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First mission meeting

Posted on 21 Nov 2022 @ 7:56pm by 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & Captain Mazal Falk & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley & Lance Corporal Anlon

2,271 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: USS Roosevelt
Timeline: MD: 02.1


Captain Mazal Falk took a few breaths before she stepped into the briefing area of the Roosevelt set aside for the Marines. Mazal never thought that she'd be heading a mission like this on such a large scale. She's done things on a smaller scale, however now it was her turn to do this.

Squaring her shoulders, Mazal strode in, her very being denoting confidence casting away any doubts. Sure there will be mistakes that will happen but any doubts she may or may not have were left in the hall.

Her entrance was acknowledged by an "Attention!"

Mazal just gave a nod, then stepped up on the small platform for everyone could see her, Mazal rapped on the small podium with her knuckles to gain everyone's attention.

"Greetings 95th Rifles, we're going to be going on a clean-up mission very soon, before we do so, I'll be appointing someone who will be acting as my XO during this time."

Mazal let that sink into the minds of those that were there before continuing. Then she spoke once more. "Lieutenant Jasmine Allen would you please approach the stage."

While Jasmine was heading towards the stage, Bronc leaned over towards someone, "Wonder what other details we're going to find out and are we going to do some updated training."

From her position at the back, the young female looked surprised oO Me! Why!? Oo she asked herself and with that Jasmine, Allen stepped up to the podium next to Falk and looked at her "I am surprised and humbled, Captain" she said.

Mazal gave a nod and then said, "I feel you are the best one to be my XO for this mission."

*Deeply blushing* "thank you, Captain, I will do my best," Allen said oO Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap Oo she thought to herself, never had she thought that she would be placed in this position so soon.

oO That would be nice. oO Cassandra thought. She considered saying as much but didn't want to risk getting into trouble for talking while in GQ. The dark-haired man who had spoken outranked her so maybe it was okay, she had a few duty shifts with him. Brac? Was it? No Bronc.. yeah Bronc Hardway. "Yeah, umm that would be nice." She nervously mumbled out under her breath not sure exactly how much of what she had said might be audible.

Bronc turned his attention back to the podium where Lieutenant Allen had arrived. "Let's see if she can get this together," he said quietly.

Goodwin merely sat patiently in the ranks and admired Falk for her leadership while the main guy is away. Falk and Goodwin have chatted together at social gatherings but have not really worked much together. Goodwin was looking forward to this mission and a chance to get dirty as everyone knows 'clean up missions' are never clean.

Anlon waited for more information. Ordinarily, he might've whispered a comment back to Bronc, but this time he stood too far away. More training would be good, but truthfully he was itching for something a bit more real. Training rarely made for good stories.

"Alright, for all of you, I am making Lieutenant Allen my Executive Officer for this mission," Mazal stated. "And now for what you've all been waiting for, and that is information as to what we will be dealing with." she pressed a button which lowered a view screen to place the image of the system. "The system we are heading for is the Hydransz System. It had been cleared out by the USS Tomcat a few years back, but now the pirates that were chased off have decided to take back their territory. And were able to take back the station. Now we will need to take it back once more. There are several areas that do need cleaning out, but the Station will be first and foremost on the agenda, this is due to us needing to get our people back and will also enable us to be more mobile once we get a couple more ships to help make our jumps to our other goals." she looked out towards those gathered. " Any questions? Comments?"

Lilli has been sitting quietly until now, raising her hand just to get noticed, and she put it down again. “Lieutenant you said the station had been cleared out once before? I’m guessing that there was, or is a crew onboard? Are we looking at the possibility of prisoners onboard?”

"Yes, that is a very good possibility. Also, we do have our own transport but I feel that once we free those who are imprisoned, it will boost their morale and they'll be very glad to get in on the action. Can't hog all the fun can we?" raising one eyebrow.

Lilli smiled at that response. “Do we have any idea of numbers? For the sake of medical, I’ll need to make sure we’re ready for any incoming wounded.”

"I do not have that information right now but will be getting that information as soon as possible," Falk replied.

Cassandra had a question also. She rose her hand up and when prompted, " Seeing as we have cleared these sections before I was wondering if we had any current scans of the interior of the stations that we could add to the holodeck to familiarize ourselves with and sort out any trouble spots in advance?"

"I do have plans for both, and yes we can go through some runs and scenarios to try to work out any kinks that may crop up," Falk said in response to the question.

Cassandra nodded. She was eager to get on with it. Not that she took any pleasure in killing people. She just wanted it to be done with. The sooner they got through the training, the sooner they would figure out how to win. The sooner they got to go home. Goals.

Mazal turned to look at her newly appointed XO, Lieutenant Allen, "Would you have any idea as to how many might be on that station off the top of your head?"

