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The kitty checks in

Posted on 08 Dec 2022 @ 4:48am by Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Edited on on 01 Jan 2023 @ 5:24pm

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: DCSEC's office
Timeline: After Recovery and Reunion


C'Tirr had just left Cassi's side after she had slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep. He knew that he had some time to get officially checked in with the deputy chief of security. He straightened his uniform as he stalked the corridors, his tail flicking occasionally. He stopped outside Benson's door and took a deep breath before he palmed the chime to announce his arrival.

Faith was kind of just milling around at the moment. She'd already finished up on reports she had needed to. At least that she knew of. There were always reports. At least she leaned more on the tactical side. Not that she ignored the security side of things. Glancing up at the chime, "Come in."

A large black panther-based Caitian stepped in after the doors had opened. "Greetings Lieutenant, I'm Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras. I'm checking in. I was stationed here briefly about a year ago and was being considered for your position before I was called abruptly back home." He said as he offered his hand, his claws safely sheathed in his fingertips.

She stood, looking over the Caitian a moment, before moving within reach. Though, not from behind the desk at the moment. She a little tilt of her head as she gauged him, then came around enough to take the offered hand. "Welcome, Ensign. Unfortunately, you missed the opportunity. Family comes first." Faith took a step back and offered one of the two seats on the door side of the desk. "Please."

C'Tirr smiled and nodded. "Yes, it does." He said as he took the chair closest to the door, shifting it slightly so as to keep it in his peripheral vision. "So what would you like to know about me Lt?"

"Anything not already in your open file. That's usually the basic question, if it's not it should be. Or at least anything that needs to be known. Also, anything you think that the department should know."

C'Tirr settled into his seat as he took a deep breath. "I was born on Cait and was a single birth, very rare among my species. When I was around 7, Cassandra came to live with my family after her parents died. We unofficially adopted her into our family and I grew up with her ever since. I was somewhat of an outsider amongst the other kits as I acted more human than Caitian. I joined Starfleet when I was 17 and the rest should be in my files from there." He finished with his brief history. His green eyes stared unblinking as only a feline can into Faith's violet eyes. He had to admire the colouration of the other species as caits tended towards blue, green, brown or golden in colour.

"I see. Nothing particularly wrong with that that I can see, to be honest." Faith gave a little bit of a shrug. "People are who they are." Looking back into the green eyes looking at her. "Is this the same Cassandra I read in the roster one of the Marines?"

"Yes, 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews, she was involved in the incident that happened in the engineering juncture a few hours ago. I just came from her side in the recovery room in sickbay. I know that I have just arrived here. I would like to apply for a family unit. So that my sister can stay with me after she gets released from sickbay. I'd further like to apply for a few days' leave to help take care of her as needed." C'tirr replied in his usual matter-of-fact way.

Faith listened to a bit, then gave a tilt of her head. "Okay, and that's always nice to have done. Except there's one problem with that. The Executive Officer and Quartermaster are the ones that deal with living quarters." Giving a little point with her index finger, "However, the leave, I can grant. Two days enough?"

"Yes, that would be ample time to get her medical situation sorted out. Thank you. I will try to get in to see the quartermaster and the executive officer as soon as possible." C'Tirr said relaxing a little more into his chair a little while still being poised. "What else do we need to cover? Was there anything you think that I need to know about before getting started?" He asked.

There was a shake of her head, "Not that I can particularly think of at the moment. You should have already been briefed on everything going on you need to be right now."

C'Tirr nodded then thought a moment. He looked at her and then grinned. "What about you Ma'am, anything you want to tell me about yourself that's not found in service records?"

Faith shook her head again a little, "Not that I'm particularly aware of, at least nothing that isn't personal. You know that whole, not until or if I know you a better situation."

"Understood Ma'am, if there is nothing else, I need to go check on Cass then take care of the quarters," C'Tirr said as he stood up. Though he didn't outwardly show it, he had been put in his place for overstepping his position. Of course, why would someone he just met tell him about themselves? He kept himself calm-faced and straight-backed as he waited for his dismissal.

"No problem," Faith smiled lightly at him. Offering her hand again. If she'd known what he was feeling or thought of it, she'd have said that wasn't trying to put him in his place. Simply she's a closed person about certain things in her life. "I look forward to seeing you again."

"I look forward to getting to know you better and the rest of the crew," C'Tirr stated with a smile as he stood up and took Faith's hand. The fur and padds of his hand were velvety soft to the touch yet there was strength in that grip. "And should you ever need someone to watch your back, what better way than with a loyal Kitty at your side?" He said with a soft chuckle and grin.

"I will certainly keep that in mind," Faith nodded at the returned shake. Moving back to look at her work, after the doors had closed behind him.





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