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Exploration: Part 1

Posted on 03 Feb 2023 @ 8:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Autumn Cole

5,646 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: USS Tomcat Holodeck

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Not having been specifically assigned to do something on the ship at the moment, Autumn took it upon herself to start exploring the ship. She flipped a mental coin, heads-start with the heart of the ship or tails-begin from the top, meaning to be the bridge. She's been to medical and had been in Intelligence office. She did take a short trip to the mess hall where she had something to eat there, just to watch and observe, tucked away in a corner.

The bridge won out, and Autumn stepped on to the turbolift, giving the order for the lift to take her. The lift moved upwards and then the door opened, she stepping onto the bridge. Her eyes widened as she watched what was going on, then were drawn towards Dodd, "Permission to come onto the bridge sir." she called out, not leaving the lift until she got permission.

"Permission granted, Ensign." Dodd replied. "What brings you to the brain of the ship?"

Autumn stepped out of the lift, the doors swishing closed behind her. "Well I hadn't gotten a chance to see the bridge yet so wanted to see it with my own two eyes, Sir." Autumn giving a smile. She moved to where she wouldn't be in the way. "Also wanted to see if there was anything I could help with, since Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir is on a mission. I've caught up on what paperwork I can do for the time being."

"Well ensign you can observe the bridge and see what it offers, and if you wish you could cover the position of First Officer while you on here." Dodd replied.

-- See "Orbiting SB39 Sierra" for this segment--

After the shift on the bridge was over...

"Ensign, would you like to get a bite to eat before retiring for evening?" Dodd asked of Cole.

Autumn was slightly surprised when he asked this, she nodded though. "I would be delighted to do so." giving a smile. "And thank you for this opportunity of being in the XO's chair. It was lovely to get a different perspective."

"I trust you had a good time exploring the ship and thus the XO's chair. I could tell you were enjoying the opportunity." Dodd stated. "I hope that more exploring can take place now that we are off duty for the evening." Dodd then had a slight grin on his face as he was realizing he was smitten with this young ensign.

"Oh yes that was amazing! And as for exploring the rest of the ship I am looking forward to that. I've not been to the holosuite yet, though Doctor Sinclair had suggested a program or two, one of which is the likeness of her home. It sounded wonderful." she noticed Remington's smile. "I really like your smile, it just lights up your face and it even reaches your eyes." Autumn remarked with a smile of her own.

oO Oh this is bound to be harder than it should be. Oo Dodd thought as he realized he had become smitten to the young ginger ensign. "Well thank you, I am not sure anyone ever commented on my smile in such a fashion. Your smile is not too shabby either and I must say you are pleasant company to keep on or off shift."

Autumn's smile became even more radiant, as her cheeks turned a fetching shade of pink. "Aww thank you. Careful now, you will make my ego grow too large, would make it difficult for me to fit through the door way." giving a giggle.

"I would never think you having a large ego, you handle yourself well. Afterall, you stepped up when you had the opportunity and did well." Dodd stated as he could not help but admire the young woman he was feeling somewhat smitten with. "I am certain I could give you more of a tour of the ship and even show you some places you likely would not visit on your own."

Her expressive hazel eyes widened, an opportunity to get a tour of the ship, with the dazzling XO. "Well, how can I say no to that? I would love to get a tour given by you." Autumn nibbled on her lower lip as she thought over his other comment. "I am glad I was able to help out. And also I am looking forward to seeing the places I probably won't get to, if it wasn't with you."

At this moment, Autumn was restraining herself to keep from giving Commander Dodd an embrace. With people in the corridor, and them in uniform, it would be unseemly for her to do so. And even then what would Remington think if she just up and hugged him. She had to remember to show some decorum. Autumn was just feeling rather bubbly right now.

oO Okay Autumn, take it a down a notch or two. He is not going to want you to grab his hands and dance around in the middle of the corridor. Calm... be peaceful.Oo Autumn tapping into her more settled self.

