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Heeerrrrreeess Liam!

Posted on 14 Nov 2022 @ 3:38am by Ensign Liam Bäckström
Edited on on 14 Nov 2022 @ 2:53pm

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starfleet Runabout /SB51


- Federation Yellowstone Runabout Briggs -

Liam sat at the auxiliary station on the Runabout. Rereading his orders and wondering what the ship was going to be like. Hoping that there were at least a few single ladies to hit on. Thankfully the trip across the known universe was a fairly quick one, three days at warp 7. The 4 man crew and 3 passengers shared tight quarters in the back of the runabout. He couldn't wait to get in a fresh uniform and take an actual shower. The Tellerite Commander that was in the bunk below him stunk to high heaven. The sonic shower did nothing for the Tellerite. He sighed, and reread his orders for the 5th time in the last three days.

Liam remembered the Orders he got, “Ensign Liam Bäckström, Report to Starbase 51, Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson CO for Orientation then transfer to the USS Tomcat. You are assigned as Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer for the Tomcat under Captain Jasmine Somers. Good luck and godspeed.”

He sighed before moving to the holonovel he started, it was a good one about giant bugs and soldiers called “mobile Infantry.” He was a quarter of the way through the book.

“30 minutes out from Starbase 51. Make sure your gear is packed.” the Lt commander running the trip said over the comm. There was a flurry of activity in the back. Liam had already packed and his bag lay next to him.

A few minutes later they drop out of warp and the massive starbase fills their screen. “Wow that's massive.” the other female human Ensign said as she leaned over the Co-pilot's seat. Liam grinned, “first time out in deep space.” he asked her. She nodded. “Yep, my new home for the next several years.:” Liam smiled, “sounds like fun.”

He could hear the pilot getting docking clearance as he flew closer. “Ok everyone take a seat.”

He returned to his seat and the female Ensign grabbed the open chair next to him. “What about you?” she asked. He grinned, “This is just a quick stopover, I'm on that.” pointing to Akira's class. “USS Tomcat.” She smiles, “lucky. Hey if you’re are back at the station look me up so you can tell me about your adventures. Megan Foxx.” “I sure will,” he said with a grin.

A little bump let everyone know the shuttle has landed as the door opened and everyone climbs out. He stretches and heads towards the lounge.




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