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[Back post] Adventures in Zombieland Part 2

Posted on 02 Apr 2023 @ 8:22pm by Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Captain Mazal Falk & Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

2,413 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Prior to Deployment


"That may be all and good but, remember, also. You will be tagged if you get bit, or scratched. The rate of 'infection' will be monitored by the holodeck and my program. That's not to say there isn't possibly, something to help. Who knows. To make it fair, there are a lot of randoms that I don't even know." Faith set the program to begin location, but not start, start yet.

Which it put Faith in a Crown Victoria RCPD police car. Just outside of a sign that says welcome to Raccoon City. An Umbrella Corp symbol on it as well. Bloody hand prints and bullet holes in it. It was dark, probably about 8pm. The outer skirts were pretty barron save for lights in the background about half a mile from what might be a gas station.

Cassandra was put much closer to the gas station, which had a few cars sitting there. One parked at the pump. The overcast of the large neon sign laying over the main lot. Lights inside flickering here and there. Some not on at all. It was hard to tell from her spot on the side of the road across from the gas station. It was just as omnious there with the silence as it was right next to her van. The street light flickering here and there as well.

Mazal and C'Tirr got the easiest out look thus far, or it seemed. Their missing brief being an extraction mission. They were suppose to get into the city and find a piece of cargo. Only labeled as T-0038. The side doors of the Blackhawk helicopter was headed towards the city. That of which was a flame in certain places from riots. Or at least that was the briefing. Teams One and Three haven't reported back, so the smaller team had been chosen. The helo was about 3 clicks out of the city limits, also from that height able to see the neo glow of the gas station.

Cassandra drove down the desolate road. Taking a left turn she circles the run down gas station a second time. Getting a feel for the vehicle. Her head bobbing along to the musical tunes that served as a lure for once children and now for zombies.

She sucked on an astropop she'd liberated from the freezer unit. As she made another left turn to get a bead on the back of the building. So far she couldn't see hide nor hair of any zombies yet. Or civilians for that matter.

C'Tirr sat by the open door of the helicopter and was scanning the city below. With his keen night vision he easily noticed a vehicle driving circles around the building. "Ma'am, possible civilian spotted half a click off the starboard (right) side. Appears to be a vehicle driving around a primitive fueling station." He said as he pointed towards the circling ice cream truck.

Things weren't actually suppose to have started yet but the holonovel apparently decided to say otherwise. Faith did write it to throw things at her as well, otherwise there wouldn't be any fun for her playing it as well. So she started driving towards the gas station in her police cruiser.

Mazal had her eyes peeled for possible incoming of what might pop up out of the darkness, "I can see a police cruiser heading towards the gas station as well." Mazal pointing towards that area. "Any signs of unfriendlies yet?"

C'Tirr shook his head then remembered that Falk was occupied. "Negative Ma'am. Just two vehicles do far. Everything is calm at the moment."

At the current moment, none of them could see any zombies, or anyone else. From the air, of course they could see the two vehicles still. However, with being in the vehicles, Cassandra and Faith weren't going to be able to see the helicopter or hear it....yet. Given that it was dark, the closer the two in the vehicles would soon see the headlights from each other.

Cassandra had parked her truck a moment. She was browsing through the freezer looking for a banana fudge pop. She knew she had programed it into the menu. So she shuffled through until there at the very bottom she found them. She really needed to do more prep work next time. get to sorted better even. eh. live and learn. She grabbed her tasty treat and moved back tot he front of the vehicle. She was just unwrapping her treat when she noticed the headlights in the distance. She fumbled faster with the wrapper wondering just who or what was coming her way. Well whatever it was it was moving fast. So was familiar with the area. Maybe a survivor? She shoved the ice cream in her mouth in a very unlady like manner, turning off the music and her lights she set about driving the truck to a less exposed area.

"Ma'am, one vehicle has moved into a back area and went dark. It was the one that had been circling the refueling station. The other vehicle is still on an incoming heading." C'Tirr said as he kept a visual on both vehicles as well as the surrounding area. His keen vision able to see into the darker shadows when he used the binoculars.

Mazal glanced over to C'Tirr, "I have a bad feeling about this, I may end up being the first to be Zombie chow. Hopefully I won't be but, who is to say." she looked back towards where the two vehicles were at. "I wonder if perhaps they have clue as to where we can find that package. What do you think, head down there and find out?"

"Head over but don't land. Don't want to get caught with our pants down if we run into hostiles." C'Tirr said as he released the lock on the repel line. "If you get me close to the roof I can repel down and gather intel."

Cassandra in the mean time had left her truck and was in the process of setting up a few simple boobytraps. A few tarps and some gasoline. A handful of screws from the service station, she armed herself with a crow bar and a nail gun. She found a place to hide and wait for the other vehical to arrive.

About that time was when the police car came into good view of all three of them. Pulling into the gas station main lot, just near the gas pumps. Under what outside lights were on it was pretty clear what the vehicle was. Faith getting out, with a mag light, giving it a shine around.

Cassandra watched from her hiding place. She stifled a giggle as she watched the light move past slowly. She didn't know it was Faith yet. So it could still be someone hostile.

Mazal nodded at C'Tirr, "Okay that sound good, just keep me posted and please don't get bitten, if any of the fetid walkers are out there." giving a nod towards the copter pilot. "Get him near there and then keep an eye out."

