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Extra Help

Posted on 16 Nov 2022 @ 10:03pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Edited on on 16 Nov 2022 @ 10:07pm

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Main Engineering, Deck 15
Timeline: Current


“Welcome to Engineering Lieutenant Arderne.” Hawksley turned from the pool table to see the Betazoid counselor. “Now. I know Engineering is a bunch of nut cases down here.” Leland jested, “But I didn’t think we were bad enough to have the captain assign extra oversight.” Leland stated. “I’m only kidding.”

Leland then took a drink from his mug of coffee. He was in the middle of retro-amping a junction vice lock in sector 05 on the master systems display remotely. “I’m pleased to see you down here. I opened your file and was shocked. I had no idea you had previous experience in operations and computer systems.”

Leland toured around the master system display and then the pool table of the USS Tomcat. The background is a familiar warm core fluxing sound, and computers here and there beeping from time to time.

“Would you care for a coffee, a drink?” He gestured for his Office. “We can get down to ideas on what I would like to see your work on and what you would like to do in Engineering. We always can use the extra help, Lieutenant.” Hawksley went into his office, took a seat on the opposite side with the computer, and then gestured to the replicator. He never met an engineer who didn’t mind a good cup of coffee, but each to their own.

“Just a chilled water for me please” Lamia smiled warmly. “As for previous experience, I’m the previous Chief of Operations of this ship. I transferred from Ops to Counselling when the position became available, so you could say I know this ship’s systems pretty well.”

“Well then, the jokes on me. You know full well what we are working with down here. For the most part. “Operations to Counselling, not a direct line of re-assignment, but curious,” Hawksley said.

“I apologize then. What do you see yourself doing down here in Engineering? Pretty much anything right now we could use with extra help. If it is computers you were thinking of, we could have a re-assignment operation of the LCAR bus controllers within the main engineering here. As you know, the bus controllers are responsible for multi-plexus arcing control. We’ve been experiencing temporal latency, slight lag in the micron magnetic field processors.” Hawksley continued, taking a sip of his cup. “A full swipe of the system would work.” Hawksley paused and stopped. He was directing the conversation.

“Lieutenant Arderne, as I said. What do you want to do?” Leland leaned back in his seat behind the desk.

“I’m here to help you in any way I can right now” Lamia smiled warmly. “I can do the bus controllers if that makes your life a little easier.”

"Sure. The bus controllers would help. I would like to see how you work on them, I've had a few issues in the past." Hawksley then got up from his chair. He gestured for Lamia to follow him out in to the main engineering room. Accessing the bus controlles from the mid station computer access terminal, Leland pulled out the chair for Lamia to have a seat.

"If you can fix this line of bus controllers in .... Say 15 minutes time, you will impress me." Hawksley chuckled, yet set the pace. He didn't want to go easy, just yet on the Lieutenant.

Lamia grinned. “Putting me through my paces already Sir?” She headed over to get on with the work, she’d given up being Chief Ops after everything that had happened to her made her realise her heart was really in Counselling. Now here she was helping out again.

Leland was happy to see extra help in engineering as he then lent his attention to the pool table, within eye-sight of the Counsellor working. He smiled to himself and cracked his knuckles as he started on his work inventory.

A few moments later, he turned to check in on Arderne. “How is everything going?” Leland asked as he leaned in over her workstation.

“It’s all going just fine” Lamia smiled. “I should have these bus controllers finished in good time.”

“Good. I am not used to someone manually working on the bus controller systems.” Leland turned to his workstation. Happy that things were flowing well in Engineering, he signed off. “I am signing you off on a Level 01 workstation access, Lieutenant. You have control of the core and access to the central engineering computers in case of any emergency.” Hawksley reported to Lt. Arderne.

“Congratulations, you have passed the Chief Engineer testing for the USS Tomcat.” Leland chuckled. “I hate to leave you so soon, although I am being called to an away team for SB Sierra. You will have complete control of Engineering while I am gone.”

“I’ll what!?” Lamia was dumbstruck. She could only watch as Leland headed off for his away team duties, leaving her in charge of Engineering. This was going to be a baptism of fire.






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