, I'm not going to have to share quarters, am I? I had a roommate at the academy that would study bio-chem all night and mumble."

*Smiles* "yes, they are secure on the Starbase same for the Tomcat, as a Deputy Head you will be afforded small quarters to yourself, so you will not be like the bulk of the crew in a communal bunk room, you will have privacy" Smithson added.

He nodded, "thank you, ma'am. Can't wait to join the ship and get on the adventure."

Looking at him ''one more thing before you go, Ensign, I almost forgot'' Smithson said printing out a strip of paper that had numbers on ''this is a one-time use strip of paper it has an alphanumeric code on it, this is only to be used should all other senior officers be dead or incapacitated and a hostile for invading this code allows you to lock the computer down allowing you limited use of the ship's systems and replicator ad denying said to the enemy so memorise the code and destroy the strip of paper, any questions?'' Smithson asked.

He took the strip of paper and studied it before folding it up and sticking it in his pocket. "No ma'am I think you have covered all the questions I had."

*Smiling* "excellent, well you are dismissed Ensign your fast shuttle is waiting for you," Smithson said and watched the Ensign leave her office, when he had gone she looked at the Captain.

"So that is how you do the Orientation, I like," Somers said and her Commbadge pinged she sighed, "dammit, cannot put it off any longer, they want me back in Medical!" Jasmine said as she shakily stood and with a final nod slowly walked out to her hover chair in the outer office, Sam saw her tap her Commbadge =/\= Okay, I am on my way back dammit, get off my case=/\= Sam heard Somers say as the door closed she smiled and felt sorry for the Starbase Medical Staff.




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