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[Back post] Echoes of time

Posted on 22 Dec 2022 @ 4:42am by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Captain Mazal Falk

1,868 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sick bay recovery rm2 Mathews, Cassandra
Timeline: Prior to deployment, before questions and explanations


Cassandra was exhausted. Still the blissful lulls of sleep could not make her return to it's forgiving black. What she wanted to do was go chasing after her brother. To beg him not to go. She was so afraid that he was never going to return again. That this was just a dream. A beautiful yet cruel manifestation of her mind. The pain was the only proof she was lucid. Shed never been more thankful to be in pain. Her eyes kept darting to the door. Counting down the seconds, the minutes, the tens of minutes. Tick tock,tick tock, oO please come back. Please. Oo the seconds ticked by with each beat of her heart. Each breath a silent prayer.

A tall form darkened the door for just a few moments, then stepped forward,the person who was there, was Mazal.

"Oh Cassi, I just found out something happened to you." the marine drawing up a chair to take a seat beside Matthews. "I am sorry, I am sorry I've been neglectful in keeping in touch." her voice thick with remorse.

Cassandra shook her head. She had been the one who had gotten sidetracked following Rhys around when she should have been trying to locate the files C'tirr had on the man. She felt comfort at seeing Mazal here. She felt safe even. "I should have contacted you. But he hadn't done anything, then it was suddenly too late. I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you when I realized what he was doing." The full weight was being to sink in. Of what had happened. What might happen still. "What will happen now?" She heard herself asking.

"Well there will be an investigation I do believe, as to what happened, and I will probably get more detailed information later on. I am just glad that you are alive and, still here. As for not reaching out to me, look chalk it up as not used to having someone giving you back up. And I literally ran into C'Tirr. I thought I was seeing a ghost." Mazal's eyes were a bit wide.

Cassandra nodded a little bit then stopped as pain flared up in the assaulted area. "Good you saw him too. I thought for a moment that I was also seeing ghosts, or that I didn't make it." She confessed. "I will of course cooperate fully in regards to the investigation."

Mazal gave an encouraging smile and a nod. "To be truthful when I literally bumped into C'Tirr, and realized he wasn't dead. Well, I felt like I was going to pass out. Got slightly woozy. I thought that was so weird in that happening." having a chagrined expression on her face, and also abit embarrassed.

"He's always been a sneaky bastard, even as a kit." Cassandra chuckled painfully, but happily. Then she frowned slightly because the question kept eating at the back of her skull like a cancerous thing hell bent on stealing her happiness. If he has been alive all this time, where had he been? Why had it taken him until now to find her again? She knew some day she would have to ask him. She needed to know for her sanities sake what had happened. How had he survived? She just knew that whatever had happened must have been awful. So she would give him time to heal first. "I'm just glad he is here. I get into so much trouble without him. Please grab a seat." Cassandra offered.

Mazal pulled up a chair to take a seat, "Well, you survived whatever happened to you and now I expect you to be more stronger." in a slightly teasing tone. Mazal's eyes went somber and serious. "However, you are strong, which is why you survived in the first place."

"Nah, he almost had me. You see that engineer in that room cross the way." Cassandra motioned to the room across the hall from her. "I think he's around here. Name is a little hazey. But while Rhys was trying to choke me out, that engineer went and clocked that devil over the head with some doodad from his engineering voodoo box." Cassandra smiled. She couldn't help but smile because it was still so dramatically comical and traumatic. That look on Rhys face when he got clobbered. A small chuckle escaped her lips. One had to be there to appreciate it. Still.

"I have a question, did Rhys survive?" Mazal giving a concerned look towards Cassandra. "Please tell me he didn't survive."

Cassandra's face sobered, grew solum. " He is dead. I killed him. He tried to kill Leland. Nearly shot him and.." she sighed, "I just, I saw red. Leyland was just trying to help that man, and Rhys took a pop shot at him like like a cowardly dog." The rage that flashed through her blue eyes was nearly tangible. It over came the pain that burned in her vocal cords. Then a sudden wash of panic and then pain. Her look was a million miles away for a space of seconds. Lost in desperate thoughts before as though remembering she wasn't alone she awoke like a sleep walker. "It's finally over."

