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Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Posted on 15 Nov 2022 @ 6:57pm by Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB 51 - disembark lounge from the TomCat
Timeline: Whilst deploying to the Roosevelt


Cassandra stood there in her fatigues her gear in her seabag at her feet. The rest of the 95th seemed to mull around her like busy worker ants. Each busy with its own task to aid the hive as a whole. Cassandra was waiting. She knew her brother would be a long shortly to see her off.

C'Tirr stepped into the lounge and glanced around, his one and a half ears rotated to catch her voice as he sniffed the air. He quickly caught her scent intermingled with the smells of her companions. It behooved him to know they had just been reunited and are being forced to part just as suddenly. He let out a small sigh as he approached Cassi. oO This is the life of a Federation officer though and we both knew this could happen. At Least we will be back together as soon as we are both done with our respective missions. Oo C'Tirr smiled down at Cassi. "Hey Kitten, I hoped I'd catch ya before ya took off."

"I was hoping you would also." Cassandra said with a smile. She couldn't help but smile as she opened her arms to embrace him in a tight hug. She breathed deeply of that scent that was just his, God how she hated to go. Still she knew it was for the best.

They needed this space to break the unhealthy codependent cycle they had fallen into. He needed to go and make a life for himself that didn't involve protecting her. Just as she needed to go out and try to find her place as well. It was not that she loved him any less. She just wanted him to have the life he deserved with a family and kits romping around all over the place. The thought made her extremely happy and very depressed at the same time. Because it would only happen when she removed herself as an obstacle. How would he ever have those things if he was forever watching over her? So it was something of a relief to get the deployment letter. She squeezed him tighter for a moment then letting him go she took a step away to fix her gig line.

"It's not fair, we just got each other back and we're being separated already." C'Tirr growled as he looked at the organized chaos around him. Oh how he wished he could have been assigned to accompany her team but he wasn't a marine, he was just security. "Hey, I know! I'll spleef to the marines so I can be assigned with you!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"Since when has the universe been fair brother?" Cassandra said her smile was sad. She understood his flusteration. His plan made her heart hurt. Because it reminded her of all the years she had tried to stay beside him as children. Her fear of being abandoned and alone with out a home or family. She had both of those things on the Tomcat now.

She couldn't help herself she hugged him again suddenly, crushing him close to her. "It gives me great peace to know that you are on the Tommy watching over us. I promise I will do everything I can to come home safe, There's no telling what trouble you might up in if I'm gone to long." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and tried to extract herself again.

oO don't cry Cassandra, don't be a baby. Oo she scolded herself. oO Your a Marine officer for lansake. Conduct yourself accordingly. oO. "Brother, I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But this is what I trained for. I have to go. I'm a part of that family too and they need me now. I'm going to be okay. I promise. I am a great big girl now. I even tied my own boot laces and everything." She said in an attempt at humor.

"Yes you are." C'Tirr stated with a laugh. "Sometimes I look at you and still see the sad, scared little girl you were. I always wanted to protect you from everything then and still do now but now I also see the tough Marine that you have become. I know you will be fine and can take care of yourself now." He laid his hands on her shoulders and offered her a grin. He had to be strong, had to hide the fear he felt. "Just promise me you will come back."

"You know I can't." Cassi said a slight catch in her throat as she tried to stay strong too. "You know I can't promise you that. All I can promise is that I will do my best to try and come home. The rest is up to fate." She looked around to make sure nobody was looking and then hugged him again only one arm this time. So some progress. "Try not to get your self into anymore trouble while I am gone.". oO let him go. Go get on the boat. It's time. Just let go.Oo but she didn't want to. She had a bad feeling about this mission. She chalked it up to anxiety. Still. "I miss you already. " She whispered, "go on now before I get into trouble. I have to report in now." She pulled away, she nuzzled his cheek even gave him a light kiss, before stepping back. It was like a dance. "We have to say goodbye. C'Tirr, my brother. I love you. It's time." .

C'Tirr looked down at her before crushing her into another hug. "I miss you too. Come back to me safe." He released her before also stepping back. "I want you to send me messages whenever your allowed to. I'll do the same." He smiled as he fought the urge to grab her and run so that they weren't separated again.

Cassandra saw her own fears mirrored in his eyes. Growing up he had always been her pillar of strength. When her mother died. Something Cassandra tried desperately not to think about. It had been a traumatic time for her. She had vague moments of remembrance. She had already known C'Tirr and his family. His momma use to watch her. Their father's had been good friends in star fleet. Very close from what Cassandra understood. Close enough that after her father's death only two years later they had fought to keep her. Starfleet had been against it, the counsel of Caitian affairs certainly had not been favorable to the idea of it. Yet they had fought to keep her. She could never understand why. Had always lived with the fear that she would be given away because she was always getting into trouble. Through it all he had been there to calm her fears. To remind her that the boogyman wasn't real. That fear was an enemy to be over come, not to bow down to.

To see such fear now. It broke her heart because there was nothing she could say or do to ease it. The boogyman was real. They had met one of his demons. It had left them both broken in many ways. "I will write you, you will be sick of me with how much I will write you. And before I forget. I left you a surprise in your room." She had already slung her sea bag over her shoulder now and was watching the last of her group getting ready to load up now. "Just... remember how much you love and miss me when you find it. Okay." She smiled mischievously. An effort to help ward off the panic rising inside of her. "When you need reminding of what a pain in the ass I am. You can pull it out and remember." She gave him a playful wink before turning to head off to the loading dock. She chuckled softly as she thought of just how annoyed he was going to feel when he was left to find the numerous mechanical mice toys she had asked Jorel to make for her. If the engineer was right, they would activate randomly over the next few weeks and basically haunt her poor brother in her place. Tucked into his usually properly made bed was a human sized likeness of a cartoon mouse known as Mickey. It had several programmable recordings that would play in the characters voice pattern. She snickered as she thought of how much fun she had had leaving him messages on that. He might think he was going to miss her. But truth be told part of her was never leaving. She made sure of it. His annoyance would be something to look forward to when she got back. After all what were siblings for.






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