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Responding to a Distress Call

Posted on 13 Jan 2023 @ 12:13am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt
Edited on on 01 Feb 2023 @ 4:11pm

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Location: Enroute to the Hydaransz System
Timeline: MD: 03.1


The Roosevelt was travelling to the Hydaransz System with a dual mission. To drop off some marines for a mission along with one squadron of fighters. And then seek out and destroy a Pirate Carrier that was causing problems there.

En route, we received a distress call from the Rosenthall. Stating they were under attack and needed assistance. The Roosevelt was the closest Starship in the area and responded post haste to assist.

Cahill responded, " What is our estimated time of arrival with the Rosenthall? And are there any updates as to who is attacking them yet?"

Mr Thompson was on the sensors

"Captain, I have them on sensors now, the USS Rosenthall. All I'm getting is the automatic ships disaster beacon. The ship itself is not generating normal energy output. the port nacelle has been completely blown off and there is heavy structural damage, she's on fire, captain. Several dozen escape pods have been jettisoned. I'm not picking up any other ships in the region but I am picking up strong subspace eddies that are heading directly for the Hydaranz system, Matt reported.

"We are still 6 minutes and 53 seconds out at this velocity," Matt added.

Cahill replies, "We need to pick up as many of the escape pods as possible and try to track them. Sounds like the ship is a loss. And we need to do search and rescue now.

The transporter room when we are in range begins transporting the victims to Sick Bay. Dr Bolt. Ready your medical teams."

Cahill wanted to assist with the injured personnel but her duties are on the Bridge right now.

Dr Bolt replied, "We are ready to do what is necessary Captain."

There was a beep upon the commbadge it was Captain Falk. "Captain Cahill, got a red alert notification, is there something that you need help on?" Mazal asked.

Cahill replied=/\= Capt Falk will need your marines ready. The Rosenthal was attacked and they went to escape pods. We will be in search and rescue mode when we arrive. It was attacked by an unknown ship possibly the Pirate Carrier. We are looking for all survivors.

I need your marines to assist in possible repelling of boarders if there is an attack while we are there. Sensors show it went back to the Hydaransz System. =/\=

"Aye Captain Cahill, if I know my marines they are already getting prepped. You can count on us." Mazal replied.

On the USS Roosevelt, the tension in Engineering was high, not knowing who had attacked the USS Rosenthall. Hewitt was checking over the phaser and photon torpedo systems, ensuring that power and backup systems would be ready in case they were to be engaged by any unknown enemies at the time of the rendezvous.

“Check on all weapons status,” Hewitt called from the pool table he was headed.

“All weapons stations reporting in at 100%. Ready as we will ever be, Sir.” Ensign Willox replied.

Cahill replied, "Good I want everything ready if they decide to return and surprise us with an attack. See if you can get a course direction plotted for when we finish the search and rescue. I want to be ready to move after them.

Also, see how many escape pods you can locate and be ready to beam them aboard the Roosevelt. Once we have all we can find we will prepare to move on to the Hydaransz System.
I want to stop that pirate carrier asap.

Dr Bolt replied, =/\= Have all escape pods beamed to Cargo Bay one. We will access the injured and send them to Sick Bay that needs it. And the others will be sent to quarters to recover there. =/\=

Cahill replied, =/\=Understood Doctor. Good luck. =/\=

"Tactical said we are in visual range, Captain."

Cahill replied, "On screen now."

This is what I am thinking not saying.

The destruction of the Rosenthall was overkill. And whoever did it was ruthless. Seeing it made her blood boil. But she had to maintain her composure to be able to do her job now as Captain of the Roosevelt.

What she saw made a decision for her. She was going to put a stop to this and nothing was going to stand in her way to stop the Pirate Carrier.

Cahill ordered, "Begin searching for survivors and picking them up immediately. We need to get this done quickly so we can get after the ship that did this to the Rosenthall.

Scan the ship to be sure everyone is off the Rosenthall and find any bodies that may have been left onboard as well. We want to bring closure to as many families as possible."

"Lt Thompson, run the search and rescue yourself. I will be watching for the ship that did this."

Matt was on his sensors transferring coordinates to various escape pods, 80 per cent of which were already on board. All told there were twenty-three of the Rosenthall crew that were rescued.

Captain, recommend that we send an away team to the Rosenthal to check for casualties" Matt advised.

"I agree and I want you to take command of it Number 1. Get in and out quickly. We don't know what is going on with the Rosenthall." Replied Cahill

"Aye Captain, I'll take Falk, Benson, and K'Muss with me on the away team plus a damage control team and a squad of marines, armed to the teeth. Whatever is over there we will be ready for it." Matt said.

We drop out of warp to impulse, " Keep us a safe distance away from the Rosenthall Helm. "

=/\= Fighters launch and look for escape pods to speed up their recovery of them. And also conduct patrols in case the Pirate Carrier decides to return."

Dr Bolt was busy as the wounded started being beamed to the cargo hold. Some were already dead so she had them put in a makeshift morgue.

She did triage on them and some were sent to sick bay. Others were treated in the cargo hold and taken to quarters to recover. She was working hard and getting things done quickly.

Bolt to Bridge, =/\= So far have beamed over 24 patients 11 were dead by the time they were beamed to me and 6 were treated and placed in quarters to recover. the others are in sick bay for more treatment and observation. =/\=

Captain Cahill replied, =/\= Copy that Doctor. Keep up the good work. =/\=

"Helm All stop and hold this position."

Matt notified his away team to meet him in transporter room 1, then left the bridge.

Hewitt had called the engines to all stop after hearing the call from the main bridge. Signalling to Crewman Willox, the USS Roosevelt heralded a stop in a positional hold pattern.

“Engines at hold. Systems and multi-phase ablative shielding at constant.” Hewitt called to the Captain.

"Understood LT Hewitt, Good job," replied Cahill.

Back in engineering, Hewitt had checked in on his situation and maintained the command situation as decided from the main bridge. Hawksley kept on working with his staff taking them through detailed boarding routines as well as added program computational distress. All this enabled a staff with quick defensive rotation.

Faith stopped what she was doing and moved to follow Matt onto the turbolift.

=/\= This is Falk, I will be bringing another person, which will be Lieutenant Matthews.=/\= Mazal responded her tone civil but also rather firm in her decision.






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