Feeling like a doe caught in the headlights of a car "I read up on this Nor class and the Starfleet crew can hold out for a bit, but we cannot be too long in taking these smaller stations. From what reports indicate, the orbital stations have a small security detail of about one hundred strong and a science team twice that and a small Engineering and Medical team. That will be standard for most of the orbitals, the asteroid mining bases have no security personnel, are too small, they have about four medical staff and a few engineers. *pauses* That is the Orbital bases and asteroid mining bases, now the ground base that mines Deuterium on the outermost planet, that has a larger contingent of Starfleet personnel, a medium Medical staff, a small science team, quadruple the Security team and plenty of miners, sadly none of these Security bases outside of the Nor class Starbase called Omega have heavy weapons like assault miniguns and grenades, they will have Phaser rifles and hand phasers, so those installations in space will easily fall, the planet mining facility is currently still being defended, but it cannot last much longer" Allen paused.

"Last report I read the Pirate in the system had a mix of Romulan. Cardassian and Klingon weapons and some Breen and Dominion weapons in the mix too, I do not know what space force they have but expect all captured facilities to have a large contingent of hostile troops on them and they will fight to the death, I asked some of the other rifles who were around during the initial battle the Tomcat took part in, they said the 95th Rifles were not part of the operation back then it was mostly Fleet Security officers and hastily put together marines and there were massive losses on our side, those marines I talked to are now planetside on earth enjoying behind the scenes jobs" Allen said adding gravity to the situation.

Cassandra listened to it all. It reminded her of those old terrain stories about the second world war. Where this one group had had to invade a multitude of islands that also hosted a great many hostile men waiting to fight to the death too. Cassandra took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She began to wonder if her heart was still in this. This was the course she had set her sail of life to. Cassandra had spent what felt like her whole life-fighting in one battle or another. This last one against Rhys had really opened her eyes to just how much she really wanted more from life than just shuffling from battlefield to battlefield. She wanted to live not just survive. But none of that really mattered now. Perhaps if she survived this time, she would be put in for a transfer. To where? She wasn't really educated to do much more than what she was already doing. Maybe retire? Cassandra didn't want to go shooting up pirates. She was weary of killing. She let out a soft resigned sigh. oh well, this feeling would pass. Just the jitters. Just a little bit of the anxiety monster trying to trip her up. oO Just keep your head in the game girl. You have done this so many times before. Oo she soothed herself. "Easy peasy." She whispered to herself under her breath.

Falk nodded her head at the information Lieutenant Allen had given. "That is indeed good information, which brings me to another one." looking out towards the others.

"Are there any more of you who were around on the USS Tomcat during this time? If so I would like to get some feedback from you." Mazal asked.

Cassandra had not been around for that particular rodeo. So having nothing useful to add listened with the rest.

"If I am figuring right we have maybe Six places to take on, including the Nor station? Or am I miscounting the stations that need to be taken back?" There was still a bit of information that needed to be gone through but Mazal needed numbers in order to do the best planning for this mission to be a success.

Jasmine looked at Falk "sorry Captain, the Rifles I spoke to were on the Starbase deep in Federation space, the only ones remaining on the ship that was there during that time. That is the Fleet Captain, Commander Cahill is the only remaining and the Fleet Captain is on Starbase 51, but I suppose you could speak to Commander Cahill Captain" Allen said to Falk.

"Very well I shall do that," Falk said to Jasmine. Mazal turned her attention back to those gathered. "Alright, when I get the number of areas we will need to go take back we will reconvene. For now though, as you now know who will be my XO, you are all dismissed."

Cassandra fell out with the rest of the masses. The orderly shuffle would take her to the showers and then to her rack for a few hours before her next duty shift in the armoury.

Lilli stood and made her way out with everyone else, she had one more job to do in Sickbay before she planned to get some rest while there was still time.

Jasmine looked at Falk "I only heard that the first time the Tomcat went into the system it was hell, there were plenty of Starfleet troops and assault forces but the enemy did not make it easy and the ship had a major crew turnover and a lot of losses, the second time was a little better, as for this time I would not even venture a guess, I did not want to say too much in front of the Rifles Captain, they looked nervous enough as it was. But Commander Cahill would know more and the Fleet Captain even more but you would need to send a sub-space message to Starbase 51 for that" Allen responded.

Mazal gave a nod, "You have a good point there. I'll get things set up to do so. I knew I made a good choice in having you as my XO." giving a smile to Allen.

Her cheeks colouring "Thank you, Captain, if you do not mind I have the stuff to do unless, of course, you need me for something.

"By all means, we've got a lot of work to do. " Falk responded. Inwardly she was a bit worried, but she had a good team that she will be working with. One more glance at those that were leaving, oO Here we go. And now to go talk with Cahill, I'm long overdue. Oo





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