Mazal reached out and grasped Cassandra's hand when it seemed she had gone to another time in her mind. "It is over, and I am glad he didn't take you away, I would have hunted him down with a vengeance Cassandra. I would have." her voice trembling slightly with the emotions Mazal was feeling.

Cassandra laid her hand over Mazal's and nodded. "I know. I can never thank Somers enough for sending for me. For getting me out of that terrible place and bringing me home. I dont know what brought Rhys here still. But I have a feeling that this goes deeper and farther then we can imagine. Until we can find out more though, for now. Its over."

"Oh what a relief, well for now, anyway but it can be called a victory, for you." Mazal giving Cassandra a smile. "Now you need to get to feeling better, don't want you to up and disappear on me, my friend." Mazal said gently.

"There wasn't any other choice but victory. I was under orders not to die remember." Cassandra said jokingly recalling her prior conversation with Mazal. This was only the second time Cassandra had met her MXO. Somehow though it felt as though she'd known the woman a life time. It brought Cassandra great comfort. For the first time in a long time she felt safe. The world felt as though it had righted its self. Through all the pain and way of it all Cassandra found that she was happy.

Mazal laughed at Cassandra's comment. "Indeed I did give that order. Glad you listened to me." the tall marine leaned back in her chair. "When will the doctor let you out of here?"

"Hopefully soon. My brother is going to have me pulled from the barracks and placed in family quarters with him until I am fully recovered." Cassie explained. " He's going to be in overprotective mode." She said it with a roll of her eyes. But her little smile betrayed just how much his loving and tender care truly ment to her. She loved her brother so much and would easily go overprotective mode if roles had been reversed. She was actually looking forward to just having this time with him. It was such a gift. "I hope that's going to be okay. I gave him permission to put in for the transfer in operations. I told him he'd need to clear it with you first."

"Well you both certainly have my permission to do so. And would be beneficial as well from what I am thinking. " Mazal went quiet for a moment or two then asked. "Is there anything I can do for you? "

"Yes, actually there is." Cassandra took a breath her eyes glanced to the door. "My old counselor Jane Doe back on Earth. Could you let her know that I am okay and that I have a good reason for missing our meeting yesterday on the comm. I'll get a doctor's note if she needs one."

"I certainly will let her know." Mazal answered quietly. "I am glad that your adopted brother is here on this ship, he seems to be a good one."

"He tends to keep me out of trouble." Cassie said with a smile. She couldn't help but smile. For once the universe wasn't dealing her a raw hand. She was beyond grateful that somehow he was here. Really here. "I'm still trying to process it all. There is just so much going on at once." She swallowed hard. Then before she could over think it she said. "It's not in my file. I have a daughter. Her name is Martha Marie. She is in hiding. Ask Jane to go check on her please. I.. I'm worried. She's still very little. I don't want her to get found. I know it's risky to ask. I just need to know that she's okay. Jane, she will understand." Cassie withdrew a access chip from the personal belongings bag next to her. She handed it to Falk. "Here's the address for the secured link. The password is applesauce. Thank you for doing this for me."

Mazal nodded, "I'll make certain Jane gets this" taking the chip from Cassandra. "Just get well. I should be getting going. I have a date tonight." Mazal's cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. "My boyfriend is meeting me, and I've got to get ready. I needed to come check on you before I do so."

"Lucky man. Thank you for checking on me. Don't go keeping him waiting though." Cassandra said with a smile. Her friends blush was a signature of just how deep down the rabbit hole the poor soul had fallen for this guy already. Cassandra wished them both nothing but happiness. Yes. The world could use more love and happiness. She gave Mazal a soft pat on the hand. "Seriously, go have fun for both of us. Okay."

Mazal gave a smile, and rose to her feet. "Okay I'll see you later, and don't worry, this will be delivered." raising the chip up, she turned and left Cassandra's bedside paused and gave a final wave and she left.

Cassandra breathed easier. Felt her body relax and her eyes flutter down. Everything was good. So much good news. It was like a dream. Or maybe she was still feeling the warm vibes her brother and friend had left in their wake. It was nice whatever the feeling was. Jane would know what to do. Maybe she would have some new pictures. Now to just figure out how to tell her brother. "Later" she breathed into the silence of the empty room. "One thing at a time."





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