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Posted on 11 Nov 2022 @ 3:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers

657 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Day after the Mirror, Mirror mission


The next day after her team returned to the ship after a successful mission it even had a surprise, Alex was concerned by the outlook of Lieutenant Haze, she could understand it after all, not every fleet officer had the constitution to actually kill an enemy that was out to kill you, but besides that, the mission went well, there were very few survivors, those that did survive their attack had been taken, prisoner and currently occupied the ship's brig and they were none too happy about it either but they were not as hostile as what had been seen before in Terrans. But data was gotten, all their targets had been met and the Anomaly had been closed.

As it was a day later than normal Alex in normal uniform headed to the holodeck, as she entered the holodeck and after the doors closed "computer activate Somers-alpha-one-one-five" she said and a scenic scenery appeared and in the middle of the field was a wall of remembrance, her friend's name was made to be seen clearly, she had a holographic rose as she stood there.

"Well Annie, another year and you know in some way I am so jealous of you at least you will not get any older unlike me, but I am sorry that I am a day late, I was on a mission yesterday and could not do my usual ritual," Somers said.

Then from her right side "well I always understood duty Alex, you know that" the voice of Annabelle Graves said, this time around her friend was a disembodied voice that she felt was next to her.

Without looking as she knew that she would not see anything Alex continued "Still I always try to keep this on time, I know it has been longer in years past, but when it happens I always feel guilty, I mean we were very close at the time" Alex said.

Again the voice said, "and every year you keep bringing me to you, while I am flattered that you do, I have to ask as to why?" Annabelle's voice asked curiously.

"I have found that since that far back time I have never been able to let you go fully and I still do not know why" Alex answered.

Annie remained silent as Alex placed the rose against the wall of remembrance, stood up and bowed her head for a minute, when that minute was over Alex looked up and wiped a tear.

"A tear Alexandria, for me! My you really have not let me go have you?" the voice asked.

Alex turned her gaze in the direction of the voice "only now you are realising that Annie?" She asked.

"Ah, there is that sarcastic wit I loved so much!" the voice said.

Looking directly into the voice "Loved!! Really Annie?" she said.

For a brief moment, Annie became visible to Alex "All I have ever wanted is to be remembered on my birthday or the day we met Alex, I do not expect this" the ghost form said indicating the wall of the fallen.

"It is my way of showing respect Annie," Alex said and looking at the ghost she began to fade "until next year then Annie?" Somers asked.

Looking at Alex "Possibly!" she said cryptically then the ghost form was gone.

"Computer save and end the program," Alex said and as she made for the door she heard Annie's voice.

"Nothing is forgotten Alex, nothing is ever forgotten!" the voice said.

Alex felt a chill run up her spine and down it again, but putting the incident behind her she left the holodeck her routine finished for another year, tugging her tunic down "damn woman knows how to be cryptic!" she moaned as she entered the nearest turbo lift.




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