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[Backpost] Are you an apparition?

Posted on 02 Jan 2023 @ 8:59pm by Captain Mazal Falk & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

1,557 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Outside Medical
Timeline: Before "The kitty checks in"



Mazal was neck deep in paperwork, having had to take up the reins of commanding the marines, while Captain Jackson was still out of action. She had gotten back to her desk when she got a notification of something having had happened. "What the heck? Cassie's in medical? " Mazal exclaiming aloud, as she stared at the report.

There was no one to answer her as Mazal was alone. She quickly got up from her desk, knocking over her chair in the process, it landing upon the floor with a dull thud. Mazal cringed at that, she quickly set it upright and then rapidly headed out of the office. The tall dark haired marine moved down the corridor, looking down at her Padd to see what all was said in the report. Mazal felt the urgency to check on Cassie.

The lift arrived and she gave the order to the computer for the level and it soon moved. "Deck 4" Mazal stated. The lift swept upwards and when the door opened Mazal heard a ping letting her know there was a message for her. She was reading it over, not paying attention to where she was walking....

C'Tirr had just stepped out of sickbay from having just left Cassi's side when he collided with a tall human female. He instinctively let out a small growl even though she was a bit taller than him. That was when he noticed the rank and uniform denoting this person was a first Lieutenant in the Marines. "Sorry First Lieutenant, I should have looked both directions before just bursting through doorways." He took a step back to make room for Falk.

When she heard the growl, Mazal looked up sharply from her padd, and stepped back, almost as if she were ready to get into a fight. Mazal blinked, quickly getting the read of who was in front of her, and hearing his words. "Uh that is my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. " an expression of curiosity became evident, she noting that he was wearing the colors of security. "So... may I ask who you are? I've not seen you around before."

C'Tirr let out a chuckle. "My apologies, I'm Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras, adopted brother to Second Lieutenant Cassandra Matthews." His full ear and his half ear twitching with amusement. He had been having fun with 'coming back to life' so to speak. "I'm also a physical manifestation of her brother's psyche." He said with a toothy grin and a quick wink, the action looking a bit off on the feline face.

Mazal actually gulped, and feeling just a tad woozy. Her face looked a bit pale as well. "Wait... I was told you were dead." the tall marine reaching out to steady herself against the wall. Mazal closed her eyes, just for a moment to collect herself. This was certainly unexpected!

C'Tirr let out a loud laugh. "Oh I assure you, I'm thoroughly alive. It's a bit of a long story. The short of it, after being a prisoner I was shot and ended up with amnesia for almost a year. During which time I had been declared dead even though there was no body." He said as he offered a steadying hand to Falk.

Mazal opened her eyes and took the offered hand to steady herself. "Sorry, and yes you definitely not dead." feeling the warmth of his hand. "Okay that was unexpected, my reaction that is." feeling herself regain her composure Mazal let go of C'Tirr's hand. "Thank you. And glad you are no longer dead but alive. And that you have your memory back as well. That isn't a pleasant experience being shot."

C'Tirr chuckled as he pointed to the left ear that was half gone. "That's what the shot did, the memory loss was from hitting my head as I fell into a small canyon. When that damn scoundrel, Rhys, looked down, the blood from my head wound and ear must have made it look like I was dead. He didn't try to come down for me." He said.

"Rhys...." That name came out of Mazal with a growl worthy of any animal. "That person, that, that." There was a sign of rage in her eyes, as Mazal didn't like Rhys when she first met him.

"He I wanted to hunt down and kill."Mazal replied, "However, I had to not do so due to different protocols. He would be someone I would get dropped off on a planet just he and I and would have hunted him down with a vengeance."

C'Tirr knew he was gonna like this person though she knew who he was but she hadn't introduced herself yet. With a chuckle he replied, "I did too once I remembered everything but I was an hour too late to do anything. Cassandra has already removed him from the board so to speak. I think it was best that Cass was the one to take him out." He flexed his furry hands as his ears laid flat against his skull and his tail bristled and flicked in anger. He forced himself to relax as his tail smoothed out and steadied.

Mazal looked towards the door through which Cassandra was lying there injured. "Well, glad she was the one to take him out, and not the other way around." she turned her gaze back to C'Tirr catching the signs of his ire. Something then clicked in her mind. "You know I've been in a slight amount of shock, that I haven't introduced myself to you." She smiled. "I am Lieutenant Mazal Falk, XO of the 95th Rifles. Pleasure to meet you." holding out her hand to shake his.

C'Tirr took her hand in his and shook it. "It is a pleasure to meet my sisters XO." He gave her a quick smile then leaned in slightly and lowered his voice. "And make sure you give her a hard time. She deserves it." He said with a quick wink.

"I already gave her an order not to die so, it seems she has obeyed that order." giving a laugh. "I think I give my marines a hard time anyway as much as they think they need to do so to me. Guess they want to make certain I am worthy of being in command for the moment." giving a mock long suffering sigh.

C'Tirr chuckled, a soft hissing sound full of mirth. He was enjoying her good humor in light of everything going on. He imagined that Falk and Cassandra were probably thick as thieves. "Well at least they are following orders. That's something. " He jested back.

Mazal chuckled. "I am glad you are back in the land of the living, and I bet that your presence here is of a great comfort to Cassandra as well. I do like her and think she is a great person." the Marine XO responded.

He felt a flush of brotherly pride. Thankfully it was hidden under his dark pelt. "She can be agreeable when she isn't going and getting herself into trouble." C'Tirr remembered that he needed to get going. He had alot to get done. It gave him comfort to know he wasn't leaving his sister alone. "Thank you for being here for her. She's been through alot. We both have. I appreciate that you have come to check on her. Please don't think me rude for rushing off, I just have a thousand things that I must get ready before they release her. First thing though is I need to check in with my CO in security. I'd like to move my sister from the barracks to a family unit with me. At least until she's fully healed up. I hope that is going to be okay."

"it will be okay by me, I will give permission and I don't think that my boyfriend, Lieutenant Ze will have any objections either." Mazal giving another smile. Her eyes were soft when she mentioned Tosrol.

C'Tirr could feel the changes. He was an animal with instincts. He was very happy for the two of them. Ze was his CO. So he would probably be meeting the man in the next day or so. "I best get moving. Thanks again for your help and for keeping an eye on my bratty sister." He offered his hand in parting. "Here's hoping to seeing you around."

"I am hoping that happens and probably its a guarantee that you will from time to time." shaking his hand, Mazal smiled. "Okay I'll head inside and go see her. I'll see you around." With that Mazal turned and stepped inside where Cassandra was at.

C'Tirr turned with a smile of his own as he headed off to meet his new deputy chief. He would have to set some stuff up to take care of his sister but he was glad to see that her XO was just as worried for her. He knew he could trust her to watch over Cass when he couldn't.




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