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[Backpost] The Secret Intelligence Puzzle. Pt 2

Posted on 09 Nov 2022 @ 9:04pm by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

3,278 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Current


Holodeck 02

Entering the holodeck after they both had changed into more comfortable and relaxing attire, Todd led Thrya forward like the gentleman he wanted to be. Taking a chair out of the bamboo-styled table, white linen overlooking the Mexican Mayan Rivera. Water along the beach crashed alongside the patio outcrop of tables and people drinking, eating, laughing, and warm breezes.

“This is Café’ Regaros.” Todd took a seat after Thrya. It offered a world-class menu of every Homosapien dining style in the Federation.

Taking a seat after Thyra had taken hers, Todd stared forward.

"This place looks nice, I love it." Thyra said as she got back to herself a bit. And then she looked over to Todd and remembered the kiss.

“I. I can’t believe this is happening. I’ve known you worked in Intelligence forever, but our departments had never really crossed.” Hewitt had to calm himself down, took a breath in and out, and smiled. “Your incredible, you know that.” After the Secret Intelligence Puzzle, they had worked out together only further entrenched his curiosity regarding Sh'shraaqir. “Your program showed you have true skills.”

“Do you like this program?” Todd asked, hopeful. His eyes gleamed in the setting sun.

"It's beautiful," She said, "Also for the record, I did not work in Intelligence forever. I come from security. I was the deputy security officer for a short time before they put me here. I had some experience in intelligence, and training, and the intelligence department had no department head, or at least previous chief left the ship. So I was put in. I love puzzles, but there is still a lot I need to learn in my department, even though I am it's chief. But we're not here to talk about my career." She smiled. "Todd, you've been around even longer than my parents and probably my grandparents as well. How does this work? I know your people like to intermingle with other species. I don't know of an Andorian that has. And the Aenar don't really count as they are a sub species of the the Andorians. And I don't think that's even the most important thing I want to ask." She stopped and took a breath. She realized her curiosity was as big as ever. "I will let you talk now. " She said.

Todd had regarded Thrya in her explanation of her career. “Security to Intelligence, that does make sense. Not just anyone can get into Intelligence.” Todd winked. “What are you hiding, hunh?” He jested in a joke, her being in Intelligence Officer with Federation Secrets. Todd liked the way her white hair was long and done just perfectly, always, even in combat, it had seemed.

If anything, the Intelligence aspect of Thyra made her more intriguing and enticing for Hewitt. Her brilliant blue was so sexy, he felt.

“I am El-Aurian. Yes. I am 128 years old. I…” He chuckled. “As you probably are aware, we’re a race of listeners. We bond; we connect with our loved ones’ families in ways that are hard to explain to the average human age; it goes beyond. Hard to believe,” Hewitt took a drink from his glass and regarded Thrya. “I am a virgin. I have never er….” Todd paused uncomfortably for a moment. “Been with another Homosapien, human, what have you. I always felt to save myself for….”

Todd’s eyes glinted in the orange glow that was now arriving from the backing sunset, “the right person.” Hewitt felt a bit embarrassed.

Thyra looked curious at the man. She tilted her head a moment. She really didn't know how to respond to that. She never been with anyone before. She reached her hand out and put it on his.

“I am quiet, but when I say something, it means something, Thyra; that is what most my people live by, our code as you will.”

The Engineer felt relieved telling Thrya this. He wasn’t just someone who had pounced on her; Hewitt felt that something profoundly connected to her since he first met Thrya. But then again… Is it just a feeling? Precognition of things to come? His El-Aurian senses are in overdrive.

“I… don’t know how this goes. I want to get to know you more.” And his statement meant that in the deepest of meaning. “I’ve had Andorian friends of past and good friends at that. I love the Andorian culture. I’ve been to the Andorian homeworld on travel, so relaxing.” Todd stated, watching Thrya.

Thyra looked around and then said, "My father Oshral Th’shraaqir, he is the oldest parent I have, and considered the patriarch of our family. He served in the imperial guard, he even trained me, but I chose to go to Starfleet. I didn't know how he would respond. I always feared I would disappoint him, but I never seen him so proud in his life. He always thought I would join starfleet. He even took me to the academy himself. He put his hands on my shoulders before he left and said, 'Just so you know before hand, I do not expect you to come home with an Andorian, just be happy.' He then left. My father was always a man of little words. I never expected anything more, but this I never expected." She then squeezed his hand a little but didn't look at it.

"I am form a big Andorian family. We're very traditional with the 4 genders. I always enjoyed it, taking care of my siblings, I am the eldest sibling. My dream is to be a part of a big family." Her eyes met Todds. "You're El Aurian, if you don't die in combat, you will live to see at least 500 years, I can't live that long. You have the potential to have more than one spouse in several lifetimes. That...that's intriguing. To be honest, to be a part of that legacy is..." She pulled her hand back. "I am slightly ..." She couldn't find the words. She was really interested. The prospect of Todd having other spouses after if they would join, made her believe her dream of being a part of a big family closer to come true. But maybe Todd had different ideas about it. She decided to change the subject.

