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Letters, Part 2

Posted on 10 Dec 2022 @ 12:51am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
Edited on on 01 Jan 2023 @ 5:17pm

768 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Location: Jane’s Quarters
Timeline: During the current mission


Listening to the final message from Lilliana Hawksley, Jane Sinclair let out a sigh of contentment. Her correspondence with Lilli had achieved everything the Acting CMO wanted.

She had made her feelings toward the Marine medic known. Specifically, that they were great friends, that Jane enjoyed their time together (both social and sexual), and that she sincerely wanted to be intimate with Lilli again sometime after the mission. But also that she understood that Lilli's situation was complicated and that her own wasn't much clearer.

There were other people she needed to send messages to. She and Jo had laid everything out to each other days ago before the Marines left. There wasn't anything to be said, so she hadn’t sent anything yet. Except...

"Computer, begin recording," Jane said, sitting in a chair in her quarters, boots off, in a tank top and her uniform pants, her jacket, shirt, and socks crumpled on the floor. She looked toward where she knew the sensor was recording her. "Hey," she said with a smile. "Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. By now the Roosevelt must almost be in contact with your targets, so I thought I'd safe. Come back to me." The smile faded as what she said grew more serious, so she brought it back. "I need to cook for you, after all. Return the favour of the best date night I had in a long time. I'll need to think up a menu." She tapped her cheek pensively. "Hmm. Yeah, I need to brainstorm this. But it will be good!" She sat up straighter and looked straight into the camera. "Be safe, Jo. Come back safe and sound. I miss you."

"Computer, end recording. Send to USS Roosevelt, to the attention of First Lieutenant Josefina Macapuno."

The computer chimed, and then made a sound that she knew meant her message was sent.

oO So Jane. Is today your day for messages to the women you've developed a thing for that are risking their lives? Or is it bigger? Oo

She let out a sigh. "Computer, begin recording. Shit, wait." She stood up, went to her closet, and found a black short-sleeved shirt to go over her tank top. oO You're calling friends now. No need to be out there. Some friends wouldn’t mind but others might find it weird. Oo

She came back to the chair and sat down. "Computer, erase the initial recording and resume. Hi Mazal, it's Jane. I know this is coming from nowhere, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you back here on the Tomcat. Be safe out there." She grinned. "After all, you haven't finished teaching me to dance yet, and we still need to do that karaoke night. Tell you what, I'm going to look into that, so when you're back on the Tomcat and we're all back at Starbase 51, we'll have a grand night out." She let out a laugh and then sighed. "Be well, Mazal. You've been a great friend and I miss you."

"Computer, end and send. USS Roosevelt, attention Brevet Captain Mazal Falk.”

“Computer, begin recording again.” She took another deep breath. “Doctor Cahill, it’s Jane. I hope your first command is going well. I wanted to let you know that sickbay is being well taken care of. A few incidents, but nothing to trouble yourself with until you’re back. And…well, I wanted to tell you to be safe. I’m not ready to take over the medical bay permanently. You have more to teach me, so come back and impart your wisdom.” She chuckled. “Seriously though. Be safe, Doctor. Good luck.”

“Computer, end recording. Send to USS Roosevelt, attention Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill.”

Jane spent the next few minutes composing similar messages to anyone she knew that was on the Roosevelt, hoping that a little message from home and the knowledge that someone was thinking of them might boost their spirits.

But something was still missing. And it made Jane wipe a tear from her eye and take a deep breath. oO This isn’t just about your friends and your lovers, girl. There’s one more to send. Oo

“Computer, I’m going to ask you to record, and when I say I’m finished, send right away to USS Queen Catherine, attention Lieutenant Alejandra Rios. Don’t let me edit it.” Computer chime. Deep breath. “Begin. Hi Alé…”




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