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Mirror, Mirror Part #2

Posted on 25 Nov 2022 @ 6:09pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Various
Timeline: MD: 02.0


As Silver entered the next room K'Ruuras returned, with a nod she looked at Haze "Lieutenant Haze, you will have engineering equipment and Padd, your job will initially be to get us into the facility, and right the place to explode, you will also get a Phaser rifle and hand phaser and some photon grenades, then your other task will be to help Lieutenant Silver close that anomaly, okay, go get your items" Somers said as Haze left and entered the room Silver just exited, she finally turned to Thyra.

or just all that then. Oo Jarel thought, "aye ma'am, I won't let cha down. No worries." He felt oddly excited about it. Though still more than a little scared he had faith in the team. In the Lieutenant Colonel. He headed off to go gather up the rest of his required gear. His mind was already busy with ideas on the best way to get into the station in question. If only he had a schematic. The explosion part would be easy enough. He could simply destabilize the antimatter containment unit. Oo. Or cause a cascading failure throughout the power relay systems. It was strange to consider though as his natural impulse was to prevent such things. Still. He whistled to himself under his breath as he transversed the racks of weaponry.

"Okay Lieutenant, your task is just as easy, using Intel equipment you will bypass any security systems on the outpost in their command centre and download any and all data, do not both try to decrypt it, we are not planning on staying long so download everything and then wipe their network, while you are doing that Lieutenant Silver will download all sensor readings the place has on the anomaly stability, Lieutenant Haze will do the same with their engineering database and set the place for a catastrophic explosion while he is doing this preparation will start to close the anomaly. Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir your weapon loadout will be the same as Lieutenant Haze, so go get your items and return them here" she said and as Thyra headed to the room Haze returned.

"Ok," Thyra looked in thoughts in front of her and then summarised, "So Download, not decrypt, then wipe. Gotcha." She pointed to the room Haze came from and walked over and did a glance over at the Lieutenant before she went and grabbed the same gear.

Jarel swallowed hard. He felt like a child playing dress up for Halloween. He had never shot anybody in his life. But after the attack in the service tunnel, he was confident that he could if he needed to. He prayed he didn't need to. How would he explain it to Lenore? Easy. You don't. He was going through his Padd, pulling up everything they had on the station and anomaly. He had precious little time to familiarize himself with both and come up with options.

C'Tirr stepped closer to Jarel, his tail flicking playfully. "You're the engineer who saved Cassi right?" His deep voice was low in a whisper so as to not interrupt the others.

Jarel looked at Caitian as he recognized him from the recovery ward. oO Cassi eh? So that was her name. Oo "um yeah I guess so. She sorta saved my neck first so just seemed like the right thing to do. Given the circumstances." He was nervous rambling, not out of fear of C'Tirr. No, just anxious about the mission. "How is she doing? She took quite a beating I gather." He also kept his voice low as he finished the fourth check of his items. He felt like he was forgetting something.

"Your first away mission?" C'Tirr asked with a purring chuckle. "Kitten's doing just fine though I worry about her. She's on the Roosevelt with the marines." His tail stiffened slightly before betraying his agitation by bristling. He shook himself briefly then dropped a hand on Haze's shoulder. "If starts getting hairy, just get behind me. I'll keep an eye on ya the best I can." He smiled bared teeth and all.

Jarel nodded again. "Thanks. I am glad to hear she's doing alright. Does this look right to you? " He asked tugging at the harness that held his phaser rifle and its recharge packs. It was adjusted to his small frame as best as the engineer could manage.

Now all were gathered "okay, our objective is a recently discovered Terran Outpost on a Class L Moon, it has breathable air, but take some supplemental oxygen breathers with you. It is currently a small outpost not heavily defended, it does sit next to a spatial anomaly that has the energy signature of the Mirror Universe to it. Basically, we are going in to destroy the place, our Venture class scout has been outfitted with a reflective coating and improved anti-detection systems, if this was an operation into the unclaimed areas of the Mira Sector we would use the Klingon cloaking device we have, but as this is deep in Federation space we have to observe the agreements and laws governing the use of cloaking devices so while we will be invisible to Terran Sensors, any shuttle flying past us or if someone is looking out of the viewports on the outpost then they will see us as the adaption to the ship only renders us invisible to electronic and sensor detection not to the naked eye" Somers said and looked at Donovan who had an uncomfortable look on her face as she looked at Alex.

"I hate you so much right now, making me squeeze into a small ship, you know how awkward it was for that runabout we used to rescue the Captain was, now you want to put me through a tight space again!" Donovan said, there was no malice or spite in her tone, just dry sarcasm.

Somers looked at S'arila "It is not my fault that you have your own weather system S'arila" she said looking up at the taller woman who simply grumbled and fell silent and looked back at her team "well, then *looks at Silver* Mr Silver, want to brief us on what info we have on the anomaly?" she asked the Deputy Chief Science Officer.

“ From the information, we have received from the Tomcats sensors. The anomaly is essentially a doorway to the mirror universe. However, its inner core is not as stable as the entrance or hopefully the exit. One moment inside it’s smaller than a pea. The next is as large as say the Tomcat. This is most probably why we are not up to our socks in mirror universe inhabitants. Now is it a natural or man-made anomaly? At the moment that’s 50-50. Hopefully, there will be the answer on the moon.” Ted reported.

*Smiling at Silver* "thank you El-tee" she said then *looked at Thyra* "Lieutenant Sh'shraaqir, kindly brief us on what communication intelligence you managed to glean before you left the bridge please?" Somers asked,

“ El-tee?” Silver asked looking at the Andorian.

Thyra looked to Silver and grinned. "She means lieutenant. Just go with it." She then turned back to the group. "I manage to pick up a lot of Terran communication. From what I gathered it is just an outpost. Most of what I intercepted was just preliminary reports of the sector. Like conditions, traffic and more. The fact we held course might brush the Tomcat off as not a threat. So that's to our advantage. For now, I don't have much else to tell. Why they are there or what they are up to, I couldn't tell from the acquired data. So I have to get my hands on the data to know for sure. But I assume that's not the objective here."

“ Usually they call people of my rank Jay-gees but that is ok. The thing about this anomaly is if it was made by our alternative friends or foes. Maybe they made it like this on purpose. So no one else from the mirror universe could follow. This is a head-scratcher though. I thought all they did in that alternate universe was find ways to stab each other in the back. Unless this is one of those. The answers are on this moon.” Ted said

*Looks at Silver* "I saw the readings on that anomaly El-tee, it had a mirror quantum signature, but how they are managing to hold it open is totally beyond me, that job will be yours to find out" Somers said.

It was probably not a good idea to jump up and down with glee. So Ted just nodded. “ Yes ma’am.”

"I have no information on that either," Thyra replied. "It's not like they keep the home base up to date on how they keep it open. But there could be technical reports now or then, I just haven't recorded it."

Jarel was thankful for the Caitians help in getting situated. He had paid attention as best as he could to the conversation as they re-adjusted a few straps here and there. It was done so deftly and with such practised ease. It surprised the engineer how easy the panther man made it look. He had a question burning his brain that perhaps had been covered while he was away, still, he needed to ask. "What about diplomacy? Has the situation already outgrown the ability to perhaps explain to these mirror verse persons about the encroachment of the space??"





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