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Departure Part 1

Posted on 01 Nov 2022 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 01 Nov 2022 @ 5:08pm

1,773 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 01


After all the briefings had been completed those that would be on the bridge for departure were arriving, as the Colonel sat down in her seat Commander Dodd who took his seat, looked over to him.

"So Commander, what is your view on this ambassadorial abduction?" Somers asked.

ly think this may be an inside job and that someone is up to no good," Dodd stated. "That is my honest opinion on this but Parker seems like he is all in to solve this case."

"Hmm, not so sure on that, going by the undertones of what information command could give they strongly thought it was anything but that, but that is why Commander Parker is here apparently the Ambassador was his charge and in his eyes, he dropped the ball, I may not know him well, but Jasmine does and that is enough for me," the Colonel said and looked around the bridge watching her departure crew settle in.

With all the crew needed now on the bridge, the final person to arrive on the bridge was Lt Cmdr Cody Parker, the Colonel looked up with a smile "ah Commander, welcome to the bridge, please have a seat to my left" Colonel Somers said inviting the Commander to take the Counsellors seat.

Parker nodded and took the seat as directed, it felt odd to be on the bridge and not standing at the security console, he turned out of curiosity to see who occupied his old station. After satisfying his curiosity he stared at the viewscreen and listened as the Captain gave orders.

With that the Colonel stood "now let's see if my Academy training has stuck" she said as she began "Lieutenant Hawksley power up the warp core, and start all systems ready for the switch to internal power" she said.

“Aye, Captain,” Hawksley replied from his aft Engineering station. The Core output and visuals are all prominently displayed before him. He could hit the stop button at any second if there were an issue.

“Primary and backup IDF generators online,” He punched the buttons online. He secured that the ship would not go forward nor backwards and had the interior crew splattered across the walls. This was a pre-condition to any warp core set-up and detachment once the ship was on its internal core EPS.

The ship’s computer registered that the Tomcat IDF generators were online and held within normal parameters.

“Separation core system operations are reporting in from Base Command. Handover has been acknowledged.” Leland’s face watched as the screen gloss shined across his features. “Retro-Firing of the Core sequencer T Minus 3-2-1-Initiate.” There was then a natural warming sound that all the crew knew was the central core coming online from Main Engineering. He was watching the core.

"Okay, switch to internal power and boot up all systems and disengage the power connection to the Starbase" Colonel Somers said.

“Umbilical and interconnects have been cleared. We are clear for RCS thruster acceleration, and core acceleration at your leisure, Ma’am.” Hawksley had reported from his station.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Hawksley, Lieutenant Ze confirm all Security systems and both defensive, and offensive are operating at peak performance," Somers said.

Ze had been at his station a while, making sure he knew the system inside and out, it was a bit different to the operations con but he was getting used to it "Aye Colonel Somers Running Diagnostics now" He said as his computer flashed up "All Clear All Security, Offensive and Defensive Systems are working at peak performance however we may want to scramble some more power to the deflector array once if we encounter any highwaymen on our journey" he said returning his eyes to his console.

"Excellent, Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir contact SB51 flight control and get us departure clearance, Lieutenant Silver check all Science and Sensor systems are at peak efficiency," the Colonel said.

With Thompson busy elsewhere it was Ted's turn to man the science station. His hands ran over the console's surface.

“ All science systems and sensors are working 100% Colonel.” Silver replied. He withheld saying for now as it was not appropriate.

Thyra had been staring at her console when the Colonel said her name. She jumped up from her little daydream and started to punch some buttons on her console. "SB 51 cleared us for departure, colonel."

She acknowledged both officers "excellent, then she turned to the Helm Station "Lieutenant Winchester, take us out one-quarter thruster speed, you break it you buy it" the Colonel said trying to lighten the mood

Now Paul had regained his flight status as a Pilot, he now found himself back at the one spot he had hated doing on the Tomcat, and that was the helm station, as the Colonel gave the order to undock the ship. He replied “On-Quarter impulse thrusters,” as his hands flew over the controls as the Tomcat slowly moved away from its berth.

"Slow and steady Mr Winchester, slow and steady, both of us would be teased if we scratched the paint of the Tomcat and a Somers temper is not a nice thing to witness," the Colonel said with some levity.

Paul replied “don't I know it,” as the ship slowly continued to reverse backwards from its berth, continued “Message from Roosevelt, good luck and come home safe,” as Paul knew that his wife was going with them, he hoped that they would come home safe as well. As the ship sensors showed that they had cleared the berth, He said” we have cleared the berth and are ready when you give the word,”

"Send the same back, slow and steady wins the day Mr Winchester, slow and steady," Colonel Somers said as Winchester expertly flew the ship out of the space dock and without prompting he went full thrusters until the ship was well clear of the station. "Lieutenant Winchester, you may be a pain in my ass, but you can fly I wIll grant you that," the Colonel said.

"Thank you, Ma'am" replied Paul as he knew that he had not scratched the paintwork as he waited for the next order to come.

"Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir, contact SB51 flight control and tell them we have cleared the Perimeter and are about to jump to warp," Somers said.

Thyra immediately sends the message. She confirmed the confirmation by SB 51.

"Mr Winchester set heading for Starbase 39 Sierra, warp eight, go when I give the command," Somers said.

Heading set, Starbase 39, eta 4 days at warp 8," replied Paul as he tapped in the commands and was ready to engage the engines.

*Looks over at Parker* "You look ill at ease Commander, I know from your service jacket you have been on the bridge, but am I right in assuming, this is the first time you have sat on the bridge?" Somers asked.

"It is my first time on a bridge, underway without a duty assignment," Parker said. "I've stood watches while underway and acted as the Officer of the Deck while in port, but never in this type of capacity. It's odd because I was a watchstander on this bridge multiple times."

"From what the Captain has spoken about you, it seems you have earned it, to business, "my briefing said your charge was abducted from the Starbase, I am guessing from his quarters..." the Colonel began then faced front "okay Lieutenant Engage," she said to Winchester.

As Paul hit the button to Engage the warp drive, he thought to himself oO well, here we go, Oo as he knew things were going to go sideways like they always did.

With that, she returned her attention to Parker " ... now the option we have is, it was an inside job, someone with the proper security clearance which would apply if they transported out too, but there were no records of leaving so that is where we start our investigation" Somers said.

"If you received an indication of an abduction then your Intel is newer than mine," Parker explained. "I was told he was missing and to begin a search and recovery operation."

Before she does any response "Lieutenant Hawksley, our departure is done, if you wish to return to engineering you may do so" she said.

Hawksley nodded. "I am relieved to Engineering." Hawksley then turned and left the bridge to the right turbo lift. As he did he heard the engines groan to warp 8 just as they should.

"Could the Admiral have suspected me and that's why I was sent here instead of going straight to the Starbase," Parker asked aloud, slightly concerned.

Feeling the discouragement that came from the thought Parker was undergoing, Dodd was attempting to not read his mind. "Commander, we will work this out, I am confident that maybe this whole incident may be an inside job and maybe a set-up to frame others in the ambassador's entourage," Dodd spoke firmly and hoped it would let Parker know that they were or at least Dodd was on his side.

Hearing this she turned to Parker "You were not mentioned in such a fashion Commander, I was told someone would arrive to add to what little I had been told. But when a Federation Ambassador goes missing for a supposedly secure Starbase, questions are asked and I do believe 39 Sierra Security and Command are the ones under scrutiny" Colonel Somers responded.

"You are right ma'am, there is no need to count the chickens before they are hatched," Parker said before continuing. "I think we should wait and see where the evidence takes us befocroncludingons."





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