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Mirror, Mirror Part #4

Posted on 03 Jan 2023 @ 11:43am by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Ted Silver & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

1,824 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Shuttle Bay Tomcat/Terran Outpost
Timeline: MD: 02.0b


Now that her team had finally arrived in the shuttle bay close to the Venture class scout, Somers halted them looked them over, checked their gear and was satisfied with how they put the stuff on, she stepped back and looked at those gathered, while S'arila loaded their equipment onto the ship.

"Okay, is everyone clear on what your tasks are? Ask now as this will be your only chance, even the basic mission recap if you need it" Somers said holding her hands apart as she asked.

"My job is to aid in infiltrating the station and gaining access to the main computer to be hacked into. I am then to set up an explosion to neutralize the station and its weapons. While also working with Lieutenant JG Silver to somehow close the anomaly." Jarel listed back to the Colonel the same way he confirmed things with his wife back home on his honeyed lists.

*Somers nods in affirmation*

C'Tirr chuckled at Haze with a smile. "Aye Ma'am, I'm to be the meat shield for the main group and to cover the tech crew while they do their job." He stated as he flexed his hands in the gloves of his EVA suit. "Once they finish, I help make the place go BOOM!" He said the last part suddenly load to see who would jump, a pre-mission twinkle in his eye.

*Another affirming nod from Somers*

Happy for the humour to have carried over, Jarel shook his head and chuckled under his breath.

Ted checked over his tricorder. The controls were slightly larger to accommodate the EVA’s gloves. Ted thought it would be a good idea to buy a tricorder on the arm of these suits. Maybe integrate it with the suits control panel. But that was for later. “If my theory the colony is somehow the reason that anomaly is there. Before we blow anything up. It may be best to check first Ted said

"Correct Lieutenant but it is not a Colony it is a listening post, but otherwise correct," Somers said then looked at Thyra

The Lieutenant simply nodded in response.

*Somers nods and looks at Donovan*

"Recon and huntress" was all the Major said.

Alex, sighed inwardly as S'arila's suit started to play the song "My Way" by Sinatra she cursed in her mother tongue by this time Starfleet had translated her mother tongue, but somehow the computer deliberately omitted the translation "What is it with your suit Major?" Somers asked.

"I do not know Colonel, the tech in this suit is unique to my universe and the techs in this one still cannot work it out" she answered hitting her suit with impressive force finally shutting it up and a sigh followed it.

"Anything else?" Somers asked those gathered in the shuttle bay

Haze merely shook his head. Then realizing that the gesture was lost in the helm of the EVA suite he said softly. "No ma'am I understand."

“ I am ready ma’am,” Ted said and he took his seat in the shuttle. He checked through the data from the Tomcat's sensors once again. Just to make sure he had not left out anything.

"Ready Ma'am, and as the meat shield, I'll be first off and last on," C'Tirr stated, standing as straight as he could. He took a position next to the hatch to wait for the rest to board. He had both phaser rifles in hand like a duel wielder. He had a 97 per cent accuracy with a single phaser rifle but had a 75 per cent right-hand accuracy and 60 per cent accuracy with the left hand. Sure he missed more but he could double his fire rate over a single rifle.

Ted had just started to get used to being in an EVA suit. When he heard C’Tirr’s statement about being a meat shield.

oO Oh dead oh dear…..calm Ted calm….don’t freak out….1 2 3 4 6 hang on where’s 5….calm, calm... Oo Ted thought trying to calm himself down.

Thyra kept here fears to herself, after all she could not control events fully she could only look for anything, but there was a little nervous flutter.

Before Haze could board the ship "Lieutenant Haze, hold back a moment, please I need to have a quick chat with you, also you do not need your EVA helmet on as we have plenty of oxygen" the Colonel said her helmet in her hand.

"Yes ma'am, I just wanted to make sure the whole vac system was functioning properly. I don't think we have any spares on the shuttle." He explained as he removed the helmet as requested as he approached the Colonel.

Lowering her voice "when done with this mission Lieutenant, come you find me in the lounge and we will talk about your issues, yes I noticed how uncomfortable you are with mission requirements, so after the mission meet me in the crew lounge and we will talk okay?" Somers asked.

