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Getting to know the CSO

Posted on 05 Apr 2023 @ 3:38pm by Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Captain Mazal Falk
Edited on on 01 May 2023 @ 2:43pm

1,401 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Roosevelt
Timeline: MD: 15 - Rosey


Mazal leaned back in her chair, with a slight groan, rubbing her eyes. Mazal needed a break from going over the details of the task she was facing, looking at the map of the Hydaransz systems and the targets that they needed to go after. Feeling the need for nourishment, and wanting to get to know another person from the Tomcat, she went to tap on her combadge, to contact, Lieutenant Thompson. Mazal wasn't certain if the XO of the Roosevelt would want to eat a meal with her but, it couldn't hurt to do so.

Pulling her padd close, Mazal sent out an invite. Lieutenant Thompson, would you be willing to have a meal with me? Please let me know, either in the mess hall or my quarters. Marine Captain Mazal Falk.

"The mess hall will be fine unless you would like some privacy?" Matt said.

"The mess hall would be fine as well," Mazal answered back.

Matt sty sipping coffee waiting for the security officer to arrive.

Mazal arrived at the mess hall and looked to see if Lieutenant Thompson had arrived before her. She intended to at least talk with Thompson in a quiet corner of the mess hall without having to shout to be heard. At times the mess hall can get a bit noisy. The tall marine found a table and then stood by it to keep watch for the CSO.

"Over here Mazal", Matt said waving from a quiet corner of the mess hall. He wanted to ensure a modicum of privacy.

Matt sat sipping coffee, looking over a PADD he had brought with him.

Hearing her name called, Mazal gave a chuckle, she hadn't seen Matthew in the other corner. She got herself some peppermint tea and then joined Thompson. "Hello Lieutenant, or do you wish me to call you Matthew?" taking a sip of her tea.

Matt smiled. "Please call me Matt, unless you prefer to be formal," Matt said jovially.

"Matt it is and you can call me Mazal." taking a seat and giving a smile. "How are you liking being the XO on the Roosevelt?" deciding to start there.

"It's different, I've been a department head for some time as Chief Science Officer. I have taken the Executive Officers course, but I don't have enough time in grade, to be promoted. Still, I feel this opportunity is stretching my wings a little. How are you doing with your new responsibilities?" Matt asked.

"It is still strange to me I have commanded small teams of marines before so this isn't any different except for the sheer amount of marines that are at my command," Mazal stated, then picked up her fork to start eating. In between bites, she asked, " How long have you been on the Tomcat?" Mazel added.

I've been aboard the Tomcat for 8 years, it was my first assignment out of the academy. I did my midshipman cruise on the Farragut. I apprenticed under the last Chief Science Officer, Maia Sterling. She is now the Captain of the USS Leto. She taught me the most about being a good science officer. Even taught me a few things about leadership." Matt said.

"Would you like another drink?" Matt asked.

"Sure I'll take another drink," Mazal replied. "Another peppermint tea please." the Marine XO replied. "It sounds like you've got a few good years under a good captain." giving a smile.

"This is actually my third tour of duty under Colonel Somers. It has been pretty exciting at times. The opportunity for pure research is extraordinary considering we are on deep space patrols often, so we are usually the first to see anything new. I have personally catalogued a dozen new species and met several dozen more. Not too shabby for a science officer. This adventure is everything it was billeted to be." Matt said.

Matt ordered another mint tea for the lady marine.

"Thank you, any sort of advice you can give me where the workings of the Tomcat crew are concerned? I've only met a small handful, I've met Lieutenant Silver he's a nice guy and I've met Lieutenant Hawsksley, both of them have turned out to be good friends of mine. Have you met either of them? Well, maybe you have met Ted." Mazal remarked.

"Yes, I've known them for some time, an very courageous bunch of friends you have made. The best advice I can give you is to just be yourself. You have a natural charm that is attractive. I don't think you will have any trouble making and keeping friends." Matt replied.

Mazal gave a slight smile, then took a drink of her tea. "I am slowly but surely making my way through getting to know the crew. I do have one of my people who I am not certain if he likes me. At times I think he's not certain if I should be in a command position. But, one of these days he and I will have a bit of a talk. Once we get this mission taken care of. I think though he is someone who a person has to earn their respect."

"You are a marine officer aboard a Federation starship of the line. The only person you have to prove yourself to is yourself." Matt said.

"Yes that is true but." Mazal stopped herself there for a moment as thought became evident. "I think though, actions will speak louder than words anyway, I shouldn't worry about it. I am not one to slack off or just sit on my behind whilst others do the work. I will be there in the thick of things with my people as I am willing to get down in the trenches and get dirty." a brilliant smile appeared before Mazal took a drink of her tea.

"If anyone thought that, you wouldn't even be here. You've earned your rank and position. I for one feel pretty good about having you here," Matt said.

"Thank you, and I am glad we are chatting, it's nice to get to know others of the crew. Speaking of which, I've asked others what they do in their personal time, do they have hobbies and such they like to do. I ask that question as per you, now. What do you like to do." Mazal definitely wants to know.

"I have several hobbies, I collect rare swords and bladed weapons. I am also a botanist, a planetologist, and a biochemist. I like music but can't sing or play an instrument to save my life. I have recently taken up sculpting and am getting good at it. What about you," Matt asked.

Mazal's eyes lit up hearing about his collecting rare swords and bladed weapons. "I would love to see your collection. I really love blades. As for my hobbies. I have quite a few. I actually have made my own blades and made armour. I like to play rugby, I swim, I dance. This is some of the things I like to do." Mazal stated.

"Perhaps you can teach me to dance sometime, and I would be happy to show you my collection of bladed weapons," Matt said.

"I would be glad to teach you to dance, I have a studio I rent out when I get on the station. Definitely sometime after this mission. And I would love to see your collection, as well as a sculpture you have done. Even if it is a beginning piece." Mazal smiled.

"I would be delighted, some of them are actually pretty good," Matt replied.

"We should get back to work, gotta a lot to do before we set out," Matt suggested.

Mazal gave a nod, "Yes that is true. Thank you for taking the time to visit with me, and I'll be looking forward to seeing your works of art." giving a warm smile. Mazal then rose from the table and headed off to put away the dishes she used into the recycler. It was as Matt had said, time to get back to work.





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