Picking up on her mental control, Dodd realized that maybe she was open to more than just being crewmates. Now how to play on that and see how well she could keep her control. Dodd was all for PDA but within reason. oO I could enjoy a relationship with her since she has a strong will to keep herself under control. Oo Dodd could not tell what she was holding back and he liked that sensation from Autumn. Now how does he make her truly fall for him in the romantic sense so he can sweep her off her feet and into his embrace.

"So, what sort of craving do you have?" Dodd asked of Autumn, leaving the topic open to see how she would react.

"You know that could be considered an open question." Autumn stated with a smile. "Cravings, another word for desires. I could say I have a craving for something to eat, like dinner, or a walk amongst nature. Or get a to go meal and start exploring the places that you've just hinted at. Would we be going into a jefferies tube in the exploration, if so I'd have to get dressed in appropriate clothing as if we were going spelunking."

"Well, I was going in the direction of food since I did offer you a meal when we got done with the bridge shift. But now I want some time in nature crawling in a cave or getting down and dirty in other ways." Remington replied with a sinister grin as he was really feeling Autumn was the one he had been looking for to help him live his life to the fullest. "So what do you say you tell me your cravings for something to eat and we get it as a picnic and take it to the holodeck for a simple adventure in simulated nature?"

"Oh my brain didn't connect with that previous question." Autumn giving a slightly embarrassed laugh. "However that idea you just mentioned sounds fantastic. I think I am in the mood for a roast beef and cheese sub sandwich, with all the trimmings. Um hope you don't mind onion breath as I love the purple onions that go on the sandwich. I will pack a toothbrush and mouth wash to combat onion breath though." she said musingly.

"Well, honest you are." Dodd replied with a smile of joy as it was nice to have such a person in his life. "I will get changed and meet you at Holodeck 3 with a picnic dinner and we can see what our evening holds instore for some relaxation." Dodd stated as he paused to allow Autumn to continue to her quarters. "See you in fifteen minutes."

"Okay fifteen minutes, I'll be there." Autumn stated before she went her separate way.

Autumn was true to her word, she was there at the door of Holodeck 3. Dressed in a pair of cargo pants, hiking boots and a dark blue tee shirt and a long sleeve denim shirt that was light blue in color and unbuttoned. She was going for the layered look. Around her waist was a belt with a canteen slung at her side.

Dodd arrived and he was wearing a pair of cargo shorts, his hiking boots and a denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He carried a basket which contained sandwiches and canteens of water. He also had a vial of mouthwash as a joke for Autumn's request of onions.

"Well, you are a sight for the eyes." Dodd stated as he was admiring this young woman and her appearance in civilian attire was pleasing to him. "Where would you like to eat and enjoy our downtime?"

"Do you have any recommendations? Any favorite scenarios you enjoy? One of my favorites is mountainous country with pine trees, sometimes a hot springs added. Like for instance in Japan. Or the colorful canyons that abound on Earth." Autumn replied.

"Okay, we will do a meadow on the side of Mount Fuji as there are some hot springs there and some nice trails to hike." Dodd stated as he moved to the console to key in the variables and to adjust the environmental settings to make it seem as ultra real as possible. "I trust you will like this location. I must add that I have only ever visited Japan of Earth via a holodeck, but I do enjoy Mount Fuji from what the holodeck provides."

The door then opened and the fabricated fresh air scent of the mountain air poured out to invite the couple in for some relaxation.

They stepped in and the door closed and the arch faded away. Now the couple was immersed in the simulation and found themselves standing in a small meadow about a quarter the way up the leeward side of Mount Fuji with a picnic blanket on the ground ready for them to have their meal and enjoy their time.

"So what do you think, Autumn?" Remy asked of the young ensign in his company.

Autumn looked around turning in one spot, her eyes wide with wonder. She smiled then quickly took off her boots and socks just to feel the grass beneath her bare feet. Her toes curled and uncurled as she enjoyed the cool feeling. "This is the best feeling ever!" then she answered Remy. "I have been to Japan and this is an awesome area to be in. I love it!"

