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Roosevelt leaves for the Hydransz System.

Posted on 12 Dec 2022 @ 10:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & Captain Mazal Falk & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt
Edited on on 01 Jan 2023 @ 5:21pm

1,852 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Roosevelt
Timeline: MD-002


Captain Cahill had made sure all was ready for them to leave. She turned to the XO LT Thompson. "Are all our personnel on the ship and ready to go now Mr Thompson?"

"Aye Captain all personnel are aboard, as well as all specialized equipment and cargo," The exec replied.

She was hoping everyone was ready to go. The missions were pressing and needed to be taken care of ASAP. It was going to take 6-10 days to arrive at Warp 5 and every second they stayed at SB51 was wasting time.

- Engineering -

Todd was in engineering, working on Roosevelt’s main engines. Running schematics of potential breakdowns, faults, and issues that might arise. There were many different scenarios.

All systems were operational at optimal levels for a vessel of its size, and Warp was ready for cruising speed. =/\= Hewitt to Captain Cahill. Warp cruising speed ready when you’re ready, Ma’am. =/\= Todd informed the bridge.

=/\= Copy that Engineering, Standby for further information. =/\= replied Cahill

"Dock control reports we are cleared to go at your discretion Captain," The exec relayed.

"Roger that XO," Replied Cahill.

=/\= Sick Bay is ready to depart =/\= replied Dr. Bolt.

=/\= Copy that Dr, Good luck on your first mission as CMO. =/\=

=/\= Thank You, Captain=/\= Bolt replied.

"Tactical and security are ready, Captain," Faith nodded lightly. "Though, I'm curious. Why are we only using cruising speed?"

Captain Cahill replied, "This is not an emergency response Lieutenant. This is a routine response. We are to take the Marines to the system and then do patrols to try and locate the Pirate Carrier. Then destroy it to prevent further problems.

Faith reached up to scratch her ear, "Routine response or not..wouldn't we want to still get there a little sooner rather than later? We know the Pirate Carrier is, or probably is there." She lightly shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe...warp 6.8? Technically that's still cruising speed for a Nebula."

- Deck 16 -

Cassandra listened in on the comms as she did the quality control inspection of charlie's team's gear. So far everything seemed to be checking out nicely. The checklist showed a consistent line of perfection that made Cassandra prouder still to be attached to this battalion.

Mazal chimed in, =/\= Sir the marines are all ready to go.=/\= Which was the truth? The marines were efficient and knew how to pack themselves into their areas until the time came for them to take back the various targets.

[Tag] Any decks needing to report status.

Cahill looked at her XO, "Let's get this show on the road. Engineering release all supply conduits and brings the ship on internal power.

Once all the connections were released we will proceed out of the Space Dock at .50 impulse power till we are all clear of other ships.

"Helm Engage "

Sick Bay reported in =/\= Sick Bay all conditions are going. =/\=

=/\= Engineering report. All supply conduits are released and cleared—internal power at full. =/\= Todd replied to the general ship’s coms.

The ship powered up to its .50 impulse from the SB 51.

Cahill replied, Helm, take her out at .50 impulse till we clear all ships around SB-51.

"Half impulse, until clear of SB-51, Aye," Serina said, powering up the Roosevelt. Feeling the power of the Nebula class brought a smile to her face. "She may be a little out of her time, but she had not lost the feeling of the time. She still has her kick. Feels like a brand new lady just out of space dock, captain" she finished as she moved away from the starbase.

Very good helm lay in a course for the Hydramdz System. And engage at warp 6.0.

"Aye sir, warp 6, and away we go," Serina said as she pushed the ship into warp. It felt like a racehorse, bunching her hindquarters, getting ready to lung at the opening of the gate. The Roosevelt burst into speed in one smooth motion. "Warp 6 achieved Captain," she said smiling.

Once engaged and on their way she pressed the intercom button. =/\=All hands be sure to practice all scenarios in your sections. I want everyone to know their sections like the back of their hands in case we run into that carrier. =/\=

Faith gave a glance up for a moment, giving a stretch little. "I'll have them run again, Captain."

"Already having Lt. Racine doing that with the fighters. There'll be ready," Serina said.

Mazal down in the area designated for the Marines in her office looked up towards the intercom system, just giving a shake of her head. She was already deep in the study of what was needed and dividing up teams for what will be happening with taking back the stations.

Good to hear. Keep up the good work, replied Cahill.

Thompson had completed the battle station drill and reported the results to the captain. 96 per cent efficiency rating, which was pretty good for a professional starship crew, at least in the Federation.