"I paint. Maybe I could show you some." She said smiling.

Todd listened to Thrya. She was a marvel when she spoke, assured of herself and kind. She had this twinkle in her eye that was a spark of the excitement of serving within Starfleet. This enchanted Todd as he felt the same about serving within the fleet.

“Your Father Oshral, he sounds like a very good Man Thyra.” Hewitt found himself placing his hand into Thrya’s, the two different species, non-human, sharing a bond. “The Imperial Guard of the Andorian home world is highly regarded for professionalism. If your father trained you, then I suspect I saw some of him in our escape game earlier on the holodeck.” Hewitt chuckled and blushed. Wow! Thrya had achieved great success in such a level of difficulty program.

“It is true.” He stated the obvious. “As an El-Aurian I will live a long life, barred any unforeseen consequences to my health. As El-Aurian’s we are biologically inclined to be healthy.” He smiled watching the green Andorian. Thyra wasn’t just any green Andorian. She was. Well. Thrya made him giddy and nervous all at once, in a good way!

“I follow a small sect of the El-Aurian population who believe you can only choose one mate, one love, one life lived in the flesh with another mate. I believe this to be true at the highest. I could not love another after having fallen in love with one. A Rose in essence blooms only once in a lifetime, so to speak.” He nodded. He smiled, still holding on to Thrya’s hand in his large hand. Todd enjoyed Art, so he was happy to hear this.

“I would love to see your painting. I paint myself, if just for relaxation and meditation purposes. What type of painting do you do, Thrya?” Todd was curious.

Thyra thought about that a moment. "I paint whatever I feel like painting in the moment. Usually landscapes." She smiled. "I love your resolve. I am from a different side. You do understand that right."

“I like to cook myself. Old fashioned dishes, Earth, and even Andorian Dishes. Redbat noodle bowls and spiced bread. The Andorian world has a large palate.”

"I love to try some of your food, I am curious about that. "I don't make many dishes, although I know how to cook." She replied.

“Do you like sports? I see you can get around on the holodeck. You must go to the gym?” Hewitt was enjoying their conversation and kindling.

Thyra nodded. "I do, it's part of my regime of course to stay in shape. It's important as a security officer. So I try hitting the gym every day."

“I would love to cook for you.” Todd smiled. “I don’t normally get to cook for too many people. It has been a while, but I love to get out the old pans and pots.”

“Although, I shouldn’t cook all that often though, if you like it. You do go to the gym a lot and it would be a shame to wreck that… Wow shape!” Todd chuckled, half hearted jokingly.

“I use the gym as well. I started meeting up with Lieutenant Hawksley my Chief. We do a bit of weights, cardio and a lot of stretching afterwards. Those Jeffries tubes are demanding when carrying engineering crates and stuff.”

“Thrya. Are you surprised that I asked you for a…” He blushed. “Well. Out for dinner afterwards?” Hewitt queried, when he did he looked into her eyes.

"No, cause I asked you out for dinner after you kissed me. So no I am not surprised," Thyra said with a warm smile. "What I am curious about is, how we are gonna continue after this?"

Hewitt smiled, catching that last comment. “Hawksley. He is my Chief. Chief of Engineering. I know he goes to the gym. I usually give him his space when he works out.” Todd replied.

“Where do we go from here?” He was prepared and not prepared for the answer. He knew what he wanted to say to Thyra, the gorgeous Andorian in front of him.

“I would…” Hewitt started slowly gathering his thoughts. “Like this to progress too. However, It does progress. I know that I want to see more of you. oO Yes, more would be nice Oo

“I also don’t want to scare you off.” He blushed. Todd took it easy and was somewhat like his Chief when it came to dating or when he dated Lilli. They took their time but expressed their feelings for each other.

“What would you like to se? I am curious.” Hewitt then took a drink from one of his tabled glasses. It was excellent water.

Thyra was a bit taken aback by that question. If she continued, whatever this was, it would her very first. And with an El Aurian, not an Andorian. Not that she was actively looking for one. She stared in silence at Todd. When she realized this and saw the concerned look on his face she responded honestly, "I don't know. I never been in a situation like this. My family always lived somewhat secluded. And only after joining starfleet was I exposed to other species. I really don't know where to go from here. I want to, and maybe I have a big mouth about things and the world, but I have no experience with romantic relationships." She reached over and took his hand in hers. She turned it over. She smiled as her face seems to turn a dark blue blush. "I am curious though. How you feel. Your kiss was very warm."

Todd was very confused as to what was happening. There were signals that were crossing and he was confused. He decided to shut things down and detach. "I understand. I am sensing that you possibly want to be friends, to take the time to find what you want. If you have not been romantic with someone else, even an Andorian yourself. That is a lot, and I understand."

He took a drink of water. "I do understand, Thrya. You are a great person and I think you will do well in life." Hewitt had swallowed and sat back. He watched around them, the dinner, the paradise they had seated.