"Glad you like it." Remy replied as he sat the picnic basket down and then turned back to see Autumn enjoying the moment. "I must confess something, I have never actually hiked on any of these trails but have reviewed them many times as I hope to one day hike the real ones on Earth. But another thing is I have a hiking tradition that I will forgo until we know each other better." Remy was not sure but he seldom ever hiked with people that did not know of his preferred hiking manners, but it was worth it for him to get to know Autumn as he was really enjoying his time with her.

Autumn looked at Remington with curiosity in her eyes. "Well as much as I am curious to what that is, I can wait." smiling. "For now though, this is amazing!" raising her arms in the air and twirling about, just feeling free like Autumn had when she was there, before.

"So want to hike or eat first, and watch the clouds change shapes? I love cloud watching. You never know what sort of magical things you can see up there." Autumn pointing upwards.

oO Laying on the ground next to her watching the clouds seems like a nice time as it could maybe lead to something else. But I must not get ahead of things. Oo Thinking breifly to himself, "I would enjoy cloud watching as it is not something I typically do but sounds interesting. What is involved in cloud watching perse?" Dodd replied with a curious grin on his face.

"Okay, so basically we lie down eitehr on a blanket or the soft grass." Autumn deciding for the grass, she just loved doing that at home, "And this is how to do this." she laid down on the grass and tucked her hand underneath the back of her head and gazed upwards. As she watched then wind shaped the cloud into what looked like to her a dinosaur. "Look if you lay next to me, you'll see a long necked dinosaur." pointing upwards to a wispy cloud shaped like a long necked dinosaur.

Remy then laid down so his head was next to Autumn's but had his body going the other direction. "This is different. I have done this for star gazing on Betazed but never thought to look at the clouds." Remy stated. "So it is an interpretive experience, correct? Because I see isolinear chips and UPN conduits."

"It is of a sorts but also its like an exercise of imagination too. Sometime I see cloud formations that look like a couple embracing. Other times I've seen a dragon or even a ship that sails on the ocean. I even saw an elephant." Autumn replied.

"Interesting, you are a unique individual. Yet I find you appealing. You state your mind and yet you seem a little nervous. Are you okay?" Remy then turn his head to look at Autumn's profile as he was sensing she was concerned about something between them.

Autumn continued to watch the clouds, wondering at first just how to answer his question. "I am okay, and yes maybe nervous or actually feeling just a wee bit shy, or filled with bafflement." She seeing the cloud transform into a flower.

"The fact that you are doing this with me, and you are well, dealing with my eccentricities, with good nature." Her head turned to look at him, a twinkle in her eyes. "However why would a classy gentleman as yourself, want to associate with someone like me." she paused, then spoke again. "Granted, you did say I was unique, and appealing." Autumn smiled. "And that works for me but, still that question lingers. Why would such a fine quality man, want to associate with a slightly clumsy woman, who has some really odd ideas on things?"

"I am going to be openly honest with you. You are a beautiful woman and I find you unique and attractive. I do not consider myself a classy gentleman but really a dirty old man. I have done many things in my past that would likely make you run and scream." oO That should make her think for a moment. Oo he thought to himself. "I feel there is something about you that would complete the puzzle that is my life. You are human and I must also admit that I have not really ever considered pursuing a human for a relationship and somehow I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted to have you as part of my life for more than just a crewmate. You have a strong mind and that challenges me from just reading your thoughts. The thoughts on this ship run the gambit of fear to lust and all the forms of rage. I do my best to block them out and yet the random thoughts of the crew help me with my position. I don't just probe a person's mind without permission but the obvious and random thoughts will come across. However, your mind is very controlled and I find that attractive. I am a mental lover and your mental status is the true reason I am attempting to court you. The physical appeal is merely the bonus icing on a wonderful cake." oO I bet I took it over the top and she will get up and leave or maybe she will pull me in for an upside down kiss, but all in all I am enjoying this time as she is a very great person. Oo "Sorry to compare you to food but I have to stop myself at times when I wonder what could happen."

Autumn left off her cloud painting and sat up, turning around to regard Dodd, complete surprise in her eyes. "Wait what?" rubbing her ears slightly making certain she hadn't heard him wrong.

