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Conversation in the Mess hall

Posted on 28 Jan 2023 @ 1:05pm by Ensign Teton & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Lieutenant JG Jarel Haze

2,736 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Security and Mess hall
Timeline: Before away missions began.



With most of the crew off on away missions. The Tomcats security office was virtually empty. Teton used to prefer this. But lately, he had been having more contact with various members of the crew. As he sat in Security, Teton went over. The recent conversations he had had. With various members of the Tomcat.

-Mess hall-

He had been speaking with Falk on the Holodeck. About his homeworld and he had been quite open about his reasons for leaving it at an early age. Teton wondered if non-Andorians had dry throats after speaking for a while. So he decided lubrication was needed.

But what is good for a dry throat?

He was looking over the replicator menu deep in thought. Then a voice behind him made Teton look around.

"Oh good," Jarel said as he noticed that the replication unit he had just finished fixing was about to see its first non-test usage. "Hey, could you let me know if it's working okay for you, please? Someone went through and made it to where everything tasted like chocolate and mint. I think I have it back to normal again." The engineer asked as he watched the Andorian man almost eagerly.

Another voice interjected. "Katheka, the replicators don't do it justice but it's not terrible," Cassandra suggested. "My friend Milo use to swear that a cuppa Andorian Katheka in the evening was the only way to beat the day." She offered cheerfully. Third day in rehab. She finally had found a means to escape the clutches of her well-meaning, if not overly protective brother. She had been waiting for Jarel. But couldn't help but come say hello to Teton when she saw him. It had been a long time ago, two years since she saw him last. Right before the fated events that had drawn her away. She smiled at the Andorian at his familiar face. "Best beverage in the universe he claimed." She finished flashing him a friendly smile.

Haze looked a bit shocked as the woman seemed to come from practically nowhere. Her words and demeanour though made him feel more at ease.

It wasn't going to be the only one that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Faith just reached past all three of them. Bending out the waist, plucking an iso-linear chip out. She literally stuck it in her tunic in her bra. Swapping another over two slots, then elbowed the side of the panel before leaning back up. Looking at the replicator reset itself and come back online. "You didn't kick it off and back on again." Stepping out of the way for them.

Haze felt his cheeks burn as he looked away quickly from the scene. Especially the isolinear chip that was lost to the ladies' chest purse. He couldn't help but wonder what else she was possibly hoarding away in there. He'd have to fix the unit correctly, hence by the book, again once this group left.

Cassandra merely chuckled. During the whole ordeal. Glad that the pain and the marks on her neck and sides were fading away. Though the physical therapy did agitate the stab wounds a bit. Cassandra was happy about the progress it allowed her to get out and mingle. Thus moments like this. "Well Benson you made that look easy enough," Cassie said her voice full of joyful mirth.

"I apologize if I stepped on anyone's toes. They can be finicky. I overheard and thought maybe someone did it on purpose, so I bypassed the issue. I am over two hundred remember," her violet eyes focusing on them as Faith turned around.

Teton's mother used to make him Katheka when he was small. But after her murder he found it taste to invoke bitter memories. So he avoided it. But how to convey that to his fellow Tomcatians?

“ I must be honest with you. Katheka Is not really a beverage I partake in. Neither is this Klingon coffee that I hear is very popular with most humanoid species. Raktajino I understand it is named. A rather curious and over-spiced drink. However with your crushed toes and my problem of a parched throat. It would seem we are in need of a hot beverage I believe the phrase goes ‘ cheer us up ‘. But with this wide choice, any ideas would be welcome. Just remember that most Cardassian beverages are disagreeable to my species .”Teton said

"Have you tried something with honey in it for your throat? Be it tea or the like. Something that fits your taste." Faith gave a light smile.

Teton tilted his head slightly.

“ Honey? What’s that?” He asked

Cassandra took this time to pull Haze off to the side a few feet away. She had something she needed to ask him about. The other two seemed busy enough for a moment. "Hey. I have been meaning to get out and check on you. How have you been doing? Healing up okay?"

Jarel kept an eye on Faith and his replicator lest anything else end up in her blouse. "I am doing alright. I got your message about the mice. I made a few last nights. I should have them finished by the end of the week. Do you have the dance tapes you promised?" He asked.