Serina watched the reports from Racine concerning the readiness of the fighter groups. Racine was thorough and strict and as a result, the groups were drilled and ready to go. "Captain, Lt. Racine reports 97% readiness on all fighter drills," Serina said.

In Engineering, Hewitt worked with Ensigns Willox, Haders, and crewman N’Kotas. The Lieutenant JG focused on emergencies for the Nebula class vessel, such as hull breaches and power fluctuations due to battles. There was also a need to focus on combat drills for intruder alerts and locking down systems in case of boarding incidents.

“I don’t need to stress the importance of locking down your engineering stations.” Todd motioned to his station. “In the event of an emergency of personnel boarding our ship, hostiles will likely want to take control of the core, thus control of the ship.”

… After all, was said and done, the computer reported that efficiencies of said drills were reported at the .96 percentile.

Cahill responded, " Great to hear. I am glad we are ready for an encounter with that Pirate Carrier. Keep up the good work everyone."

5 days into their trip the Roosevelt picked up a distress signal.

"Captain I am picking up a distress call from the USS Rosenthall, they are under attack and request assistance."

"The USS Rosenthall is a patrol cruiser that is on manoeuvres near the Prydon Cascade distance of 2.7 lightyears. Course 111 Mk 12." Matt said.

Faith gave a glance over the system that was in. Shaking her head a little bit. "That's supposed to be a safe sector."

"Aye, let's check it out, are there any other ships in the area that may have been the attacker?" Cahill replied.

"Helm lay in the course and engage. All Hands We are responding to a distress call from the Rosenthall. We are going to assist them. All hands Battle Stations. Ship at Red Alert."

She looked at Lt Thompson. "This could be a diversion to draw us into an attack by the Pirate Carrier. I want to be sure we are not caught unready if it is. If I was a Pirate it is something I would try to gain surprise."

"What did you have in mind, Captain"? Thompson asked.

She shook her head, giving a bit of a sigh, "Just us two and an unknown ship. I'm not even getting confirmed data from the Rosenthall of who it might be yet. I'll try them again." Faith got back on the console to try and get a response.

Cahill replied, Helm, increase speed to warp 7.5 and engage. I want to get there fast. This may be the Pirate Carrier we are looking for. And it came to us.

"Aye Captain Warp 7.5," The Helmsman acknowledged.

"Tactical you be ready with a full spread of photon torpedos and phasers on my order," The Captain ordered.

"Still no response from any data from the Rosenthall." Faith shook her head, tapping along her console. "Weapons armed."

=/\= All hands we are responding to assist the Rosenthal that is being attacked now. We will engage the enemy if they are still there. Be ready this may be the Pirate Carrier we are being sent to take out. =/\=

Serina was already in the lift headed for the fighters and Racine. Now the drills and flight scenarios they had practised would come into play.

- Armory -

Cassandra had just finished her rounds, so far everything was accounted for and life was good. She did a secondary security sweep of the vault systems when the red alert sounded. The light next to the vault door beeped twice. Cassandra moved into her secured area and the door rolled shut locking down with several hisses a load clung as it ceiled her inside with its precious cargo. She watched the secondary officer take up his post through the monitor by where the door used to be. It was now just a wall. She withdrew her weapon a standard phaser rifle from its locker and slung it over her shoulder as she set the program to ready to unlock the weapons lockers for the troops to gear up for any action as soon as the command came through.

The red alert sounded through Roosevelt’s main engineering. The standard running modes were changed to that of red alert glows, gleaming off the computer screens.

Lt. JG. Hewitt had taken notice and watched the crew man their stations, no more, no less than they already were at attention since they were trained well. Everyone kept their ears open, and there was no idle chat among crewmates. Engineering would be ready in case things turned with the USS Rosenthall.

- Armory -

At the sound of the red alert, Cassandra flipped the key in sequence with the outer postmen. The lockers bleeped and then opened distributing weapons to the waiting hands of the troopers who moved in and practised ease to their battle stations.

- Fighter Bay -

Serina slid into the bay and saw Racine already getting the pilots into their fighters. "Serina, what's the word?", she said.

"Racine, mount up and be ready to boogie when ordered," Serina replied, getting into her own fighter.

=/\= Bridge, Serina here, both 100 and 101 fighter squadrons are ready on your mark.=/\=

=/\= Copy that LT Donovan< I want both squadrons out helping locate escape pods and to help extend the length of range on the sensors. I don't want any surprises. =/\=

=/\= Understood. Will launch when in close proximity to the target. Serina out=/\=








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