"Okay correct me if I am wrong, you just said you are interested in me, you called yourself a dirty old man due to you indulging in intimacy maybe a lot? So in some aspect you have the appetite of a satyr. However, I call foul in you calling yourself a dirty man. " She paused looking at Dodd with a piercing gaze.

"Yes I left the word old out of my sentence. You know you could have taken advantage of me when I was drunk, but you didn't. You instead helped me out and made certain I got to my quarters safely, made certain I didn't throw up all over the place, cooked me something and then made certain I got to bed. That must have taken a great deal of willpower but, I find that amazing!" Autumn smiled.

Autumn sat crosslegged, playing with a blade of grass, feeling a tad shy but still she was impressed. "I find you an attractive man, and would love to get to know you better. We've just started down a path that I have no idea where it is going to end. Quite frankly its a little bit scary, and I want to be certain that you and I are meant to be. I've seen too often that people just jump into something then realize that was the biggest mistake in their lives." it was as if a cloud passed over Autumn slightly dimming her bright sparkly eyes and spirit. Autumn looked down at the blade of grass she was worrying, "It actually happened to me.." she murmured softly.

"I am very sorry you been hurt in such a manner. You are not deserving of such treatment. You don't need to worry about me as I don't want to hurt nobody especially you." Dodd replied with a little hesitation as he wanted to change her from feeling the pain of her previous relationship but yet that was a means of her reaching out to him.

"If I may ask, are you thinking I am moving too fast for you?" Remy asked as he did not want to do anything that was uncomfortable for her in any fashion.

Autumn thought over what he said, then answered, "I don't think you are moving to fast, what I am saying we may want to enjoy getting to know each other. I want to savor every moment of turning a page of a good book." a quiet smile, as she looked into his eyes.

Dodd stood up and then reached down to offer his hand to Autumn. As she stood up, he then knelt down on one knee while still holding her hand.

"When I look into your eyes, Every time you smile at me, oh, I go weak inside. Autumn, I just can't hide my love. It's the way you make me feel, spinning my world around. Tell me how can I walk away? I don't care what they say, I'm loving you anyway, It's the way you make me feel. You know I can't resist; Autumn, it is such a shame. Do you belong to another? I don't wanna hurt nobody, but my heart just can't hold back. It's the way you make me feel."

Then he led Autumn to the blanket so they could sit and eat the dinner he had prepared for them.

"I hope that expressed how I feel. I am doing what I feel you deserve as you have awaken the part of me that I was never expecting to experience again." Remy stated. "I hope you enjoy this sandwich and I got you a special treat for after the sandwich."

It touched Autumn greatly and her heart sped up, feeling as if she were in a dream or even in a movie she loved to watch. His voice sounding musical reminding her of Gene Kelly from "Singing In The Rain". Talk about having a movie moment, was seeming so surreal. Quietly she let Dodd lead her to the blanket, and once they sat down to eat, Autumn finally found her voice.

"Oh my gosh that was.. words can't describe just how much that touched my heart." she blushed. "As for your question, I am not seeing anyone, I am not promised to anyone. Its just little ole me, myself and I." giving a giggle.

Autumn picked up the sandwich and had stars in her eyes as the sandwich was perfect. She took a bite and was feeling like she was transported back home to the shoppe that made delectable sandwiches. "oh this is so good!"

"Great, glad you like it." Remy replied and then he pulled a vial of mouthwash out of the basket. "I got this for you since you ordered onions." Remy then had a huge smile on his face as he watched her reaction. "I figured you would get a giggle out of it."

Dodd then took a bite of some chips before he took a bite of his sandwich which was just like Autumn's only without onions and pickles and no tomato.

Autumn stopped in mid bite taking a look at what he brought out her eyes crinkled up with a smile then she lowered the sandwich and started laughing, it hit her funny bone just right. Between her peals of laughter she said, "Oh that is awesome!" her laughter died down, "Oh gosh I love that, and you came prepared." still grinning ear to ear.

"I try my best to be prepared for anything. That is why I am the first officer." Dodd replied with an innocent grin. "So after we eat do you want to hike a little?" Dodd asked of Cole.