"Sure do, Ballet basics are broken down for your youngest daughter Helen and Tap dance for the eldest. I hope they enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed recording them. So, I have a gift for you. It's in my quarters. C'Tirr starts his shift at 1600 hours so if you don't want to be made extremely uncomfortable I suggest stopping by after then." Cassandra said lightly amused at how his eyes seemed to be glued to her friend Faith as though she might steal the replicator and run with it. Her lips twitched into a playful smirk.

Jarel stole a glance at the marine... Cassandra yes. To see if she was being serious. Naturally, she was. Somehow she had managed to track him down twice now. The first time had been to thank him for saving her life. Haze had humbly excepted her thanks and even offered his own. Because she had also saved his twice really, he saw them as square actually. "You don't need to give me anything, I told you."

Cassie waved his objection away. " I know I know. But I want to. Please."

Her blue eyes ate away his resolve and he found himself agreeing to meet her later in her quarters.

….Meanwhile back at the replicator,

"Honey? It's a type of substance that is made from the hives of types of bees on Earth. It's harvested and processed into things, or just straight from the combs. It's supposed to soothe sore throats among being used in other ways pertaining to food," Faith replied.

“Bees. Interesting. Do these Bees use this honey for anything else other than producing this food for consumption?” Teton asked.

Faith giggled, she had to giggle. It wasn't really funny, because not everyone knew about them, but to her in a manner it was. "No, no. They how to do it by collecting pollen from flowers and the like, making it to create their hives. Where they live, thrive, and reproduce. They have almost a Borg-type mentality and hierarchy. Or like ants. Someone on Earth found out hundreds of years ago how to use that for the honey."

Teton heard the word Borg and became concerned.

" If these Bees have a Borg-like mentality or these Ants. Then surely then obviously this must be a concern. To the population of Earth. That these creatures have not tried, as of yet. To assimilate the populace?" Teton said with concern.

Faith shook her head a little bit, "No, they're insects. really small. Actually, in a way they help keep the ecosystem stable actually. have mind was more just an easy example to explain how they work together."

Haze had made his way back over to Faith and Teton. He was surprised to find Cassandra had not followed. No, she seemed to have been pulled away by a young man who was also someone Haze recognized as a security. It wasn't a surprise her brother in security that the girl would have a lot of friends there he reckoned. Haze turned his attention back to the duo. Waiting to hear if the replicator was working correctly or not. So he waited politely.

Faith noticed that Haze was waiting, she was pretty sure she wasn't standing in the way. Regardless, motioned to it, "I'm not using it, it's free."

Jarel shrugged and stepping between the pair he replicated a cup of hot coffee. He stood back taking a sip his eyes grazed over the room. So many people, some together, some alone, some looking happy, or that young couple hauled up in a corner booth. He tried not to eavesdrop.

Insects. Yes, he had heard of insects. But on his homeworld 99% of the Andors insect population were killers.

“ You must forgive concern. In my home world, there is a 99.9990909.7779 percentage of death in some cases extremely gory. From small insects such as ice worms and ice tarantulas. So these bees are a good thing….I have never had honey before. What beverage do you suggest would be a good accompaniment to this honey?” Teton asked

"Warm mint tea," Jarel suggested. "It will also help with your throat as well, the mint that is."

If it had been possible for Teton to blush. Then he would have done. Another item from Earth he had no knowledge about.

" Please forgive me. My interactions with humans have been limited. Up until I joined the USS Tomcat. But what is this mint you speak of?" Teton asked

"No need to be sorry. Nobody knows everything. Learning is how we grow." Jarel said, as his mind came up with a way to best explain mint. "Mint or mentha belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which contains around 15 to 20 plant species, including peppermint and spearmint. It is a popular herb that people can use fresh or dried in many dishes and infusions. Back in the 20th, and likely long before then, Manufacturers of toothpaste, gum, candy, and beauty products often used mint oil in their products, heck some still do today. Using fresh mint and other herbs and spices in cooking helps to add flavour while reducing sodium and sugar intake.