Thyra pulled her hand back. This was not what she was saying. o0What is he doing?o0 She thought to herself. "Todd, did I misunderstand your kiss? Your openness? I may not know anything about romantic connections, but that doesn't mean I am not willing to try. How will I get to know something unless I don't try." She got up and sighed. "Just my luck, if I don't scare em off, I just make them to careful. Sometimes you just need to dive off the edge, Todd. but if you don't want this, then lets be open about it, right now, make my life easier!" She was getting a little frustrated now.

Then she calmed down and breathed. "Sorry,Todd. Maybe I should just go."

Todd was confused. Did he misinterpret Thrya's talk regarding not having ventured to another species, kissing another species and seeking whatever this was with another species, not a warming to him that she didn't want to dive further...Or was that just Thyra explaining her current situation, feelings.

Being a Male sometimes was like cryptic work in understanding the emtions, the feelings of women, let alone another species.

"Thyra please." Todd got up from his seat to pause her from leaving. He didn't want her to leave, he didn't feel he was being read correctly, or he wasn't reading Thyra correctly.

"I want this. I want us to continue this. To continue to explore each other, if this turns to sexuality then by all means. I am sorry if I had come off wrong, terribly sorry Thrya. I like you. I really.... Really like you." Todd expressed himself as plain as he could. "Please sit. Tell me more about yourself." As the sun was settting in the background, he felt there was no better time than to set the mood and get in the right mood to speak regarding anything. "Please." Hewitt breathlessly, smiled.

Thyra quietly turned around. There was a smile on her face. She took her chair and moved it to right next to Todd and sat down on it slowly turning towards him. Their knees touching each other. She reached out to his hands taking them both in her hands. She could feel the warmth of his hands coming through her skin, and it made her blood rush through her hands to the rest of her body. But it wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

She looked up to him as she shivered a little and softly said, "I don't know how my cold skin feels on your warm skin, but it gives me a nice rush, which I like. I felt it before when you kissed me. When your lips touched my lips. I could feel your warm lips touch mine. And this warm soft rush going through my body like a soft, warm blanked put on me during winter on Andora prime." She pulled him closer gently. "Ever since you let go I wanted to feel it more. And you are so nice....I..." She looked at him silent a moment. "I am an artist, a painter. I can paint through my feelings, through my passion, my emotions. I look at you, with this beautiful sunset, feeling your warm hands in my cold hands, that rush, I want to paint you, I see your painting before me now. This is so powerful. I want to get to know you too. I want to be near you and feel this feeling more, the feeling of warmth and security."

Hewitt immediately released his worries. Hewitt was relieved. “A painting. You’re a painter. That sounds like you. I could see you as a painter; you take notice very eloquently of situations and people.” Without being too forward, Todd asked. “I would love to see what you paint. Do you paint of your home world Andoria?” He listened as she said she would like to paint him. That made Todd blush. He never had anyone feel that way about him before.

“Thyra. An Andorian winter would indeed be cold. You’d even have to help me warm up underneath that blanket. A nice thought. I would love to visit Andoria. In all my years of travel it is one place I have yet to experience.” Hewitt had winked watching Thyra. “Your lips are blue, your skin cooler to the touch but seem softer than any I’ve ever kissed,” Todd replied. “I liked our… Kiss.” He smiled, not wanting to push things.

"I..liked our kiss too," Her voice trembled a little, but it was mostly about excitement. She continued a bit more securer, "I paint a lot of a landscapes, not many people. I painted my family. I took one of my family portraits with me, so I have my family with me. It is my quarters. I also have a nice painting of my family's estate on Andora. It's so beautiful, the snowy mountains in the back, the icy river. in the front." She leaned forward to him, putting her face close to his and whispered. "And about the winters of Andora, if you should visit our family, we would make sure you wont be cold. I would make sure you wouldn't be cold." She let go of his hands and put her arms around his neck, as she kind of invitingly pushed her lips forward hoping to get another kiss.

“What kind of paintings do you do?” There were so many different artistic types of painting in the galaxy. Holographic paintings, star, and celestial script paintings. “I am sure your picture of Andoria back home with the snowy mountains sounds somewhat familiar to my home in the country, back on Earth. We have snowy mountains, but not.

Hewitt shivered with Thryas hands lithe around his neck and shoulders. He sat there and felt her coolness to his warmth. He wanted to be there on Andora with her, to experience every bit that was her culture and then share her as well. That was the whole point, as he lent inward a slight pivot of his neck, face leaning to the right a bit as he moved in to place a landing kiss on Thrya’s lips like the first men landing on the moon, as circumscribed and calculated to be pulled off so perfectly.

Tasting, contact, feeling, both Hewitt’s lips met those of Thryas as he leaned inward for a bit more, a bit longer kiss this time letting her know his intentions of wanting to be with her, to be interested in her. Tasting and breaking the kiss, his cheeks and face were flushed, and he grinned. He couldn’t help but smile.

“That… Thrya. Was excellent.”


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