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Checking on Sick Bay

Posted on 13 Dec 2023 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill

150 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD001

Captain Cahill went to check on Sick Bay. She was wanting to make sure her CMO Ensign Bolt was settled in and ready. And make sure she was not nervous when she remember her first mission as an Ensign.

Dr Bolt saw Captain Cahill come into Sickbay. She went over to her. "Is everything alright with you Captain or need me to do anything for you?

Captain Cahill smiled, "Not at all Doctor. I was just checking out your Sick Bay and seeing if you need anything from me. I remember being a young ensign and my first time on a starship. I was a bundle of nerves.

I have to admit I am but settling down now Captain. I am working hard not to let you down.

Cahill replied, "Do your best and do the best for your patients. And you will be a great CMO for me.


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