Throughout history, people have used different species of mint plants in medicine. Different types of mint plants offer a range of antioxidant qualities and potential health benefits. You see, Mint is a calming herb that people have used for thousands of years to help soothe an upset stomach or indigestion, the use of peppermint oil is a remedy for a range of gastrointestinal conditions, including indigestion, IBS, stomach pain in children, and feelings of sickness after surgery, mint also works against harmful microbes, regulates muscle relaxation, and helps control inflammation." Jarel sucked in an almost comical breath. He smiled sheepishly. "My daughter Helen just did a report on it. Normally I am not so knowledgeable about plants." He took another sip of his coffee. It tasted great.

“Warm mint tea with honey? Then I shall indeed try some of this drink. What foodstuffs do recommend with this beverage? Please bare in mind I have an allergic reaction to any foodstuffs. That comes from the native of Earth aquatic class Actinopterygii or tuna.” Teton said

"I like a nice sandwich with my tea usually. Maybe a Deanwitch that looks new." Jarel said pointing to the new selection on the drop list of the display screen. "They aren't half bad. They have been popping up on a few of the replicator's databases. We like them so much in engineering we decided to let them stay in the memory tab." Jarel said with a smile and a chuckle. "You should try one of those." He then suggested.

"Ooo! I make those. The uh Deanwiches. I've no idea who made them and put them in the database but they are definitely all over." Faith almost looked giddy about it. She didn't come up with it, but someone did, or did she?

Again Teton tilted his head in puzzlement.

“ I am intrigued by this Deanwich. What are the ingredients? If it is my place to ask.” Teton asked

Faith nodded, "Why wouldn't it be? The original has garlic salt, butter, cheddar cheese, deli ham and turkey, and sourdough bread. Put together and toasted. Of course, there are other things that can be added but that's it. I think it's so popular because the way of putting it together changes the flavour from just making a simple turkey and ham sandwich."

Jarel nodded. "Yeah, I like to add tomatoes and fresh spinach. Sometimes a bit of red onion. Look here's a drop screen to add things." He said pointing out the menu options. "Give it a try."

Teton ordered the Deanwich. He also ordered a warm Tea with honey and lemon. The smell was quite pleasing to him.

" Would you like to join me at a table?" He asked.

Checking his outdated timepiece a wristwatch his wife had gifted to him. Jarel heard his stomach growl at the idea. "I'm sure Leland won't mind if I took an early lunch. I'd be happy to join you."

Since joining Starfleet Teton had learnt that it was better to be part of a group. Then stand alone from your fellow crewmembers. They had something called gossip. From his observations, it was better to be part of the group gossiping. Rather than the topic of the group. Although he still had a few problems with something called small talk.

" This is agreeable. I must say this sandwich or as you called it a Deanwich. Is exciting for my nasal passages. The consumption of it should be quite pleasing." He said

Faith nodded, moving over to join them at the table. Setting her tray down before sitting. "They usually are."

" I have heard of something called a desert. Can you explain what this is if you please?" Teton asked

"It's sort of like a reward, a treat to yourself at the end of the day. To remind you that life though hard can be sweet as well. Or that's what my momma use to tell us growing up." Jarel said as he adjusted his deanwitch and prepared to take a big hungry bite.

Teton had a few distant memories of his rather short childhood.

" My childhood was rather short I am afraid..... does this dessert have to be sweet? I recently heard of a food item called cheese. That can be eaten heated or cooled. With something called pickle?" Teton asked

'What she said, about the dessert. No, it doesn't have to be something sweet. It can be about anything you like after a main meal or even a snack." Faith smiled lightly. "I've never heard of cheese and pickles personally."

Haze looked at his friends, or hoped they would be in time "please excuse me I have to go prepare engineering items for our next mission" Haze said with a sad smile "see you at the briefing" he added and then left.

From where she was Matthews Padd bleeped it was from one of the senior Rifles officers, heaving a sigh of sadness "apologize all duty calls I am needed down in Marine Country, I think it is prep for the next mission" Cassie said with a wan smile and was soon gone, leaving Benson and Teton to end the day.

“ So I suppose you also need to be preparing for the next mission. Please if you feel you must also go. Then I understand.” Teton said

"I probably should to be honest. We should do it again though." Faith stood up and gave a polite smile before leaving.




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