"If I manage to not get myself killed, I'll be sure to meet you there. I have never been deployed to a mission, certainly nothing like what we are about to do. I don't mean any disrespect. I just. I can't help but think about, well pirates tend to be generational ships in nature, so my mind keeps going to the women and ch.. children that might be aboard. I know that I shouldn't. That in light of the current circumstances my orders standing and all that I just shouldn't think about it at all." Haze shook his head. It didn't matter. "I just can't think about it. Guess that makes me a coward or something." Haze finished his voice also low. He looked at the rest of the team boarding the shuttle and felt isolated from the cheery group.

"This is a Terran Empire Listening post Lieutenant, not a Pirate Generational ship, and I hope I need not enumerate upon how hostile the Mirror universe Terran Starfleet Officers can be!" Somers said.

The engineer breathed a little bit easier. "No ma'am. I'm sure they are plenty hostile."

"Oh, they are Lieutenant, they now get you on that ship," Somers said and followed Haze onto the ship, she passed S'arila who did not look too comfy in her suit "Perhaps we should have used the runabout!" Somers said as she sat at the pilot station.

"You think!?" Donovan said, Alex ruefully shook her head amused.

As he had stated prior, C'Tirr waited for the last member to board before he stepped into the shuttle. He palmed the door closed then took the seat closest to the hatch and strapped in. He glanced at Haze, a 'sorry for that' look on his face. He couldn't help but overhear Haze and Somers but he truly felt bad for the minor ass-chewing Haze had gotten.

"Okay, people strap in, I fly with the SIF on low so movements are felt, hope you have strong stomachs," Somers said and then she got launch clearance from tomcat flight control. She lifted the Venture class ship off the deck turned the nose to the barrier field and the ship shot out of the shuttle bay at a speed that pushed them all into their seats.

“Now I wish I had not had that Cheese and Pickle sandwich,” Ted said as he held onto his seat straps.

Haze looked at the poor Science officer and produced a plastic bag that he offered to the young man. "Cheese and pickles... Sounds like your in for a rough ride." He gave a fatherly smile and patted the guy on the back soothingly. "It's going to be fine. Let's try and think of something else. like that anomaly. Tell me some of the sciency things you got on it so we can figure out how to take it down eh?" He offered.

“ The more we look at these readings the more I am leaning toward. The realisation that the outpost may be responsible.If it was natural then it would not be permanent or one way. Either they came here with intent to invade or it’s gone wrong and the entrance back collapsed. Which means their reinforcements are not coming and they’re stuck. But until I see how they created the thing. The theory I have could do more harm than good.” Ted replied.

Maybe they where being chased and collapsed it themselves to prevent being followed. Nevermind that. Okay so maybe if we can destabilize the anomaly when we blow up the outpost then? Two birds one stone sorta deal. Or a twofer.' he suggested

Ted was about to speak when he noticed a change in the anomaly. He ran his hands over the scanning device and looked up.

“I don’t believe it. There has been some kind of a change. It’s no longer one way……” Ted reported.

"That's not good I take it." It was more a statement of fact then a question. Jarel then asked, "So they could be sending for reinforcements?"

" Its as bad as waking up one morning with the daughter of an angry Klingon General. Whose fleet is now charging towards you. Intent on having your privates ripped off for a trophy." Ted said

Alex overheard this and shared a look with S'arila, with the anomaly now two-way destroying the base and closing the anomaly was a priority, she used the ships basic sensor package to scan the distant anomaly.

Haze tried not to laugh. "Sounds like you have experience with that?" He asked as he started to prep some of the equipments he'd be needing for some base readings on his handheld scanner. It would help him keep track of any fluctuations in the station and anomaly.

Thyra looked over Ted's scanner data. "Well they were able to send messages through before, so at that point it was a relay hub. I haven't had time to fully analyze all the communications data, but like I said most of it was reports from what past by in the region. I would not be surprised if they were using that as a cover while they worked the anomaly. We shouldn't underestimate the Terrans."




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