The closer the helicopter got the easier it was going to be to be heard by those on the ground, and any Walkers..if there were any around there. Technically, the same as would the cars. However, the helicopter was much louder. Thankfully C'Tirr and Mazal weren't that close....yet. If the three of them some how couldn't tell from the lights from the outside of the station that it was a police car, they could now.

Given that Faith had just noticed that this place had a drive thru window and a car sitting there with the door open. Still idle, but no lights on. Before checking the front door, she went back to the cruiser and turned the red and blues on. Covering the area in those colors. Seeming to possibly be checking her radio in the car instead of the mic on her shoulder.

The silence was broken by the sound of the music box on top of the ice cream truck blaring to life with an old terrain song by 20th century prince of pop Michael Jackson called 'Thriller'. A lone figure stood bathed in the light of the broken street lamps dim hazey light. The sugar had kicked in. Cassandra did a little side step with a bit of a shimmy and then motioned to Faith as if in challenge. "Dance Battle. Let's go."

While that was going on, Mazal decided she'd be going down with C'Tirr. Grabbing her gear bag, she looked at C'Tirr, lets go and send the copter away for now, its making a lot of racket. " lowering a rope in order for her to land upon the top of the roof.

Faith glanced up and leaned up quickly, looking over in the direction of the music and now seeing Cassandra. "What in the hell!?" Not that she 'knew' that there were things such as zombies. At least not playing her character she didn't. Regardless she was going to try to deescalate anyway in case this person was on something or nuts. Keeping her hand on her firearm, still in the holster. Other hand held up in Cassandra's direction. "Okay, ma'am. What are you going on about. Lets..just turn the music off. Are you okay? Do you need help?"

Unfortunately the zombies were real and a thing, and the music was a huge trigger. So it didn't help to start bringing them out of their 'sleep' mode. Which being that of ones inside of the gas station moving towards the windows and the doors. Pounding against them.

Mazal's eyes went wide seeing something going on at the gas station. Now being on top of the building nearby, safely solid there, and checking to see if C'Tirr landed safe along with their gear, she waved the helicopter away and crouched down to get a different perspective.

C'tirr released the cable half way down but landed easily and silently behind Falk. He had his gun up and at the ready as he slinked into the shadows of the air conditioning units but had a clear vantage point of Faith and Cassandra. The banging from inside the gas station caught his attention as he trained the sights on the doors and windows to see better.

"Assessment C'tirr, we've got dead things inside and a lone person outside, shall we go join said person and get them out of there?" Mazal asked.

For whatever reason, Cassie has to leave the holodeck. No one was real sure why at the moment. That kind of sucked, because she was so excited to do this. However, the game had to go on. Faith just ran with it, and acting like Cassie just ran off and hid some where.

"Stop where you are. I said stop." Raising her gun at the incoming individuals. Obviously still not aware of there being zombies.

Granted the windows haven't broken....yet. There was one window that was already broken however. At least the zombies haven't figured that out quite yet. Faith keeping the car door open and turning on the underside flashlight on her gun.

C'tirr shouldered his rifle quickly and leaped from the roof to the ground a story down. He easily landed in a crouch with the barest of sound. He stood up and was armed again. "What are you waiting for? An invitation?" He said in a barely audible whisper that carried up to Falk. He smiled as he sprinted to the cars passenger side. He laid the barrel of his rifle on the roof and sighted in on the nearest shambling body. The wind shifted slightly and brought the putrid stench of rotting flesh. "Man do they stink." He said in a quiet voice.

Mazal muttered a response, "At times a girl just needs to be asked" she quipped back and wasn't too far behind C'tirr. Her nose crinkled up when she caught the scent then held out a hand towards Faith, "we're friendlies and we don't stink." moving forward closer then paused, not wanting to get shot. As part of the play.

Faith motioned between the two of them with her pistol. How the hell was she suppose to know? Other than it's just a simulation the 'game' parameters still stuck. Stay in character. "Oh yeah? Doesn't mean you haven't been bit. "Where did the other girl go? The one with the ice cream truck over there." Motioning with her head. Not a second later a shot rang out. Spattering blood on both Falk and C'Tirr as a head all but exploded behind them.

"Talk about redecorating with brain matter grey" Mazal muttered, "So, we had a zombie sneak up behind us, and you killed it. Thank you. Now to find a shower, and get this junk cleaned off and then continue." Mazal stated. She looked at Faith, "Maybe we can take this up later on?" Mazal taking a look around at the set up. "This is a good way for some practice, and a bit of fun. However, it looks like we're missing two players. Don't know where they went." she stated. "Probably got called away."

"Computer, freeze program." The computer chirped and everything stopped except for them. "Well damn. We were just starting to get into it. I suppose we can save it for later."

"I actually would like to continue it at a later time. Currently, my brain is in some aspect starting to concentrate on what will be coming up. And maybe my mind is slightly distracted, by a handsome man. So lets plan on doing this more later?"

"A handsome man? You wanna talk about that part then?" Faith smirked. Moving to the arch when she called for it and saved where they were. The grid going back to usual.

Mazal gave a laugh, "Oh, maybe later we'll talk about that. He's my boyfriend, Lieutenant Tosrol Ze, chief of Security." grinning with stars in her eyes. "I don't want to keep him waiting. I'll see you around." with that Mazal left the holosuite almost at a run. She didn't want to make Tos wait.





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