Autumn nodded, " I would love that very much." Picking up her sandwich to begin eating once more.

While she was eating, Autumn's mind went over the things that Dodd had revealed as to his feelings and what he was able to do. He had the ability to read minds! He didn't go out of his way to read them though, so he was still on her list of him being a gentleman. Then unbidden to her mind came a song, it was from an old earth movie Superman which starred an actor named Christopher Reeve, it was the love theme from it.

oOCan you read my mind?
Do you know what it is you do to me?
Don't know who you are
Just a friend from another star.

Here I am, like a kid at the school
Holding hands with a god or a fool
Will you look at me, quivering,
Like a little girl, shivering,
You can see right through me.

Can you read my mind?
Can you picture the things I'm thinking of?

Wondering why you are
All the wonderful things you are.
You can fly, you belong to the sky
You and I could belong to each other.

If you need a friend,
I'm the one to fly too
If you need, to be loved
Here I am,
Read my mind!Oo

Autumn didn't know if he could hear the music in her mind. And she blushed. She seemed to have a mental juke box that seemed to tune in at times, which good thing she kept it inside well when Autumn was at work. It would not have been a good thing if she were to belt out a song during her job.

"Do you feel like flying?" Remy replied. "I have this strange sense you are thinking about flight and not in the sense of the starship kind." oO I don't think she knew I was able to pick up some of her last series of thoughts, but I felt they were aimed at me so I could not help myself. Oo

Autumn blushed, "I well, had a song pop up in my mind, its the love theme of an old Earth movie, called Superman, and well he was with a possible love interest and they were flying in the air. As for flying I do sort of fly once in awhile." Autumn feeling just a bit shy in revealing this. "Its a sort of dancing I do." she wasn't certain as to how Dodd would react to this.

"I recall the movie, I like comic books of old earth and Superman was a superhero in the series I like the most. I do remember that his love interest sang the song in her mind as he flew her around the city and such." Dodd replied. "As for dancing, I would not mind to see you dance. Would you maybe want to go dancing some time?"

"I would love to do so." Autumn just beamed at his invitation. "And that song I thought was so beautiful." she was getting goosebumps. She finished her sandwich as well as her drink. "That was a mighty find sandwich." she smiled. " And I will definitely partake of the mouthwash now." giving a bit of a giggle, before she took a mouthful and swished it around. She rose from the blanket and walked a few steps away to spit it out turning her back to do so.

"Okay all minty fresh now." Autumn said turning back to face Remington.

Remy was now standing up and facing Autumn. "Would you care to hike now, or would you rather partake in another activity?"

"Well, we could do a bit of hiking and, I can show you the natural hot springs that is just up a ways. That is if this program has it included." Autumn giving a smile and walking back to be beside him.

"I believe I have this program set to include the hot springs as I love to take a dip from time to time when I hike." Dodd replied. However, he was not sure if he remember to set the temperature settings to normal as he usually had them set a few degrees hotter since he normally is unclothed. Well he will see how it goes and deal with it if needed. He just surprised that Autumn was still interested in spending time with him. He only hoped he would be able to behave himself and not rush things anymore than he already had.

"Oh that sounds great, that is one thing I have missed is being in a hotspring. "Autmumn replied. "It is rather calming and relaxing." She went to fold up the blanket and placed it upon the picnic basket. "Okay I am ready, lets go hiking" flashing a brilliant smile towards Dodd.

For a brief moment, Dodd felt like a young lad who just saw the first crush of his life. He blushed a second and then quickly collected his emotions. "To the left or to the right?" Dodd asked of his date. "I believe there will be a refreshing spring on one of the two trails and a calm pond on the other."

"The spring first then, then calming pond." Autumn responded, "There are times I get into the hotsprings then run to a cool pond and it helps to close the pores. Its a good invigorating healthy practice and definitely helps to rid the body of toxins"

oO I can definitely see this woman and I going on for an eternity. Oo Dodd thought. "Well a direction has been determined and so let us set foot to the goal you have established." Dodd then took her hand and prepared to walk with her along the trail to the hot spring.

