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Posted on 10 Dec 2022 @ 12:51am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Jane Sinclair’s Quarters, USS Tomcat and Lilliana Hawksley’s Quarters, USS Roosevelt
Timeline: Over the course of a few days


On a screen in Lilliana Hawksley’s quarters, a pre-recorded video message began to play.

“Hi Lilli.” The message was from Jane, who, from the background, appeared off duty sitting on the edge of her bed in her quarters, wearing pyjamas and getting ready for sleep. “I tried to catch you before you got on the Roosevelt, but there wasn’t time. I barely got this submitted before you left.”

Jane shifted. “I’ve recently been made to see some of my feelings up close, and wanted to share with you. You see, I’m sure Leland mentioned to you that he and I went shopping and got massages. They had this device that helped bring your fantasies to the top of your mind while they touch you. It’s…well, it’s amazing. But anyway, some of mine included you, but some others included my ex and another woman I’ve been seeing on the ship.”

“I’ve been encouraged to be mindful of my feelings, and I want to be honest with all the people in my life. Lilli, I enjoy the times we spend together, and even if it’s just something physical I want to do it again, if you’re okay with it. You’re also separated from your husband as he’s with me on the Tomcat, so when our ships reunite I get that I’m not exactly top priority,” she said with a smirk, “but, and I don’t want to minimize this, you’ve been a great friend to me. And our nights together have been spectacular.” She stuck her tongue out at the camera. “I’m also going to keep seeing this other woman, and I don’t know where that’s going. And my feelings for my ex are complicated.” She laughed. “I’m a bit of a mess right now.”

“But you deserve to know where I stand, and make your decision from there. I’d like it if you could message me back, but I get that you’ll be busy and you might even go radio silent, so we can talk when you’re back too.”

“Be safe, Lilli.” Jane waved to the camera and the message ended.

Lilli smiled as she saw Jane’s message, for some daft reason she even waved back at the end. Shaking her head on how daft it was she sat down to record a message in response.

“Hi Jane, it was nice to get back to Quarters to find your message waiting.” She smiled as she made herself more comfortable.

“I’ve enjoyed our time together too, you’ve taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible. I have learned how to please you, as much as how much you please me.”

“To be honest I’m starting to wonder whether a three way relationship is really what’s best.” Lilli frowned as she spoke. “Now I’m married, I’m starting to feel like I’m betraying Leland. I know he says he doesn’t mind as long as I’m happy, but I’m not so sure.”

“Please don’t get me wrong, you’re a wonderful woman Jane! I treasure our friendship, and the advice we give each other. I don’t want you to feel like I don’t care about you, I’m just a little confused right now. I’ll give it more thought while I’m away on this assignment.”

“Speaking of which I need to get some rest while I still can. Take care Jane.” She blew a playful kiss, then closed the message and sent it on it’s way.

The next night, Jane returned to her quarters to find the message waiting for her. She watched, and while she was saddened by its contents, she understood. She did smile at the blown kiss and even caught it, putting it on her cheek.

She began recording another.

“Hi Lilli. I understand completely. I’d be a terrible friend if I intentionally put your marriage at risk just for a good snog.”

“But you deserved to know where I stand, and what I want. It doesn’t compel you to give it. You do what’s best for you and your relationship with Leland, and if that means we can only be friends, that’s absolutely fine. If it means we can be friends that play sometimes, then all the better, but I’ll never push. I promise you that.”

“Be safe, return home, and I’ll see you soon.” Jane blew a kiss to the camera, returning the one Lilli gave her, and sent the message.

Lilli wasn’t far from her screen when the response from Jane arrived. She opened it, glad to read that Jane wasn’t angry or upset with her.

She decided to put together another response giving it some thought as to what to say.

“Hi Jane. I’m glad you’re not upset with me. I was worried that my decision might upset you. You’re my best friend, and the last thing I want is to hurt you.”

She paused to sip her drink before continuing.

“We’ll discuss the situation more when I get back from this assignment. At least I won’t be on away party duty, the fact that I’m pregnant means I’m out of the ground action. I just have to wait for any wounded to come to me.”

“Do take care, and I’ll come see you when we get back to the ship. Bye Jane.” Lilli waved and sent her reply once again.

Lilli got her reply the next day.

“Honestly, the fact that that wounded come to you makes me sleep better,” Jane had said, recording her message in the morning shortly after getting up, body wrapped in a silk robe, sitting at her quarters’ little table. “It’s a dangerous mission, and you’re out of the worst of it. Remember to keep safe though. From what I heard, the people you’re facing won’t consider things like a sickbay or infirmary to be off-limits to fighting.”

She moved a loose strand of hair out of her face. “And I’d never be upset with you over something like this. Married, kid on the way, these are things to make someone re-evaluate…everything in their lives, really. I’d be a right jerk if I was upset over this.”

The doctor stood and walked closer to where the camera was. “And I like being best friends with you. We’ll need to do something fun when you’re back. There’s a spa on Starbase 51 I found. What about it? Alcohol free bubbly, massages, mani-pedi, talking about nonsense for hours. Let me know. Of course,” she added with a sly grin, “it will all be chaste. No more of this.”

She winked and pointedly allowed her robe to puddle on the floor, in full view of the camera.

She turned away and began walking toward her sonic shower. She stopped and turned back, grinning again. “I suppose I should’ve checked if you had a private room or were in public barracks. Oh well. Bit late innit?” She turned back away. “See you soon, luv. Computer, end recording and send.” Lilli’s screen went dark on the image of Jane walking playfully toward her shower.

Lilli was quick to look for her next response from Jane, Reading through it she breathed a sigh of relief that Jane wasn’t mad at her, she couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Jane naked. It was a good job she caught up it in private. She put together a quick response.

“Hi Jane, Don’t worry I always take my calls in private! Even if I have to do so in the middle of the night.” She grinned. “I’m glad you’re not angry with me, I’d hate it if you were. Ohh that spar day sounds lovely! Feel free to book us in when we get time.”

She stifled a yawn. “As much as I hate sleeping alone without Leland, I have to get some sleep. I’m going to need my wits about me when we have injured onboard.”

“Take Care Jane, I’ll see you when we get back!”

With that she hit send, and headed for her bunk.

Back from her shift, Jane smiled when she saw that she had gotten a reply. She watched, happy that she and Lilli were on good terms, but decided not to reply right away. Her friend was right. She needed to be well rested. “Sleep well, Lilli,” she whispered to herself.





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