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Departure Part 2

Posted on 09 Nov 2022 @ 5:37pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

2,579 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD: 01


Thyra was bored as she was sitting listening to white noise on channels and checking for incoming communication. The commanders and colonel talking in the background was just a soft buzzing noise. She knew what they were talking about, but she rather stayed out of the conversation for now. She was having con duty while the rest of her department while doing some research into this mess. She didn't complain, she just like to have all her ducks in a row.

With a pause in the conversation, Somers looked up to the communications station "you look bored there Lieutenant, have you thought about scouring all channels to see if you can pick up any further information? This ship has a decent communications suite package and it has rarely been used, search the lines to see if you can find the information however small of events on 39 Sierra" Somers added.

Thyra looked up at the colonel and said, "Colonel, not to be rude, but this ship has an adequate communications suite package. And I am running down all the lines, and all frequencies. I may be bored, but it's not like I am not doing anything. If something comes up I will of course notify you immediately. The task is just a little tedious, especially since it's a bit quiet. I do however like to thank you for taking the time to speak to me to check up on me."

*she smiled* "Welcome Lieutenant," Somers said.

"Colonel, would there be any reason to have a security detail detached to assist with Starbase 39's security needs as they work the investigation? We could send a communications detail to work on the station to help navigate all the messages in that region and thus maybe backtrack the events of the incident." Dodd stated.

"Interesting idea, but the Starbase 39 techs would have sorted the communications, but we will assign one of our own to check them again," Somers said.

Ted checked over the science console. Everything seemed to be expected. He was just about to look up when the sensors detected a moon. As he checked it over, something caught his curiosity. There seemed to be a small outpost housed on it. But the signature it was giving off was wrong. If he read the information correctly it was from the mirror universe. But that could not be correct surely? Unless. Then he found it nestled not far away. An anomaly.

“ Captain. I am picking up an anomaly. Not far from our aft side. It’s giving off radiation to suggest it’s a doorway to the mirror universe. The thing is someone may have used it already. There is a moon not far from it. With a small outpost that the sensors say is giving off a mirror universe signature.” Ted reported.

*Looks up surprised* "What the hell! Keep scanning the anomaly Lieutenant *looks at her Chief Intel Officer* Okay Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir you have a new task, get me as much information on that outpost, see if you can break their communication protocols, I want to know whatever they know *looks back at Ze* Lieutenant Ze get me as much tactical information you can on that outpost pronto, I want to know what and why agents from the Mirror universe have made an outpost on a barren moon" Somers said she then looked at her XO "that is all we need Commander is a Terran incursion!" the Colonel said

"Terrans have been few and far between for a while, interesting they are attempting to make new moves into our universe again," Dodd replied. "We should consider an away team to use our cloaked shuttle to observe this anomaly."

Ted looked at Dodd. “ The cloak may not work. The anomaly is throwing out waves of radiation that may disrupt it. But if we do go I would like to come too. I have never seen an anomaly like this.” Ted said

Ze fiddled with his dials and buttons "If I may captain? If we are going to do an away team may I be placed on such a team?" he asked as his computer flashed "Were reading all security protocols and weapons are working to full capacity we should be ready for whatever the fates through at us" he spoke with a heavy smile.

Looking around "down people, our main concern is this Diplomatic incident, that moon is a few light-years away and no immediate danger and Lieutenant Ze you will be assigned to Commander Parker as will Lieutenant Hawksley, Lieutenant Jg Ze and Winchester and a science Officer to deal with the forensics. Lieutenant Silver and Sh'shraaqir when the time comes you will both be with me and Commander Dodd you will command" Somers said and remembered something.

"Affirmative, Ma'am," Dodd responded to Somers.

Thyra put all the resources on the moon. As soon as Silver caught the signal. "Yes, Colonel," was all she replied. In the meantime, she called up a separate console her intelligence database on the mirror universe. She needed as much information on the mirror universe as she could if she were to crack their communications protocol.

Ze looked up "Understood captain" he spoke as he took his seat at his console waiting for further instruction. The last mission he had gone on had ended early, he hoped this one whilst sounding quite heavy would be a good affair, he was hearing the words mirror universe being thrown about "Hang on we're dealing with the mirror universe captain?" he asked a little shocked.

“ Yes, Captain,” Ted said and continued with his scanning of the anomaly. This was quite amazing and actually a window into the Mirror Universe. He had once sat in a lecture about the possibilities of the theory of the multiverse. But it was spoilt when an argument between a couple of Vulcan cadets and the lecturer broke out. Well, he wished they were here now seeing what. The Tomcat's sensors were picking up.

Colonel Somers tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Hawksley, using Lieutenant Hewitt's improvement ideas he had for the Roosevelt applying them to the Venture class scout ship and adding extra reflective coating what I have planned will be needed as the Klingon cloak unit we have will not work and it is only to be used outside of Federation controlled space and we are anywhere but out there =/\= She said.

Hawksley was down in Main Engineering at the pool table, hunched over its readings.

Nodding, Leland pointed fingers at the remaining Engineering staff with him. He then tapped his communications badge back to Somers on the Tomcat bridge =/\= Affirmative, Captain. I have all Hewitt’s specs ready to go. I will apply them to Venture’s computer with Haze. It’ll be an hour on the flight deck with the scout before it’s ready to launch. =/\=

- Tomcat Flight Deck -

… The Venture Class scout was on the floor in the middle of the room. There was the Main Engineer, Hawksley, and Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze working on Hewitt’s latent energy cloaking device. “Haze, what do those confinement diameters read for aft and forward field flows on the venture?”