Autumn's heart beat rapidly when he took her hand. She loved it though as Dodd's hand was warm and she could also feel the callouses. Another thing she observed was his hand was strong but it also had a gentleness to it. She squeezed Dodd's hand then looked at him with a dazzling smile. "I like this" her eyes lighting up.

Autumn walked quietly alongside Dodd, looking around at the scenery even watching as a butterfly drifted by. It had dark blue on the top of its wings and below was a lighter blue. "Ooh that is beautiful."

"So you, do you enjoy spending time in nature, even if it is holographic?" Dodd asked of the beauty to his side.

"Yes I do, it triggers the memories of being here, in this place. Memories of the scents, the moss, the plantlife. Even the butterflies. All helps to take away the element of disbelief. And then there is the imagination that I have a lot of. So... it becomes real." slightly turning to face Dodd and taking his hand with her other so two hands were holding one hand with her walking slightly backwards. And then she caught her heel upon something almost falling backwards.

Quickly catching Autumn in his arms, Remy kept her from falling. "I gotcha. Can't get out of our hike by rushing you to sickbay." Remy stated as he firmly held her up in his arms and the closeness caused a slight stirring of emotion. "I am enjoying this too much to end it early. I hope you are alright?"

"I am alright and glad you caught me. I did tell you that I was a slightly clumsy person?" Autumn asked, her eyes wide with having almost fallen backwards. "That certainly caused just a minor scare." Then she giggled. "Oh goodness what an impression on our first date." She made to get herself steady back on her feet. "I am glad I didn't end our date early." her cheeks darkening as she was feeling slightly self conscious.

"I will keep my arm around you to help you feel grounded and hopefully you won't stumble again but I have you if you do." Remy then felt flush as he was really throwing himself out to this beautiful woman who could have any man on the ship and somehow he was wooing her. "I want you to always feel safe with me not only as superior officer but as a person you can be open with come what may."

"Okay, thank you." Autumn moved to where she was on his arm, her arm linked with his, the two of them continuing further towards the hot spring. "Sometime you need to definitely go see the real thing. Feel the warmth of the sun as it filters through the leaves. Or even the scent of the cherry blossoms and see the beautiful colors. It is like a fairytale land." she leaning her head against his shoulder for a moment, a dreamy expression in her eyes.

Around the bend could be seen the hotspring, steam wafting its way in to the air.

Dodd realized he was not prepared properly for the hot spring as he typically would go in au naturel but he did not want to have Autumn think he wanted more than just a date and a getting to know her time. So he would keep his shorts on in the hot spring.

"So is all okay so far with your time on the ship?" Remy asked as Autumn had not been aboard too long. They still had a few yards until the hot spring.

"It has been really nice. I've met some fantastic people, still working my way into different aspects of life on the ship. I still can't believe you had me be the XO, it was a challenging situation. Definitely an eye opener." When she saw the hot spring, Autumn realized if they were going to avail themselves of it, she was going to need something to wear. "I will have the computer provide me a swimsuit, since I didn't know what the program will be, I wasn't prepared on that aspect."

"That works, I was not sure either so I was also not prepared and to be honest I do not normally hike with a partner so I am hoping I am not stepping on your enjoyment." Remy stated to Autumn.

"Computer, create a changing booth and a swim suit for each of us." Dodd asked of the computer. Then just to the left of the hot spring, a small stall appeared which would allow for privacy for changing. "I hope the computer created something in your taste. Feel free to change in the booth and I will change behind it. Remy then reach in the booth and grabbed the board shorts he knew the computer would create for him and then stepped around the back of the booth.

Autumn gave a nod and went to get her choice of swimsuit, then she stepped into the changing booth. Just the fact that Dodd had done that for her, certainly raised her respect for him even more and gave her goosebumps as well. He was so gentlemanly and she was feeling special at his treatment of her. When she stepped out, Autumn was wearing a hunter green, one piece swimsuit, she smiled and was carrying a towel over one shoulder. She paused and then retrieved a towel for Dodd.

"Here you go, just in case you needed one." Autumn remarked, as she stepped up to give the towel to him. "Well shall we?"

To Be Continued...

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