"Almost there, we are at 6.5 to the 1000th millocochranes and rising, flow is seamless, containment still at maximum efficiency sir," Jarel responded his fingers moving over his panel.

“10 to the 1000th millocochranes flow. Then we can execute the charges remaining from the ventures M/ARC.” Leland checked his wrist chronometer and tooled his spanner device to the drive schematics of the new cloak.

Ensign Willox shook his head. “Remind me how this works differently than an actual Klingon cloak?” The Ensign was under the vessel attaching, bracing ablative units to the hull, and linking isolinear chipsets into the venture’s central computer.

“The ablative armour has tensile adaptors with transporter-like phase transition coils. The matter from any vessel scanning for intruders, thus, the venture class scout. That emitted energy in a wavelength pattern becomes absorbed into the phase transition coils and disseminated into the venture sub-systems. In effect, the vessel becomes a non-emissions power plant. We are here. We are just neutralized by decoupling and binding energy signatures of sub-atomic particles over the ventures hull.” Hawksley accurately described the new cloak. “Don’t ask me how he comes up with the idea. The very premise of it is sound, theoretically.” Leland wiped his hands off some components gel. “Haze, does that sound mechanically fit?”

"Yeah, it sorta makes me think of those sound-cancelling headphones from the 20th century in a way that was only more complex. Still, the science is sound, if engineered properly it should do all that fancy stuff.". Jarel couldn't help but be excited. It was a lovely bit of technology. He had never had the opportunity to work on anything quite like it. The machine gave him a chirp. "10 to the 1000th millocochranes archived we are ready sir."

Taping his communication badge, Leland informed. =/\= Captain Somers. The adaptive energy cloak is now online, and testing is Ok to go! =/\=

Tapping her Commbadge to make the link two-way =/\= Thank you, Lieutenant, now the ship will only be visible to a mark one eyeball unless someone is looking out of a viewport or window we will be invisible to sensors, well-done Lieutenant, give my congratulations to your team, Somers out =/\= she said and closed the link.

- Tomcat Main Bridge -

"Great, idea had by Haze and Hawksley. We once used a large-scale white noise cloak and it seems to be similar. Glad to see the engineering team is helping Hawksley fit in with them," Dodd remarked to Somers after Hawksley replied to her communication message. "I am glad Hawksley took over engineering."

Ted continued to monitor the anomaly. The information coming from the sensors was a head-scratcher. If he did not know better this thing was either artificial or extremely old for the anomaly.

“Captain I am getting more information from the sensors. That thing out there…..the anomaly. Has been here for quite a while. It’s almost as if it’s artificially made. But as far as historical records show. No one in the mirror universe is capable of making one. They're all too busy stabbing each other in the back.” Ted said

Looking back at Silver "possibly more trouble than I thought, something to do at least, helm how long till we drop from warp at Starbase 39 Sierra?" Somers asked.

Paul replied," in about 8 minutes," as he knew that this was now going Pear-shaped like he knew it would, and now the Mirror universe. he thought oO Oh boy we could be up against our evil counterparts, Oo as he looked over his console.

“ It could be ma’am,” Ted replied

"Colonel, if this is a possible incursion of the Mirror Universe, maybe we should leave a drone in the area to monitor the anomaly and record data while we deal with the rest of the mission," Dodd stated.

"Not needed Commander, I will be taking a team in to deal with it, we cannot have such an outpost in our reality, it is not that heavily defended at present, so I will take me a team in," Somers said.

"Ma'am, I agree we can not have a Terran outpost in our universe but with all due respect, you should let me lead the team as you are the acting captain and are more important. But I do see your skill set as a marine would come in handy on a mission like that but just reminding you of the protocols for away teams. Again all stated in respect, ma'am." Dodd replied to her comment.

*Looks at Dodd and in a soft diplomatic tone* "Remy, I have been commanding this ship for some time, first to cover Jasmine's capture now during her healing time, I am a warrior I need to get in some combat action before I have to return to the Academy to complete my Command Training, I would like one last blast before Fleet rules impede me from doing what I am about to do. As it stands I hold no value to the Terrans as I do not possess the sector security codes, that person is safely on the Starbase, so I cannot do any damage to the Federation. This means that you will be in command of this ship while I am gone, now I know my cousin would not have chosen you if she thought you could not do the job as First Officer, do not doubt yourself Commander" the Colonel said and stood up.

She stepped forward and looked at the Andorian and DCSO "Thyra, Ted, get your rears down to Security pronto" She said, then looked at Dodd and with a smile "you have the bridge... Number One" As she made for the turbo lift replacement bridge crew to arrive, all main crew had been given tasks, Dodd had Full Lieutenant and lower take up the vacated stations on the bridge.

"Yes, ma'am. I will hold down the fort while you go play commando on your away team mission. The ship will be in very good hands and I will hope the young lieutenants and lower will enjoy the chance to gain on-the-job experience." Dodd replied as he moved to the Command seat.

“ On my way,” Ted said

Thyra logged off the console handing it over to another officer and then walked to the turbolift.

As she joined her CIO and DCSO in the lift she looked at Dodd with a smile "Liaise and work with Commander Parker and his investigation on the Starbase, good luck Number One" she finished as the lift doors closed.

"Well, I guess I will keep the home fires burning for the rest of the lot." Dodd then sat in the command chair. "Lieutenant Smee, Please keep the away teams on your monitors and also keep the communications channel open so if Commander Parker calls we can respond as quickly as possible. We are to assist his away team as a top priority."

Young Lieutenant Smee acknowledged Dodd's order and set up the system to do what was asked. Dodd was sensing all the backup crew were nervous and he was trying to get a feel for what he could do to get their morale boosted to do the best they could for the good of the mission.












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